/* * Copyright (c) 2001-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * * The Sun Project JXTA(TM) Software License * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution, if any, must * include the following acknowledgment: "This product includes software * developed by Sun Microsystems, Inc. for JXTA(TM) technology." * Alternately, this acknowledgment may appear in the software itself, if * and wherever such third-party acknowledgments normally appear. * * 4. The names "Sun", "Sun Microsystems, Inc.", "JXTA" and "Project JXTA" must * not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without prior written permission. For written permission, please contact * Project JXTA at http://www.jxta.org. * * 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "JXTA", nor may * "JXTA" appear in their name, without prior written permission of Sun. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL SUN * MICROSYSTEMS OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, * OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, * EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * JXTA is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United * States and other countries. * * Please see the license information page at : * <http://www.jxta.org/project/www/license.html> for instructions on use of * the license in source files. * * ==================================================================== * * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many individuals * on behalf of Project JXTA. For more information on Project JXTA, please see * http://www.jxta.org. * * This license is based on the BSD license adopted by the Apache Foundation. */ package net.jxta.impl.endpoint.tcp; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.EOFException; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InterruptedIOException; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.InetSocketAddress; import java.net.Socket; import java.net.SocketAddress; import java.net.SocketTimeoutException; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException; import java.nio.channels.SelectionKey; import java.nio.channels.Selector; import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import net.jxta.document.MimeMediaType; import net.jxta.endpoint.EndpointAddress; import net.jxta.endpoint.Message; import net.jxta.endpoint.MessageElement; import net.jxta.endpoint.StringMessageElement; import net.jxta.endpoint.WireFormatMessage; import net.jxta.endpoint.WireFormatMessageFactory; import net.jxta.id.ID; import net.jxta.impl.endpoint.BlockingMessenger; import net.jxta.impl.endpoint.EndpointServiceImpl; import net.jxta.impl.endpoint.msgframing.MessagePackageHeader; import net.jxta.impl.endpoint.msgframing.WelcomeMessage; import net.jxta.impl.endpoint.transportMeter.TransportBindingMeter; import net.jxta.impl.endpoint.transportMeter.TransportMeterBuildSettings; import net.jxta.impl.util.TimeUtils; import net.jxta.logging.Logger; import net.jxta.logging.Logging; import net.jxta.peer.PeerID; /** * Implements a messenger which sends messages via raw TCP sockets. */ public class TcpMessenger extends BlockingMessenger implements Runnable { private static final Logger LOG = Logging.getLogger(TcpMessenger.class.getName()); /** * The number of times we allow our write selector to be selected with no * progress before we give up. */ private static final int MAX_WRITE_ATTEMPTS = 3; /** * Description of our current location within the stream. */ private enum readState { /** * Reading the initial welcome */ WELCOME, /** * Reading a message header */ HEADER, /** * Reading a message */ BODY } /** * The source address of messages sent on this messenger. */ private final EndpointAddress srcAddress; private final MessageElement srcAddressElement; /** * Cache of the logical destination of this messenger. (It helps if it works even after close) */ private EndpointAddress logicalDestAddress; /** * The message tcpTransport we are working for. */ private final TcpTransport tcpTransport; private EndpointAddress dstAddress = null; private EndpointAddress origAddress = null; private EndpointAddress fullDstAddress = null; private InetAddress inetAddress = null; private int port = 0; /** * If {@code