package; import*; import*; import javax.microedition.lcdui.*; import javax.wireless.messaging.*; public class SendMMS extends Form implements CommandListener, ItemCommandListener { private Form parent; //Where this form was started from private Command backCommand = null; private Command okCommand = null; private Command sendToCmd; private Command subjectCmd; private TextField sendTo; private TextField subject; private ChoiceGroup sendAs; // Button scriptSelect = null; // final TextField addressField = new TextField(); // final TextField subjectField = new TextField("OOBD Mobile Message"); String mmsBody = null; OOBD_MEv2 mainMidlet = null; // ButtonGroup group = new ButtonGroup(); public SendMMS(String mmsBody, Form parent, final OOBD_MEv2 mainMidlet) { super("Send MMS"); this.parent = parent; this.mainMidlet = mainMidlet; this.mmsBody = mmsBody; sendTo = new TextField("Send text to:",null,32,TextField.EMAILADDR); // sendToCmd = new Command("Select", Command.ITEM,0); // sendTo.addCommand(sendToCmd); // sendTo.setItemCommandListener(this); subject = new TextField("Subject:","OOBD Mobile Message",32,TextField.ANY); // subjectCmd = new Command("Change", Command.ITEM,0); // subject.addCommand(subjectCmd); // subject.setItemCommandListener(this); sendAs = new ChoiceGroup("Send text as:",Choice.EXCLUSIVE); sendAs.append("Text", null); sendAs.append("XML", null); sendAs.append("Binary", null); sendAs.setSelectedIndex(0, true); this.append(sendTo); this.append(subject); this.append(sendAs); backCommand = new Command("Cancel",Command.BACK,0); this.addCommand(backCommand); okCommand = new Command("Send",Command.OK,0); this.addCommand(okCommand); this.setCommandListener(this); mainMidlet.getDisplay().setCurrent(this); } public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable d) { if (c == backCommand) { mainMidlet.getDisplay().setCurrent(parent); } if (c == okCommand) { String address = sendTo.getString(); if (address != null && !address.equals("")) { //String appID = getAppProperty("MMS-ApplicationID"); //String address = "mms://+5550000:" + appID; mainMidlet.setMmsAddress(address); address = "mms://" + address; MessageConnection mmsconn = null; try { /** Open the message connection. */ mmsconn = (MessageConnection); MultipartMessage mmmessage = (MultipartMessage) mmsconn.newMessage( MessageConnection.MULTIPART_MESSAGE); mmmessage.setAddress(address); int fileFormat = sendAs.getSelectedIndex(); byte[] textMsgBytes = "This message was generated by OOBD-ME\n\ - the new diagnostics".getBytes("UTF-8"); MessagePart textPart = new MessagePart(textMsgBytes, 0, textMsgBytes.length, "text/plain", "message", "message text", "UTF-8"); mmmessage.addMessagePart(textPart); String fileName = null; String mimeType = null; String coding = null; if (fileFormat == 0) { fileName = "OOBD-log.txt"; mimeType = "text/plain"; coding = "UTF-8"; textMsgBytes = mmsBody.getBytes(coding); } if (fileFormat == 1) { fileName = "OOBD-log.xml"; mimeType = "text/xml"; coding = "UTF-8"; textMsgBytes = mmsBody.getBytes(coding); } if (fileFormat == 2) { fileName = "OOBD-log.bin"; mimeType = "application/octet-stream"; // coding is nil coding="UTF-8"; textMsgBytes = mmsBody.getBytes(); } textPart = new MessagePart(textMsgBytes, 0, textMsgBytes.length, mimeType, "file", fileName, coding); mmmessage.addMessagePart(textPart); mmmessage.setSubject(subject.getString()); mmmessage.setStartContentId("message"); mmsconn.send(mmmessage); mainMidlet.showAlert("MMS has been sent"); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } if (mmsconn != null) { try { mmsconn.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } mainMidlet.getDisplay().setCurrent(this); } else { mainMidlet.showAlert("Please enter a valid receiver"); } } } public void commandAction(Command c, Item item) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); } }