package; import java.util.Vector; /** * \brief A support class to go easily back to previous pages * \group visualisation * As OOBD is stateless like a webbrowser, the history class help to identify page changes and to provide a history of the last visited pages * * The History function works as follows: * \li it listen to the ongoing function calls and saves the actual call * \li when then a openPage() call occurs, it's assumed that this new page is caused by the last (saved) function call, so that this function equals a page * \li this relation of function call and the new page is stored in a list * \li when then the back() function is called, the history returns the function call which caused the previous page * \li when back() returns null, the root level is reached * */ public class History { class PageInfo{ public String functionName=null; public String pageTitle=""; public PageInfo(String f, String p){ functionName=f; pageTitle=p; } } String lastID = ""; Vector<PageInfo> pageList = new Vector(); /** * \brief listen to ongoing function calls * * @param actualCall */ public void listen(String actualCall){ lastID=actualCall; } /** * \brief reacts on new page calls and records this in the backlist * @param pageTitle */ public void tellNewPage(String pageTitle){ int i=0; for (; i<pageList.size() && !pageList.elementAt(i).functionName.equals(lastID);i++); //looking, if that functionID is already used previously if (i<pageList.size()){ //found //delete all entries in the list which came after i++; while (i<pageList.size()){ pageList.removeElementAt(i); } }else{ pageList.add(new PageInfo(lastID,pageTitle)); } } /** * \brief tells the function of the previous page * @return functionID which caused the previous page */ public String Back(){ if (pageList.size()>1){ pageList.remove(pageList.size()-1); //delete the actual page return pageList.remove(pageList.size()-1).functionName; // and also delete the previous page, but returning also their functioncall }else{ return null; } } }