package net.jxse.systemtests.colocated.configs; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import net.jxta.exception.JxtaException; import net.jxta.platform.JxtaApplication; import org.junit.rules.TemporaryFolder; import net.jxta.platform.NetworkConfigurator; import net.jxta.platform.NetworkManager; import net.jxta.platform.NetworkManager.ConfigMode; /** * Helper class to quickly set up peers for tests */ public class PeerConfigurator { /** * Configures the most important properties of the three main transports (TCP, HTTP legacy, and HTTP 2). * * @param man the network manager of the peer to configure * @param tcpOn whether TCP should be enabled * @param tcpPort what port the peer should listen on for TCP connections. Set to -1 to disable incoming connections. * @param httpOn whether HTTP should be enabled * @param httpPort what port the peer should listen on for HTTP legacy connections. Set to -1 to disable incoming connections. * @param http2On whether HTTP2 should be enabled * @param http2Port what port the peer should listen on for HTTP2 connections. Set to -1 to disable incoming connections. */ public static void configureTransports(NetworkManager man, boolean tcpOn, int tcpPort, boolean httpOn, int httpPort, boolean http2On, int http2Port) throws IOException { NetworkConfigurator configurator = man.getConfigurator(); configurator.setTcpEnabled(tcpOn); configurator.setTcpIncoming(tcpPort != -1); configurator.setTcpInterfaceAddress(""); configurator.setTcpOutgoing(true); configurator.setTcpPort(tcpPort); configurator.setHttpEnabled(httpOn); configurator.setHttpIncoming(httpPort != -1); configurator.setHttpInterfaceAddress(""); configurator.setHttpOutgoing(true); configurator.setHttpPort(httpPort); configurator.setHttp2Enabled(http2On); configurator.setHttp2Incoming(http2Port != -1); configurator.setHttp2InterfaceAddress(""); configurator.setHttp2Outgoing(true); configurator.setHttp2Port(http2Port); } /** * Configure a peer to exclusively use the TCP transport. * @param man the network manager of the peer to configure * @param tcpPort what port the peer should listen on for TCP connections. Set to -1 to disable incoming connections. */ public static void configureTcpOnly(NetworkManager man, int tcpPort) throws IOException { configureTransports(man, true, tcpPort, false, -1, false, -1); } /** * Configure a peer to exclusively use the HTTP legacy transport. * @param man the network manager of the peer to configure * @param tcpPort what port the peer should listen on for HTTP connections. Set to -1 to disable incoming connections. */ public static void configureHttpOnly(NetworkManager man, int httpPort) throws IOException { configureTransports(man, false, -1, true, httpPort, false, -1); } /** * Configure a peer to exclusively use the HTTP2 transport. * @param man the network manager of the peer to configure * @param tcpPort what port the peer should listen on for HTTP2 connections. Set to -1 to disable incoming connections. */ public static void configureHttp2Only(NetworkManager man, int http2Port) throws IOException { configureTransports(man, false, -1, false, -1, true, http2Port); } /** * Configures whether or not the peer should attempt to discover other resources locally, * or only use the configured rendezvous for this purpose. * * @param isolated when set to true, only the configured rendezvous should be used. */ public static void configureIsolation(NetworkManager man, boolean isolated) throws IOException { NetworkConfigurator configurator = man.getConfigurator(); configurator.setUseMulticast(!isolated); configurator.setUseOnlyRelaySeeds(isolated); configurator.setUseOnlyRendezvousSeeds(isolated); } /** * Acquires the list of transport addresses that the relay will expose. */ public static List<URI> getRelayAddresses(NetworkManager relayManager) throws IOException { ArrayList<URI> addresses = new ArrayList<URI>(3); NetworkConfigurator configurator = relayManager.getConfigurator(); if(configurator.isTcpEnabled() && configurator.getTcpIncomingStatus()) { String tcpInterfaceAddress = withDefault(configurator.getTcpInterfaceAddress(), ""); addresses.add(URI.create("tcp://" + tcpInterfaceAddress + ":" + configurator.getTcpPort())); } if(configurator.isHttpEnabled() && configurator.getHttpIncomingStatus()) { String httpInterfaceAddress = withDefault(configurator.getHttpInterfaceAddress(), ""); addresses.add(URI.create("http://" + httpInterfaceAddress + ":" + configurator.getHttpPort())); } if(configurator.isHttp2Enabled() && configurator.getHttp2IncomingStatus()) { String http2InterfaceAddress = withDefault(configurator.getHttp2InterfaceAddress(), ""); addresses.add(URI.create("http2://" + http2InterfaceAddress + ":" + configurator.getHttp2Port())); } return addresses; } private static String withDefault(String str, String defaultVal) { if(str == null) { return defaultVal; } return str; } /** * Configures a peer with knowledge of a particular rendesvous/relay peer's transport addresses. */ public static void configureRelayClient(NetworkManager clientMan, NetworkManager rdvRelayMan) throws IOException { NetworkConfigurator clientConfig = clientMan.getConfigurator(); for(URI rdvRelayAddr : getRelayAddresses(rdvRelayMan)) { clientConfig.addSeedRelay(rdvRelayAddr); clientConfig.addSeedRendezvous(rdvRelayAddr); } } public static NetworkManager createTcpRdvRelayPeer(String name, int port, TemporaryFolder tempFolder) throws IOException, JxtaException { //NetworkManager man = new NetworkManager(ConfigMode.RENDEZVOUS_RELAY, name, tempFolder.newFolder(name).toURI()); NetworkManager man = JxtaApplication.getNetworkManager(ConfigMode.RENDEZVOUS_RELAY, name, tempFolder.newFolder(name).toURI()); configureTcpOnly(man, port); configureIsolation(man, true); return man; } public static NetworkManager createHttpRdvRelayPeer(String name, int port, TemporaryFolder tempFolder) throws IOException, JxtaException { // /NetworkManager man = new NetworkManager(ConfigMode.RENDEZVOUS_RELAY, name, tempFolder.newFolder(name).toURI()); NetworkManager man = JxtaApplication.getNetworkManager(ConfigMode.RENDEZVOUS_RELAY, name, tempFolder.newFolder(name).toURI()); configureHttpOnly(man, port); configureIsolation(man, true); return man; } public static NetworkManager createHttp2RdvRelayPeer(String name, int port, TemporaryFolder tempFolder) throws IOException, JxtaException { //NetworkManager man = new NetworkManager(ConfigMode.RENDEZVOUS_RELAY, name, tempFolder.newFolder(name).toURI()); NetworkManager man = JxtaApplication.getNetworkManager(ConfigMode.RENDEZVOUS_RELAY, name, tempFolder.newFolder(name).toURI()); configureHttp2Only(man, port); configureIsolation(man, true); return man; } public static NetworkManager createTcpClientPeer(String name, NetworkManager relay, TemporaryFolder tempFolder) throws IOException, JxtaException { //NetworkManager man = new NetworkManager(ConfigMode.EDGE, name, tempFolder.newFolder(name).toURI()); NetworkManager man = JxtaApplication.getNetworkManager(ConfigMode.EDGE, name, tempFolder.newFolder(name).toURI()); configureTcpOnly(man, -1); configureIsolation(man, true); configureRelayClient(man, relay); return man; } public static NetworkManager createHttpClientPeer(String name, NetworkManager relay, TemporaryFolder tempFolder) throws IOException, JxtaException { //NetworkManager man = new NetworkManager(ConfigMode.EDGE, name, tempFolder.newFolder(name).toURI()); NetworkManager man = JxtaApplication.getNetworkManager(ConfigMode.EDGE, name, tempFolder.newFolder(name).toURI()); configureHttpOnly(man, -1); configureIsolation(man, true); configureRelayClient(man, relay); return man; } public static NetworkManager createHttp2ClientPeer(String name, NetworkManager relay, TemporaryFolder tempFolder) throws IOException, JxtaException { // /NetworkManager man = new NetworkManager(ConfigMode.EDGE, name, tempFolder.newFolder(name).toURI()); NetworkManager man = JxtaApplication.getNetworkManager(ConfigMode.EDGE, name, tempFolder.newFolder(name).toURI()); configureHttp2Only(man, -1); configureIsolation(man, true); configureRelayClient(man, relay); return man; } public static NetworkManager createTcpAdhocPeer(String name, int port, TemporaryFolder tempFolder) throws IOException, JxtaException { //NetworkManager man = new NetworkManager(ConfigMode.EDGE, name, tempFolder.newFolder(name).toURI()); NetworkManager man = JxtaApplication.getNetworkManager(ConfigMode.EDGE, name, tempFolder.newFolder(name).toURI()); configureTcpOnly(man, port); configureIsolation(man, false); return man; } public static NetworkManager createHttpAdhocPeer(String name, int port, TemporaryFolder tempFolder) throws IOException, JxtaException { //NetworkManager man = new NetworkManager(ConfigMode.EDGE, name, tempFolder.newFolder(name).toURI()); NetworkManager man = JxtaApplication.getNetworkManager(ConfigMode.EDGE, name, tempFolder.newFolder(name).toURI()); configureHttp2Only(man, port); configureIsolation(man, false); return man; } public static NetworkManager createHttp2AdhocPeer(String name, int port, TemporaryFolder tempFolder) throws IOException, JxtaException { //NetworkManager man = new NetworkManager(ConfigMode.EDGE, name, tempFolder.newFolder(name).toURI()); NetworkManager man = JxtaApplication.getNetworkManager(ConfigMode.EDGE, name, tempFolder.newFolder(name).toURI()); configureHttp2Only(man, port); configureIsolation(man, false); return man; } }