package com.lambdaworks.redis; import static com.lambdaworks.redis.LettuceStrings.string; import static com.lambdaworks.redis.protocol.CommandKeyword.*; import static com.lambdaworks.redis.protocol.CommandType.*; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import com.lambdaworks.redis.codec.RedisCodec; import com.lambdaworks.redis.internal.LettuceAssert; import com.lambdaworks.redis.output.*; import com.lambdaworks.redis.protocol.BaseRedisCommandBuilder; import com.lambdaworks.redis.protocol.Command; import com.lambdaworks.redis.protocol.CommandArgs; import com.lambdaworks.redis.protocol.RedisCommand; /** * @param <K> * @param <V> * @author Mark Paluch */ @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "Convert2Diamond", "WeakerAccess", "varargs" }) class RedisCommandBuilder<K, V> extends BaseRedisCommandBuilder<K, V> { static final String MUST_NOT_CONTAIN_NULL_ELEMENTS = "must not contain null elements"; static final String MUST_NOT_BE_EMPTY = "must not be empty"; static final String MUST_NOT_BE_NULL = "must not be null"; private static final byte[] MINUS_BYTES = { '-' }; private static final byte[] PLUS_BYTES = { '+' }; public RedisCommandBuilder(RedisCodec<K, V> codec) { super(codec); } public Command<K, V, Long> append(K key, V value) { notNullKey(key); return createCommand(APPEND, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), key, value); } public Command<K, V, String> auth(String password) { LettuceAssert.notNull(password, "Password " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); LettuceAssert.notEmpty(password, "Password " + MUST_NOT_BE_EMPTY); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).add(password); return createCommand(AUTH, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, String> bgrewriteaof() { return createCommand(BGREWRITEAOF, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec)); } public Command<K, V, String> bgsave() { return createCommand(BGSAVE, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec)); } public Command<K, V, Long> bitcount(K key) { notNullKey(key); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key); return createCommand(BITCOUNT, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> bitcount(K key, long start, long end) { notNullKey(key); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec); args.addKey(key).add(start).add(end); return createCommand(BITCOUNT, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, List<Long>> bitfield(K key, BitFieldArgs bitFieldArgs) { notNullKey(key); LettuceAssert.notNull(bitFieldArgs, "BitFieldArgs must not be null"); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec); args.addKey(key);; return createCommand(BITFIELD, (CommandOutput) new ArrayOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> bitpos(K key, boolean state) { notNullKey(key); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec); args.addKey(key).add(state ? 1 : 0); return createCommand(BITPOS, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> bitpos(K key, boolean state, long start, long end) { notNullKey(key); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec); args.addKey(key).add(state ? 1 : 0).add(start).add(end); return createCommand(BITPOS, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> bitopAnd(K destination, K... keys) { LettuceAssert.notNull(destination, "Destination " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); notEmpty(keys); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec); args.add(AND).addKey(destination).addKeys(keys); return createCommand(BITOP, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> bitopNot(K destination, K source) { LettuceAssert.notNull(destination, "Destination " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); LettuceAssert.notNull(source, "Source " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec); args.add(NOT).addKey(destination).addKey(source); return createCommand(BITOP, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> bitopOr(K destination, K... keys) { LettuceAssert.notNull(destination, "Destination " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); notEmpty(keys); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec); args.add(OR).addKey(destination).addKeys(keys); return createCommand(BITOP, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> bitopXor(K destination, K... keys) { LettuceAssert.notNull(destination, "Destination " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); notEmpty(keys); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec); args.add(XOR).addKey(destination).addKeys(keys); return createCommand(BITOP, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, KeyValue<K, V>> blpop(long timeout, K... keys) { notEmpty(keys); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKeys(keys).add(timeout); return createCommand(BLPOP, new KeyValueOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, KeyValue<K, V>> brpop(long timeout, K... keys) { notEmpty(keys); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKeys(keys).add(timeout); return createCommand(BRPOP, new KeyValueOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, V> brpoplpush(long timeout, K source, K destination) { LettuceAssert.notNull(source, "Source " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); LettuceAssert.notNull(destination, "Destination " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec); args.addKey(source).addKey(destination).add(timeout); return createCommand(BRPOPLPUSH, new ValueOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, K> clientGetname() { CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).add(GETNAME); return createCommand(CLIENT, new KeyOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, String> clientSetname(K name) { LettuceAssert.notNull(name, "Name " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).add(SETNAME).addKey(name); return createCommand(CLIENT, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, String> clientKill(String addr) { LettuceAssert.notNull(addr, "Addr " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); LettuceAssert.notEmpty(addr, "Addr " + MUST_NOT_BE_EMPTY); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).add(KILL).add(addr); return createCommand(CLIENT, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> clientKill(KillArgs killArgs) { LettuceAssert.notNull(killArgs, "KillArgs " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).add(KILL);; return createCommand(CLIENT, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, String> clientPause(long timeout) { CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).add(PAUSE).add(timeout); return createCommand(CLIENT, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, String> clientList() { CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).add(LIST); return createCommand(CLIENT, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, List<Object>> command() { CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec); return createCommand(COMMAND, new ArrayOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, List<Object>> commandInfo(String... commands) { LettuceAssert.notNull(commands, "Commands " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); LettuceAssert.notEmpty(commands, "Commands " + MUST_NOT_BE_EMPTY); LettuceAssert.noNullElements(commands, "Commands " + MUST_NOT_CONTAIN_NULL_ELEMENTS); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec); args.add(INFO); for (String command : commands) { args.add(command); } return createCommand(COMMAND, new ArrayOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> commandCount() { CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).add(COUNT); return createCommand(COMMAND, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, String> configRewrite() { CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).add(REWRITE); return createCommand(CONFIG, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, List<String>> configGet(String parameter) { LettuceAssert.notNull(parameter, "Parameter " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); LettuceAssert.notEmpty(parameter, "Parameter " + MUST_NOT_BE_EMPTY); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).add(GET).add(parameter); return createCommand(CONFIG, new StringListOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, String> configResetstat() { CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).add(RESETSTAT); return createCommand(CONFIG, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, String> configSet(String parameter, String value) { LettuceAssert.notNull(parameter, "Parameter " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); LettuceAssert.notEmpty(parameter, "Parameter " + MUST_NOT_BE_EMPTY); LettuceAssert.notNull(value, "Value " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).add(SET).add(parameter).add(value); return createCommand(CONFIG, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> dbsize() { return createCommand(DBSIZE, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec)); } public Command<K, V, String> debugCrashAndRecover(Long delay) { CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).add("CRASH-AND-RECOVER"); if (delay != null) { args.add(delay); } return createCommand(DEBUG, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, String> debugObject(K key) { notNullKey(key); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).add(OBJECT).addKey(key); return createCommand(DEBUG, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Void> debugOom() { return createCommand(DEBUG, null, new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).add("OOM")); } public Command<K, V, String> debugHtstats(int db) { CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).add(HTSTATS).add(db); return createCommand(DEBUG, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, String> debugReload() { return createCommand(DEBUG, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec), new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).add(RELOAD)); } public Command<K, V, String> debugRestart(Long delay) { CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).add(RESTART); if (delay != null) { args.add(delay); } return createCommand(DEBUG, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, String> debugSdslen(K key) { notNullKey(key); return createCommand(DEBUG, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec), new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).add("SDSLEN").addKey(key)); } public Command<K, V, Void> debugSegfault() { CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).add(SEGFAULT); return createCommand(DEBUG, null, args); } public Command<K, V, Long> decr(K key) { notNullKey(key); return createCommand(DECR, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), key); } public Command<K, V, Long> decrby(K key, long amount) { notNullKey(key); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key).add(amount); return createCommand(DECRBY, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> del(K... keys) { notEmpty(keys); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKeys(keys); return createCommand(DEL, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> del(Iterable<K> keys) { LettuceAssert.notNull(keys, "Keys " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKeys(keys); return createCommand(DEL, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> unlink(K... keys) { notEmpty(keys); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKeys(keys); return createCommand(UNLINK, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> unlink(Iterable<K> keys) { LettuceAssert.notNull(keys, "Keys " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKeys(keys); return createCommand(UNLINK, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, String> discard() { return createCommand(DISCARD, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec)); } public Command<K, V, byte[]> dump(K key) { notNullKey(key); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key); return createCommand(DUMP, new ByteArrayOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, V> echo(V msg) { LettuceAssert.notNull(msg, "message " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addValue(msg); return createCommand(ECHO, new ValueOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public <T> Command<K, V, T> eval(String script, ScriptOutputType type, K... keys) { LettuceAssert.notNull(script, "Script " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); LettuceAssert.notEmpty(script, "Script " + MUST_NOT_BE_EMPTY); LettuceAssert.notNull(type, "ScriptOutputType " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); LettuceAssert.notNull(keys, "Keys " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec); args.add(script).add(keys.length).addKeys(keys); CommandOutput<K, V, T> output = newScriptOutput(codec, type); return createCommand(EVAL, output, args); } public <T> Command<K, V, T> eval(String script, ScriptOutputType type, K[] keys, V... values) { LettuceAssert.notNull(script, "Script " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); LettuceAssert.notEmpty(script, "Script " + MUST_NOT_BE_EMPTY); LettuceAssert.notNull(type, "ScriptOutputType " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); LettuceAssert.notNull(keys, "Keys " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); LettuceAssert.notNull(values, "Values " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec); args.add(script).add(keys.length).addKeys(keys).addValues(values); CommandOutput<K, V, T> output = newScriptOutput(codec, type); return createCommand(EVAL, output, args); } public <T> Command<K, V, T> evalsha(String digest, ScriptOutputType type, K... keys) { LettuceAssert.notNull(digest, "Digest " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); LettuceAssert.notEmpty(digest, "Digest " + MUST_NOT_BE_EMPTY); LettuceAssert.notNull(type, "ScriptOutputType " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); LettuceAssert.notNull(keys, "Keys " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec); args.add(digest).add(keys.length).addKeys(keys); CommandOutput<K, V, T> output = newScriptOutput(codec, type); return createCommand(EVALSHA, output, args); } public <T> Command<K, V, T> evalsha(String digest, ScriptOutputType type, K[] keys, V... values) { LettuceAssert.notNull(digest, "Digest " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); LettuceAssert.notEmpty(digest, "Digest " + MUST_NOT_BE_EMPTY); LettuceAssert.notNull(type, "ScriptOutputType " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); LettuceAssert.notNull(keys, "Keys " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); LettuceAssert.notNull(values, "Values " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec); args.add(digest).add(keys.length).addKeys(keys).addValues(values); CommandOutput<K, V, T> output = newScriptOutput(codec, type); return createCommand(EVALSHA, output, args); } public Command<K, V, Boolean> exists(K key) { notNullKey(key); return createCommand(EXISTS, new BooleanOutput<K, V>(codec), key); } public Command<K, V, Long> exists(K... keys) { notEmpty(keys); return createCommand(EXISTS, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKeys(keys)); } public Command<K, V, Long> exists(Iterable<K> keys) { LettuceAssert.notNull(keys, "Keys " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); return createCommand(EXISTS, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKeys(keys)); } public Command<K, V, Boolean> expire(K key, long seconds) { notNullKey(key); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key).add(seconds); return createCommand(EXPIRE, new BooleanOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Boolean> expireat(K key, long timestamp) { notNullKey(key); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key).add(timestamp); return createCommand(EXPIREAT, new BooleanOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, String> flushall() { return createCommand(FLUSHALL, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec)); } public Command<K, V, String> flushallAsync() { return createCommand(FLUSHALL, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec), new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).add(ASYNC)); } public Command<K, V, String> flushdb() { return createCommand(FLUSHDB, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec)); } public Command<K, V, String> flushdbAsync() { return createCommand(FLUSHDB, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec), new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).add(ASYNC)); } public Command<K, V, V> get(K key) { notNullKey(key); return createCommand(GET, new ValueOutput<K, V>(codec), key); } public Command<K, V, Long> getbit(K key, long offset) { notNullKey(key); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key).add(offset); return createCommand(GETBIT, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, V> getrange(K key, long start, long end) { notNullKey(key); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key).add(start).add(end); return createCommand(GETRANGE, new ValueOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, V> getset(K key, V value) { notNullKey(key); return createCommand(GETSET, new ValueOutput<K, V>(codec), key, value); } public Command<K, V, Long> hdel(K key, K... fields) { notNullKey(key); LettuceAssert.notNull(fields, "Fields " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); LettuceAssert.notEmpty(fields, "Fields " + MUST_NOT_BE_EMPTY); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key).addKeys(fields); return createCommand(HDEL, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Boolean> hexists(K key, K field) { notNullKey(key); LettuceAssert.notNull(field, "Field " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key).addKey(field); return createCommand(HEXISTS, new BooleanOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, V> hget(K key, K field) { notNullKey(key); LettuceAssert.notNull(field, "Field " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key).addKey(field); return createCommand(HGET, new ValueOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> hincrby(K key, K field, long amount) { notNullKey(key); LettuceAssert.notNull(field, "Field " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key).addKey(field).add(amount); return createCommand(HINCRBY, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Double> hincrbyfloat(K key, K field, double amount) { notNullKey(key); LettuceAssert.notNull(field, "Field " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key).addKey(field).add(amount); return createCommand(HINCRBYFLOAT, new DoubleOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Map<K, V>> hgetall(K key) { notNullKey(key); return createCommand(HGETALL, new MapOutput<K, V>(codec), key); } public Command<K, V, Long> hgetall(KeyValueStreamingChannel<K, V> channel, K key) { notNullKey(key); notNull(channel); return createCommand(HGETALL, new KeyValueStreamingOutput<K, V>(codec, channel), key); } public Command<K, V, List<K>> hkeys(K key) { notNullKey(key); return createCommand(HKEYS, new KeyListOutput<K, V>(codec), key); } public Command<K, V, Long> hkeys(KeyStreamingChannel<K> channel, K key) { notNullKey(key); notNull(channel); return createCommand(HKEYS, new KeyStreamingOutput<K, V>(codec, channel), key); } public Command<K, V, Long> hlen(K key) { notNullKey(key); return createCommand(HLEN, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), key); } public Command<K, V, Long> hstrlen(K key, K field) { notNullKey(key); LettuceAssert.notNull(field, "Field " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key).addKey(field); return createCommand(HSTRLEN, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, List<V>> hmget(K key, K... fields) { notNullKey(key); LettuceAssert.notNull(fields, "Fields " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); LettuceAssert.notEmpty(fields, "Fields " + MUST_NOT_BE_EMPTY); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key).addKeys(fields); return createCommand(HMGET, new ValueListOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> hmget(ValueStreamingChannel<V> channel, K key, K... fields) { notNullKey(key); LettuceAssert.notNull(fields, "Fields " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); LettuceAssert.notEmpty(fields, "Fields " + MUST_NOT_BE_EMPTY); notNull(channel); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key).addKeys(fields); return createCommand(HMGET, new ValueStreamingOutput<K, V>(codec, channel), args); } public Command<K, V, String> hmset(K key, Map<K, V> map) { notNullKey(key); LettuceAssert.notNull(map, "Map " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); LettuceAssert.isTrue(!map.isEmpty(), "Map " + MUST_NOT_BE_EMPTY); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key).add(map); return createCommand(HMSET, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Boolean> hset(K key, K field, V value) { notNullKey(key); LettuceAssert.notNull(field, "Field " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key).addKey(field).addValue(value); return createCommand(HSET, new BooleanOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Boolean> hsetnx(K key, K field, V value) { notNullKey(key); LettuceAssert.notNull(field, "Field " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key).addKey(field).addValue(value); return createCommand(HSETNX, new BooleanOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, List<V>> hvals(K key) { notNullKey(key); return createCommand(HVALS, new ValueListOutput<K, V>(codec), key); } public Command<K, V, Long> hvals(ValueStreamingChannel<V> channel, K key) { notNullKey(key); notNull(channel); return createCommand(HVALS, new ValueStreamingOutput<K, V>(codec, channel), key); } public Command<K, V, Long> incr(K key) { notNullKey(key); return createCommand(INCR, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), key); } public Command<K, V, Long> incrby(K key, long amount) { notNullKey(key); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key).add(amount); return createCommand(INCRBY, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Double> incrbyfloat(K key, double amount) { notNullKey(key); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key).add(amount); return createCommand(INCRBYFLOAT, new DoubleOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, String> info() { return createCommand(INFO, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec)); } public Command<K, V, String> info(String section) { LettuceAssert.notNull(section, "Section " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).add(section); return createCommand(INFO, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, List<K>> keys(K pattern) { LettuceAssert.notNull(pattern, "Pattern " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); return createCommand(KEYS, new KeyListOutput<K, V>(codec), pattern); } public Command<K, V, Long> keys(KeyStreamingChannel<K> channel, K pattern) { LettuceAssert.notNull(pattern, "Pattern " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); notNull(channel); return createCommand(KEYS, new KeyStreamingOutput<K, V>(codec, channel), pattern); } public Command<K, V, Date> lastsave() { return createCommand(LASTSAVE, new DateOutput<K, V>(codec)); } public Command<K, V, V> lindex(K key, long index) { notNullKey(key); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key).add(index); return createCommand(LINDEX, new ValueOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> linsert(K key, boolean before, V pivot, V value) { notNullKey(key); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec); args.addKey(key).add(before ? BEFORE : AFTER).addValue(pivot).addValue(value); return createCommand(LINSERT, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> llen(K key) { notNullKey(key); return createCommand(LLEN, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), key); } public Command<K, V, V> lpop(K key) { notNullKey(key); return createCommand(LPOP, new ValueOutput<K, V>(codec), key); } public Command<K, V, Long> lpush(K key, V... values) { notNullKey(key); notEmptyValues(values); return