package com.lambdaworks.redis.resource; import static com.lambdaworks.redis.resource.Futures.toBooleanPromise; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.function.Supplier; import com.lambdaworks.redis.event.DefaultEventBus; import com.lambdaworks.redis.event.DefaultEventPublisherOptions; import com.lambdaworks.redis.event.EventBus; import com.lambdaworks.redis.event.EventPublisherOptions; import com.lambdaworks.redis.event.metrics.DefaultCommandLatencyEventPublisher; import com.lambdaworks.redis.event.metrics.MetricEventPublisher; import com.lambdaworks.redis.internal.LettuceAssert; import com.lambdaworks.redis.internal.LettuceLists; import com.lambdaworks.redis.metrics.CommandLatencyCollector; import com.lambdaworks.redis.metrics.CommandLatencyCollectorOptions; import com.lambdaworks.redis.metrics.DefaultCommandLatencyCollector; import com.lambdaworks.redis.metrics.DefaultCommandLatencyCollectorOptions; import com.lambdaworks.redis.resource.Delay.StatefulDelay; import io.netty.util.concurrent.*; import io.netty.util.internal.SystemPropertyUtil; import io.netty.util.internal.logging.InternalLogger; import io.netty.util.internal.logging.InternalLoggerFactory; /** * Default instance of the client resources. * <p> * The {@link DefaultClientResources} instance is stateful, you have to shutdown the instance if you're no longer using it. * </p> * {@link DefaultClientResources} allow to configure: * <ul> * <li>the {@code ioThreadPoolSize}, alternatively</li> * <li>a {@code eventLoopGroupProvider} which is a provided instance of {@link EventLoopGroupProvider}. Higher precedence than * {@code ioThreadPoolSize}.</li> * <li>computationThreadPoolSize</li> * <li>a {@code eventExecutorGroup} which is a provided instance of {@link EventExecutorGroup}. Higher precedence than * {@code computationThreadPoolSize}.</li> * <li>an {@code eventBus} which is a provided instance of {@link EventBus}.</li> * <li>a {@code commandLatencyCollector} which is a provided instance of * {@link com.lambdaworks.redis.metrics.CommandLatencyCollector}.</li> * <li>a {@code dnsResolver} which is a provided instance of {@link DnsResolver}.</li> * </ul> * * @author Mark Paluch * @since 3.4 */ public class DefaultClientResources implements ClientResources { protected static final InternalLogger logger = InternalLoggerFactory.getInstance(DefaultClientResources.class); public static final int MIN_IO_THREADS = 3; public static final int MIN_COMPUTATION_THREADS = 3; public static final int DEFAULT_IO_THREADS; public static final int DEFAULT_COMPUTATION_THREADS; public static final Supplier<Delay> DEFAULT_RECONNECT_DELAY = () -> Delay.exponential(); static { int threads = Math.max(1, SystemPropertyUtil.getInt("io.netty.eventLoopThreads", Math.max(MIN_IO_THREADS, Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()))); DEFAULT_IO_THREADS = threads; DEFAULT_COMPUTATION_THREADS = threads; if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("-Dio.netty.eventLoopThreads: {}", threads); } } private final boolean sharedEventLoopGroupProvider; private final EventLoopGroupProvider eventLoopGroupProvider; private final boolean sharedEventExecutor; private final EventExecutorGroup eventExecutorGroup; private final EventBus eventBus; private final CommandLatencyCollector commandLatencyCollector; private final boolean sharedCommandLatencyCollector; private final EventPublisherOptions commandLatencyPublisherOptions; private final MetricEventPublisher metricEventPublisher; private final DnsResolver dnsResolver; private final Supplier<Delay> reconnectDelay; private volatile boolean shutdownCalled = false; protected DefaultClientResources(Builder builder) { if (builder.eventLoopGroupProvider == null) { int ioThreadPoolSize = builder.ioThreadPoolSize; if (ioThreadPoolSize < MIN_IO_THREADS) {"ioThreadPoolSize is less than {} ({}), setting to: {}", MIN_IO_THREADS, ioThreadPoolSize, MIN_IO_THREADS); ioThreadPoolSize = MIN_IO_THREADS; } this.sharedEventLoopGroupProvider = false; this.eventLoopGroupProvider = new DefaultEventLoopGroupProvider(ioThreadPoolSize); } else { this.sharedEventLoopGroupProvider = true; this.eventLoopGroupProvider = builder.eventLoopGroupProvider; } if (builder.eventExecutorGroup == null) { int computationThreadPoolSize = builder.computationThreadPoolSize; if (computationThreadPoolSize < MIN_COMPUTATION_THREADS) {"computationThreadPoolSize is less than {} ({}), setting to: {}", MIN_COMPUTATION_THREADS, computationThreadPoolSize, MIN_COMPUTATION_THREADS); computationThreadPoolSize = MIN_COMPUTATION_THREADS; } eventExecutorGroup = DefaultEventLoopGroupProvider.createEventLoopGroup(DefaultEventExecutorGroup.class, computationThreadPoolSize); sharedEventExecutor = false; } else { sharedEventExecutor = true; eventExecutorGroup = builder.eventExecutorGroup; } if (builder.eventBus == null) { eventBus = new DefaultEventBus(new RxJavaEventExecutorGroupScheduler(eventExecutorGroup)); } else { eventBus = builder.eventBus; } if (builder.commandLatencyCollector == null) { if (DefaultCommandLatencyCollector.isAvailable()) { if (builder.commandLatencyCollectorOptions != null) { commandLatencyCollector = new DefaultCommandLatencyCollector(builder.commandLatencyCollectorOptions); } else { commandLatencyCollector = new DefaultCommandLatencyCollector( DefaultCommandLatencyCollectorOptions.create()); } } else { logger.debug("LatencyUtils/HdrUtils are not available, metrics are disabled"); builder.commandLatencyCollectorOptions = DefaultCommandLatencyCollectorOptions.disabled(); commandLatencyCollector = DefaultCommandLatencyCollector.disabled(); } sharedCommandLatencyCollector = false; } else { sharedCommandLatencyCollector = true; commandLatencyCollector = builder.commandLatencyCollector; } commandLatencyPublisherOptions = builder.commandLatencyPublisherOptions; if (commandLatencyCollector.isEnabled() && commandLatencyPublisherOptions != null) { metricEventPublisher = new DefaultCommandLatencyEventPublisher(eventExecutorGroup, commandLatencyPublisherOptions, eventBus, commandLatencyCollector); } else { metricEventPublisher = null; } if (builder.dnsResolver == null) { dnsResolver = DnsResolvers.JVM_DEFAULT; } else { dnsResolver = builder.dnsResolver; } reconnectDelay = builder.reconnectDelay; } /** * Returns a new {@link DefaultClientResources.Builder} to construct {@link DefaultClientResources}. * * @return a new {@link DefaultClientResources.Builder} to construct {@link DefaultClientResources}. */ public static DefaultClientResources.Builder builder() { return new DefaultClientResources.Builder(); } /** * Create a new {@link DefaultClientResources} using default settings. * * @return a new instance of a default client resources. */ public static DefaultClientResources create() { return builder().build(); } /** * Builder for {@link DefaultClientResources}. */ public static class Builder { private int ioThreadPoolSize = DEFAULT_IO_THREADS; private int computationThreadPoolSize = DEFAULT_COMPUTATION_THREADS; private EventExecutorGroup eventExecutorGroup; private EventLoopGroupProvider eventLoopGroupProvider; private EventBus eventBus; private CommandLatencyCollectorOptions commandLatencyCollectorOptions = DefaultCommandLatencyCollectorOptions.create(); private CommandLatencyCollector commandLatencyCollector; private EventPublisherOptions commandLatencyPublisherOptions = DefaultEventPublisherOptions.create(); private DnsResolver dnsResolver = DnsResolvers.JVM_DEFAULT; private Supplier<Delay> reconnectDelay = DEFAULT_RECONNECT_DELAY; /** * @deprecated Use {@link DefaultClientResources#builder()} */ @Deprecated public Builder() { } /** * Sets the thread pool size (number of threads to use) for I/O operations (default value is the number of CPUs). The * thread pool size is only effective if no {@code eventLoopGroupProvider} is provided. * * @param ioThreadPoolSize the thread pool size * @return this */ public Builder