/* * Copyright (c) 2003-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * * The Sun Project JXTA(TM) Software License * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution, if any, must * include the following acknowledgment: "This product includes software * developed by Sun Microsystems, Inc. for JXTA(TM) technology." * Alternately, this acknowledgment may appear in the software itself, if * and wherever such third-party acknowledgments normally appear. * * 4. The names "Sun", "Sun Microsystems, Inc.", "JXTA" and "Project JXTA" must * not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without prior written permission. For written permission, please contact * Project JXTA at http://www.jxta.org. * * 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "JXTA", nor may * "JXTA" appear in their name, without prior written permission of Sun. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL SUN * MICROSYSTEMS OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, * OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, * EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * JXTA is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United * States and other countries. * * Please see the license information page at : * <http://www.jxta.org/project/www/license.html> for instructions on use of * the license in source files. * * ==================================================================== * * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many individuals * on behalf of Project JXTA. For more information on Project JXTA, please see * http://www.jxta.org. * * This license is based on the BSD license adopted by the Apache Foundation. */ package net.jxta.impl.util.pipe.reliable; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.StringReader; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Random; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import junit.framework.Test; import junit.framework.TestCase; import junit.framework.TestSuite; import junit.textui.TestRunner; import net.jxta.discovery.DiscoveryEvent; import net.jxta.discovery.DiscoveryListener; import net.jxta.discovery.DiscoveryService; import net.jxta.document.Advertisement; import net.jxta.document.AdvertisementFactory; import net.jxta.document.MimeMediaType; import net.jxta.document.StructuredDocumentFactory; import net.jxta.document.XMLDocument; import net.jxta.endpoint.ByteArrayMessageElement; import net.jxta.endpoint.Message; import net.jxta.endpoint.MessageElement; import net.jxta.endpoint.StringMessageElement; import net.jxta.endpoint.Message.ElementIterator; import net.jxta.id.IDFactory; import net.jxta.peergroup.PeerGroup; // import net.jxta.peergroup.PeerGroupFactory; import net.jxta.peergroup.PeerGroupID; import net.jxta.pipe.InputPipe; import net.jxta.pipe.OutputPipe; import net.jxta.pipe.OutputPipeEvent; import net.jxta.pipe.OutputPipeListener; import net.jxta.pipe.PipeID; import net.jxta.pipe.PipeMsgEvent; import net.jxta.pipe.PipeMsgListener; import net.jxta.pipe.PipeService; import net.jxta.protocol.PipeAdvertisement; import net.jxta.rendezvous.RendezVousService; import net.jxta.rendezvous.RendezvousEvent; import net.jxta.rendezvous.RendezvousListener; import org.junit.Ignore; @Ignore("JXTA Configurator & PeerGroupFactory required") public class ReliableTest extends TestCase implements RendezvousListener, DiscoveryListener, PipeMsgListener, OutputPipeListener { private static int MIN_LOAD = 1024; private static int MAX_LOAD = 65536; private static final String MESSAGE_TAG = "reliable.message"; private static final String SENT_AT_TAG = "reliable.sent.at"; private static final String PAYLOAD_TAG = "reliable.payload"; private static final MimeMediaType MIME_BINARY = MimeMediaType.AOS; private static String MSG_PIPE_NAME = "ReliableTestMsgPipe"; private static String ACK_PIPE_NAME = "ReliableTestAckPipe"; private static boolean DEBUG = false; private static boolean ADAPTIVE = false; private static boolean IS_QUIET = false; private static boolean IS_SENDER = false; private static boolean IS_SERVER = false; private static boolean waitRdv = false; private static String PRINCIPAL = "password"; private static String PASSWORD = "password"; private static int DROP_MSG = Integer.MAX_VALUE; private static int BW_LIMIT = Integer.MAX_VALUE; private static int PIPE_LEN = 327680; // 20 packets of 16K private static int LATENCY = 0; private static int DELAY = 200; private static int ITERATIONS = 1000; private Object rdvConnectLock = new Object(); private Random random = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis()); private int nextMessageId = 0; private ArrayList loadElements = null; private int dropMsgCount = 0; private ScheduledExecutorService scheduledExecutor; private ScheduledFuture<?> reliableTestTaskHandle = null; private PeerGroup netPeerGroup = null; private RendezVousService rendezvousService = null; private DiscoveryService discoverySvc = null; private PipeService pipeSvc = null; PipeAdvertisement msgPipeAdv = null; PipeAdvertisement ackPipeAdv = null; OutputPipe outputPipe = null; InputPipe inputPipe = null; OutgoingPipeAdaptorSync outgoing = null; IncomingPipeAdaptor incoming = null; ReliableOutputStream ros = null; ReliableInputStream ris = null; BlockingQueue<Message> bwQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<Message>(Integer.MAX_VALUE); long bwQueueSz = 0; long nextInjectTime = 0; long delayAdj = 0; long roundingLoss = 0; long lostToCongestion = 0; class TimedMsg implements Runnable { long delivDate; public TimedMsg(long date) { delivDate = date; } public void run() { Message msg; synchronized (bwQueue) { msg = (Message) bwQueue.poll(); long msgLen = msg.getByteLength(); bwQueueSz -= msgLen; delayAdj = delivDate - System.currentTimeMillis(); if (ros != null) { ros.recv(msg); } else if (ris != null) { ris.recv(msg); } } } } private void bwQueueMsg(Message msg) { synchronized (bwQueue) { long len = msg.getByteLength(); if (bwQueueSz + len > PIPE_LEN) { lostToCongestion++; if (!IS_QUIET) { System.out.println("\nSimulating congestion"); } return; } bwQueue.offer(msg); bwQueueSz += len; } // Schedule delivery of the message based on bw, layency, and // current messages in the pipe. long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); // The injection or extraction time depends on length and bandwidth long bitsToClock = msg.getByteLength() * 8000 + roundingLoss; long delay = bitsToClock / (BW_LIMIT * 1024); long roundingLoss = bitsToClock % (BW_LIMIT * 1024); // We can inject a message if/after the last byte of the previous one // is done injecting. nextInjectTime = Math.max(nextInjectTime, now) + delay; // At the new nextInjectTime, we have injected the last byte of the // new message. The message is delivered when this last byte arrives. long delivDate = nextInjectTime + LATENCY; long delivDelay = delivDate - now; if (delayAdj >= 10) { delivDelay += 10; delayAdj -= 10; } if (delayAdj <= -10) { delivDelay -= 10; delayAdj += 10; } // A carefully chosen combination of unrealistic parameters can // lead to an attempt at delivering messages in the past. if (delivDelay <= 0) { delivDelay = 1; } // Because we strictly serialize messages. // Their delivery order is the same than their queuing order. So the // timer task only needs to pickup the next message and deliver it. reliableTestTaskHandle = scheduledExecutor.scheduleAtFixedRate(new TimedMsg(delivDate), delivDelay, Long.