/** * Copyright (c) 2010-2016 by the respective copyright holders. * * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.openhab.binding.lightwaverf.internal; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; import org.openhab.binding.lightwaverf.internal.command.LightwaveRFCommand; import org.openhab.binding.lightwaverf.internal.command.LightwaveRfHeatInfoRequest; import org.openhab.binding.lightwaverf.internal.command.LightwaveRfSetHeatingTemperatureCommand; import org.openhab.core.library.types.OnOffType; public class LightwaveRfWifiLinkTest { private final String LIGHTWAVE_IP = ""; private final int TRANSMIT_PORT = 9760; private final int RECEIVE_PORT = 9761; private final LightwaverfConvertor CONVERTOR = new LightwaverfConvertor(); private final int TIME_BETWEEN_COMMANDS = 2000; private final int TIMEOUT_OK = 2000; private final int THREAD_SLEEP = 10 * 1000; @Test @Ignore(value = "This is a functional test to ensure the code is working") public void testSwitch() throws Exception { LightwaveRfWifiLink wifiLink = new LightwaveRfWifiLink(LIGHTWAVE_IP, TRANSMIT_PORT, RECEIVE_PORT, CONVERTOR, TIME_BETWEEN_COMMANDS, TIMEOUT_OK); wifiLink.start(); LightwaveRFCommand command = CONVERTOR.convertToLightwaveRfMessage("3", "5", LightwaveRfType.SWITCH, OnOffType.OFF); wifiLink.sendLightwaveCommand(command); Thread.sleep(THREAD_SLEEP); } @Test @Ignore(value = "This is a functional test to ensure the code is working") public void testDimmer() throws Exception { LightwaveRfWifiLink wifiLink = new LightwaveRfWifiLink(LIGHTWAVE_IP, TRANSMIT_PORT, RECEIVE_PORT, CONVERTOR, TIME_BETWEEN_COMMANDS, TIMEOUT_OK); wifiLink.start(); LightwaveRFCommand command = CONVERTOR.convertToLightwaveRfMessage("2", "2", LightwaveRfType.DIMMER, OnOffType.OFF); wifiLink.sendLightwaveCommand(command); Thread.sleep(THREAD_SLEEP); } @Test @Ignore(value = "This is a functional test to ensure the code is working") public void testSetHeating() throws Exception { LightwaveRfWifiLink wifiLink = new LightwaveRfWifiLink(LIGHTWAVE_IP, TRANSMIT_PORT, RECEIVE_PORT, CONVERTOR, TIME_BETWEEN_COMMANDS, TIMEOUT_OK); wifiLink.start(); LightwaveRFCommand command = new LightwaveRfSetHeatingTemperatureCommand(100, "4", 17); wifiLink.sendLightwaveCommand(command); Thread.sleep(THREAD_SLEEP); } @Test @Ignore(value = "This is a functional test to ensure the code is working") public void testHeatingInfo() throws Exception { LightwaveRfWifiLink wifiLink = new LightwaveRfWifiLink(LIGHTWAVE_IP, TRANSMIT_PORT, RECEIVE_PORT, CONVERTOR, TIME_BETWEEN_COMMANDS, TIMEOUT_OK); wifiLink.start(); LightwaveRfHeatInfoRequest command = new LightwaveRfHeatInfoRequest(500, "4"); wifiLink.sendLightwaveCommand(command); Thread.sleep(THREAD_SLEEP); } @Test @Ignore(value = "This is a functional test to check the code is working") public void test() throws Exception { LightwaveRfWifiLink wifiLink = new LightwaveRfWifiLink(LIGHTWAVE_IP, TRANSMIT_PORT, RECEIVE_PORT, CONVERTOR, TIME_BETWEEN_COMMANDS, TIMEOUT_OK); wifiLink.start(); Thread.sleep(5 * 1000 * 60); } }