package com.lambdaworks.redis; import; import; import; import com.lambdaworks.redis.internal.LettuceAssert; import io.netty.handler.ssl.OpenSsl; import io.netty.handler.ssl.SslProvider; /** * Options to configure SSL options for the connections kept to Redis servers. * * @author Mark Paluch * @since 4.3 */ public class SslOptions { public static final SslProvider DEFAULT_SSL_PROVIDER = SslProvider.JDK; private final SslProvider sslProvider; private final URL truststore; private final char[] truststorePassword; protected SslOptions(Builder builder) { this.sslProvider = builder.sslProvider; this.truststore = builder.truststore; this.truststorePassword = builder.truststorePassword; } protected SslOptions(SslOptions original) { this.sslProvider = original.getSslProvider(); this.truststore = original.getTruststore(); this.truststorePassword = original.getTruststorePassword(); } /** * Create a copy of {@literal options} * * @param options the original * @return A new instance of {@link SslOptions} containing the values of {@literal options} */ public static SslOptions copyOf(SslOptions options) { return new SslOptions(options); } /** * Returns a new {@link SslOptions.Builder} to construct {@link SslOptions}. * * @return a new {@link SslOptions.Builder} to construct {@link SslOptions}. */ public static SslOptions.Builder builder() { return new SslOptions.Builder(); } /** * Create a new {@link SslOptions} using default settings. * * @return a new instance of default cluster client client options. */ public static SslOptions create() { return builder().build(); } /** * Builder for {@link SslOptions}. */ public static class Builder { private SslProvider sslProvider = DEFAULT_SSL_PROVIDER; private URL truststore; private char[] truststorePassword = new char[0]; private Builder() { } /** * Use the JDK SSL provider for SSL connections. * * @return {@code this} */ public Builder jdkSslProvider() { return sslProvider(SslProvider.JDK); } /** * Use the OpenSSL provider for SSL connections. The OpenSSL provider requires the * <a href="">{@code netty-tcnative}</a> dependency with the OpenSSL JNI * binary. * * @return {@code this} * @throws IllegalStateException if OpenSSL is not available */ public Builder openSslProvider() { return sslProvider(SslProvider.OPENSSL); } private Builder sslProvider(SslProvider sslProvider) { if (sslProvider == SslProvider.OPENSSL) { if (!OpenSsl.isAvailable()) { throw new IllegalStateException("OpenSSL SSL Provider is not available"); } } this.sslProvider = sslProvider; return this; } /** * Sets the Truststore file to load trusted certificates. The trust store file must be supported by * {@link} which is {@code jks} by default. Truststores are reloaded on each connection attempt * that allows to replace certificates during runtime. * * @param truststore the truststore file, must not be {@literal null}. * @return {@code this} */ public Builder truststore(File truststore) { return truststore(truststore, ""); } /** * Sets the Truststore file to load trusted certificates. The trust store file must be supported by * {@link} which is {@code jks} by default. Truststores are reloaded on each connection attempt * that allows to replace certificates during runtime. * * @param truststore the truststore file, must not be {@literal null}. * @param truststorePassword the truststore password. May be empty to omit password and the truststore integrity check. * @return {@code this} */ public Builder truststore(File truststore, String truststorePassword) { LettuceAssert.notNull(truststore, "Truststore must not be null"); LettuceAssert.isTrue(truststore.exists(), String.format("Truststore file %s does not exist", truststore)); LettuceAssert.isTrue(truststore.isFile(), String.format("Truststore file %s is not a file", truststore)); try { this.truststore = truststore.toURI().toURL(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(e); } if (LettuceStrings.isNotEmpty(truststorePassword)) { this.truststorePassword = truststorePassword.toCharArray(); } else { this.truststorePassword = new char[0]; } return this; } /** * Sets the Truststore resource to load trusted certificates. The trust store file must be supported by * {@link} which is {@code jks} by default. Truststores are reloaded on each connection attempt * that allows to replace certificates during runtime. * * @param truststore the truststore file, must not be {@literal null}. * @return {@code this} */ public Builder truststore(URL truststore) { return truststore(truststore, ""); } /** * Sets the Truststore resource to load trusted certificates. The trust store file must be supported by * {@link} which is {@code jks} by default. Truststores are reloaded on each connection attempt * that allows to replace certificates during runtime. * * @param truststore the truststore file, must not be {@literal null}. * @param truststorePassword the truststore password. May be empty to omit password and the truststore integrity check. * @return {@code this} */ public Builder truststore(URL truststore, String truststorePassword) { LettuceAssert.notNull(truststore, "Truststore must not be null"); this.truststore = truststore; if (LettuceStrings.isNotEmpty(truststorePassword)) { this.truststorePassword = truststorePassword.toCharArray(); } else { this.truststorePassword = new char[0]; } return this; } /** * Create a new instance of {@link SslOptions} * * @return new instance of {@link SslOptions} */ public SslOptions build() { return new SslOptions(this); } } /** * * @return the configured {@link SslProvider}. */ public SslProvider getSslProvider() { return sslProvider; } /** * * @return the truststore {@link URL}. */ public URL getTruststore() { return truststore; } /** * * @return the password for the truststore. May be empty. */ public char[] getTruststorePassword() { return truststorePassword; } }