package com.lambdaworks.redis.cluster; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.function.Function; import rx.Observable; import rx.functions.Func1; import com.lambdaworks.redis.*; import com.lambdaworks.redis.cluster.api.StatefulRedisClusterConnection; import com.lambdaworks.redis.cluster.models.partitions.RedisClusterNode; import com.lambdaworks.redis.models.role.RedisNodeDescription; /** * Methods to support a Cluster-wide SCAN operation over multiple hosts. * * @author Mark Paluch */ class ClusterScanSupport { /** * Map a {@link RedisFuture} of {@link KeyScanCursor} to a {@link RedisFuture} of {@link ClusterKeyScanCursor}. */ static final ScanCursorMapper<RedisFuture<KeyScanCursor<?>>> futureKeyScanCursorMapper = new ScanCursorMapper<RedisFuture<KeyScanCursor<?>>>() { @Override public RedisFuture<KeyScanCursor<?>> map(List<String> nodeIds, String currentNodeId, RedisFuture<KeyScanCursor<?>> cursor) { return new PipelinedRedisFuture<>(cursor, new Function<KeyScanCursor<?>, KeyScanCursor<?>>() { @Override public KeyScanCursor<?> apply(KeyScanCursor<?> result) { return new ClusterKeyScanCursor<>(nodeIds, currentNodeId, result); } }); } }; /** * Map a {@link RedisFuture} of {@link StreamScanCursor} to a {@link RedisFuture} of {@link ClusterStreamScanCursor}. */ static final ScanCursorMapper<RedisFuture<StreamScanCursor>> futureStreamScanCursorMapper = new ScanCursorMapper<RedisFuture<StreamScanCursor>>() { @Override public RedisFuture<StreamScanCursor> map(List<String> nodeIds, String currentNodeId, RedisFuture<StreamScanCursor> cursor) { return new PipelinedRedisFuture<>(cursor, new Function<StreamScanCursor, StreamScanCursor>() { @Override public StreamScanCursor apply(StreamScanCursor result) { return new ClusterStreamScanCursor(nodeIds, currentNodeId, result); } }); } }; /** * Map a {@link Observable} of {@link KeyScanCursor} to a {@link Observable} of {@link ClusterKeyScanCursor}. */ final static ScanCursorMapper<Observable<KeyScanCursor<?>>> reactiveKeyScanCursorMapper = new ScanCursorMapper<Observable<KeyScanCursor<?>>>() { @Override public Observable<KeyScanCursor<?>> map(List<String> nodeIds, String currentNodeId, Observable<KeyScanCursor<?>> cursor) { return Func1<KeyScanCursor<?>, KeyScanCursor<?>>() { @Override public KeyScanCursor<?> call(KeyScanCursor<?> keyScanCursor) { return new ClusterKeyScanCursor<>(nodeIds, currentNodeId, keyScanCursor); } }); } }; /** * Map a {@link Observable} of {@link StreamScanCursor} to a {@link Observable} of {@link ClusterStreamScanCursor}. */ final static ScanCursorMapper<Observable<StreamScanCursor>> reactiveStreamScanCursorMapper = new ScanCursorMapper<Observable<StreamScanCursor>>() { @Override public Observable<StreamScanCursor> map(List<String> nodeIds, String currentNodeId, Observable<StreamScanCursor> cursor) { return Func1<StreamScanCursor, StreamScanCursor>() { @Override public StreamScanCursor call(StreamScanCursor streamScanCursor) { return new ClusterStreamScanCursor(nodeIds, currentNodeId, streamScanCursor); } }); } }; /** * Retrieve the cursor to continue the scan. * * @param scanCursor can be {@literal null}. * @return */ static ScanCursor getContinuationCursor(ScanCursor scanCursor) { if (ScanCursor.INITIAL.equals(scanCursor)) { return scanCursor; } assertClusterScanCursor(scanCursor); ClusterScanCursor clusterScanCursor = (ClusterScanCursor) scanCursor; if (clusterScanCursor.isScanOnCurrentNodeFinished()) { return ScanCursor.INITIAL; } return scanCursor; } static <K, V> List<String> getNodeIds(StatefulRedisClusterConnection<K, V> connection, ScanCursor cursor) { if (ScanCursor.INITIAL.equals(cursor)) { List<String> nodeIds = getNodeIds(connection); assertHasNodes(nodeIds); return nodeIds; } assertClusterScanCursor(cursor); ClusterScanCursor clusterScanCursor = (ClusterScanCursor) cursor; return clusterScanCursor.getNodeIds(); } static String getCurrentNodeId(ScanCursor cursor, List<String> nodeIds) { if (ScanCursor.INITIAL.equals(cursor)) { assertHasNodes(nodeIds); return nodeIds.get(0); } assertClusterScanCursor(cursor); return getNodeIdForNextScanIteration(nodeIds, (ClusterScanCursor) cursor); } /** * Retrieve a list of node Ids to use for the SCAN operation. * * @param connection * @return */ private static List<String> getNodeIds(StatefulRedisClusterConnection<?, ?