/** * Copyright (c) 2010-2016 by the respective copyright holders. * * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.openhab.binding.zwave.internal.protocol.commandclass; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.openhab.binding.zwave.internal.config.ZWaveDbCommandClass; import org.openhab.binding.zwave.internal.protocol.SerialMessage; import org.openhab.binding.zwave.internal.protocol.SerialMessage.SerialMessageClass; import org.openhab.binding.zwave.internal.protocol.SerialMessage.SerialMessagePriority; import org.openhab.binding.zwave.internal.protocol.SerialMessage.SerialMessageType; import org.openhab.binding.zwave.internal.protocol.ZWaveController; import org.openhab.binding.zwave.internal.protocol.ZWaveEndpoint; import org.openhab.binding.zwave.internal.protocol.ZWaveNode; import org.openhab.binding.zwave.internal.protocol.event.ZWaveCommandClassValueEvent; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.thoughtworks.xstream.annotations.XStreamAlias; import com.thoughtworks.xstream.annotations.XStreamOmitField; /** * Handles the Thermostat Mode command class. * * @author Dan Cunningham * @since 1.6.0 */ @XStreamAlias("thermostatModeCommandClass") public class ZWaveThermostatModeCommandClass extends ZWaveCommandClass implements ZWaveBasicCommands, ZWaveCommandClassInitialization, ZWaveCommandClassDynamicState { @XStreamOmitField private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ZWaveThermostatModeCommandClass.class); private static final byte THERMOSTAT_MODE_SET = 0x1; private static final byte THERMOSTAT_MODE_GET = 0x2; private static final byte THERMOSTAT_MODE_REPORT = 0x3; private static final byte THERMOSTAT_MODE_SUPPORTED_GET = 0x4; private static final byte THERMOSTAT_MODE_SUPPORTED_REPORT = 0x5; private final Set<ModeType> modeTypes = new HashSet<ModeType>(); @XStreamOmitField private boolean initialiseDone = false; @XStreamOmitField private boolean dynamicDone = false; private boolean isGetSupported = true; /** * Creates a new instance of the ZWaveThermostatModeCommandClass class. * * @param node the node this command class belongs to * @param controller the controller to use * @param endpoint the endpoint this Command class belongs to */ public ZWaveThermostatModeCommandClass(ZWaveNode node, ZWaveController controller, ZWaveEndpoint endpoint) { super(node, controller, endpoint); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public CommandClass getCommandClass() { return CommandClass.THERMOSTAT_MODE; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public int getMaxVersion() { return 2; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void handleApplicationCommandRequest(SerialMessage serialMessage, int offset, int endpoint) { logger.debug("NODE {}: Received Thermostat Mode Request", this.getNode().getNodeId()); int command = serialMessage.getMessagePayloadByte(offset); switch (command) { case THERMOSTAT_MODE_GET: case THERMOSTAT_MODE_SUPPORTED_GET: logger.warn("NODE {}: Command {} not implemented.", this.getNode().getNodeId(), command); return; case THERMOSTAT_MODE_SET: logger.trace("NODE {}: Process Thermostat Mode Get as Report", this.getNode().getNodeId()); processThermostatModeReport(serialMessage, offset, endpoint); break; case THERMOSTAT_MODE_SUPPORTED_REPORT: logger.debug("NODE {}: Process Thermostat Supported Mode Report", this.getNode().getNodeId()); int payloadLength = serialMessage.getMessagePayload().length; for (int i = offset + 1; i < payloadLength; ++i) { int bitMask = serialMessage.getMessagePayloadByte(i); for (int bit = 0; bit < 8; ++bit) { if ((bitMask & (1 << bit)) == 0) { continue; } int index = ((i - (offset + 1)) * 8) + bit; // (n)th bit is set. n is the index for the mode type enumeration. ModeType modeTypeToAdd = ModeType.getModeType(index); if (modeTypeToAdd != null) { this.modeTypes.add(modeTypeToAdd); logger.debug("NODE {}: Added mode type {} ({})", this.getNode().getNodeId(), modeTypeToAdd.getLabel(), index); } else { logger.warn("NODE {}: Unknown mode type {}", this.getNode().getNodeId(), index); } } } initialiseDone = true; break; case THERMOSTAT_MODE_REPORT: logger.trace("NODE {}: Process Thermostat Mode Report", this.getNode().getNodeId()); processThermostatModeReport(serialMessage, offset, endpoint); break; default: logger.warn("NODE {}: Unsupported Command {} for command class {} ({}).", this.getNode().getNodeId(), command, this.getCommandClass().getLabel(), this.getCommandClass().getKey()); } } /** * Processes a THERMOSTAT_MODE_REPORT message. * * @param serialMessage the incoming message to process. * @param offset the offset position from which to start message processing. * @param endpoint the endpoint or instance number this message is meant for. */ protected void processThermostatModeReport(SerialMessage serialMessage, int offset, int endpoint) { int value = serialMessage.getMessagePayloadByte(offset + 1); logger.debug("NODE {}: Thermostat Mode report, value = {}", this.getNode().getNodeId(), value); ModeType modeType = ModeType.getModeType(value); if (modeType == null) { logger.error("NODE {}: Unknown Mode Type = {}, ignoring