package org.oobd.base; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.MissingResourceException; import; import; import; import java.util.prefs.Preferences; import org.oobd.base.scriptengine.OobdScriptengine; import; import org.oobd.base.port.OOBDPort; /** * \brief Interface for the Application to communicate with the OOBD core * * */ public interface IFsystem { /** * \brief announces the OOBD core to the application \ingroup init * * @param core the core instance to register to the Application */ public void registerOobdCore(Core core); /** * \brief generates UI specific paths for standard files * * @param pathID Indentifier of what directory to generate * @param filename the file itself * @return complete Path for the wanted filename */ public String generateUIFilePath(int pathID, String filename); /** * \brief reports the URL OOBD runs on * * @return the URL of the OOBD build in webserver */ public String getOobdURL(); /** * \brief reports the ip address OOBD runs on * * @return the local side ip address of the device OOBD runs on */ public InetAddress getSystemIP(); /** * \brief reports the MAC address OOBD runs on * * @return the MAC address of local side ip address OOBD runs on */ public String getMACAddress(); /** * \brief opens the system web browser */ public void openBrowser(); /** * \brief loads a Property file as the IO & Exeption handling for loading * propertys are not trivial, it's put into a helper function * * @param pathID Indentifier of what type of file to open, as this drives * where to search for * @param filename the wanted proberty file itself * @return an empty (if new) of filled property object */ public Preferences loadPreferences(int pathID, String filename); /** * \brief saves a Property file as the IO & Exeption handling for saving * propertys are not trivial, it's put into a helper function * * @param pathID Indentifier of what type of file to open, as this drives * where to search for * @param filename the wanted proberty file itself * @param prop the proberty to save */ public boolean savePreferences(int pathID, String filename, Preferences prop); /** * \brief supplies a resource as Inputstream * * @param pathID Indentifier of what type of file to open, as this drives * where to search for * @param ResourceName Name of the wanted resource * @return InputStream for that resource */ public InputStream generateResourceStream(int pathID, String ResourceName) throws MissingResourceException; /** * \brief supplies objects to bind to system specific hardware * * @param typ on * @return a object which connects to the system specific hardware or nil */ public Object supplyHardwareHandle(Onion typ); /** * \brief supplies Class Array of available Connect classses * * @param typ on * @return a list of connection types as already created objects */ public Hashtable<String, Class> getConnectorList(); /** * \brief returns the (secret) application pass phrase for data decoding * * @return the application pass phrase */ public char[] getAppPassPhrase(); /** * \brief returns the (secret) user pass phrase for data decoding * * @return the user pass phrase */ public String getUserPassPhrase(); /** * \brief stores the (secret) user pass phrase for later data decoding * * @param the user pass phrase */ public void setUserPassPhrase(String upp); /** * \brief creates a new temporary file * * @param the scriptengine, who's looking for a new data gain */ public void createEngineTempInputFile(OobdScriptengine eng); /** * \brief generates and handles a Fileselector- Dialog * * @param path : where to start the search * @param extension : display filter in the file selector box * @param message : title of the box, id supported * @param save: Acts as "Save" Dialog, otherways as "Open" * @return the path of the choosen file or null, if canceled */ public String doFileSelector(String path, String extension, String message, Boolean Save); /** * \brief get a UDP socket listening to the WiFi device * * As a multi-interface listening seems not to work on Android, this * function returns the socket bound to the Wifi interface only * * @return UDP listen socket */ public DatagramSocket getUDPBroadcastSocket(); }