package com.lambdaworks.redis.sentinel; import static; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import org.junit.rules.TestRule; import org.junit.runner.Description; import org.junit.runners.model.Statement; import com.lambdaworks.Wait; import com.lambdaworks.redis.RedisClient; import com.lambdaworks.redis.RedisURI; import com.lambdaworks.redis.TestSettings; import com.lambdaworks.redis.api.sync.RedisCommands; import com.lambdaworks.redis.models.role.RedisInstance; import com.lambdaworks.redis.models.role.RoleParser; import com.lambdaworks.redis.sentinel.api.async.RedisSentinelAsyncCommands; import com.lambdaworks.redis.sentinel.api.sync.RedisSentinelCommands; /** * Rule to simplify Redis Sentinel handling. * * This rule allows to: * <ul> * <li>Flush masters before test</li> * <li>Check for slave/alive slaves to a master</li> * <li>Wait for slave/alive slaves to a master</li> * <li>Find a master on a given set of ports</li> * <li>Setup a master/slave combination</li> * </ul> * * * @author Mark Paluch */ public class SentinelRule implements TestRule { private RedisClient redisClient; private final boolean flushBeforeTest; private Map<Integer, RedisSentinelCommands<String, String>> sentinelConnections = new HashMap<>(); protected Logger log = LogManager.getLogger(getClass()); /** * * @param redisClient * @param flushBeforeTest * @param sentinelPorts */ public SentinelRule(RedisClient redisClient, boolean flushBeforeTest, int... sentinelPorts) { this.redisClient = redisClient; this.flushBeforeTest = flushBeforeTest;"[Sentinel] Connecting to sentinels: " + Arrays.toString(sentinelPorts)); for (int port : sentinelPorts) { RedisSentinelAsyncCommands<String, String> connection = redisClient .connectSentinelAsync(RedisURI.Builder.redis(, port).build()); sentinelConnections.put(port, connection.getStatefulConnection().sync()); } } @Override public Statement apply(final Statement base, Description description) { final Statement before = new Statement() { @Override public void evaluate() throws Exception { if (flushBeforeTest) { flush(); } } }; return new Statement() { @Override public void evaluate() throws Throwable { before.evaluate(); base.evaluate(); for (RedisSentinelCommands<String, String> commands : sentinelConnections.values()) { commands.close(); } } }; } /** * Flush Sentinel masters. */ public void flush() {"[Sentinel] Flushing masters of sentinels"); for (RedisSentinelCommands<String, String> connection : sentinelConnections.values()) { List<Map<String, String>> masters = connection.masters(); for (Map<String, String> master : masters) { connection.remove(master.get("name")); connection.reset(master.get("name")); } } for (Map.Entry<Integer, RedisSentinelCommands<String, String>> entry : sentinelConnections.entrySet()) { Wait.untilTrue(() -> entry.getValue().masters().isEmpty()) .message("Sentinel on " + entry.getKey() + " has still masters").waitOrTimeout(); } } /** * Requires a master with a slave. If no master or slave is present, the rule flushes known masters and sets up a master * with a slave. * * @param masterId * @param redisPorts */ public void needMasterWithSlave(String masterId, int... redisPorts) { if (!hasSlaves(masterId) || !hasMaster(redisPorts)) { flush(); int masterPort = setupMasterSlave(redisPorts); monitor(masterId, TestSettings.hostAddr(), masterPort, 1, true); } waitForConnectedSlaves(masterId); } /** * Wait until the master has a connected slave. * * @param masterId */ public void waitForConnectedSlaves(String masterId) {"[Sentinel] Waiting until master " + masterId + " has at least one connected slave"); Wait.untilTrue(() -> hasConnectedSlaves(masterId)).during(seconds(20)).message("No slave found").waitOrTimeout();"[Sentinel] Found a connected slave for master " + masterId); } /** * Wait until sentinel can provide an address for the master. * * @param masterId */ public void waitForMaster(String masterId) {"[Sentinel] Waiting until master " + masterId + " can provide a socket address"); Wait.untilNoException(() -> { for (RedisSentinelCommands<String, String> commands : sentinelConnections.values()) { if (commands.getMasterAddrByName(masterId) == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("No address"); } } }).during(seconds(20)).message("Cannot provide an address for " + masterId).waitOrTimeout();"[Sentinel] Found master " + masterId); } /** * Monitor a master and wait