ioThreadPoolSize(int ioThreadPoolSize) { this.ioThreadPoolSize = ioThreadPoolSize; return this; } /** * Sets a shared {@link EventLoopGroupProvider event executor provider} that can be used across different instances of * the RedisClient. The provided {@link EventLoopGroupProvider} instance will not be shut down when shutting down the * client resources. You have to take care of that. This is an advanced configuration that should only be used if you * know what you are doing. * * @param eventLoopGroupProvider the shared eventLoopGroupProvider * @return this */ public Builder eventLoopGroupProvider(EventLoopGroupProvider eventLoopGroupProvider) { this.eventLoopGroupProvider = eventLoopGroupProvider; return this; } /** * Sets the thread pool size (number of threads to use) for computation operations (default value is the number of * CPUs). The thread pool size is only effective if no {@code eventExecutorGroup} is provided. * * @param computationThreadPoolSize the thread pool size * @return this */ public Builder computationThreadPoolSize(int computationThreadPoolSize) { this.computationThreadPoolSize = computationThreadPoolSize; return this; } /** * Sets a shared {@link EventExecutorGroup event executor group} that can be used across different instances of the * RedisClient. The provided {@link EventExecutorGroup} instance will not be shut down when shutting down the client * resources. You have to take care of that. This is an advanced configuration that should only be used if you know what * you are doing. * * @param eventExecutorGroup the shared eventExecutorGroup * @return this */ public Builder eventExecutorGroup(EventExecutorGroup eventExecutorGroup) { this.eventExecutorGroup = eventExecutorGroup; return this; } /** * Sets the {@link EventBus} that can that can be used across different instances of the RedisClient. * * @param eventBus the event bus * @return this */ public Builder eventBus(EventBus eventBus) { this.eventBus = eventBus; return this; } /** * Sets the {@link EventPublisherOptions} to publish command latency metrics using the {@link EventBus}. * * @param commandLatencyPublisherOptions the {@link EventPublisherOptions} to publish command latency metrics using the * {@link EventBus}. * @return this */ public Builder commandLatencyPublisherOptions(EventPublisherOptions commandLatencyPublisherOptions) { this.commandLatencyPublisherOptions = commandLatencyPublisherOptions; return this; } /** * Sets the {@link CommandLatencyCollectorOptions} that can that can be used across different instances of the * RedisClient. The options are only effective if no {@code commandLatencyCollector} is provided. * * @param commandLatencyCollectorOptions the command latency collector options * @return this */ public Builder commandLatencyCollectorOptions(CommandLatencyCollectorOptions commandLatencyCollectorOptions) { this.commandLatencyCollectorOptions = commandLatencyCollectorOptions; return this; } /** * Sets the {@link CommandLatencyCollector} that can that can be used across different instances of the RedisClient. * * @param commandLatencyCollector the command latency collector * @return this */ public Builder commandLatencyCollector(CommandLatencyCollector commandLatencyCollector) { this.commandLatencyCollector = commandLatencyCollector; return this; } /** * Sets the {@link DnsResolver} that can that is used to resolve hostnames to {@link}. Defaults to * {@link DnsResolvers#JVM_DEFAULT} * * @param dnsResolver the DNS resolver, must not be {@link null}. * @return this */ public Builder dnsResolver(DnsResolver dnsResolver) { LettuceAssert.notNull(dnsResolver, "DNSResolver must not be null"); this.dnsResolver = dnsResolver; return this; } /** * Sets the stateless reconnect {@link Delay} to delay reconnect attempts. Defaults to binary exponential delay capped at * {@literal 30 SECONDS}. {@code reconnectDelay} must be a stateless {@link Delay}. * * @param reconnectDelay the reconnect delay, must not be {@literal null}. * @return this */ public Builder reconnectDelay(Delay reconnectDelay) { LettuceAssert.notNull(reconnectDelay, "Delay must not be null"); LettuceAssert.isTrue(!