createCommand(LPUSH, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), key, values); } public Command<K, V, Long> lpushx(K key, V... values) { notNullKey(key); notEmptyValues(values); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key).addValues(values); return createCommand(LPUSHX, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, List<V>> lrange(K key, long start, long stop) { notNullKey(key); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key).add(start).add(stop); return createCommand(LRANGE, new ValueListOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> lrange(ValueStreamingChannel<V> channel, K key, long start, long stop) { notNullKey(key); notNull(channel); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key).add(start).add(stop); return createCommand(LRANGE, new ValueStreamingOutput<K, V>(codec, channel), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> lrem(K key, long count, V value) { notNullKey(key); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key).add(count).addValue(value); return createCommand(LREM, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, String> lset(K key, long index, V value) { notNullKey(key); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key).add(index).addValue(value); return createCommand(LSET, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, String> ltrim(K key, long start, long stop) { notNullKey(key); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key).add(start).add(stop); return createCommand(LTRIM, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, String> migrate(String host, int port, K key, int db, long timeout) { LettuceAssert.notNull(host, "Host " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); LettuceAssert.notEmpty(host, "Host " + MUST_NOT_BE_EMPTY); notNullKey(key); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec); args.add(host).add(port).addKey(key).add(db).add(timeout); return createCommand(MIGRATE, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, String> migrate(String host, int port, int db, long timeout, MigrateArgs<K> migrateArgs) { LettuceAssert.notNull(host, "Host " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); LettuceAssert.notEmpty(host, "Host " + MUST_NOT_BE_EMPTY); LettuceAssert.notNull(migrateArgs, "migrateArgs " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec); args.add(host).add(port); if (migrateArgs.keys.size() == 1) { args.addKey(migrateArgs.keys.get(0)); } else { args.add(""); } args.add(db).add(timeout);; return createCommand(MIGRATE, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, List<V>> mget(K... keys) { notEmpty(keys); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKeys(keys); return createCommand(MGET, new ValueListOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, List<V>> mget(Iterable<K> keys) { LettuceAssert.notNull(keys, "Keys " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKeys(keys); return createCommand(MGET, new ValueListOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> mget(ValueStreamingChannel<V> channel, K... keys) { notEmpty(keys); notNull(channel); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKeys(keys); return createCommand(MGET, new ValueStreamingOutput<K, V>(codec, channel), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> mget(ValueStreamingChannel<V> channel, Iterable<K> keys) { LettuceAssert.notNull(keys, "Keys " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); notNull(channel); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKeys(keys); return createCommand(MGET, new ValueStreamingOutput<K, V>(codec, channel), args); } public Command<K, V, Boolean> move(K key, int db) { notNullKey(key); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key).add(db); return createCommand(MOVE, new BooleanOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, String> multi() { return createCommand(MULTI, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec)); } public Command<K, V, String> mset(Map<K, V> map) { LettuceAssert.notNull(map, "Map " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); LettuceAssert.isTrue(!map.isEmpty(), "Map " + MUST_NOT_BE_EMPTY); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).add(map); return createCommand(MSET, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Boolean> msetnx(Map<K, V> map) { LettuceAssert.notNull(map, "Map " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); LettuceAssert.isTrue(!map.isEmpty(), "Map " + MUST_NOT_BE_EMPTY); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).add(map); return createCommand(MSETNX, new BooleanOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, String> objectEncoding(K key) { notNullKey(key); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).add(ENCODING).addKey(key); return createCommand(OBJECT, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> objectIdletime(K key) { notNullKey(key); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).add(IDLETIME).addKey(key); return createCommand(OBJECT, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> objectRefcount(K key) { notNullKey(key); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).add(REFCOUNT).addKey(key); return createCommand(OBJECT, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Boolean> persist(K key) { notNullKey(key); return createCommand(PERSIST, new BooleanOutput<K, V>(codec), key); } public Command<K, V, Boolean> pexpire(K key, long milliseconds) { notNullKey(key); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key).add(milliseconds); return createCommand(PEXPIRE, new BooleanOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Boolean> pexpireat(K key, long timestamp) { notNullKey(key); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key).add(timestamp); return createCommand(PEXPIREAT, new BooleanOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, String> ping() { return createCommand(PING, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec)); } public Command<K, V, String> readOnly() { return createCommand(READONLY, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec)); } public Command<K, V, String> readWrite() { return createCommand(READWRITE, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec)); } public Command<K, V, Long> pttl(K key) { notNullKey(key); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key); return createCommand(PTTL, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> publish(K channel, V message) { LettuceAssert.notNull(channel, "Channel " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(channel).addValue(message); return createCommand(PUBLISH, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, List<K>> pubsubChannels() { CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).add(CHANNELS); return createCommand(PUBSUB, new KeyListOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, List<K>> pubsubChannels(K pattern) { LettuceAssert.notNull(pattern, "Pattern " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).add(CHANNELS).addKey(pattern); return createCommand(PUBSUB, new KeyListOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) public Command<K, V, Map<K, Long>> pubsubNumsub(K... pattern) { LettuceAssert.notNull(pattern, "Pattern " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); LettuceAssert.notEmpty(pattern, "Pattern " + MUST_NOT_BE_EMPTY); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).add(NUMSUB).addKeys(pattern); return createCommand(PUBSUB, (MapOutput) new MapOutput<K, Long>((RedisCodec) codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> pubsubNumpat() { CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).add(NUMPAT); return createCommand(PUBSUB, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, String> quit() { return createCommand(QUIT, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec)); } public Command<K, V, V> randomkey() { return createCommand(RANDOMKEY, new ValueOutput<K, V>(codec)); } public Command<K, V, List<Object>> role() { return createCommand(ROLE, new ArrayOutput<K, V>(codec)); } public Command<K, V, String> rename(K key, K newKey) { notNullKey(key); LettuceAssert.notNull(newKey, "NewKey " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key).addKey(newKey); return createCommand(RENAME, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Boolean> renamenx(K key, K newKey) { notNullKey(key); LettuceAssert.notNull(newKey, "NewKey " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key).addKey(newKey); return createCommand(RENAMENX, new BooleanOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, String> restore(K key, long ttl, byte[] value) { notNullKey(key); LettuceAssert.notNull(value, "Value " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key).add(ttl).add(value); return createCommand(RESTORE, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, V> rpop(K key) { notNullKey(key); return createCommand(RPOP, new ValueOutput<K, V>(codec), key); } public Command<K, V, V> rpoplpush(K source, K destination) { LettuceAssert.notNull(source, "Source " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); LettuceAssert.notNull(destination, "Destination " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(source).addKey(destination); return createCommand(RPOPLPUSH, new ValueOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> rpush(K key, V... values) { notNullKey(key); notEmptyValues(values); return createCommand(RPUSH, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), key, values); } public Command<K, V, Long> rpushx(K key, V... values) { notNullKey(key); notEmptyValues(values); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key).addValues(values); return createCommand(RPUSHX, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> sadd(K key, V... members) { notNullKey(key); LettuceAssert.notNull(members, "Members " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); LettuceAssert.notEmpty(members, "Members " + MUST_NOT_BE_EMPTY); return createCommand(SADD, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), key, members); } public Command<K, V, String> save() { return createCommand(SAVE, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec)); } public Command<K, V, Long> scard(K key) { notNullKey(key); return createCommand(SCARD, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), key); } public Command<K, V, List<Boolean>> scriptExists(String... digests) { LettuceAssert.notNull(digests, "Digests " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); LettuceAssert.notEmpty(digests, "Digests " + MUST_NOT_BE_EMPTY); LettuceAssert.noNullElements(digests, "Digests " + MUST_NOT_CONTAIN_NULL_ELEMENTS); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).add(EXISTS); for (String sha : digests) { args.add(sha); } return createCommand(SCRIPT, new BooleanListOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, String> scriptFlush() { CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).add(FLUSH); return createCommand(SCRIPT, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, String> scriptKill() { CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).add(KILL); return createCommand(SCRIPT, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, String> scriptLoad(V script) { LettuceAssert.notNull(script, "Script " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).add(LOAD).addValue(script); return createCommand(SCRIPT, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Set<V>> sdiff(K... keys) { notEmpty(keys); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKeys(keys); return createCommand(SDIFF, new ValueSetOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> sdiff(ValueStreamingChannel<V> channel, K... keys) { notEmpty(keys); notNull(channel); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKeys(keys); return createCommand(SDIFF, new ValueStreamingOutput<K, V>(codec, channel), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> sdiffstore(K destination, K... keys) { notEmpty(keys); LettuceAssert.notNull(destination, "Destination " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(destination).addKeys(keys); return