> connection) { List<String> nodeIds = new ArrayList<>(); PartitionAccessor partitionAccessor = new PartitionAccessor(connection.getPartitions()); for (RedisClusterNode redisClusterNode : partitionAccessor.getMasters()) { if (connection.getReadFrom() != null) { List<RedisNodeDescription> readCandidates = (List) partitionAccessor.getReadCandidates(redisClusterNode); List<RedisNodeDescription> selection = connection.getReadFrom().select(new ReadFrom.Nodes() { @Override public List<RedisNodeDescription> getNodes() { return readCandidates; } @Override public Iterator<RedisNodeDescription> iterator() { return readCandidates.iterator(); } }); if (!selection.isEmpty()) { RedisClusterNode selectedNode = (RedisClusterNode) selection.get(0); nodeIds.add(selectedNode.getNodeId()); continue; } } nodeIds.add(redisClusterNode.getNodeId()); } return nodeIds; } private static String getNodeIdForNextScanIteration(List<String> nodeIds, ClusterScanCursor clusterKeyScanCursor) { if (clusterKeyScanCursor.isScanOnCurrentNodeFinished()) { if (clusterKeyScanCursor.isFinished()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cluster scan is finished"); } int nodeIndex = nodeIds.indexOf(clusterKeyScanCursor.getCurrentNodeId()); return nodeIds.get(nodeIndex + 1); } return clusterKeyScanCursor.getCurrentNodeId(); } private static void assertClusterScanCursor(ScanCursor cursor) { if (!(cursor instanceof ClusterScanCursor)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "A scan in Redis Cluster mode requires to reuse the resulting cursor from the previous scan invocation"); } } private static void assertHasNodes(List<String> nodeIds) { if (nodeIds.isEmpty()) { throw new RedisException("No available nodes for a scan"); } } static <K> ScanCursorMapper<RedisFuture<KeyScanCursor<K>>> asyncClusterKeyScanCursorMapper() { return (ScanCursorMapper) futureKeyScanCursorMapper; } static ScanCursorMapper<RedisFuture<StreamScanCursor>> asyncClusterStreamScanCursorMapper() { return futureStreamScanCursorMapper; } static <K> ScanCursorMapper<Observable<KeyScanCursor<K>>> reactiveClusterKeyScanCursorMapper() { return (ScanCursorMapper) reactiveKeyScanCursorMapper; } static ScanCursorMapper<Observable<StreamScanCursor>> reactiveClusterStreamScanCursorMapper() { return reactiveStreamScanCursorMapper; } /** * Mapper between the node operation cursor and the cluster scan cursor. * * @param <T> */ interface ScanCursorMapper<T> { T map(List<String> nodeIds, String currentNodeId, T cursor); } /** * Marker for a cluster scan cursor. */ interface ClusterScanCursor { List<String> getNodeIds(); String getCurrentNodeId(); boolean isScanOnCurrentNodeFinished(); boolean isFinished(); } /** * State object for a cluster-wide SCAN using Key results. * * @param <K> */ private static class ClusterKeyScanCursor<K> extends KeyScanCursor<K> implements ClusterScanCursor { final List<String> nodeIds; final String currentNodeId; final KeyScanCursor<K> cursor; public ClusterKeyScanCursor(List<String> nodeIds, String currentNodeId, KeyScanCursor<K> cursor) { super(); this.nodeIds = nodeIds; this.currentNodeId = currentNodeId; this.cursor = cursor; setCursor(cursor.getCursor()); getKeys().addAll(cursor.getKeys()); if (cursor.isFinished()) { int nodeIndex = nodeIds.indexOf(currentNodeId); if (nodeIndex == -1 || nodeIndex == nodeIds.size() - 1) { setFinished(true); } } } @Override public List<String> getNodeIds() { return nodeIds; } @Override public String getCurrentNodeId() { return currentNodeId; } public boolean isScanOnCurrentNodeFinished() { return cursor.isFinished(); } } /** * State object for a cluster-wide SCAN using streaming. */ private static class ClusterStreamScanCursor extends StreamScanCursor implements ClusterScanCursor { final List<String> nodeIds; final String currentNodeId; final StreamScanCursor cursor; public ClusterStreamScanCursor(List<String> nodeIds, String currentNodeId, StreamScanCursor cursor) { super(); this.nodeIds = nodeIds; this.currentNodeId = currentNodeId; this.cursor = cursor; setCursor(cursor.getCursor()); setCount(cursor.getCount()); if (cursor.isFinished()) { int nodeIndex = nodeIds.indexOf(currentNodeId); if (nodeIndex == -1 || nodeIndex == nodeIds.size() - 1) { setFinished(true); } } } @Override public List<String> getNodeIds() { return nodeIds; } @Override public String getCurrentNodeId() { return currentNodeId; } public boolean isScanOnCurrentNodeFinished() { return cursor.isFinished(); } } }