package org.oobd.crypt.gpg; import; import; import; import org.oobd.base.Core; import org.oobd.crypt.AES.EncodeDecodeAES; import org.spongycastle.openpgp.PGPException; public class GroupDecoder { /** * decrypts as first step the group secret key ring, which is encrypted with * the users key and phassphase in the second step it returns the encrypted * input stream, which is encrypted with the group key and phassphrase * * @param in * the encrypted input stream * @param userkeyFile * the input stream of the users key file * @param groupkeyFile * the input stream of the group key file * @param groupPass * the group key passphrase * @param userPass * the user key passphrase * @return the decrypted input stream * @throws IOException * @throws PGPException * @throws NoSuchProviderException */ public static InputStream decryptGroup(InputStream in, InputStream userkeyFile, InputStream groupkeyFile, char[] groupPass, char[] userPass) { InputStream groupKeyStream = null; /* * Core.getSingleInstance().outputText("OS-BuildString:"+android.os.Build * .VERSION.RELEASE); * Core.getSingleInstance().outputText("OS-Version>4.1:"+new * Integer(EncodeDecodeAES * .compareVersionStrings(android.os.Build.VERSION * .RELEASE,"4.2")).toString()); * Core.getSingleInstance().outputText("User Password: "+new * String(userPass)); * Core.getSingleInstance().userAlert("OS-BuildString:" * +android.os.Build.VERSION.RELEASE); * Core.getSingleInstance().userAlert("OS-Version>4.1:"+new * Integer(EncodeDecodeAES * .compareVersionStrings(android.os.Build.VERSION * .RELEASE,"4.2")).toString()); * Core.getSingleInstance().userAlert("User Password: "+new * String(userPass)); */ try { groupKeyStream = PGPUtils.decryptFileStream(groupkeyFile, userkeyFile, userPass); } catch (NoSuchProviderException e1) { Core.getSingleInstance().userAlert("Group Keys: Internal Error. Details:"+e1.getMessage(),"Diagnose"); e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e1) { Core.getSingleInstance().userAlert( "Group Key Error: Can't read PGP Key file(s). Details:"+e1.getMessage(),"Diagnose"); } catch (PGPException e1) { Core.getSingleInstance().userAlert( "Group Key Error: Invalid PGP Key or pass phrase. Details:"+e1.getMessage(),"Diagnose"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e1) { Core.getSingleInstance().userAlert( "Group Key Error: Failed to find private key. Details:"+e1.getMessage(),"Diagnose"); } InputStream unc = null; try { unc = PGPUtils.decryptFileStream(in, groupKeyStream, groupPass); } catch (NoSuchProviderException e1) { Core.getSingleInstance().userAlert( "Script Encryption: Internal Error. Details:"+e1.getMessage(),"Diagnose"); e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e1) { Core.getSingleInstance().userAlert( "Script Encryption Error: Can't read PGP Key file(s). Details:"+e1.getMessage(),"Diagnose"); } catch (PGPException e1) { Core.getSingleInstance().userAlert( "Script Encryption Error: Invalid group Key. Details:"+e1.getMessage(),"Diagnose"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e1) { Core.getSingleInstance().userAlert( "Script Encryption Error: Failed to find private key. Details:"+e1.getMessage(),"Diagnose"); } try { userkeyFile.close(); groupkeyFile.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } return unc; } }