createCommand(SDIFFSTORE, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, String> select(int db) { CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).add(db); return createCommand(SELECT, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, String> set(K key, V value) { notNullKey(key); return createCommand(SET, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec), key, value); } public Command<K, V, String> set(K key, V value, SetArgs setArgs) { notNullKey(key); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key).addValue(value);; return createCommand(SET, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> setbit(K key, long offset, int value) { notNullKey(key); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key).add(offset).add(value); return createCommand(SETBIT, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, String> setex(K key, long seconds, V value) { notNullKey(key); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key).add(seconds).addValue(value); return createCommand(SETEX, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, String> psetex(K key, long milliseconds, V value) { notNullKey(key); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key).add(milliseconds).addValue(value); return createCommand(PSETEX, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Boolean> setnx(K key, V value) { notNullKey(key); return createCommand(SETNX, new BooleanOutput<K, V>(codec), key, value); } public Command<K, V, Long> setrange(K key, long offset, V value) { notNullKey(key); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key).add(offset).addValue(value); return createCommand(SETRANGE, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } @Deprecated public Command<K, V, String> shutdown() { return createCommand(SHUTDOWN, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec)); } public Command<K, V, String> shutdown(boolean save) { CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec); return createCommand(SHUTDOWN, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec), save ? args.add(SAVE) : args.add(NOSAVE)); } public Command<K, V, Set<V>> sinter(K... keys) { notEmpty(keys); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKeys(keys); return createCommand(SINTER, new ValueSetOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> sinter(ValueStreamingChannel<V> channel, K... keys) { notEmpty(keys); notNull(channel); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKeys(keys); return createCommand(SINTER, new ValueStreamingOutput<K, V>(codec, channel), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> sinterstore(K destination, K... keys) { LettuceAssert.notNull(destination, "Destination " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); notEmpty(keys); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(destination).addKeys(keys); return createCommand(SINTERSTORE, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Boolean> sismember(K key, V member) { notNullKey(key); return createCommand(SISMEMBER, new BooleanOutput<K, V>(codec), key, member); } public Command<K, V, Boolean> smove(K source, K destination, V member) { LettuceAssert.notNull(source, "Source " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); LettuceAssert.notNull(destination, "Destination " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(source).addKey(destination).addValue(member); return createCommand(SMOVE, new BooleanOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, String> slaveof(String host, int port) { LettuceAssert.notNull(host, "Host " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); LettuceAssert.notEmpty(host, "Host " + MUST_NOT_BE_EMPTY); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).add(host).add(port); return createCommand(SLAVEOF, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, String> slaveofNoOne() { CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).add(NO).add(ONE); return createCommand(SLAVEOF, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, List<Object>> slowlogGet() { CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).add(GET); return createCommand(SLOWLOG, new NestedMultiOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, List<Object>> slowlogGet(int count) { CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).add(GET).add(count); return createCommand(SLOWLOG, new NestedMultiOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> slowlogLen() { CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).add(LEN); return createCommand(SLOWLOG, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, String> slowlogReset() { CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).add(RESET); return createCommand(SLOWLOG, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Set<V>> smembers(K key) { notNullKey(key); return createCommand(SMEMBERS, new ValueSetOutput<K, V>(codec), key); } public Command<K, V, Long> smembers(ValueStreamingChannel<V> channel, K key) { notNullKey(key); notNull(channel); return createCommand(SMEMBERS, new ValueStreamingOutput<K, V>(codec, channel), key); } public Command<K, V, List<V>> sort(K key) { notNullKey(key); return createCommand(SORT, new ValueListOutput<K, V>(codec), key); } public Command<K, V, List<V>> sort(K key, SortArgs sortArgs) { notNullKey(key); LettuceAssert.notNull(sortArgs, "SortArgs " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key);, null); return createCommand(SORT, new ValueListOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> sort(ValueStreamingChannel<V> channel, K key) { notNullKey(key); notNull(channel); return createCommand(SORT, new ValueStreamingOutput<K, V>(codec, channel), key); } public Command<K, V, Long> sort(ValueStreamingChannel<V> channel, K key, SortArgs sortArgs) { notNullKey(key); notNull(channel); LettuceAssert.notNull(sortArgs, "SortArgs " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key);, null); return createCommand(SORT, new ValueStreamingOutput<K, V>(codec, channel), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> sortStore(K key, SortArgs sortArgs, K destination) { notNullKey(key); LettuceAssert.notNull(destination, "Destination " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); LettuceAssert.notNull(sortArgs, "SortArgs " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key);, destination); return createCommand(SORT, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, V> spop(K key) { notNullKey(key); return createCommand(SPOP, new ValueOutput<K, V>(codec), key); } public Command<K, V, Set<V>> spop(K key, long count) { notNullKey(key); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key).add(count); return createCommand(SPOP, new ValueSetOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, V> srandmember(K key) { notNullKey(key); return createCommand(SRANDMEMBER, new ValueOutput<K, V>(codec), key); } public Command<K, V, List<V>> srandmember(K key, long count) { notNullKey(key); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key).add(count); return createCommand(SRANDMEMBER, new ValueListOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> srandmember(ValueStreamingChannel<V> channel, K key, long count) { notNullKey(key); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key).add(count); return createCommand(SRANDMEMBER, new ValueStreamingOutput<K, V>(codec, channel), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> srem(K key, V... members) { notNullKey(key); LettuceAssert.notNull(members, "Members " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); LettuceAssert.notEmpty(members, "Members " + MUST_NOT_BE_EMPTY); return createCommand(SREM, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), key, members); } public Command<K, V, Set<V>> sunion(K... keys) { notEmpty(keys); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKeys(keys); return createCommand(SUNION, new ValueSetOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> sunion(ValueStreamingChannel<V> channel, K... keys) { notEmpty(keys); notNull(channel); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKeys(keys); return createCommand(SUNION, new ValueStreamingOutput<K, V>(codec, channel), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> sunionstore(K destination, K... keys) { LettuceAssert.notNull(destination, "Destination " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); notEmpty(keys); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(destination).addKeys(keys); return createCommand(SUNIONSTORE, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, String> sync() { return createCommand(SYNC, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec)); } public Command<K, V, Long> strlen(K key) { notNullKey(key); return createCommand(STRLEN, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), key); } public Command<K, V, Long> touch(K... keys) { notEmpty(keys); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKeys(keys); return createCommand(TOUCH, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> touch(Iterable<K> keys) { LettuceAssert.notNull(keys, "Keys " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKeys(keys); return createCommand(TOUCH, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> ttl(K key) { notNullKey(key); return createCommand(TTL, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), key); } public Command<K, V, String> type(K key) { notNullKey(key); return createCommand(TYPE, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec), key); } public Command<K, V, String> watch(K... keys) { notEmpty(keys); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKeys(keys); return createCommand(WATCH, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> wait(int replicas, long timeout) { CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).add(replicas).add(timeout); return createCommand(WAIT, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, String> unwatch() { return createCommand(UNWATCH, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec)); } public Command<K, V, Long> zadd(K key, ZAddArgs zAddArgs, double score, V member) { notNullKey(key); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key); if (zAddArgs != null) {; } args.add(score).addValue(member); return createCommand(ZADD, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Double> zaddincr(K key, ZAddArgs zAddArgs, double score, V member) { notNullKey(key); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key); if (zAddArgs != null) {; } args.add(INCR); args.add(score).addValue(member); return createCommand(ZADD, new DoubleOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Command<K, V, Long> zadd(K key, ZAddArgs zAddArgs, Object... scoresAndValues) { notNullKey(key); LettuceAssert.notNull(scoresAndValues, "ScoresAndValues " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); LettuceAssert.notEmpty(scoresAndValues, "ScoresAndValues " + MUST_NOT_BE_EMPTY); LettuceAssert.noNullElements(scoresAndValues, "ScoresAndValues " + MUST_NOT_CONTAIN_NULL_ELEMENTS); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key); if (zAddArgs != null) {; } if (allElementsInstanceOf(scoresAndValues, ScoredValue.class)) { for (Object o : scoresAndValues) { ScoredValue<V> scoredValue = (ScoredValue<V>) o; args.add(scoredValue.score); args.addValue(scoredValue.value); } } else { LettuceAssert.isTrue(scoresAndValues.length % 2 == 0, "ScoresAndValues.length must be a multiple of 2 and contain a " + "sequence of score1, value1, score2, value2, scoreN,valueN"); for (int i = 0; i < scoresAndValues.length; i += 2) { args.add((Double) scoresAndValues[i]); args.addValue((V) scoresAndValues[i + 1]); } } return createCommand(ZADD, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } private boolean allElementsInstanceOf(Object[] objects, Class<?