true} Then this messenger is closed or in the process of * closing and can no longer be used. */ private AtomicBoolean closed = new AtomicBoolean(false); private boolean closingDueToFailure = false; private WelcomeMessage itsWelcome = null; private final long createdAt = TimeUtils.timeNow(); private long lastUsed = TimeUtils.timeNow(); private SocketChannel socketChannel = null; private boolean selfDestruct = true; private TransportBindingMeter transportBindingMeter; /** * If this is an incoming connection we must not close it when the messenger * disappears. It has many reasons to disappear while the connection must * keep receiving messages. This is causing some problems for incoming * messengers that are managed by some entity, such as the router or the * relay. These two do call close explicitly when they discard a messenger, * and their intent is truly to close the underlying connection. So * basically we need to distinguish between incoming messengers that are * abandoned without closing (for these we must protect the input side * because that's the only reason for the connection being there) and * incoming messengers that are explicitly closed (in which case we must let * the entire connection be closed). */ private boolean initiator; private AtomicReference<readState> state = new AtomicReference<readState>(readState.WELCOME); private final static int MAX_LEN = 4096; private ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(MAX_LEN); /** * Header from the current incoming message (if any). */ private MessagePackageHeader header = null; /** * Time at which we began receiving the current incoming message. */ long receiveBeginTime = 0; /** * Enforces single writer on message write in case the messenger is being * used on multiple threads. */ private final ReentrantLock writeLock = new ReentrantLock(); /** * Create a new TcpMessenger for the specified address. * * @param socketChannel the SocketChannel for the messenger * @param transport the tcp MessageSender we are working for. * @throws java.io.IOException if an io error occurs */ TcpMessenger(SocketChannel socketChannel, TcpTransport transport) throws IOException { super(transport.group.getPeerGroupID(), new EndpointAddress(transport.getProtocolName(), socketChannel.socket().getInetAddress().getHostAddress() + ":" + socketChannel.socket().getPort(), null, null), transport.group.getTaskManager(), true); initiator = false; this.socketChannel = socketChannel; this.tcpTransport = transport; this.srcAddress = transport.getPublicAddress(); this.srcAddressElement = new StringMessageElement(EndpointServiceImpl.MESSAGE_SOURCE_NAME, srcAddress.toString(), null); try { Logging.logCheckedInfo(LOG, "Connection from ", socketChannel.socket().getInetAddress().getHostAddress(), ":", socketChannel.socket().getPort()); // Set the socket options. Socket socket = socketChannel.socket(); int useBufferSize = Math.max(TcpTransport.SendBufferSize, socket.getSendBufferSize()); socket.setSendBufferSize(useBufferSize); inetAddress = socketChannel.socket().getInetAddress(); port = socketChannel.socket().getPort(); socket.setKeepAlive(true); socket.setSoTimeout(TcpTransport.connectionTimeOut); // Disable Nagle's algorithm (We do this to reduce latency) socket.setTcpNoDelay(true); // Temporarily, our address for inclusion in the welcome message response. dstAddress = new EndpointAddress(this.tcpTransport.getProtocolName(), inetAddress.getHostAddress() + ":" + port, null, null); fullDstAddress = dstAddress; startMessenger(); } catch (IOException io) { if (TransportMeterBuildSettings.TRANSPORT_METERING) { transportBindingMeter = this.tcpTransport.getUnicastTransportBindingMeter(null, dstAddress); if (transportBindingMeter != null) { transportBindingMeter.connectionFailed(initiator, TimeUtils.timeNow() - createdAt); } } // If we failed for any reason, make sure the socket is closed. // We're the only one to know about it. // We're assuming it is not null earlier (FindBugs) // if (socketChannel != null) { socketChannel.close(); // } throw io; } if (TransportMeterBuildSettings.TRANSPORT_METERING) { transportBindingMeter = this.tcpTransport.getUnicastTransportBindingMeter((PeerID) getDestinationPeerID(), dstAddress); if (transportBindingMeter != null) { transportBindingMeter.connectionEstablished(initiator, TimeUtils.timeNow() - createdAt); } } if (!isConnected()) { throw new IOException("Failed to establish connection to " + dstAddress); } } /** * Create a new TcpMessenger for the specified address. * * @param destaddr the destination of the messenger * @param tcpTransport the tcp MessageSender we are working for. * @throws java.io.IOException if an io error occurs */ TcpMessenger(EndpointAddress destaddr, TcpTransport tcpTransport) throws IOException { this(destaddr, tcpTransport, true); } /** * Create a new TcpMessenger for the specified address. * * @param destaddr the destination of the messenger * @param tcpTransport the tcp MessageSender we are working for. * @param selfDestruct indicates whether the messenger created will self destruct when idle * @throws java.io.IOException if an io error occurs */ TcpMessenger(EndpointAddress destaddr, TcpTransport tcpTransport, boolean selfDestruct) throws IOException { // We need self destruction: tcp messengers are expensive to make and they refer to // a connection that must eventually be closed. super(tcpTransport.group.getPeerGroupID(), destaddr, tcpTransport.group.getTaskManager(), selfDestruct); this.selfDestruct = selfDestruct; this.origAddress = destaddr; initiator = true; this.tcpTransport = tcpTransport; this.fullDstAddress = destaddr; this.dstAddress = new EndpointAddress(destaddr, null, null); this.srcAddress = tcpTransport.getPublicAddress(); srcAddressElement = new StringMessageElement(EndpointServiceImpl.MESSAGE_SOURCE_NAME, srcAddress.toString(), null); String protoAddr = destaddr.getProtocolAddress(); int portIndex = protoAddr.lastIndexOf(":"); if (portIndex == -1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid Protocol Address (port # missing) "); } String portString = protoAddr.substring(portIndex + 1); try { port = Integer.valueOf(portString); } catch (NumberFormatException caught) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid Protocol Address (port # invalid): " + portString); } // Check for bad port number. if ((port <= 0) || (port > 65535)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid port number in Protocol Address : " + port); } String hostString = protoAddr.substring(0, portIndex); inetAddress = InetAddress.getByName(hostString); Logging.logCheckedInfo(LOG, "Creating new TCP Connection to : ", dstAddress, " / ", inetAddress.getHostAddress(), ":", port); // See if we're attempting to use the loopback address. // And if so, is the peer configured for the loopback network only? // (otherwise the connection is not permitted). Btw, the otherway around // is just as wrong, so we check both at once and pretend it cannot work, // even if it might have. // FIXME 20041130 This is not an appropriate check if the other peer is // running on the same machine and the InetAddress.getByName returns the // loopback address. // if (inetAddress.isLoopbackAddress() != tcpTransport.usingInterface.isLoopbackAddress()) { // throw new IOException("Network unreachable--connect to loopback attempted."); // } try { Logging.logCheckedDebug(LOG, "Connecting to ", inetAddress.getHostAddress(), ":", port, " via ", this.tcpTransport.usingInterface.getHostAddress(), ":0"); socketChannel = SocketChannel.open(); Socket socket = socketChannel.socket(); // Bind it to our outbound interface. SocketAddress bindAddress = new InetSocketAddress(this.tcpTransport.usingInterface, 0); socket.bind(bindAddress); // Set Socket options. int useBufferSize = Math.max(TcpTransport.SendBufferSize, socket.getSendBufferSize()); socket.setSendBufferSize(useBufferSize); useBufferSize = Math.max(TcpTransport.RecvBufferSize, socket.getReceiveBufferSize()); socket.setReceiveBufferSize(useBufferSize); socket.setKeepAlive(true); socket.setSoTimeout(TcpTransport.connectionTimeOut); // Disable Nagle's algorithm (We do this to reduce latency) socket.setTcpNoDelay(true); SocketAddress connectAddress = new InetSocketAddress(inetAddress, port); socketChannel.connect(connectAddress); startMessenger(); } catch (IOException io) { if (TransportMeterBuildSettings.TRANSPORT_METERING) { transportBindingMeter = this.tcpTransport.getUnicastTransportBindingMeter(null, dstAddress); if (transportBindingMeter != null) { transportBindingMeter.connectionFailed(initiator, TimeUtils.timeNow() - createdAt); } } // If we failed for any reason, make sure the socket is closed. This is the only place it is known. if (socketChannel != null) { socketChannel.close(); } // Logging message for restricted ports if ( port < 1024 ) { String Temp = "Failed to open TCP connection with port: " + port + "\n" + io.toString(); LOG.warn(Temp); } throw io; } if (TransportMeterBuildSettings.TRANSPORT_METERING) { transportBindingMeter = this.tcpTransport.getUnicastTransportBindingMeter((PeerID) getDestinationPeerID(), dstAddress); if (transportBindingMeter != null) { transportBindingMeter.connectionEstablished(initiator, TimeUtils.timeNow() - createdAt); } // TODO: We need to add the bytes from the Welcome Messages to the transportBindingMeter, iam@jxta.org } if (!isConnected()) { throw new IOException("Failed to establish connection to " + dstAddress); } } /** * The cost of just having a finalize routine is high. The finalizer is * a bottleneck and can delay garbage collection all the way to heap * exhaustion. Leave this comment as a reminder to future maintainers. * <p/> * These messengers are given to application layers. Endpoint code * always calls {@code close()} when needed. * <p/> * There used to be an incoming special case in order to *prevent* * closure because the inherited finalize used to call close. This is * no-longer the case. For the outgoing case, we do not need to call close * for the reason explained above. * @throws Throwable for errors during finalization. */ @Override protected void finalize() throws Throwable { try { Logging.logCheckedWarning(LOG, "Messenger being finalized. closing messenger"); closeImpl(); } finally { super.finalize(); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} * <p/> * Now everyone knows its closed and the connection can no-longer be * obtained. So, we can go about our business of closing it. */ public void closeImpl() { if(!closed.compareAndSet(false, true)) { return; } super.close(); // we are idle now. Way idle. setLastUsed(0); if (socketChannel != null) { // unregister from selector. tcpTransport.unregister(socketChannel); try { socketChannel.close(); } catch (IOException e) { Logging.logCheckedWarning(LOG, "Failed to close messenger ", this, "\n", e); } Logging.logCheckedInfo(LOG, (closingDueToFailure ? "Failure" : "Normal"), " close (open ", TimeUtils.toRelativeTimeMillis(TimeUtils.timeNow(), createdAt), "ms) of socket to : ", dstAddress, " / ", inetAddress.getHostAddress(), ":", port); if (closingDueToFailure) { Logging.logCheckedDebug(LOG, "stack trace", new Throwable("stack trace")); } } if (TransportMeterBuildSettings.TRANSPORT_METERING && (transportBindingMeter != null)) { if (closingDueToFailure) { transportBindingMeter.connectionDropped(initiator, TimeUtils.timeNow() - createdAt); } else { transportBindingMeter.connectionClosed(initiator, TimeUtils.timeNow() - createdAt); } } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public boolean isClosed() { // FIXME - jice 20040413: Warning. this is overloading the standard // isClosed(). Things were arranged so that it // should still work, but it's a stretch. Transports should get a deeper // retrofit eventually. if (isConnected()) { return false; } // Ah, this connection is broken. So, we weren't closed, but now // we are. That could happen redundantly since two threads could // find that holdIt.isConnected() is false before one of them // first zeroes conn. But it does not matter. super.close() is // idempotent (and does pretty much nothing in our case, anyway). super.close(); return true; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * <p/> * Since we probe the connection status, we'll keep a messenger as long * as the connection is active, even if only on the incoming side. * So we're being a bit nice to the other side. Anyway, incoming * connections do not go away when the messenger does. There's a receive * timeout for that. */ public boolean isIdleImpl() { // With NIO, other than the FD, there's no overhead in keeping the channel open, return false; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public EndpointAddress getLogicalDestinationImpl() { // FIXME 20070127 bondolo