package quickml.supervised.crossValidation; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import quickml.supervised.PredictiveModel; import quickml.supervised.EnhancedPredictiveModelBuilder; import quickml.supervised.classifier.logisticRegression.TransformedData; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import static quickml.supervised.Utils.getInstanceWeights; /** * Created by alexanderhawk on 10/30/15. */ public class EnhancedCrossValidator<PM extends PredictiveModel, I extends Instance, R extends Instance, D extends TransformedData<R,D>> implements CrossValidator { //author's less than legible notes to himself. Please disregard. //justification for generics: PM needs to be generic to ensure type safety with the LossChecker (as classifiers may have different loss models), // R enables the use of more generic types of instances within the LossChecker interface (as R is a collection type param there). // Even if the implementation doesn't depend on the details of Instance's concrete type...need this. //I is needed as a collection param for the transformed data object. ensures type safety with the raw instances and the modelBuilder that consumes them. //finally, we need D as generic as various buildPredictiveModel methods may require information specific to the DTO's dynamic type. // Also, D's genericity satisfies the constraint that we can produce a training data cycler over a list<R> //justification for D extending the TranssformedData Class is that it ensures it has methods used by the testModel method, and generic methods in the trainingDataCyclerFactory methods. //A less generic alternative that uses a Finisher object passed into the buildPredictiveModel method to do the work with training meta data, loses type safety, doesn't achieve decoupling (because Finisher object needs to know the internals of the PMB) and creates more classes interacting. Do not think it is ideal. // the fields and their consumers might be able to be managed outsidef of the predictive model builder which case generics won't be needed. of course, this complicates things and doesn't afford implementations of //Also, any external class that actually builds the model would mean the actual modelBuilder doesn't fulfill its contract of producing a the other class would need to be set in the //The danger of generics is that they can spread like wild fire. But the way I use them, they don't that much. private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SimpleCrossValidator.class); private LossChecker<PM, R> lossChecker; private TrainingDataCyclerFactory<R, D> dataCyclerFactory; private final EnhancedPredictiveModelBuilder<PM, I, R, D> modelBuilder; private final List<I> rawInstances; public EnhancedCrossValidator(EnhancedPredictiveModelBuilder<PM, I, R, D> modelBuilder, LossChecker<PM, R> lossChecker, TrainingDataCyclerFactory<R, D> dataCyclerFactory, List<I> rawInstances) { this.lossChecker = lossChecker; this.dataCyclerFactory = dataCyclerFactory; this.modelBuilder = modelBuilder; this.rawInstances = rawInstances; } /** * Get the loss for a model without updating the model config */ public double getLossForModel() { return getLossForModel(new HashMap<String, Serializable>()); } public double getLossForModel(Map<String, Serializable> config) { if (config.size()!=0) { modelBuilder.updateBuilderConfig(config); } double loss = testModel();"Loss {} for config {}", loss, config.toString()); return loss; } /** * We keep cycling through the test data, updating the running losses for each run. */ private double testModel() { double runningLoss = 0; double runningWeightOfValidationSet = 0; D transformedData = modelBuilder.transformData(rawInstances); TrainingDataCycler<R> dataCycler = dataCyclerFactory.getTrainingDataCycler(transformedData); do { List<R> validationSet = dataCycler.getValidationSet(); D transformedTrainingData = transformedData.copyWithJustTrainingSet(dataCycler.getTrainingSet()); PM predictiveModel = modelBuilder.buildPredictiveModel(transformedTrainingData); double validationSetWeight = getInstanceWeights(validationSet); runningLoss += lossChecker.calculateLoss(predictiveModel, validationSet) * validationSetWeight; runningWeightOfValidationSet += validationSetWeight; dataCycler.nextCycle(); } while (dataCycler.hasMore()); return runningLoss / runningWeightOfValidationSet; } }