> expectedAssignableType) { for (Object object : objects) { if (!expectedAssignableType.isAssignableFrom(object.getClass())) { return false; } } return true; } public Command<K, V, Long> zcard(K key) { notNullKey(key); return createCommand(ZCARD, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), key); } public Command<K, V, Long> zcount(K key, double min, double max) { return zcount(key, string(min), string(max)); } public Command<K, V, Long> zcount(K key, String min, String max) { notNullKey(key); notNullMinMax(min, max); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key).add(min).add(max); return createCommand(ZCOUNT, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> zcount(K key, Range<? extends Number> range) { notNullKey(key); notNullRange(range); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key).add(min(range)).add(max(range)); return createCommand(ZCOUNT, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Double> zincrby(K key, double amount, K member) { notNullKey(key); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key).add(amount).addKey(member); return createCommand(ZINCRBY, new DoubleOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> zinterstore(K destination, K... keys) { notEmpty(keys); return zinterstore(destination, new ZStoreArgs(), keys); } public Command<K, V, Long> zinterstore(K destination, ZStoreArgs storeArgs, K... keys) { LettuceAssert.notNull(destination, "Destination " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); LettuceAssert.notNull(storeArgs, "ZStoreArgs " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); notEmpty(keys); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(destination).add(keys.length).addKeys(keys);; return createCommand(ZINTERSTORE, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, List<V>> zrange(K key, long start, long stop) { notNullKey(key); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key).add(start).add(stop); return createCommand(ZRANGE, new ValueListOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, List<ScoredValue<V>>> zrangeWithScores(K key, long start, long stop) { notNullKey(key); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec); args.addKey(key).add(start).add(stop).add(WITHSCORES); return createCommand(ZRANGE, new ScoredValueListOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, List<V>> zrangebyscore(K key, double min, double max) { return zrangebyscore(key, string(min), string(max)); } public Command<K, V, List<V>> zrangebyscore(K key, String min, String max) { notNullKey(key); notNullMinMax(min, max); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key).add(min).add(max); return createCommand(ZRANGEBYSCORE, new ValueListOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, List<V>> zrangebyscore(K key, double min, double max, long offset, long count) { return zrangebyscore(key, string(min), string(max), offset, count); } public Command<K, V, List<V>> zrangebyscore(K key, String min, String max, long offset, long count) { notNullKey(key); notNullMinMax(min, max); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec); args.addKey(key).add(min).add(max).add(LIMIT).add(offset).add(count); return createCommand(ZRANGEBYSCORE, new ValueListOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, List<V>> zrangebyscore(K key, Range<? extends Number> range, Limit limit) { notNullKey(key); notNullRange(range); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec); args.addKey(key).add(min(range)).add(max(range)); if (limit.isLimited()) { args.add(LIMIT).add(limit.getOffset()).add(limit.getCount()); } return createCommand(ZRANGEBYSCORE, new ValueListOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, List<ScoredValue<V>>> zrangebyscoreWithScores(K key, double min, double max) { return zrangebyscoreWithScores(key, string(min), string(max)); } public Command<K, V, List<ScoredValue<V>>> zrangebyscoreWithScores(K key, String min, String max) { notNullKey(key); notNullMinMax(min, max); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec); args.addKey(key).add(min).add(max).add(WITHSCORES); return createCommand(ZRANGEBYSCORE, new ScoredValueListOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, List<ScoredValue<V>>> zrangebyscoreWithScores(K key, double min, double max, long offset, long count) { return zrangebyscoreWithScores(key, string(min), string(max), offset, count); } public Command<K, V, List<ScoredValue<V>>> zrangebyscoreWithScores(K key, String min, String max, long offset, long count) { notNullKey(key); notNullMinMax(min, max); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec); addLimit(args.addKey(key).add(min).add(max).add(WITHSCORES), Limit.create(offset, count)); return createCommand(ZRANGEBYSCORE, new ScoredValueListOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, List<ScoredValue<V>>> zrangebyscoreWithScores(K key, Range<? extends Number> range, Limit limit) { notNullKey(key); notNullRange(range); notNullLimit(limit); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec); addLimit(args.addKey(key).add(min(range)).add(max(range)).add(WITHSCORES), limit); return createCommand(ZRANGEBYSCORE, new ScoredValueListOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> zrange(ValueStreamingChannel<V> channel, K key, long start, long stop) { CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key).add(start).add(stop); return createCommand(ZRANGE, new ValueStreamingOutput<K, V>(codec, channel), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> zrangeWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V> channel, K key, long start, long stop) { notNullKey(key); notNull(channel); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec); args.addKey(key).add(start).add(stop).add(WITHSCORES); return createCommand(ZRANGE, new ScoredValueStreamingOutput<K, V>(codec, channel), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> zrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V> channel, K key, double min, double max) { return zrangebyscore(channel, key, string(min), string(max)); } public Command<K, V, Long> zrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V> channel, K key, String min, String max) { notNullKey(key); notNullMinMax(min, max); LettuceAssert.notNull(channel, "ScoredValueStreamingChannel " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key).add(min).add(max); return createCommand(ZRANGEBYSCORE, new ValueStreamingOutput<K, V>(codec, channel), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> zrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V> channel, K key, double min, double max, long offset, long count) { return zrangebyscore(channel, key, string(min), string(max), offset, count); } public Command<K, V, Long> zrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V> channel, K key, String min, String max, long offset, long count) { notNullKey(key); notNullMinMax(min, max); LettuceAssert.notNull(channel, "ScoredValueStreamingChannel " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec); addLimit(args.addKey(key).add(min).add(max), Limit.create(offset, count)); return createCommand(ZRANGEBYSCORE, new ValueStreamingOutput<K, V>(codec, channel), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> zrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V> channel, K key, Range<? extends Number> range, Limit limit) { notNullKey(key); notNullRange(range); notNullLimit(limit); LettuceAssert.notNull(channel, "ScoredValueStreamingChannel " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec); addLimit(args.addKey(key).add(min(range)).add(max(range)), limit); return createCommand(ZRANGEBYSCORE, new ValueStreamingOutput<K, V>(codec, channel), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> zrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V> channel, K key, double min, double max) { return zrangebyscoreWithScores(channel, key, string(min), string(max)); } public Command<K, V, Long> zrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V> channel, K key, String min, String max) { notNullKey(key); notNullMinMax(min, max); notNull(channel); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec); args.addKey(key).add(min).add(max).add(WITHSCORES); return createCommand(ZRANGEBYSCORE, new ScoredValueStreamingOutput<K, V>(codec, channel), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> zrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V> channel, K key, double min, double max, long offset, long count) { return zrangebyscoreWithScores(channel, key, string(min), string(max), offset, count); } public Command<K, V, Long> zrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V> channel, K key, String min, String max, long offset, long count) { notNullKey(key); notNullMinMax(min, max); notNull(channel); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec); addLimit(args.addKey(key).add(min).add(max).add(WITHSCORES), Limit.create(offset, count)); return createCommand(ZRANGEBYSCORE, new ScoredValueStreamingOutput<K, V>(codec, channel), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> zrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V> channel, K key, Range<? extends Number> range, Limit limit) { notNullKey(key); notNullRange(range); notNullLimit(limit); notNull(channel); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec); addLimit(args.addKey(key).add(min(range)).add(max(range)).add(WITHSCORES), limit); return createCommand(ZRANGEBYSCORE, new ScoredValueStreamingOutput<K, V>(codec, channel), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> zrank(K key, V member) { notNullKey(key); return createCommand(ZRANK, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), key, member); } public Command<K, V, Long> zrem(K key, V... members) { notNullKey(key); LettuceAssert.notNull(members, "Members " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); LettuceAssert.notEmpty(members, "Members " + MUST_NOT_BE_EMPTY); return createCommand(ZREM, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), key, members); } public Command<K, V, Long> zremrangebyrank(K key, long start, long stop) { notNullKey(key); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key).add(start).add(stop); return createCommand(ZREMRANGEBYRANK, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> zremrangebyscore(K key, double min, double max) { return zremrangebyscore(key, string(min), string(max)); } public Command<K, V, Long> zremrangebyscore(K key, String min, String max) { notNullKey(key); notNullMinMax(min, max); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key).add(min).add(max); return createCommand(ZREMRANGEBYSCORE, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> zremrangebyscore(K key, Range<? extends Number> range) { notNullKey(key); notNullRange(range); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key).add(min(range)).add(max(range)); return createCommand(ZREMRANGEBYSCORE, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, List<V>> zrevrange(K key, long start, long stop) { notNullKey(key); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key).add(start).add(stop); return createCommand(ZREVRANGE, new ValueListOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, List<V>> zrevrangebylex(K key, Range<? extends V> range, Limit limit) { notNullKey(key); notNullRange(range); notNullLimit(limit); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec); addLimit(args.addKey(key).add(maxValue(range)).add(minValue(range)), limit); return createCommand(ZREVRANGEBYLEX, new ValueListOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, List<ScoredValue<V>>> zrevrangeWithScores(K key, long start, long stop) { notNullKey(key); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec); args.addKey(key).add(start).add(stop).add(WITHSCORES); return createCommand(ZREVRANGE, new ScoredValueListOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, List<V>> zrevrangebyscore(K key, double max, double min) { return zrevrangebyscore(key, string(max), string(min)); } public Command<K, V, List<V>> zrevrangebyscore(K key, String max, String min) { notNullKey(key); notNullMinMax(min, max); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key).add(max).add(min); return createCommand(ZREVRANGEBYSCORE, new ValueListOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, List<V>> zrevrangebyscore(K key, double max, double min, long offset, long count) { return zrevrangebyscore(key, string(max), string(min), offset, count); } public