THIS IS BEING CALLED BEFORE IT IS INITED. return logicalDestAddress; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void sendMessageBImpl(Message message, String service, String serviceParam) throws IOException { sendMessageDirect(message, service, serviceParam, false); } public void sendMessageDirect(Message message, String service, String serviceParam, boolean direct) throws IOException { if (isClosed()) { IOException failure = new IOException("Messenger was closed, it cannot be used to send messages."); Logging.logCheckedWarning(LOG, failure); throw failure; } // Set the message with the appropriate src and dest address message.replaceMessageElement(EndpointServiceImpl.MESSAGE_SOURCE_NS, srcAddressElement); EndpointAddress destAddressToUse; if (direct) { destAddressToUse = origAddress; } else { destAddressToUse = getDestAddressToUse(service, serviceParam); } MessageElement dstAddressElement = new StringMessageElement(EndpointServiceImpl.MESSAGE_DESTINATION_NAME, destAddressToUse.toString(), null); message.replaceMessageElement(EndpointServiceImpl.MESSAGE_DESTINATION_NS, dstAddressElement); // send it try { Logging.logCheckedDebug(LOG, "Sending ", message, " to ", destAddressToUse, " on connection ", getDestinationAddress()); xmitMessage(message); } catch (IOException caught) { Logging.logCheckedWarning(LOG, "Message send failed for ", message, "\n", caught); closeImpl(); throw caught; } } private void startMessenger() throws IOException { socketChannel.configureBlocking(true); // Send the welcome message WelcomeMessage myWelcome = new WelcomeMessage(fullDstAddress, tcpTransport.getPublicAddress(), tcpTransport.group.getPeerID(), false); long written = write(new ByteBuffer[]{myWelcome.getByteBuffer()}); tcpTransport.incrementBytesSent(written); Logging.logCheckedDebug(LOG, "welcome message sent"); while (state.get() == readState.WELCOME) { if (TimeUtils.toRelativeTimeMillis(TimeUtils.timeNow(), this.createdAt) > (TcpTransport.connectionTimeOut)) { throw new SocketTimeoutException("Failed to receive remote welcome message before timeout."); } read(); processBuffer(); } if (!closed.get()) { socketChannel.configureBlocking(false); tcpTransport.register(socketChannel, this); } } /** * Send message to the remote peer. * * @param msg the message to send. * @throws java.io.IOException For errors sending the message. */ private void xmitMessage(Message msg) throws IOException { if (closed.get()) { Logging.logCheckedWarning(LOG, "Connection was closed to : ", dstAddress); throw new IOException("Connection was closed to : " + dstAddress); } long sendBeginTime = TimeUtils.timeNow(); long size = 0; try { // todo 20020730 bondolo@jxta.org Do something with content-coding here // serialize the message. WireFormatMessage serialed = WireFormatMessageFactory.toWireExternal(msg, WireFormatMessageFactory.DEFAULT_WIRE_MIME, null, this.tcpTransport.group); ByteArrayOutputStream tempBAOS = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); serialed.sendToStream(tempBAOS); ByteBuffer tempBB = ByteBuffer.wrap(tempBAOS.toByteArray()); // Build the package header MessagePackageHeader header = new MessagePackageHeader(); header.setContentTypeHeader(serialed.getMimeType()); size = tempBB.limit(); header.setContentLengthHeader(size); Logging.logCheckedDebug(LOG, "Sending ", msg, " (", size, ") to ", dstAddress, " via ", inetAddress.getHostAddress(), ":", port); List<ByteBuffer> partBuffers = new ArrayList<ByteBuffer>(); partBuffers.add(header.getByteBuffer()); partBuffers.add(tempBB); long written; writeLock.lock(); try { written = write(partBuffers.toArray(new ByteBuffer[partBuffers.size()])); } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } if (TransportMeterBuildSettings.TRANSPORT_METERING && (transportBindingMeter != null)) { transportBindingMeter.messageSent(initiator, msg, TimeUtils.timeNow() - sendBeginTime, written); } Logging.logCheckedDebug(LOG, MessageFormat.format("Sent {0} bytes {1} successfully via {2}:{3}", written, msg, inetAddress.getHostAddress(), port)); tcpTransport.incrementBytesSent(written); tcpTransport.incrementMessagesSent(); setLastUsed(TimeUtils.timeNow()); } catch (SocketTimeoutException failed) { SocketTimeoutException failure = new SocketTimeoutException("Failed