package; //openXC imports import android.content.Context; import android.util.Log; //import; //import*; import com.openxc.measurements.UnrecognizedMeasurementTypeException; import com.openxc.remote.RawMeasurement; import com.openxc.sources.ContextualVehicleDataSource; import com.openxc.sources.SourceCallback; /** * A openXC vehicle data source that pushes OOBD data to openXC. * * data transfer will not begin until a callback is set, either via a * constructor or the * {@link com.openxc.sources.BaseVehicleDataSource#setCallback(SourceCallback)} * function. */ class OOBDVehicleDataSource extends ContextualVehicleDataSource implements Runnable { private static final String TAG = "OOBDVehicleDataSource"; private boolean mTraceValid = false; private long mFirstTimestamp = 0; private boolean mRunning = true; private String line = ""; final Object synchLock = new Object(); /** * Construct a oobd data source with the given context and callback * * If the callback is not null, transfer will begin immediately. * * @param callback * An object implementing the SourceCallback interface that * should receive data as it is received and parsed. */ public OOBDVehicleDataSource(SourceCallback callback, Context context) { super(callback, context); Log.d(TAG, "Starting new OOBD openXC data source"); new Thread(this).start(); } /** * Consider the trace source "connected" if it's running and at least 1 * measurement was parsed successfully from the file. * * This will catch errors e.g. if the trace is totally corrupted, but it * won't give you any indication if it is partially corrupted. */ @Override public boolean isConnected() { return mRunning && mTraceValid; } /** * Stop trace file playback and the playback thread. */ public void stop() { super.stop(); Log.d(TAG, "Stopping trace playback"); mRunning = false; synchronized (synchLock) { line = ""; synchLock.notify(); } } /** * transfer line. */ public void sendJsonString2openXC(String json) { if (json != "") { RawMeasurement measurement; try { measurement = new RawMeasurement(json); if (measurement != null && !measurement.isTimestamped()) { Log.w(TAG, "A trace line was missing a timestamp: " + json); } else { measurement.untimestamp(); if (!mTraceValid) { connected(); mTraceValid = true; } handleMessage(measurement); } } catch (UnrecognizedMeasurementTypeException e) { Log.w(TAG, "A trace line was not in the expected " + "format: " + json); } } } /** * While running, continuously read from the trace file and send messages to * the callback. * * If the callback is not set, this function will exit immediately and the * thread will die a quick death. */ public void run() { Log.d(TAG, "Starting oobd -> openXC transfer"); while (mRunning) { try { synchronized (synchLock) { synchLock.wait(); } } catch (InterruptedException ex) { } if (line != "") { RawMeasurement measurement; try { measurement = new RawMeasurement(line); } catch (UnrecognizedMeasurementTypeException e) { Log.w(TAG, "A trace line was not in the expected " + "format: " + line); continue; } if (measurement != null && !measurement.isTimestamped()) { Log.w(TAG, "A trace line was missing a timestamp: " + line); continue; } measurement.untimestamp(); if (!mTraceValid) { connected(); mTraceValid = true; } handleMessage(measurement); } disconnected(); Log.d(TAG, "Restarting OOBD openXC transfer"); try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } disconnected(); mRunning = false; Log.d(TAG, "OOBD -> openXC transfer is finished"); } public void sendJSONString(String jsonString) { sendJsonString2openXC(jsonString); /* try { synchronized (synchLock) { line = jsonString; synchLock.notify(); } } catch (Exception ex) { } */ } protected String getTag() { return TAG; } }