Command<K, V, List<V>> zrevrangebyscore(K key, String max, String min, long offset, long count) { notNullKey(key); notNullMinMax(min, max); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec); addLimit(args.addKey(key).add(max).add(min), Limit.create(offset, count)); return createCommand(ZREVRANGEBYSCORE, new ValueListOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, List<V>> zrevrangebyscore(K key, Range<? extends Number> range, Limit limit) { notNullKey(key); notNullRange(range); notNullLimit(limit); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec); addLimit(args.addKey(key).add(max(range)).add(min(range)), limit); return createCommand(ZREVRANGEBYSCORE, new ValueListOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, List<ScoredValue<V>>> zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(K key, double max, double min) { return zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(key, string(max), string(min)); } public Command<K, V, List<ScoredValue<V>>> zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(K key, String max, String min) { notNullKey(key); notNullMinMax(min, max); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec); args.addKey(key).add(max).add(min).add(WITHSCORES); return createCommand(ZREVRANGEBYSCORE, new ScoredValueListOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, List<ScoredValue<V>>> zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(K key, double max, double min, long offset, long count) { return zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(key, string(max), string(min), offset, count); } public Command<K, V, List<ScoredValue<V>>> zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(K key, String max, String min, long offset, long count) { notNullKey(key); notNullMinMax(min, max); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec); addLimit(args.addKey(key).add(max).add(min).add(WITHSCORES), Limit.create(offset, count)); return createCommand(ZREVRANGEBYSCORE, new ScoredValueListOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, List<ScoredValue<V>>> zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(K key, Range<? extends Number> range, Limit limit) { notNullKey(key); notNullRange(range); notNullLimit(limit); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec); addLimit(args.addKey(key).add(max(range)).add(min(range)).add(WITHSCORES), limit); return createCommand(ZREVRANGEBYSCORE, new ScoredValueListOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> zrevrange(ValueStreamingChannel<V> channel, K key, long start, long stop) { notNullKey(key); notNull(channel); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key).add(start).add(stop); return createCommand(ZREVRANGE, new ValueStreamingOutput<K, V>(codec, channel), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> zrevrangeWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V> channel, K key, long start, long stop) { notNullKey(key); LettuceAssert.notNull(channel, "ValueStreamingChannel " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec); args.addKey(key).add(start).add(stop).add(WITHSCORES); return createCommand(ZREVRANGE, new ScoredValueStreamingOutput<K, V>(codec, channel), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> zrevrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V> channel, K key, double max, double min) { return zrevrangebyscore(channel, key, string(max), string(min)); } public Command<K, V, Long> zrevrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V> channel, K key, String max, String min) { notNullKey(key); notNullMinMax(min, max); notNull(channel); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key).add(max).add(min); return createCommand(ZREVRANGEBYSCORE, new ValueStreamingOutput<K, V>(codec, channel), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> zrevrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V> channel, K key, double max, double min, long offset, long count) { return zrevrangebyscore(channel, key, string(max), string(min), offset, count); } public Command<K, V, Long> zrevrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V> channel, K key, String max, String min, long offset, long count) { notNullKey(key); notNullMinMax(min, max); notNull(channel); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec); addLimit(args.addKey(key).add(max).add(min), Limit.create(offset, count)); return createCommand(ZREVRANGEBYSCORE, new ValueStreamingOutput<K, V>(codec, channel), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> zrevrangebyscore(ValueStreamingChannel<V> channel, K key, Range<? extends Number> range, Limit limit) { notNullKey(key); notNullRange(range); notNullLimit(limit); notNull(channel); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec); addLimit(args.addKey(key).add(max(range)).add(min(range)), limit); return createCommand(ZREVRANGEBYSCORE, new ValueStreamingOutput<K, V>(codec, channel), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V> channel, K key, double max, double min) { return zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(channel, key, string(max), string(min)); } public Command<K, V, Long> zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V> channel, K key, String max, String min) { notNullKey(key); notNullMinMax(min, max); notNull(channel); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec); args.addKey(key).add(max).add(min).add(WITHSCORES); return createCommand(ZREVRANGEBYSCORE, new ScoredValueStreamingOutput<K, V>(codec, channel), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V> channel, K key, double max, double min, long offset, long count) { notNullKey(key); LettuceAssert.notNull(min, "Min " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); LettuceAssert.notNull(max, "Max " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); notNull(channel); return zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(channel, key, string(max), string(min), offset, count); } public Command<K, V, Long> zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V> channel, K key, String max, String min, long offset, long count) { notNullKey(key); notNullMinMax(min, max); notNull(channel); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec); addLimit(args.addKey(key).add(max).add(min).add(WITHSCORES), Limit.create(offset, count)); return createCommand(ZREVRANGEBYSCORE, new ScoredValueStreamingOutput<K, V>(codec, channel), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> zrevrangebyscoreWithScores(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V> channel, K key, Range<? extends Number> range, Limit limit) { notNullKey(key); notNullRange(range); notNullLimit(limit); notNull(channel); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec); addLimit(args.addKey(key).add(max(range)).add(min(range)).add(WITHSCORES), limit); return createCommand(ZREVRANGEBYSCORE, new ScoredValueStreamingOutput<K, V>(codec, channel), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> zrevrank(K key, V member) { notNullKey(key); return createCommand(ZREVRANK, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), key, member); } public Command<K, V, Double> zscore(K key, V member) { notNullKey(key); return createCommand(ZSCORE, new DoubleOutput<K, V>(codec), key, member); } public Command<K, V, Long> zunionstore(K destination, K... keys) { notEmpty(keys); LettuceAssert.notNull(destination, "Destination " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); return zunionstore(destination, new ZStoreArgs(), keys); } public Command<K, V, Long> zunionstore(K destination, ZStoreArgs storeArgs, K... keys) { notEmpty(keys); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec); args.addKey(destination).add(keys.length).addKeys(keys);; return createCommand(ZUNIONSTORE, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public RedisCommand<K, V, Long> zlexcount(K key, String min, String max) { notNullKey(key); notNullMinMax(min, max); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec); args.addKey(key).add(min).add(max); return createCommand(ZLEXCOUNT, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public RedisCommand<K, V, Long> zlexcount(K key, Range<? extends V> range) { notNullKey(key); notNullRange(range); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec); args.addKey(key).add(minValue(range)).add(maxValue(range)); return createCommand(ZLEXCOUNT, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public RedisCommand<K, V, Long> zremrangebylex(K key, String min, String max) { notNullKey(key); notNullMinMax(min, max); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec); args.addKey(key).add(min).add(max); return createCommand(ZREMRANGEBYLEX, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public RedisCommand<K, V, Long> zremrangebylex(K key, Range<? extends V> range) { notNullKey(key); notNullRange(range); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec); args.addKey(key).add(minValue(range)).add(maxValue(range)); return createCommand(ZREMRANGEBYLEX, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public RedisCommand<K, V, List<V>> zrangebylex(K key, String min, String max) { notNullKey(key); notNullMinMax(min, max); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec); args.addKey(key).add(min).add(max); return createCommand(ZRANGEBYLEX, new ValueListOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public RedisCommand<K, V, List<V>> zrangebylex(K key, String min, String max, long offset, long count) { notNullKey(key); notNullMinMax(min, max); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec); addLimit(args.addKey(key).add(min).add(max), Limit.create(offset, count)); return createCommand(ZRANGEBYLEX, new ValueListOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public RedisCommand<K, V, List<V>> zrangebylex(K key, Range<? extends V> range, Limit limit) { notNullKey(key); notNullRange(range); notNullLimit(limit); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec); addLimit(args.addKey(key).add(minValue(range)).add(maxValue(range)), limit); return createCommand(ZRANGEBYLEX, new ValueListOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, List<V>> time() { CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec); return createCommand(TIME, new ValueListOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, KeyScanCursor<K>> scan() { return scan(ScanCursor.INITIAL, null); } public Command<K, V, KeyScanCursor<K>> scan(ScanCursor scanCursor) { return scan(scanCursor, null); } public Command<K, V, KeyScanCursor<K>> scan(ScanArgs scanArgs) { return scan(ScanCursor.INITIAL, scanArgs); } public Command<K, V, KeyScanCursor<K>> scan(ScanCursor scanCursor, ScanArgs scanArgs) { CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec); scanArgs(scanCursor, scanArgs, args); KeyScanOutput<K, V> output = new KeyScanOutput<K, V>(codec); return createCommand(SCAN, output, args); } protected void scanArgs(ScanCursor scanCursor, ScanArgs scanArgs, CommandArgs<K, V> args) { LettuceAssert.notNull(scanCursor, "ScanCursor " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); LettuceAssert.isTrue(!scanCursor.isFinished(), "ScanCursor must not be finished"); args.add(scanCursor.getCursor()); if (scanArgs != null) {; } } public Command<K, V, StreamScanCursor> scanStreaming(KeyStreamingChannel<K> channel) { notNull(channel); LettuceAssert.notNull(channel, "KeyStreamingChannel " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); return scanStreaming(channel, ScanCursor.INITIAL, null); } public Command<K, V, StreamScanCursor> scanStreaming(KeyStreamingChannel<K> channel, ScanCursor scanCursor) { notNull(channel); LettuceAssert.notNull(channel, "KeyStreamingChannel " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); return scanStreaming(channel, scanCursor, null); } public Command<K, V, StreamScanCursor> scanStreaming(KeyStreamingChannel<K> channel, ScanArgs scanArgs) { notNull(channel); LettuceAssert.notNull(channel, "KeyStreamingChannel " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); return scanStreaming(channel, ScanCursor.INITIAL, scanArgs); } public