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } public ReliableTest(String testName) { super(testName); } public static Test suite() { TestSuite suite = new TestSuite(ReliableTest.class); return suite; } @Override protected void setUp() { scheduledExecutor = new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(2); loadElements = new ArrayList(); for (int size = MIN_LOAD; size <= MAX_LOAD; size = size << 1) { byte[] le = new byte[size]; random.nextBytes(le); loadElements.add(le); } System.setProperty("net.jxta.tls.password", PASSWORD); System.setProperty("net.jxta.tls.principal", PRINCIPAL); try { netPeerGroup = null; // PeerGroupFactory.newNetPeerGroup(PeerGroupFactory.newPlatform()); discoverySvc = netPeerGroup.getDiscoveryService(); pipeSvc = netPeerGroup.getPipeService(); rendezvousService = netPeerGroup.getRendezVousService(); rendezvousService.addListener(this); } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); fail("failed to start jxta"); } if (waitRdv) { System.out.print("connecting to rendezvous..."); System.out.flush(); synchronized (rdvConnectLock) { while (!rendezvousService.isConnectedToRendezVous()) { System.out.print("."); System.out.flush(); try { rdvConnectLock.wait(10 * DELAY); } catch (InterruptedException ignore) {} } } System.out.println(" connected"); } } @Override public void tearDown() { if (reliableTestTaskHandle != null) { reliableTestTaskHandle.cancel(false); reliableTestTaskHandle = null; } scheduledExecutor.shutdownNow(); System.exit(0); } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { parse(args); TestRunner.run(suite()); System.err.flush(); System.out.flush(); } public static void parse(String[] args) { for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { if (args[i].equals("-quiet")) { IS_QUIET = true; } else if (args[i].equals("-sender")) { IS_SENDER = true; } else if (args[i].equals("-receiver")) { IS_SENDER = false; } else if (args[i].equals("-server")) { IS_SENDER = false; IS_SERVER = true; } else if (args[i].equals("-waitrdv")) { waitRdv = true; } else if (args[i].equals("-delay") && i + 1 < args.length) { String delayStr = args[++i]; try { DELAY = Integer.parseInt(delayStr); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { System.err.println("Invalid delay: " + delayStr + USAGE); return; } } else if (args[i].equals("-iterations") && i + 1 < args.length) { String iterStr = args[++i]; try { ITERATIONS = Integer.parseInt(iterStr); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { System.err.println("Invalid iterations: " + iterStr + USAGE); return; } } else if (args[i].equals("-drop") && i + 1 < args.length) { String dropStr = args[++i]; try { DROP_MSG = Integer.parseInt(dropStr); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { System.err.println("Invalid drop message: " + dropStr + USAGE); return; } } else if (args[i].equals("-bw") && i + 1 < args.length) { String bwStr = args[++i]; try { BW_LIMIT = Integer.parseInt(bwStr); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { System.err.println("Invalid bw: " + bwStr + USAGE); return; } } else if (args[i].equals("-pl") && i + 1 < args.length) { String plStr = args[++i]; try { PIPE_LEN = Integer.parseInt(plStr); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { System.err.println("Invalid pl: " + plStr + USAGE); return; } } else if (args[i].equals("-lat") && i + 1 < args.length) { String latStr = args[++i]; try { LATENCY = Integer.parseInt(latStr); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { System.err.println("Invalid lat: " + latStr + USAGE); return; } } else if (args[i].equals("-minload") && i + 1 < args.length) { String minlStr = args[++i]; try { MIN_LOAD = Integer.parseInt(minlStr); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { System.err.println("Invalid minload: " + minlStr + USAGE); return; } } else if (args[i].equals("-maxload") && i + 1 < args.length) { String maxlStr = args[++i]; try { MAX_LOAD = Integer.parseInt(maxlStr); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { System.err.println("Invalid maxload: " + maxlStr + USAGE); return; } } else if (args[i].equals("-password") && i + 1 < args.length) { PASSWORD = args[++i]; } else if (args[i].equals("-principal") && i + 1 < args.length) { PRINCIPAL = args[++i]; } else if (args[i].equals("-name") && i + 1 < args.length) { MSG_PIPE_NAME = args[++i] + "MsgPipe"; ACK_PIPE_NAME = args[i] + "AckPipe"; } else if (args[i].equals("-debug")) { DEBUG = true; } else if (args[i].equals("-adapt")) { ADAPTIVE = true; } else if (args[i].equals("-help")) { System.err.println(USAGE); System.err.println(HELP); return; } } System.out.println( (IS_SENDER ? "Sender" : "Receiver") + "\n--------" + "\n quiet: " + IS_QUIET + "\n delay: " + DELAY + "\n iterations: " + ITERATIONS + "\n drop: " + DROP_MSG + "\n bw: " + BW_LIMIT + "\n pl: " + PIPE_LEN + "\n latency: " + LATENCY + "\n min load: " + MIN_LOAD + "\n max load: " + MAX_LOAD + "\n adaptive: " + ADAPTIVE + "\n debug: " + DEBUG); } public void rendezvousEvent(RendezvousEvent event) { synchronized (rdvConnectLock) { rdvConnectLock.notifyAll(); } } public void test() { if (IS_SENDER) { doSender(); longPause(); longPause(); doSender(); } else { do { doReceiver(); } while (IS_SERVER); } } private PipeAdvertisement createPipeAdv(String pipeName) { PipeAdvertisement padv = (PipeAdvertisement) AdvertisementFactory.newAdvertisement(PipeAdvertisement.getAdvertisementType()); String pipeType = PipeService.UnicastType; String composite = pipeName + pipeType; byte[] seed = Integer.toHexString(composite.hashCode()).getBytes(); PeerGroupID pgID = netPeerGroup.getPeerGroupID(); PipeID pipeId = IDFactory.newPipeID(pgID, seed); padv.setName(pipeName); padv.setPipeID(pipeId); padv.setType(pipeType); return padv; } private void pause() { synchronized (this) { try { wait(DELAY); } catch (InterruptedException e) {} } } private void longPause() { try { synchronized (this) { wait(10 * DELAY); } } catch (InterruptedException e) {} } private void doSender() { try { int sequence = 0; // Create the ros and the outgoing adaptor to go with it before // the outputpipe exists. The pipe will be set when ready. In the // meantime, send() would just fail or block. However, in the sender // we do not start before the pipes are created; we do not need to. // The same trick is more usefull to the receiver. outgoing = new OutgoingPipeAdaptorSync(null); ros = ADAPTIVE ? new ReliableOutputStream(netPeerGroup, outgoing, new AdaptiveFlowControl(), scheduledExecutor) : new ReliableOutputStream(netPeerGroup, outgoing, new FixedFlowControl(40), scheduledExecutor); for (int i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; i++) { // if we do not already have it resolved, retry // to open the output pipe every so often if (outputPipe == null) { pause(); if ((i % 11) == 0) { PipeAdvertisement padv = IS_SENDER ? msgPipeAdv : ackPipeAdv; if (padv == null) { discoverySvc.getRemoteAdvertisements(null, DiscoveryService.ADV, "Name", MSG_PIPE_NAME, 10, this); discoverySvc.getRemoteAdvertisements(null, DiscoveryService.ADV, "Name", ACK_PIPE_NAME, 10, this); if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("launched remote discovery for " + MSG_PIPE_NAME + " and " + ACK_PIPE_NAME); } // wait for discovery response to come in continue; } if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("re-resolving output pipe " + padv.getName()); } try { pipeSvc.createOutputPipe(padv, this); } catch (IOException ex) { System.err.println(ex.getMessage()); return; } } } // No need to start before we could supply the pipes; messages // would go nowhere and/or the other side would not be able to // resolve the ack pipe. if (outputPipe == null || inputPipe == null) { continue; } } System.out.print("Sending..."); System.out.flush(); for (int i = 0; i <= ITERATIONS; i++) { Message msg = new Message(); if (i == ITERATIONS) { msg.addMessageElement(new StringMessageElement(MESSAGE_TAG, "mclose", null)); } else { String messageId = "m" + Integer.toString(nextMessageId++); msg.addMessageElement(new StringMessageElement(MESSAGE_TAG, messageId, null)); // add a random load element int index = random.nextInt(loadElements.size()); byte[] le = (byte[]) loadElements.get(index); MessageElement elm = new ByteArrayMessageElement(PAYLOAD_TAG, MIME_BINARY, le, null); msg.addMessageElement(elm); } msg.addMessageElement(new StringMessageElement(SENT_AT_TAG, Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis()), null)); try { sequence = ros.send(msg); // System.out.println(messageId + " " + // msg.getByteLength() + "b " + // sequence + "seq " + // ros.getMaxAck() + "ack"); } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } } System.out.print("closing..."); System.out.flush(); while (ros.getMaxAck() != sequence) { pause(); } ros.close(); inputPipe.close(); outputPipe.close(); msgPipeAdv = null; ackPipeAdv = null; outputPipe = null; inputPipe = null; outgoing = null; incoming = null; ros = null; System.out.println("Done"); } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); } } public void discoveryEvent(DiscoveryEvent event) { Enumeration ae = event.getResponse().getResponses(); while (ae.hasMoreElements()) { String str = (String) ae.nextElement(); // create Advertisement from response Advertisement adv = null; XMLDocument advDocument = null; try { advDocument = (XMLDocument) StructuredDocumentFactory.newStructuredDocument( MimeMediaType.XMLUTF8, new StringReader(str) ); adv = AdvertisementFactory.newAdvertisement(advDocument); } catch (IOException ex) { System.err.println("error parsing discovery response"); System.err.println(ex.getMessage()); continue; } if (adv instanceof PipeAdvertisement) { PipeAdvertisement pipeAdv = (PipeAdvertisement) adv; String pipeName = pipeAdv.getName(); if (MSG_PIPE_NAME.equals(pipeName)) { msgPipeAdv = pipeAdv; if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("discovered msg pipe: " + pipeName); } try { pipeSvc.createOutputPipe(msgPipeAdv, this); if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("opened msg pipe for output"); } } catch (IOException ex) { System.err.println(ex.getMessage()); } } else if (ACK_PIPE_NAME.equals(pipeName)) { ackPipeAdv = pipeAdv; if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("discovered ack pipe: " + pipeName); } try { inputPipe = pipeSvc.createInputPipe(ackPipeAdv, this); if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("opened ack pipe for input"); } } catch (IOException ex) { System.err.println(ex.getMessage()); } } } } } private void doReceiver() { try { if (msgPipeAdv == null) { msgPipeAdv = createPipeAdv(MSG_PIPE_NAME); discoverySvc.publish(msgPipeAdv); discoverySvc.remotePublish(msgPipeAdv); inputPipe = pipeSvc.createInputPipe(msgPipeAdv, this); } } catch (IOException ex) { fail(ex.getMessage()); } if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("published msg pipe: " + msgPipeAdv.getName()); System.out.println("opened msg pipe for input"); } // We need to give to our input a reference to our output, but, // obviously, we need to create our input before resolving the output // pipe, otherwise we do not known when to start trying to resolve. // In addition, our output must not loose messages while the pipe is // being resolved: these are acks. All the first packets would remain // un-acked, which would make for a very slow start. // Therefore we need a form of output that can be created before // the pipe. This used to be solved by interposing queues and threads. // Now, we create the outgoing adaptor without a pipe. // The pipe will be set whenever it is ready. In the meantime, the // reliable input stream will block or return false if it is used. outgoing = new OutgoingPipeAdaptorSync(null); ris = new ReliableInputStream(null, outgoing, 0); try { if (ackPipeAdv == null) { ackPipeAdv = createPipeAdv(ACK_PIPE_NAME); discoverySvc.publish(ackPipeAdv); discoverySvc.remotePublish(ackPipeAdv); } pipeSvc.createOutputPipe(ackPipeAdv, this); } catch (IOException ex) { fail(ex.getMessage()); } if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("published ack pipe: " + ackPipeAdv.getName()); System.out.println("opened ack pipe for output"); } System.out.print("Waiting for sender..."); System.out.flush(); while (!ris.hasNextMessage()) { pause(); } System.out.println("Receiving"); for (int i = 0; outputPipe == null;) { pause(); if ((i++ % 11) == 0) { if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("re-resolving output pipe " + ackPipeAdv.getName()); } try { pipeSvc.createOutputPipe(ackPipeAdv, this); } catch (IOException ex) { System.err.println(ex.getMessage()); } } } long