/* * Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * * The Sun Project JXTA(TM) Software License * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution, if any, must * include the following acknowledgment: "This product includes software * developed by Sun Microsystems, Inc. for JXTA(TM) technology." * Alternately, this acknowledgment may appear in the software itself, if * and wherever such third-party acknowledgments normally appear. * * 4. The names "Sun", "Sun Microsystems, Inc.", "JXTA" and "Project JXTA" must * not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without prior written permission. For written permission, please contact * Project JXTA at http://www.jxta.org. * * 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "JXTA", nor may * "JXTA" appear in their name, without prior written permission of Sun. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL SUN * MICROSYSTEMS OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, * OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, * EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * JXTA is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United * States and other countries. * * Please see the license information page at : * <http://www.jxta.org/project/www/license.html> for instructions on use of * the license in source files. * * ==================================================================== * * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many individuals * on behalf of Project JXTA. For more information on Project JXTA, please see * http://www.jxta.org. * * This license is based on the BSD license adopted by the Apache Foundation. */ package net.jxta.impl.cm; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.net.URI; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import net.jxta.discovery.DiscoveryService; import net.jxta.document.Advertisement; import net.jxta.document.StructuredTextDocument; import net.jxta.impl.util.TimeUtils; import net.jxta.impl.util.threads.TaskManager; import net.jxta.impl.xindice.core.indexer.IndexQuery; import net.jxta.logging.Logger; import net.jxta.logging.Logging; import net.jxta.protocol.SrdiMessage.Entry; /** * <p> * This class implements a limited document caching mechanism * intended to provide cache for services that have a need for cache * to search and exchange jxta documents. * </p> * <p> * Only Core Services are intended to use this mechanism. * </p> * * <p> * As of 2009-06-03, Cm is now a wrapper around an * implementation of the LegacyAdvertisementCache that is selected * at runtime. The original Cm implementation is available as * {@link XIndiceAdvertisementCache }. * </p> * * <p> * To specify an alternative implementation to be used, you can currently * set the system property specified by {@link #CACHE_IMPL_SYSPROP} to * the full class name of your implementation, which must implement * {@link AdvertisementCache}. * </p> */ public final class CacheManager { public static final int NO_THRESHOLD = Integer.MAX_VALUE; public static final String CACHE_IMPL_SYSPROP = "net.jxta.impl.cm.cache.impl"; private final static Logger LOG = Logging.getLogger(CacheManager.class.getName()); /** * @deprecated use {@link XIndiceAdvertisementCache#DEFAULT_GC_MAX_INTERVAL } instead */ @Deprecated public static final long DEFAULT_GC_MAX_INTERVAL = 1 * TimeUtils.ANHOUR; private AdvertisementCache wrappedImpl; public CacheManager(AdvertisementCache wrappedImpl) { this.wrappedImpl = wrappedImpl; } /** * Creates a Cm which wraps a {@link XIndiceAdvertisementCache } constructed with the * provided parameters. * * XXX I'm not sure how to support an arbitrary executor in this context. * XXX Granted, this is only used in tests right now, but clearly we dont need * XXX yet another pool floating around. SingleThreadExecutor is used in the default impl. * @throws IOException */ public CacheManager(URI storeRoot, String areaName, TaskManager taskManager) throws IOException { String cacheImpl = System.getProperty(CACHE_IMPL_SYSPROP); if(cacheImpl == null) { Logging.logCheckedConfig(LOG, "No CacheManager backend implementation specified through system property - using default implementation"); this.wrappedImpl = new XIndiceAdvertisementCache(storeRoot, areaName, taskManager); } else { Logging.logCheckedConfig(LOG, "Attempting to use CacheManager backend implementatation class: " + cacheImpl); try { Class<?