report.", this.getNode().getNodeId(), value); return; } // mode type seems to be supported, add it to the list. if (!modeTypes.contains(modeType)) { modeTypes.add(modeType); } dynamicDone = true; logger.debug("NODE {}: Thermostat Mode Report, value = {}", this.getNode().getNodeId(), modeType.getLabel()); ZWaveCommandClassValueEvent zEvent = new ZWaveCommandClassValueEvent(this.getNode().getNodeId(), endpoint, this.getCommandClass(), value); this.getController().notifyEventListeners(zEvent); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Collection<SerialMessage> initialize(boolean refresh) { ArrayList<SerialMessage> result = new ArrayList<SerialMessage>(); if (refresh == true || initialiseDone == false) { result.add(this.getSupportedMessage()); } return result; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Collection<SerialMessage> getDynamicValues(boolean refresh) { ArrayList<SerialMessage> result = new ArrayList<SerialMessage>(); if (refresh == true || dynamicDone == false) { result.add(getValueMessage()); } return result; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SerialMessage getValueMessage() { if (isGetSupported == false) { logger.debug("NODE {}: Node doesn't support get requests", this.getNode().getNodeId()); return null; } logger.debug("NODE {}: Creating new message for application command THERMOSTAT_MODE_GET", this.getNode().getNodeId()); SerialMessage result = new SerialMessage(this.getNode().getNodeId(), SerialMessageClass.SendData, SerialMessageType.Request, SerialMessageClass.ApplicationCommandHandler, SerialMessagePriority.Get); byte[] payload = { (byte) this.getNode().getNodeId(), 2, (byte) getCommandClass().getKey(), THERMOSTAT_MODE_GET }; result.setMessagePayload(payload); return result; } @Override public boolean setOptions(ZWaveDbCommandClass options) { if (options.isGetSupported != null) { isGetSupported = options.isGetSupported; } return true; } /** * Gets a SerialMessage with the THERMOSTAT_MODE_SUPPORTED_GET command * * @return the serial message, or null if the supported command is not supported. */ public SerialMessage getSupportedMessage() { logger.debug("NODE {}: Creating new message for application command THERMOSTAT_MODE_SUPPORTED_GET", this.getNode().getNodeId()); SerialMessage result = new SerialMessage(this.getNode().getNodeId(), SerialMessageClass.SendData, SerialMessageType.Request, SerialMessageClass.ApplicationCommandHandler, SerialMessagePriority.Config); byte[] newPayload = { (byte) this.getNode().getNodeId(), 2, (byte) getCommandClass().getKey(), THERMOSTAT_MODE_SUPPORTED_GET }; result.setMessagePayload(newPayload); return result; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SerialMessage setValueMessage(int value) { logger.debug("NODE {}: setValueMessage {}, modeType empty {}", this.getNode().getNodeId(), value, modeTypes.isEmpty()); // if we do not have any mode types yet, get them if (modeTypes.isEmpty()) { logger.warn("NODE {}: requesting mode types, set request ignored (try again later)", this.getNode().getNodeId()); return this.getSupportedMessage(); } if (!modeTypes.contains(ModeType.getModeType(value))) { logger.error("NODE {}: Unsupported mode type {}", this.getNode().getNodeId(), value); return null; } logger.debug("NODE {}: Creating new message for application command THERMOSTAT_MODE_SET", this.getNode().getNodeId()); SerialMessage result = new SerialMessage(this.getNode().getNodeId(), SerialMessageClass.SendData, SerialMessageType.Request, SerialMessageClass.SendData, SerialMessagePriority.Set); byte[] newPayload = { (byte) this.getNode().getNodeId(), 3, (byte) getCommandClass().getKey(), THERMOSTAT_MODE_SET, (byte) value }; result.setMessagePayload(newPayload); return result; } /** * Z-Wave ModeType enumeration. The mode type indicates the type * of mode that is reported. * * @author Dan Cunningham * @since 1.6.0 */ @XStreamAlias("modeType") public enum ModeType { OFF(0, "Off"), HEAT(1, "Heat"), COOL(2, "Cool"), AUTO(3, "Auto"), AUX_HEAT(4, "Aux Heat"), RESUME(5, "Resume"), FAN_ONLY(6, "Fan Only"), FURNANCE(7, "Furnace"), DRY_AIR(8, "Dry Air"), MOIST_AIR(9, "Moist Air"), AUTO_CHANGEOVER(10, "Auto Changeover"), HEAT_ECON(11, "Heat Econ"), COOL_ECON(12, "Cool Econ"), AWAY(13, "Away"), MANUAL(31, "Manual"); /** * A mapping between the integer code and its corresponding mode type * to facilitate lookup by code. */ private static Map<Integer, ModeType> codeToModeTypeMapping; private int key; private String label; private ModeType(int key, String label) { this.key = key; this.label = label; } private static void initMapping() { codeToModeTypeMapping = new HashMap<Integer, ModeType>(); for (ModeType s : values()) { codeToModeTypeMapping.put(s.key, s); } } /** * Lookup function based on the mode type code. * Returns null if the code does not exist. * * @param i the code to lookup * @return enumeration value of the mode type. */ public static ModeType getModeType(int i) { if (codeToModeTypeMapping == null) { initMapping(); } return codeToModeTypeMapping.get(i); } /** * @return the key */ public int getKey() { return key; } /** * @return the label */ public String getLabel() { return label; } } }