(reconnectDelay instanceof StatefulDelay), "Delay must be a stateless instance."); return reconnectDelay(() -> reconnectDelay); } /** * Sets the stateful reconnect {@link Supplier} to delay reconnect attempts. Defaults to binary exponential delay capped * at {@literal 30 SECONDS}. * * @param reconnectDelay the reconnect delay, must not be {@literal null}. * @return this */ public Builder reconnectDelay(Supplier<Delay> reconnectDelay) { LettuceAssert.notNull(reconnectDelay, "Delay must not be null"); this.reconnectDelay = reconnectDelay; return this; } /** * * @return a new instance of {@link DefaultClientResources}. */ public DefaultClientResources build() { return new DefaultClientResources(this); } } @Override protected void finalize() throws Throwable { if (!shutdownCalled) { logger.warn(getClass().getName() + " was not shut down properly, shutdown() was not called before it's garbage-collected. Call shutdown() or shutdown(long,long,TimeUnit) "); } super.finalize(); } /** * Shutdown the {@link ClientResources}. * * @return eventually the success/failure of the shutdown without errors. */ @Override public Future<Boolean> shutdown() { return shutdown(2, 15, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } /** * Shutdown the {@link ClientResources}. * * @param quietPeriod the quiet period as described in the documentation * @param timeout the maximum amount of time to wait until the executor is shutdown regardless if a task was submitted * during the quiet period * @param timeUnit the unit of {@code quietPeriod} and {@code timeout} * @return eventually the success/failure of the shutdown without errors. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Future<Boolean> shutdown(long quietPeriod, long timeout, TimeUnit timeUnit) { shutdownCalled = true; DefaultPromise<Boolean> overall = new DefaultPromise<Boolean>(GlobalEventExecutor.INSTANCE); DefaultPromise<Boolean> lastRelease = new DefaultPromise<Boolean>(GlobalEventExecutor.INSTANCE); Futures.PromiseAggregator<Boolean, Promise<Boolean>> aggregator = new Futures.PromiseAggregator<Boolean, Promise<Boolean>>( overall); aggregator.expectMore(1); if (!sharedEventLoopGroupProvider) { aggregator.expectMore(1); } if (!sharedEventExecutor) { aggregator.expectMore(1); } aggregator.arm(); if (metricEventPublisher != null) { metricEventPublisher.shutdown(); } if (!sharedEventLoopGroupProvider) { Future<Boolean> shutdown = eventLoopGroupProvider.shutdown(quietPeriod, timeout, timeUnit); if (shutdown instanceof Promise) { aggregator.add((Promise<Boolean>) shutdown); } else { aggregator.add(toBooleanPromise(shutdown)); } } if (!sharedEventExecutor) { Future<?> shutdown = eventExecutorGroup.shutdownGracefully(quietPeriod, timeout, timeUnit); aggregator.add(toBooleanPromise(shutdown)); } if (!sharedCommandLatencyCollector) { commandLatencyCollector.shutdown(); } aggregator.add(lastRelease); lastRelease.setSuccess(null); return toBooleanPromise(overall); } @Override public EventLoopGroupProvider eventLoopGroupProvider() { return eventLoopGroupProvider; } @Override public EventExecutorGroup eventExecutorGroup() { return eventExecutorGroup; } @Override public int ioThreadPoolSize() { return eventLoopGroupProvider.threadPoolSize(); } @Override public int computationThreadPoolSize() { return LettuceLists.newList(eventExecutorGroup.iterator()).size(); } @Override public EventBus eventBus() { return eventBus; } @Override public CommandLatencyCollector commandLatencyCollector() { return commandLatencyCollector; } @Override public EventPublisherOptions commandLatencyPublisherOptions() { return commandLatencyPublisherOptions; } @Override public DnsResolver dnsResolver() { return dnsResolver; } @Override public Delay reconnectDelay() { return reconnectDelay.get(); } }