> cacheClass = Class.forName(cacheImpl); Class<? extends AdvertisementCache> cacheClassChecked = cacheClass.asSubclass(AdvertisementCache.class); Constructor<? extends AdvertisementCache> constructor = cacheClassChecked.getConstructor(URI.class, String.class, TaskManager.class); this.wrappedImpl = constructor.newInstance(storeRoot, areaName, taskManager); Logging.logCheckedConfig(LOG, "Successfully loaded CacheManager backend implementation class: " + cacheImpl); } catch (Exception e) { Logging.logCheckedError(LOG, "Unable to construct cache type [", cacheImpl, "] specified by system property, constructing default\n", e); this.wrappedImpl = new XIndiceAdvertisementCache(storeRoot, areaName, taskManager); } } } /** * Creates a Cm which wraps a {@link XIndiceAdvertisementCache } constructed with the * provided parameters. * @throws IOException */ public CacheManager(URI storeRoot, String areaName, TaskManager taskManager, long gcinterval, boolean trackDeltas) throws IOException { String cacheImpl = System.getProperty(CACHE_IMPL_SYSPROP); if(cacheImpl == null) { this.wrappedImpl = new XIndiceAdvertisementCache(storeRoot, areaName, taskManager, gcinterval, trackDeltas); } else { try { Class<?> cacheClass = Class.forName(cacheImpl); Class<? extends AdvertisementCache> cacheClassChecked = cacheClass.asSubclass(AdvertisementCache.class); Constructor<? extends AdvertisementCache> constructor = cacheClassChecked.getConstructor(URI.class, String.class, TaskManager.class, long.class, boolean.class); this.wrappedImpl = constructor.newInstance(storeRoot, areaName, taskManager, gcinterval, trackDeltas); } catch (Exception e) { Logging.logCheckedError(LOG, "Unable to construct cache type [", cacheImpl, "] specified by system property, constructing default\n", e); this.wrappedImpl = new XIndiceAdvertisementCache(storeRoot, areaName, taskManager, gcinterval, trackDeltas); } } } public List<Entry> getDeltas(String dn) { return wrappedImpl.getDeltas(dn); } public List<Entry> getEntries(String dn, boolean clearDeltas) { try { return wrappedImpl.getEntries(dn, clearDeltas); } catch(IOException e) { Logging.logCheckedWarning(LOG, "Exception occurred when getting entries for dn=[", dn, "], clearDeltas=[", clearDeltas, "]\n", e); return new ArrayList<Entry>(0); } } public long getExpirationtime(String dn, String fn) { try { return wrappedImpl.getExpirationtime(dn, fn); } catch (IOException e) { Logging.logCheckedWarning(LOG, "Exception occurred when attempting to determine expiration time of dn=[", dn, "], fn=[", fn, "]\n", e); return -1; } } public InputStream getInputStream(String dn, String fn) throws IOException { return wrappedImpl.getInputStream(dn, fn); } public long getLifetime(String dn, String fn) { try { return wrappedImpl.getLifetime(dn, fn); } catch (IOException e) { Logging.logCheckedWarning(LOG, "Exception occurred when attempting to determine lifetime of dn=[", dn, "], fn=[", fn, "]\n", e); return -1; } } /** * Gets the list of all the files into the given folder * * @param dn contains the name of the folder * @param threshold the max number of results * @param expirations List to contain expirations * @return List Strings containing the name of the * files */ public List<InputStream> getRecords(String dn, int threshold, List<Long> expirations) { return getRecords(dn, threshold, expirations, false); } public List<InputStream> getRecords(String dn, int threshold, List<Long> expirations, boolean purge) { try { return wrappedImpl.getRecords(dn, threshold, expirations, purge); } catch (IOException e) { Logging.logCheckedWarning(LOG, "Exception occurred when to fetch records at dn=[", dn, "]\n", e); return new ArrayList<InputStream>(0); } } public void remove(String dn, String fn) throws IOException { wrappedImpl.remove(dn, fn); } public void save(String dn, String fn, Advertisement adv) throws IOException { save(dn, fn, adv, DiscoveryService.INFINITE_LIFETIME, DiscoveryService.NO_EXPIRATION); } public void save(String dn, String fn, Advertisement adv, long lifetime, long expiration) throws IOException { wrappedImpl.save(dn, fn, adv, lifetime, expiration); } public void save(String dn, String fn, byte[] data, long lifetime, long expiration) throws IOException { wrappedImpl.save(dn, fn, data, lifetime, expiration); } public List<InputStream> search(String dn, String attribute, String value, int threshold, List<Long> expirations) { try { return wrappedImpl.search(dn, attribute, value, threshold, expirations); } catch (IOException e) { return new ArrayList<InputStream>(0); } } public void setTrackDeltas(boolean trackDeltas) { wrappedImpl.setTrackDeltas(trackDeltas); } public void stop() { try { wrappedImpl.stop(); } catch (IOException e) { Logging.logCheckedWarning(LOG, "Error occurred while stopped cache implementation\n", e); } } public void garbageCollect() { try { wrappedImpl.garbageCollect(); } catch (IOException e) { Logging.logCheckedWarning(LOG, "Error occurred while garbage collecting\n", e); } } /** * @deprecated use {@link XIndiceAdvertisementCache#createTmpName(net.jxta.document.StructuredTextDocument) } * directly instead. */ @Deprecated public static String createTmpName(StructuredTextDocument<?> doc) { return XIndiceAdvertisementCache.createTmpName(doc); } /** * @deprecated use {@link XIndiceAdvertisementCache#getIndexQuery(java.lang.String) } * directly instead. */ @Deprecated public static IndexQuery getIndexQuery(String value) { return XIndiceAdvertisementCache.getIndexQuery(value); } public String getImplClassName() { return wrappedImpl.getClass().getName(); } }