until all sentinels ACK'd by checking last-ping-reply * * @param key * @param ip * @param port * @param quorum */ public void monitor(final String key, String ip, int port, int quorum, boolean sync) {"[Sentinel] Monitoring master " + key + " (" + ip + ":" + port + ")"); for (RedisSentinelCommands<String, String> connection : sentinelConnections.values()) { connection.monitor(key, ip, port, quorum); } if (sync) { Wait.untilTrue(() -> { for (RedisSentinelCommands<String, String> connection : sentinelConnections.values()) { Map<String, String> map = connection.master(key); String reply = map.get("last-ping-reply"); if (reply == null || "0".equals(reply)) { return false; } } return true; }).waitOrTimeout();"[Sentinel] Master " + key + " (" + ip + ":" + port + ") is monitored now"); } } /** * Check if the master has slaves at all (no check for connection/alive). * * @param masterId * @return */ public boolean hasSlaves(String masterId) { try { for (RedisSentinelCommands<String, String> connection : sentinelConnections.values()) { return !connection.slaves(masterId).isEmpty(); } } catch (Exception e) { if (e.getMessage().contains("No such master with that name")) { return false; } } return false; } /** * Check if a master runs on any of the given ports. * * @param redisPorts * @return */ public boolean hasMaster(int... redisPorts) { Map<Integer, RedisCommands<String, String>> connections = new HashMap<>(); for (int redisPort : redisPorts) { connections.put(redisPort, redisClient.connect(RedisURI.Builder.redis(TestSettings.hostAddr(), redisPort).build()).sync()); } try { Integer masterPort = getMasterPort(connections); if (masterPort != null) { return true; } } finally { for (RedisCommands<String, String> commands : connections.values()) { commands.close(); } } return false; } /** * Check if the master has connected slaves. * * @param masterId * @return */ public boolean hasConnectedSlaves(String masterId) { for (RedisSentinelCommands<String, String> connection : sentinelConnections.values()) { List<Map<String, String>> slaves = connection.slaves(masterId); for (Map<String, String> slave : slaves) { String masterLinkStatus = slave.get("master-link-status"); if (masterLinkStatus == null || !masterLinkStatus.contains("ok")) { continue; } String masterPort = slave.get("master-port"); if (masterPort == null || masterPort.contains("?")) { continue; } String roleReported = slave.get("role-reported"); if (roleReported == null || !roleReported.contains("slave")) { continue; } String flags = slave.get("flags"); if (flags == null || flags.contains("disconnected") || flags.contains("down") | !flags.contains("slave")) { continue; } return true; } return false; } return false; } /** * Setup a master with one or more slaves (depending on port count). * * @param redisPorts * @return */ public int setupMasterSlave(int... redisPorts) {"[Sentinel] Create a master with slaves on ports " + Arrays.toString(redisPorts)); Map<Integer, RedisCommands<String, String>> connections = new HashMap<>(); for (int redisPort : redisPorts) { connections.put(redisPort, redisClient.connect(RedisURI.Builder.redis(TestSettings.hostAddr(), redisPort).build()).sync()); } for (RedisCommands<String, String> commands : connections.values()) { commands.slaveofNoOne(); } for (Map.Entry<Integer, RedisCommands<String, String>> entry : connections.entrySet()) { if (entry.getKey().intValue() != redisPorts[0]) { entry.getValue().slaveof(TestSettings.hostAddr(), redisPorts[0]); } } try { Wait.untilTrue(() -> getMasterPort(connections) != null).message("Cannot find master").waitOrTimeout(); Integer masterPort = getMasterPort(connections);"[Sentinel] Master on port " + masterPort); if (masterPort != null) { return masterPort; } } finally { for (RedisCommands<String, String> commands : connections.values()) { commands.close(); } } throw new IllegalStateException("No master available on ports: " + connections.keySet()); } /** * Retrieve the port of the first found master. * * @param connections * @return */ public Integer getMasterPort(Map<Integer, RedisCommands<String, String>> connections) { for (Map.Entry<Integer, RedisCommands<String, String>> entry : connections.entrySet()) { List<Object> role = entry.getValue().role(); RedisInstance redisInstance = RoleParser.parse(role); if (redisInstance.getRole() == RedisInstance.Role.MASTER) { return entry.getKey(); } } return null; } }