sending " + msg + " to : " + inetAddress.getHostAddress() + ":" + port); failure.initCause(failed); throw failure; } catch (IOException failed) { if (TransportMeterBuildSettings.TRANSPORT_METERING && (transportBindingMeter != null)) { transportBindingMeter.sendFailure(initiator, msg, TimeUtils.timeNow() - sendBeginTime, size); } Logging.logCheckedWarning(LOG, "Message send failed for ", inetAddress.getHostAddress(), ":", port, failed); closingDueToFailure = true; close(); IOException failure = new IOException("Failed sending " + msg + " to : " + inetAddress.getHostAddress() + ":" + port); failure.initCause(failed); throw failure; } } /** * Blocking write of byte buffers to the socket channel. * * @param byteBuffers The bytes to write. * @return The number of bytes written. * @throws IOException Thrown for errors while writing message. */ private long write(final ByteBuffer[] byteBuffers) throws IOException { long nBytes = 0; for (ByteBuffer byteBuffer : byteBuffers) nBytes += write(byteBuffer); return nBytes; } private long write(final ByteBuffer byteBuffer) throws IOException { // Determine how many bytes there are to be written in the buffers. long bytesToWrite = byteBuffer.remaining(); if (bytesToWrite == 0L) { return 0L; } long bytesWritten = 0; Selector writeSelector = null; SelectionKey wKey = null; int attempts = 1; try { do { long wroteBytes; // Write from the buffers until we write nothing. do { wroteBytes = socketChannel.write(byteBuffer); bytesWritten += wroteBytes; if (wroteBytes < 0) throw new EOFException(); // LOGGING: was Finer Logging.logCheckedDebug(LOG, MessageFormat.format("Wrote {0} bytes", wroteBytes)); } while (wroteBytes != 0); // Are we done? if (bytesWritten == bytesToWrite) { break; } // This attempt failed, we may try again. attempts++; if (attempts > MAX_WRITE_ATTEMPTS) { throw new IOException(MessageFormat.format("Max write attempts ({0}) exceeded ({1})", attempts, MAX_WRITE_ATTEMPTS)); } // Get a write selector, we're going to do some waiting. if (writeSelector == null) { try { writeSelector = tcpTransport.getSelector(); } catch (InterruptedException woken) { InterruptedIOException incompleteIO = new InterruptedIOException("Interrupted while acquiring write selector."); incompleteIO.initCause(woken); incompleteIO.bytesTransferred = (int) Math.min(bytesWritten, Integer.MAX_VALUE); throw incompleteIO; } if (writeSelector == null) { continue; } wKey = socketChannel.register(writeSelector, SelectionKey.OP_WRITE); } long time = TimeUtils.timeNow(); // Wait until we are told we can write again. int ready = writeSelector.select(TcpTransport.connectionTimeOut); if (ready == 0 && (TimeUtils.toRelativeTimeMillis(TimeUtils.timeNow(), time) > TcpTransport.connectionTimeOut)) { throw new SocketTimeoutException("Timeout during socket write"); } else { attempts--; } } while (attempts <= MAX_WRITE_ATTEMPTS); } finally { // cancel the key before returning selector to the pool. if (wKey != null) { wKey.cancel(); wKey = null; } // put the selector back in the pool if (writeSelector != null) { // clean up the selector writeSelector.selectNow(); tcpTransport.returnSelector(writeSelector); } } return bytesWritten; } /** * parses a welcome from a buffer * * @param buffer the buffer to parse, if successful the state is set to HEADER * @return true if successfully parsed */ private boolean processWelcome(ByteBuffer buffer) { try { if (itsWelcome == null) { itsWelcome = new WelcomeMessage(); } if (!itsWelcome.read(buffer)) { return false; } // The correct value for dstAddr: that of the other party. dstAddress = itsWelcome.getPublicAddress(); Logging.logCheckedDebug(LOG, "Creating a logical address from : ", itsWelcome.getWelcomeString()); fullDstAddress = dstAddress; logicalDestAddress = new EndpointAddress("jxta", itsWelcome.getPeerID().getUniqueValue().toString(), null, null); Logging.logCheckedDebug(LOG, "Hello from ", itsWelcome.getPublicAddress(), " [", itsWelcome.getPeerID(), "] "); Logging.logCheckedDebug(LOG, "Registering Messenger from ", socketChannel.socket().getInetAddress().getHostAddress(), ":", socketChannel.socket().getPort()); try { // announce this messenger by connection address tcpTransport.messengerReadyEvent(this, getConnectionAddress()); } catch (Throwable all) { Logging.logCheckedError(LOG, "Uncaught Throwable in thread :", Thread.currentThread().getName(), "\n", all); IOException failure = new IOException("Failure announcing messenger."); failure.initCause(all); throw failure; } } catch (IOException e) { Logging.logCheckedWarning(LOG, "Error while parsing the welcome message\n", e); closeImpl(); return false; } return true; } /** * parses a header from a buffer * * @param buffer the buffer to parse, if successful the state is set to BODY * @return true if successfully parsed */ private boolean processHeader(ByteBuffer buffer) { if (null == header) { header = new MessagePackageHeader(); } Logging.logCheckedDebug(LOG, MessageFormat.format("{0} Processing message package header, buffer stats:{1}", Thread.currentThread(), buffer.toString())); try { if (!header.readHeader(buffer)) { Logging.logCheckedDebug(LOG, MessageFormat.format("{0} maintaining current state at header, buffer stats :{1}", Thread.currentThread(), buffer.toString())); return false; } } catch (IOException e) { Logging.logCheckedWarning(LOG, "Error while parsing the message header\n", e); if (!socketChannel.isConnected()) { // defunct connection close the messenger Logging.logCheckedWarning(LOG, "SocketChannel closed. Closing the messenger"); closeImpl(); } } Logging.logCheckedDebug(LOG, MessageFormat.format("{0} setting current state to body, Buffer stats :{1}, remaining elements {2}:", Thread.currentThread(), buffer.toString(), buffer.remaining())); return true; } private Message processMessage(ByteBuffer buffer, MessagePackageHeader header) throws IOException { // TODO 20020730 bondolo@jxta.org Do something with content-coding here. MimeMediaType msgMime = header.getContentTypeHeader(); return WireFormatMessageFactory.fromBuffer(buffer, msgMime, null); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * <p/> * This is what gets run by the Executor. It reads whatever is available, * processes it and then goes back to the selector waiting for more IO */ public void run() { try { while (read()) { List<Message> msgs = processBuffer(); for (Message msg : msgs) { // Use the group's threadpool to process the message tcpTransport.executor.execute(new MessageProcessor(msg)); } } // resets the interestOPS and wakeup the selector if (socketChannel != null) tcpTransport.register(socketChannel, this); } catch (Throwable all) { Logging.logCheckedError(LOG, "Uncaught Throwable\n", all); } } /** * @return true to indicate read maybe required */ private boolean read() { if (closed.get() || socketChannel == null) return false; if (!socketChannel.isConnected()) { Logging.logCheckedWarning(LOG, "SocketChannel is not connected. closing connection"); closeImpl(); return false; } try { Logging.logCheckedDebug(LOG, MessageFormat.format("{0} State before read(): {1}, buffer stats : {2}, remaining :{3}", Thread.currentThread(), state.get(), buffer.toString(), buffer.remaining())); int read = socketChannel.read(buffer); if (read < 0) { if (!socketChannel.isConnected() || read < 0) { Logging.logCheckedDebug(LOG, MessageFormat.format("{0} Closing due to EOF", Thread.currentThread())); Logging.logCheckedWarning(LOG, "SocketChannel is not connected. closing connection"); closeImpl(); } return false; } else if (read == 0) { return false; } tcpTransport.incrementBytesReceived(read); // prepare the buffer for reading buffer.flip(); Logging.logCheckedDebug(LOG, MessageFormat.format("{0} SocketChannel.read() == {1} bytes. Buffer stats:{2}, remaining {3}", Thread.currentThread(), read, buffer.toString(), buffer.remaining())); return true; } catch (ClosedChannelException e) { Logging.logCheckedWarning(LOG, "Channel closed while reading data\n", e); closeImpl(); return false; } catch (InterruptedIOException woken) { // Framing is maintained within this object, therefore a read maybe interrupted then resumed Logging.logCheckedWarning(LOG, MessageFormat.format("tcp receive - interrupted : read() {0} {1}:{2}", woken.bytesTransferred, inetAddress.getHostAddress(), port)); } catch (IOException ioe) { Logging.logCheckedWarning(LOG, "IOException occured while reading data\n", ioe); closeImpl(); return false; } catch (Throwable e) { Logging.logCheckedWarning(LOG, "tcp receive - Error on