startedAt = 0; long bytesTransferred = 0; long nbMsgs = 0; while (true) { Message msg = null; try { msg = ris.nextMessage(true); } catch (IOException ioe) { System.err.println("Failed to obtain next message"); ioe.printStackTrace(); } ++nbMsgs; printMessageForDebug("doReceiver", msg); String msgId = (msg.getMessageElement(MESSAGE_TAG)).toString(); String sentAt = (msg.getMessageElement(SENT_AT_TAG)).toString(); long size = msg.getByteLength(); long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); long sent = now; try { sent = Long.parseLong(sentAt); } catch (NumberFormatException nex) { System.err.println("could not parse msg send time: " + sentAt); continue; } // We start computing averages only after the first message has // been received. long throughput = 0; if (nbMsgs > (2 * ITERATIONS / 3)) { if (startedAt == 0) { startedAt = System.currentTimeMillis(); } else { long totalTime = now - startedAt; if (totalTime <= 0) { // that can't be. Some time has passed. totalTime = 1; } bytesTransferred += size; throughput = (((1000 * 8 * bytesTransferred) / totalTime) / 1024); } } long delay = now - sent; if (msgId.equals("mclose")) { System.out.println( "\nResults" + "\n-------" + "\ntransferred: " + bytesTransferred + " bytes" + "\nthroughput: " + throughput + " kbps" + "\ncongestion events: " + lostToCongestion); try { ris.close(); } catch (IOException ioe1) {} ris = null; outgoing.close(); outgoing = null; outputPipe = null; longPause(); break; } if (!IS_QUIET) { System.out.print(msgId + " " + size + "b " + delay + "ms " + throughput + "kbps avg\r"); System.out.flush(); } } } private void printMessageForDebug(String header, Message msg) { if (DEBUG) { ElementIterator iter = msg.getMessageElements(); System.out.print(header + " " + IS_SENDER + " ("); while (iter.hasNext()) { MessageElement el = iter.next(); System.out.print(el.getElementName()); if (iter.hasNext()) { System.out.print(", "); } } System.out.println(")"); } } public void pipeMsgEvent(PipeMsgEvent inputPipeEvent) { Message msg = inputPipeEvent.getMessage(); if (msg == null) { return; } printMessageForDebug("pipeMsgEvent", msg); if (dropMessage()) { if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("dropped incoming:" + (IS_SENDER ? "ack" : "msg")); } return; } if (BW_LIMIT < Integer.MAX_VALUE) { bwQueueMsg(msg); return; } // We're redirecting either to the ros or to the ris; depending // on whether we're on one side or the other of the reliable stream. // The other stream obj is null. if (ros != null) { ros.recv(msg); } else if (ris != null) { ris.recv(msg); } } public void outputPipeEvent(OutputPipeEvent outputPipeEvent) { String pid = outputPipeEvent.getPipeID(); // this will happen in the sender if (outputPipe == null && pid.equals(msgPipeAdv.getPipeID().toString())) { outputPipe = outputPipeEvent.getOutputPipe(); outgoing.setPipe(outputPipe); // the next line is not needed in this case, // since here we register 'this' as an // PipeMsgListener (Input Pipe Listener) and // 'manually' redirect the ack messages to // ros.recv() from pipeMsgEvent // incoming = new IncomingPipeAdaptor(inputPipe, ros); if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("resolved msg output pipe " + outputPipe.getName()); } } // this will happen in the receiver if (outputPipe == null && pid.equals(ackPipeAdv.getPipeID().toString())) { outputPipe = outputPipeEvent.getOutputPipe(); outgoing.setPipe(outputPipe); // the next line is not needed in this case, // since here we register 'this' as an // PipeMsgListener (Input Pipe Listener) and // 'manually' redirect the ack messages to // ros.recv() from pipeMsgEvent // incoming = new IncomingPipeAdaptor(inputPipe, ris); if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("resolved ack output pipe " + outputPipe.getName()); } } } synchronized boolean dropMessage() { return ((++dropMsgCount) % DROP_MSG) == 0; } private static final String USAGE = "\nUsage: ReliableTest <options>" + "\n" + "options:\n" + " -help