package quickml.supervised.tree.scorers; import quickml.supervised.tree.summaryStatistics.ValueCounter; import quickml.supervised.tree.reducers.AttributeStats; import; /** * The scorerFactory is responsible for assessing the quality of a "split" of data. */ public abstract class GRImbalancedScorer<VC extends ValueCounter<VC>> extends GRScorer<VC> implements Serializable{ protected final double imbalancePenaltyPower; public GRImbalancedScorer(double degreeOfGainRatioPenalty, double imbalancePenaltyPower, AttributeStats<VC> attributeStats) { super(degreeOfGainRatioPenalty, attributeStats); this.imbalancePenaltyPower =imbalancePenaltyPower; } private double getIntrinsicValue(AttributeStats<VC> attributeStats) { double intrinsicValue = 0; double attributeValProb = 0; for (VC valueCounter : attributeStats.getStatsOnEachValue()) { if (!valueCounter.isEmpty()) { // if it is empty, it should not be considered. attributeValProb = valueCounter.getTotal() / attributeStats.getAggregateStats().getTotal(); intrinsicValue -= attributeValProb * Math.log(attributeValProb) / Math.log(2); } } return intrinsicValue; } protected double getPenaltyForImabalance(VC a, VC b) { return 1/Math.pow(Math.max(a.getTotal(), b.getTotal()), imbalancePenaltyPower); } /** * @return A score, where a higher value indicates a better split. A value * of 0 being the lowest, and indicating no value. */ protected abstract double getUnSplitScore(VC a); protected double correctForGainRatio(double uncorrectedScore) { /** call this method from score split only degreeOfGainRatioPenalty is non zero*/ return uncorrectedScore * (1 - degreeOfGainRatioPenalty) + degreeOfGainRatioPenalty * (uncorrectedScore / intrinsicValue); } }