connection ", inetAddress.getHostAddress(), ":", port, e); closingDueToFailure = true; closeImpl(); return false; } // if the channel has a valid read ops return true, otherwise false return (socketChannel.validOps() & SelectionKey.OP_READ) == SelectionKey.OP_READ; } /** * processes the input byte buffer * @return the list of messages present in the buffer */ @SuppressWarnings("fallthrough") public List<Message> processBuffer() { List<Message> msgs = new ArrayList<Message>(); boolean done = false; while (!done) { Logging.logCheckedDebug(LOG, MessageFormat.format("{0} processBuffer({1}). Buffer stats:{2}, elements remaining {3}", Thread.currentThread(), state.getClass(), buffer.toString(), buffer.remaining())); switch (state.get()) { case WELCOME: // Parse Welcome message boolean wseen = processWelcome(buffer); if (wseen) { state.set(readState.HEADER); } done = true; break; case HEADER: // process the message header boolean hseen = processHeader(buffer); if (!hseen) { done = true; break; } receiveBeginTime = TimeUtils.timeNow(); // todo add a check for MTU size if (header.getContentLengthHeader() > buffer.capacity()) { ByteBuffer src = buffer; // create an array backed buffer Logging.logCheckedDebug(LOG, MessageFormat.format("{0} Reallocating a new buffer of size {1} to replace :{2}", Thread.currentThread(), header.getContentLengthHeader(), buffer.toString())); // This implementation limits the message size to the MTU which is always < 2GB buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate((int) header.getContentLengthHeader()); buffer.put(src); buffer.flip(); } state.set(readState.BODY); /* FALLSTHROUGH */ case BODY: // process the message body Logging.logCheckedDebug(LOG, MessageFormat.format(" {0} Proccessing Message Body. expecting {1}, {2} elements remaining {3}", Thread.currentThread(), header.getContentLengthHeader(), buffer.toString(), buffer.remaining())); if (buffer.remaining() >= (int) header.getContentLengthHeader()) { Message msg; try { msg = processMessage(buffer, header); } catch (IOException io) { Logging.logCheckedWarning(LOG, "Failed to parse a message from buffer. closing connection\n", io); closeImpl(); done = true; break; } if (TransportMeterBuildSettings.TRANSPORT_METERING && (transportBindingMeter != null)) { transportBindingMeter.messageReceived(initiator, msg, TimeUtils.timeNow() - receiveBeginTime, header.getContentLengthHeader()); } tcpTransport.incrementMessagesReceived(); setLastUsed(TimeUtils.timeNow()); state.set(readState.HEADER); header = null; msgs.add(msg); } else { done = true; break; } } } // while loop // prepare the buffer for more data buffer.compact(); return msgs; } /** * A small class for processing individual messages. */ private class MessageProcessor implements Runnable { private Message msg; MessageProcessor(Message msg) { this.msg = msg; } public void run() { Logging.logCheckedDebug(LOG, MessageFormat.format("{0} calling EndpointService.demux({1})", Thread.currentThread(), msg, inetAddress.getHostAddress(), port)); tcpTransport.endpoint.processIncomingMessage(msg); } } /** * return the current connection status. * * @return true if there is an active connection to the remote peer, otherwise false. */ private boolean isConnected() { return !closed.get(); } /** * Return the absolute time in milliseconds at which this Connection was last used. * * @return absolute time in milliseconds. */ private long getLastUsed() { return !selfDestruct ? System.currentTimeMillis() : lastUsed; } /** * Set the last used time for this connection in absolute milliseconds. * * @param time absolute time in milliseconds. */ private void setLastUsed(long time) { lastUsed = time; } /** * Returns the metering object for this tcpTransport * * @return the metering object for this tcpTransport */ TransportBindingMeter getTransportBindingMeter() { return transportBindingMeter; } /** * Returns the remote address * * @return the remote address */ private EndpointAddress getConnectionAddress() { // Somewhat confusing but destinationAddress is the name of that thing // for the welcome message. return itsWelcome.getDestinationAddress(); } /** * Returns Remote PeerID * * @return Remote PeerID */ private ID getDestinationPeerID() { return itsWelcome.getPeerID(); } }