outputs some usefull advice" + " -quiet only output a summary (" + IS_QUIET + ")\n" + " -sender whether to run as sender of messages (" + IS_SENDER + ")\n" + " -receiver whether to run as a receiver of messages (" + !IS_SENDER + ")\n" + " -server whether to run as a permanent receiver of messages (" + IS_SERVER + ")\n" + " -waitrdv wait for a rendezvous connection before starting (not)\n" + " -drop drop every Nth messages (on arrival) (" + DROP_MSG + ")\n" + " -bw simulated bw cap in Kbit/s (on arrival) (" + BW_LIMIT + ")\n" + " -pl simulated pipe length in bytes (only with bw) (" + PIPE_LEN + ")\n" + " -lat simulated latency in ms (only with bw) (" + LATENCY + ")\n" + " -minload smallest of the random payload sizes in bytes (" + MIN_LOAD + ")\n" + " -maxload largest of the random payload sizes in bytes (" + MAX_LOAD + ")\n" + " -name base name for the pipes (ReliableTest)\n" + " -debug whether to turn on debugging in the peer (" + DEBUG + ")\n" + " -adapt Use adaptive flow control (do not)\n" + " -iterations number of times to send a message (" + ITERATIONS + ")\n" + " -delay Basic delay unit (" + DELAY + ")\n" + " -principal net.jxta.tls.principal property (" + PRINCIPAL + ")\n" + " -password net.jxta.tls.password property (" + PASSWORD + ")\n"; private static final String HELP = "Some options serve to simulate particular network conditions.\n" + "These conditions are simulated on the destination side of a\n" + "link. As a result, the options given to the receiver will\n" + "control the behaviour of the data channel, while the options\n" + "to the sender will control the behaviour of the ack channel.\n" + "\n" + "These options are the following:\n" + "-bw, as in \"bandwidth\":\n" + "\tcontrols the time it takes for the slowest segment of the path\n" + "\tto go from begining the transmition of one bit to being ready\n" + "\tto transmit the next one. It is expressed in Kbit per second.\n" + "-lat, as in \"latency\":\n" + "\tcontrols the time it takes for a bit to traverse the network in\n" + "\taddition to the time caused by the bandwidth. In real life, the\n" + "\tprincipal contributors to this time would be signal travel time\n" + "\tper the laws of physics, and packet processing time at each\n" + "\tnode along the path. The essential characteristics of latency,\n" + "\tis that over one given packet's latency time, a number of other\n" + "\tpackets can begin traveling as well.\n" + "-pl, as in \"path length\":\n" + "\tcontrols the actual amount of data that can be traveling along\n" + "\tthe network path (in bytes). In real life, this is the\n" + "\tproduct bandwidth * latency + some buffering, but the three\n" + "\tvalues can be chosen differently in order to simulate extreme\n" + "\tconditions. For example, most often pl would be larger than\n" + "\tthe bandwidth*latency product to reflect buffering capacity at\n" + "\tvarious nodes along the path. Under non-congested conditions\n" + "\tthese buffers are used to store at most one pending packet\n" + "\ton each node, which ensures back-to-back link utilization\n" + "\tdespite statistical variations. In that case, buffering has\n" + "\tno noticeable effect on latency. However, buffering space\n" + "\tcan retard congestion when the capacity of a node is exceeded\n" + "\t(and the apparent latency will increase).\n" + "\tIn practice, under simulated conditions on a single host, it\n" + "\tis impossible to keep the network path fully utilized if\n" + "\tpath length is less than twice bandwidth*latency. Any\n" + "\trealistic network has at least one extra buffer at each node.\n" + "\tSetting a path length smaller than the bandwidth*latency\n" + "\tproduct is somewhat artifical. It roughly corresponds to some\n" + "\tnode along the path delaying packets with no buffer to store\n" + "\tthem while they wait. In effect it results in the bandwidth\n" + "\tlowering to match, but makes congestions harder to predict. So\n" + "\tit is usefull for testing congestion recovery mechanisms.\n"; }