Command<K, V, StreamScanCursor> scanStreaming(KeyStreamingChannel<K> channel, ScanCursor scanCursor, ScanArgs scanArgs) { notNull(channel); LettuceAssert.notNull(channel, "KeyStreamingChannel " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec); scanArgs(scanCursor, scanArgs, args); KeyScanStreamingOutput<K, V> output = new KeyScanStreamingOutput<K, V>(codec, channel); return createCommand(SCAN, output, args); } public Command<K, V, ValueScanCursor<V>> sscan(K key) { notNullKey(key); return sscan(key, ScanCursor.INITIAL, null); } public Command<K, V, ValueScanCursor<V>> sscan(K key, ScanCursor scanCursor) { notNullKey(key); return sscan(key, scanCursor, null); } public Command<K, V, ValueScanCursor<V>> sscan(K key, ScanArgs scanArgs) { notNullKey(key); return sscan(key, ScanCursor.INITIAL, scanArgs); } public Command<K, V, ValueScanCursor<V>> sscan(K key, ScanCursor scanCursor, ScanArgs scanArgs) { notNullKey(key); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec); args.addKey(key); scanArgs(scanCursor, scanArgs, args); ValueScanOutput<K, V> output = new ValueScanOutput<K, V>(codec); return createCommand(SSCAN, output, args); } public Command<K, V, StreamScanCursor> sscanStreaming(ValueStreamingChannel<V> channel, K key) { notNullKey(key); notNull(channel); return sscanStreaming(channel, key, ScanCursor.INITIAL, null); } public Command<K, V, StreamScanCursor> sscanStreaming(ValueStreamingChannel<V> channel, K key, ScanCursor scanCursor) { notNullKey(key); notNull(channel); return sscanStreaming(channel, key, scanCursor, null); } public Command<K, V, StreamScanCursor> sscanStreaming(ValueStreamingChannel<V> channel, K key, ScanArgs scanArgs) { notNullKey(key); notNull(channel); return sscanStreaming(channel, key, ScanCursor.INITIAL, scanArgs); } public Command<K, V, StreamScanCursor> sscanStreaming(ValueStreamingChannel<V> channel, K key, ScanCursor scanCursor, ScanArgs scanArgs) { notNullKey(key); notNull(channel); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec); args.addKey(key); scanArgs(scanCursor, scanArgs, args); ValueScanStreamingOutput<K, V> output = new ValueScanStreamingOutput<K, V>(codec, channel); return createCommand(SSCAN, output, args); } public Command<K, V, MapScanCursor<K, V>> hscan(K key) { notNullKey(key); return hscan(key, ScanCursor.INITIAL, null); } public Command<K, V, MapScanCursor<K, V>> hscan(K key, ScanCursor scanCursor) { notNullKey(key); return hscan(key, scanCursor, null); } public Command<K, V, MapScanCursor<K, V>> hscan(K key, ScanArgs scanArgs) { notNullKey(key); return hscan(key, ScanCursor.INITIAL, scanArgs); } public Command<K, V, MapScanCursor<K, V>> hscan(K key, ScanCursor scanCursor, ScanArgs scanArgs) { notNullKey(key); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec); args.addKey(key); scanArgs(scanCursor, scanArgs, args); MapScanOutput<K, V> output = new MapScanOutput<K, V>(codec); return createCommand(HSCAN, output, args); } public Command<K, V, StreamScanCursor> hscanStreaming(KeyValueStreamingChannel<K, V> channel, K key) { notNullKey(key); notNull(channel); return hscanStreaming(channel, key, ScanCursor.INITIAL, null); } public Command<K, V, StreamScanCursor> hscanStreaming(KeyValueStreamingChannel<K, V> channel, K key, ScanCursor scanCursor) { notNullKey(key); notNull(channel); return hscanStreaming(channel, key, scanCursor, null); } public Command<K, V, StreamScanCursor> hscanStreaming(KeyValueStreamingChannel<K, V> channel, K key, ScanArgs scanArgs) { notNullKey(key); notNull(channel); return hscanStreaming(channel, key, ScanCursor.INITIAL, scanArgs); } public Command<K, V, StreamScanCursor> hscanStreaming(KeyValueStreamingChannel<K, V> channel, K key, ScanCursor scanCursor, ScanArgs scanArgs) { notNullKey(key); notNull(channel); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec); args.addKey(key); scanArgs(scanCursor, scanArgs, args); KeyValueScanStreamingOutput<K, V> output = new KeyValueScanStreamingOutput<K, V>(codec, channel); return createCommand(HSCAN, output, args); } public Command<K, V, ScoredValueScanCursor<V>> zscan(K key) { notNullKey(key); return zscan(key, ScanCursor.INITIAL, null); } public Command<K, V, ScoredValueScanCursor<V>> zscan(K key, ScanCursor scanCursor) { notNullKey(key); return zscan(key, scanCursor, null); } public Command<K, V, ScoredValueScanCursor<V>> zscan(K key, ScanArgs scanArgs) { notNullKey(key); return zscan(key, ScanCursor.INITIAL, scanArgs); } public Command<K, V, ScoredValueScanCursor<V>> zscan(K key, ScanCursor scanCursor, ScanArgs scanArgs) { notNullKey(key); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec); args.addKey(key); scanArgs(scanCursor, scanArgs, args); ScoredValueScanOutput<K, V> output = new ScoredValueScanOutput<K, V>(codec); return createCommand(ZSCAN, output, args); } public Command<K, V, StreamScanCursor> zscanStreaming(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V> channel, K key) { notNullKey(key); notNull(channel); return zscanStreaming(channel, key, ScanCursor.INITIAL, null); } public Command<K, V, StreamScanCursor> zscanStreaming(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V> channel, K key, ScanCursor scanCursor) { notNullKey(key); notNull(channel); return zscanStreaming(channel, key, scanCursor, null); } public Command<K, V, StreamScanCursor> zscanStreaming(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V> channel, K key, ScanArgs scanArgs) { notNullKey(key); notNull(channel); return zscanStreaming(channel, key, ScanCursor.INITIAL, scanArgs); } public Command<K, V, StreamScanCursor> zscanStreaming(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<V> channel, K key, ScanCursor scanCursor, ScanArgs scanArgs) { notNullKey(key); notNull(channel); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec); args.addKey(key); scanArgs(scanCursor, scanArgs, args); ScoredValueScanStreamingOutput<K, V> output = new ScoredValueScanStreamingOutput<K, V>(codec, channel); return createCommand(ZSCAN, output, args); } public Command<K, V, Long> pfadd(K key, V value, V... moreValues) { notNullKey(key); LettuceAssert.notNull(value, "Value " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); LettuceAssert.notNull(moreValues, "MoreValues " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); LettuceAssert.noNullElements(moreValues, "MoreValues " + MUST_NOT_CONTAIN_NULL_ELEMENTS); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key).addValue(value).addValues(moreValues); return createCommand(PFADD, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> pfadd(K key, V... values) { notNullKey(key); notEmptyValues(values); LettuceAssert.noNullElements(values, "Values " + MUST_NOT_CONTAIN_NULL_ELEMENTS); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key).addValues(values); return createCommand(PFADD, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> pfcount(K key, K... moreKeys) { notNullKey(key); LettuceAssert.notNull(moreKeys, "MoreKeys " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); LettuceAssert.noNullElements(moreKeys, "MoreKeys " + MUST_NOT_CONTAIN_NULL_ELEMENTS); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key).addKeys(moreKeys); return createCommand(PFCOUNT, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> pfcount(K... keys) { notEmpty(keys); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKeys(keys); return createCommand(PFCOUNT, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Command<K, V, String> pfmerge(K destkey, K sourcekey, K... moreSourceKeys) { LettuceAssert.notNull(destkey, "Destkey " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); LettuceAssert.notNull(sourcekey, "Sourcekey " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); LettuceAssert.notNull(moreSourceKeys, "MoreSourceKeys " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); LettuceAssert.noNullElements(moreSourceKeys, "MoreSourceKeys " + MUST_NOT_CONTAIN_NULL_ELEMENTS); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKeys(destkey).addKey(sourcekey).addKeys(moreSourceKeys); return createCommand(PFMERGE, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Command<K, V, String> pfmerge(K destkey, K... sourcekeys) { LettuceAssert.notNull(destkey, "Destkey " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); LettuceAssert.notNull(sourcekeys, "Sourcekeys " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); LettuceAssert.notEmpty(sourcekeys, "Sourcekeys " + MUST_NOT_BE_EMPTY); LettuceAssert.noNullElements(sourcekeys, "Sourcekeys " + MUST_NOT_CONTAIN_NULL_ELEMENTS); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKeys(destkey).addKeys(sourcekeys); return createCommand(PFMERGE, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, String> clusterBumpepoch() { CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).add(BUMPEPOCH); return createCommand(CLUSTER, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, String> clusterMeet(String ip, int port) { LettuceAssert.notNull(ip, "IP " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); LettuceAssert.notEmpty(ip, "IP " + MUST_NOT_BE_EMPTY); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).add(MEET).add(ip).add(port); return createCommand(CLUSTER, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, String> clusterForget(String nodeId) { assertNodeId(nodeId); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).add(FORGET).add(nodeId); return createCommand(CLUSTER, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, String> clusterAddslots(int[] slots) { notEmptySlots(slots); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).add(ADDSLOTS); for (int slot : slots) { args.add(slot); } return createCommand(CLUSTER, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, String> clusterDelslots(int[] slots) { notEmptySlots(slots); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).add(DELSLOTS); for (int slot : slots) { args.add(slot); } return createCommand(CLUSTER, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, String> clusterInfo() { CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).add(INFO); return createCommand(CLUSTER, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, String> clusterMyId() { CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).add(MYID); return createCommand(CLUSTER, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, String> clusterNodes() { CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).add(NODES); return createCommand(CLUSTER, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, List<K>> clusterGetKeysInSlot(int slot, int count) { CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).add(GETKEYSINSLOT).add(slot).add(count); return createCommand(CLUSTER, new KeyListOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> clusterCountKeysInSlot(int slot) { CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).add(COUNTKEYSINSLOT).add(slot); return createCommand(CLUSTER, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> clusterCountFailureReports(String nodeId) { assertNodeId(nodeId); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).add("COUNT-FAILURE-REPORTS").add(nodeId); return createCommand(CLUSTER, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> clusterKeyslot(K key) { CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).add(KEYSLOT).addKey(key); return createCommand(CLUSTER, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, String> clusterSaveconfig() { CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).add(SAVECONFIG); return createCommand(CLUSTER, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, String> clusterSetConfigEpoch(long configEpoch) { CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).add("SET-CONFIG-EPOCH").add(configEpoch); return createCommand(CLUSTER, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, List<Object>> clusterSlots() { CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).add(SLOTS); return createCommand(CLUSTER, new ArrayOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, String> clusterSetSlotNode(int slot, String nodeId) { assertNodeId(nodeId); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).add(SETSLOT).add(slot).add(NODE).add(nodeId); return