package com.lambdaworks.redis.cluster; import java.lang.reflect.Proxy; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import java.util.function.Predicate; import com.lambdaworks.redis.RedisCommandInterruptedException; import com.lambdaworks.redis.RedisException; import com.lambdaworks.redis.RedisFuture; import com.lambdaworks.redis.api.StatefulConnection; import com.lambdaworks.redis.api.sync.RedisCommands; import com.lambdaworks.redis.cluster.api.NodeSelectionSupport; import com.lambdaworks.redis.cluster.api.StatefulRedisClusterConnection; import com.lambdaworks.redis.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelection; import com.lambdaworks.redis.cluster.api.sync.NodeSelectionCommands; import com.lambdaworks.redis.cluster.models.partitions.RedisClusterNode; /** * Utility to perform and synchronize command executions on multiple cluster nodes. * * @author Mark Paluch */ class MultiNodeExecution { static <T> T execute(Callable<T> function) { try { return; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RedisException(e); } } /** * Aggregate (sum) results of the {@link RedisFuture}s. * * @param executions mapping of a key to the future * @return future producing an aggregation result */ protected static RedisFuture<Long> aggregateAsync(Map<?, RedisFuture<Long>> executions) { return new PipelinedRedisFuture<>(executions, objectPipelinedRedisFuture -> { AtomicLong result = new AtomicLong(); for (RedisFuture<Long> future : executions.values()) { Long value = execute(() -> future.get()); if (value != null) { result.getAndAdd(value); } } return result.get(); }); } /** * Returns the result of the first {@link RedisFuture} and guarantee that all futures are finished. * * @param executions mapping of a key to the future * @param <T> result type * @return future returning the first result. */ protected static <T> RedisFuture<T> firstOfAsync(Map<?, RedisFuture<T>> executions) { return new PipelinedRedisFuture<>(executions, objectPipelinedRedisFuture -> { // make sure, that all futures are executed before returning the result. for (RedisFuture<T> future : executions.values()) { execute(() -> future.get()); } for (RedisFuture<T> future : executions.values()) { return execute(() -> future.get()); } return null; }); } /** * Returns always {@literal OK} and guarantee that all futures are finished. * * @param executions mapping of a key to the future * @return future returning the first result. */ protected static RedisFuture<String> alwaysOkOfAsync(Map<?, RedisFuture<String>> executions) { return new PipelinedRedisFuture<>(executions, objectPipelinedRedisFuture -> { // make sure, that all futures are executed before returning the result. for (RedisFuture<String> future : executions.values()) { try { future.get(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); throw new RedisCommandInterruptedException(e); } catch (ExecutionException e) { // swallow exceptions } } return "OK"; } ); } }