createCommand(CLUSTER, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, String> clusterSetSlotStable(int slot) { CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).add(SETSLOT).add(slot).add(STABLE); return createCommand(CLUSTER, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, String> clusterSetSlotMigrating(int slot, String nodeId) { assertNodeId(nodeId); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).add(SETSLOT).add(slot).add(MIGRATING).add(nodeId); return createCommand(CLUSTER, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, String> clusterSetSlotImporting(int slot, String nodeId) { assertNodeId(nodeId); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).add(SETSLOT).add(slot).add(IMPORTING).add(nodeId); return createCommand(CLUSTER, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, String> clusterReplicate(String nodeId) { assertNodeId(nodeId); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).add(REPLICATE).add(nodeId); return createCommand(CLUSTER, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, String> asking() { CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec); return createCommand(ASKING, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, String> clusterFlushslots() { CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).add(FLUSHSLOTS); return createCommand(CLUSTER, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, List<String>> clusterSlaves(String nodeId) { assertNodeId(nodeId); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).add(SLAVES).add(nodeId); return createCommand(CLUSTER, new StringListOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, String> clusterFailover(boolean force) { CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).add(FAILOVER); if (force) { args.add(FORCE); } return createCommand(CLUSTER, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, String> clusterReset(boolean hard) { CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).add(RESET); if (hard) { args.add(HARD); } else { args.add(SOFT); } return createCommand(CLUSTER, new StatusOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> geoadd(K key, double longitude, double latitude, V member) { notNullKey(key); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key).add(longitude).add(latitude).addValue(member); return createCommand(GEOADD, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> geoadd(K key, Object[] lngLatMember) { notNullKey(key); LettuceAssert.notNull(lngLatMember, "LngLatMember " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); LettuceAssert.notEmpty(lngLatMember, "LngLatMember " + MUST_NOT_BE_EMPTY); LettuceAssert.noNullElements(lngLatMember, "LngLatMember " + MUST_NOT_CONTAIN_NULL_ELEMENTS); LettuceAssert.isTrue(lngLatMember.length % 3 == 0, "LngLatMember.length must be a multiple of 3 and contain a " + "sequence of longitude1, latitude1, member1, longitude2, latitude2, member2, ... longitudeN, latitudeN, memberN"); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key); for (int i = 0; i < lngLatMember.length; i += 3) { args.add((Double) lngLatMember[i]); args.add((Double) lngLatMember[i + 1]); args.addValue((V) lngLatMember[i + 2]); } return createCommand(GEOADD, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, List<String>> geohash(K key, V... members) { notNullKey(key); LettuceAssert.notNull(members, "Members " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); LettuceAssert.notEmpty(members, "Members " + MUST_NOT_BE_EMPTY); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key).addValues(members); return createCommand(GEOHASH, new StringListOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Set<V>> georadius(K key, double longitude, double latitude, double distance, String unit) { notNullKey(key); LettuceAssert.notNull(unit, "Unit " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); LettuceAssert.notEmpty(unit, "Unit " + MUST_NOT_BE_EMPTY); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key).add(longitude).add(latitude).add(distance).add(unit); return createCommand(GEORADIUS, new ValueSetOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, List<GeoWithin<V>>> georadius(K key, double longitude, double latitude, double distance, String unit, GeoArgs geoArgs) { notNullKey(key); LettuceAssert.notNull(unit, "Unit " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); LettuceAssert.notEmpty(unit, "Unit " + MUST_NOT_BE_EMPTY); LettuceAssert.notNull(geoArgs, "GeoArgs " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key).add(longitude).add(latitude).add(distance).add(unit);; return createCommand(GEORADIUS, new GeoWithinListOutput<K, V>(codec, geoArgs.isWithDistance(), geoArgs.isWithHash(), geoArgs.isWithCoordinates()), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> georadius(K key, double longitude, double latitude, double distance, String unit, GeoRadiusStoreArgs<K> geoRadiusStoreArgs) { notNullKey(key); LettuceAssert.notNull(unit, "Unit " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); LettuceAssert.notEmpty(unit, "Unit " + MUST_NOT_BE_EMPTY); LettuceAssert.notNull(geoRadiusStoreArgs, "GeoRadiusStoreArgs " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); LettuceAssert.isTrue(geoRadiusStoreArgs.getStoreKey() != null || geoRadiusStoreArgs.getStoreDistKey() != null, "At least STORE key or STORDIST key is required"); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key).add(longitude).add(latitude).add(distance).add(unit);; return createCommand(GEORADIUS, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Set<V>> georadiusbymember(K key, V member, double distance, String unit) { notNullKey(key); LettuceAssert.notNull(unit, "Unit " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); LettuceAssert.notEmpty(unit, "Unit " + MUST_NOT_BE_EMPTY); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key).addValue(member).add(distance).add(unit); return createCommand(GEORADIUSBYMEMBER, new ValueSetOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, List<GeoWithin<V>>> georadiusbymember(K key, V member, double distance, String unit, GeoArgs geoArgs) { notNullKey(key); LettuceAssert.notNull(geoArgs, "GeoArgs " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); LettuceAssert.notNull(unit, "Unit " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); LettuceAssert.notEmpty(unit, "Unit " + MUST_NOT_BE_EMPTY); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key).addValue(member).add(distance).add(unit);; return createCommand(GEORADIUSBYMEMBER, new GeoWithinListOutput<K, V>(codec, geoArgs.isWithDistance(), geoArgs.isWithHash(), geoArgs.isWithCoordinates()), args); } public Command<K, V, Long> georadiusbymember(K key, V member, double distance, String unit, GeoRadiusStoreArgs<K> geoRadiusStoreArgs) { notNullKey(key); LettuceAssert.notNull(geoRadiusStoreArgs, "GeoRadiusStoreArgs " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); LettuceAssert.notNull(unit, "Unit " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); LettuceAssert.notEmpty(unit, "Unit " + MUST_NOT_BE_EMPTY); LettuceAssert.isTrue(geoRadiusStoreArgs.getStoreKey() != null || geoRadiusStoreArgs.getStoreDistKey() != null, "At least STORE key or STORDIST key is required"); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key).addValue(member).add(distance).add(unit);; return createCommand(GEORADIUSBYMEMBER, new IntegerOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) public Command<K, V, List<GeoCoordinates>> geopos(K key, V[] members) { notNullKey(key); LettuceAssert.notNull(members, "Members " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); LettuceAssert.notEmpty(members, "Members " + MUST_NOT_BE_EMPTY); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key).addValues(members); return (Command) createCommand(GEOPOS, new GeoCoordinatesListOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public Command<K, V, Double> geodist(K key, V from, V to, GeoArgs.Unit unit) { notNullKey(key); LettuceAssert.notNull(from, "From " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); LettuceAssert.notNull(from, "To " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); CommandArgs<K, V> args = new CommandArgs<K, V>(codec).addKey(key).addValue(from).addValue(to); if (unit != null) { args.add(; } return createCommand(GEODIST, new DoubleOutput<K, V>(codec), args); } public void notNull(ScoredValueStreamingChannel<?> channel) { LettuceAssert.notNull(channel, "ScoredValueStreamingChannel " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); } public void notNull(KeyStreamingChannel<?> channel) { LettuceAssert.notNull(channel, "KeyValueStreamingChannel " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); } public void notNull(ValueStreamingChannel<?> channel) { LettuceAssert.notNull(channel, "ValueStreamingChannel " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); } public void notNull(KeyValueStreamingChannel<?, ?> channel) { LettuceAssert.notNull(channel, "KeyValueStreamingChannel " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); } private void notNullKey(K key) { LettuceAssert.notNull(key, "Key " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); } private void notNullRange(Range<?> range) { LettuceAssert.notNull(range, "Range " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); } private void notNullLimit(Limit limit) { LettuceAssert.notNull(limit, "Limit " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); } public void notNullMinMax(String min, String max) { LettuceAssert.notNull(min, "Min " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); LettuceAssert.notNull(max, "Max " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); } private void notEmpty(K[] keys) { LettuceAssert.notNull(keys, "Keys " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); LettuceAssert.notEmpty(keys, "Keys " + MUST_NOT_BE_EMPTY); } private void notEmptyValues(V[] values) { LettuceAssert.notNull(values, "Values " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); LettuceAssert.notEmpty(values, "Values " + MUST_NOT_BE_EMPTY); } private void assertNodeId(String nodeId) { LettuceAssert.notNull(nodeId, "NodeId " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); LettuceAssert.notEmpty(nodeId, "NodeId " + MUST_NOT_BE_EMPTY); } private void notEmptySlots(int[] slots) { LettuceAssert.notNull(slots, "Slots " + MUST_NOT_BE_NULL); LettuceAssert.notEmpty(slots, "Slots " + MUST_NOT_BE_EMPTY); } private void addLimit(CommandArgs<K, V> args, Limit limit) { if (limit.isLimited()) { args.add(LIMIT).add(limit.getOffset()).add(limit.getCount()); } } private String min(Range<? extends Number> range) { Range.Boundary<? extends Number> lower = range.getLower(); if (lower.getValue() == null || lower.getValue() instanceof Double && lower.getValue().doubleValue() == Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) { return "-inf"; } if (!lower.isIncluding()) { return "(" + lower.getValue(); } return lower.getValue().toString(); } private String max(Range<? extends Number> range) { Range.Boundary<? extends Number> upper = range.getUpper(); if (upper.getValue() == null || upper.getValue() instanceof Double && upper.getValue().doubleValue() == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) { return "+inf"; } if (!upper.isIncluding()) { return "(" + upper.getValue(); } return upper.getValue().toString(); } private byte[] minValue(Range<? extends V> range) { Range.Boundary<? extends V> lower = range.getLower(); if (lower.getValue() == null) { return MINUS_BYTES; } ByteBuffer encoded = codec.encodeValue(lower.getValue()); ByteBuffer allocated = ByteBuffer.allocate(encoded.remaining() + 1); allocated.put(lower.isIncluding() ? (byte) '[' : (byte) '(').put(encoded); return allocated.array(); } private byte[] maxValue(Range<? extends V> range) { Range.Boundary<? extends V> upper = range.getUpper(); if (upper.getValue() == null) { return PLUS_BYTES; } ByteBuffer encoded = codec.encodeValue(upper.getValue()); ByteBuffer allocated = ByteBuffer.allocate(encoded.remaining() + 1); allocated.put(upper.isIncluding() ? (byte) '[' : (byte) '(').put(encoded); return allocated.array(); } }