package; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import; import; import; import net.jxta.impl.util.TimeUtils; import net.jxta.logging.Logging; import net.jxta.peer.PeerID; import net.jxta.peergroup.PeerGroup; import net.jxta.peergroup.PeerGroupID; import com.sleepycat.bind.tuple.LongBinding; import com.sleepycat.bind.tuple.TupleBinding; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.sleepycat.util.IOExceptionWrapper; public class BerkeleyDbSrdiIndexBackend implements SrdiAPI { private static final String DB_NAME = "mainIndex"; private static final String PEER_SEARCH_DB_NAME = "peerSearch"; private static final String EXPIRY_SEARCH_DB_NAME = "expirySearch"; public static final long DEFAULT_GC_INTERVAL = TimeUtils.ANHOUR; private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(BerkeleyDbSrdiIndexBackend.class.getName()); private PeerGroupID groupId; private String indexName; private Environment dbEnvironment; private Database db; private SecondaryDatabase peerSearchDb; private SecondaryDatabase expirySearchDb; private boolean open; public BerkeleyDbSrdiIndexBackend(PeerGroup group, String indexName) throws IOException { this(group, indexName, DEFAULT_GC_INTERVAL); } public BerkeleyDbSrdiIndexBackend(PeerGroup group, String indexName, long gcInterval) throws IOException { this(new File(group.getStoreHome()), group.getPeerGroupID(), indexName, gcInterval); } public BerkeleyDbSrdiIndexBackend(File storeHome, PeerGroupID groupId, String indexName) throws IOException { this(storeHome, groupId, indexName, DEFAULT_GC_INTERVAL); } public BerkeleyDbSrdiIndexBackend(File storeHome, PeerGroupID groupId, String indexName, long gcInterval) throws IOException { this.groupId = groupId; this.indexName = indexName; File srdiHome = createStoreDir(storeHome); try { EnvironmentConfig envConfig = new EnvironmentConfig(); envConfig.setAllowCreate(true); envConfig.setSharedCache(true); envConfig.setTransactional(false); dbEnvironment = new Environment(srdiHome, envConfig); DatabaseConfig dbConfig = new DatabaseConfig(); dbConfig.setAllowCreate(true); dbConfig.setDeferredWrite(true); db = dbEnvironment.openDatabase(null, DB_NAME, dbConfig); SecondaryConfig peerSearchDbConfig = new SecondaryConfig(); peerSearchDbConfig.setAllowCreate(true); peerSearchDbConfig.setAllowPopulate(true); peerSearchDbConfig.setSortedDuplicates(true); peerSearchDbConfig.setKeyCreator(new PeerSearchKeyCreator()); peerSearchDb = dbEnvironment.openSecondaryDatabase(null, PEER_SEARCH_DB_NAME, db, peerSearchDbConfig); SecondaryConfig expirySearchDbConfig = new SecondaryConfig(); expirySearchDbConfig.setAllowCreate(true); expirySearchDbConfig.setAllowPopulate(true); expirySearchDbConfig.setSortedDuplicates(true); expirySearchDbConfig.setKeyCreator(new ExpirySearchKeyCreator()); expirySearchDb = dbEnvironment.openSecondaryDatabase(null, EXPIRY_SEARCH_DB_NAME, db, expirySearchDbConfig); garbageCollect(); open = true; } catch(Exception e) { stop(); throw new IOExceptionWrapper(e); } } private File createStoreDir(File storeHome) throws IOException { File srdiRootFile = new File(storeHome, "bdb_srdi_index"); if(!srdiRootFile.exists()) { if(!srdiRootFile.mkdirs()) { throw new IOException("Failed to create directories for BDB SRDI Index at " + srdiRootFile.getAbsolutePath()); } } if(!srdiRootFile.isDirectory()) { throw new IOException("Provided store root URI does not point to a directory: " + srdiRootFile.getAbsolutePath()); } return srdiRootFile; } public static void clearSrdi(PeerGroup group) { try { BerkeleyDbSrdiIndexBackend backend = new BerkeleyDbSrdiIndexBackend(group, "CLEARALL"); backend.clearAllIndices(group); } catch (IOException e) { Logging.logCheckedWarning(LOG, "Error occurred while clearing Srdi indices for group [" + group + "]\n", e); } } private void clearAllIndices(PeerGroup group) throws IOException { SrdiIndexKey searchKey = new SrdiIndexKey(group.getPeerGroupID()); SrdiIndexKeyTupleBinding binding = new SrdiIndexKeyTupleBinding(); processAllMatching(searchKey, db, binding, new DeleteMatchHandler<SrdiIndexKey>()); } public void add(String primaryKey, String attribute, String value, PeerID pid, long expiration) throws IOException { DatabaseEntry key = new SrdiIndexKey(groupId, indexName, primaryKey, attribute, value, pid).toDatabaseEntry(); DatabaseEntry data = new DatabaseEntry(); LongBinding.longToEntry(TimeUtils.toAbsoluteTimeMillis(expiration), data); try { db.put(null, key, data); } catch (DatabaseException e) { throw new IOExceptionWrapper(e); } } public void clear() throws IOException { SrdiIndexKey searchKey = new SrdiIndexKey(groupId, indexName); SrdiIndexKeyTupleBinding binding = new SrdiIndexKeyTupleBinding(); processAllMatching(searchKey, db, binding, new DeleteMatchHandler<SrdiIndexKey>()); } private <T> void processAllMatching(T prefix, Database database, TupleBinding<T> binding, MatchHandler<T> matchHandler) throws IOExceptionWrapper { Cursor c = null; try { c = database.openCursor(null, CursorConfig.READ_UNCOMMITTED); DatabaseEntry searchKey = new DatabaseEntry(); binding.objectToEntry(prefix, searchKey); DatabaseEntry key = new DatabaseEntry(); binding.objectToEntry(prefix, key); DatabaseEntry data = new DatabaseEntry(); OperationStatus result = c.getSearchKeyRange(key, data, null); while(result == OperationStatus.SUCCESS) { if(!BerkeleyDbUtil.isPrefixOf(searchKey, key)) { break; } if(!matchHandler.handleMatch(c, binding.entryToObject(key), data)) { break; } result = c.getNext(key, data, null); } } catch (DatabaseException e) { throw new IOExceptionWrapper(e); } finally { closeCursor(c, "Failed to close cursor while clearing"); } } private interface MatchHandler<T> { public boolean handleMatch(Cursor cursor, T matchingKey, DatabaseEntry matchingData) throws DatabaseException; } private class DeleteMatchHandler<T> implements MatchHandler<T> { public boolean handleMatch(Cursor cursor, T matchingKey, DatabaseEntry matchingData) throws DatabaseException { cursor.delete(); return true; } } private abstract class QueryMatchHandler<T, U, V extends Collection<U>> implements MatchHandler<T> { protected V matches; public QueryMatchHandler(V matches) { this.matches = matches; } public abstract boolean handleMatch(Cursor cursor, T matchingKey, DatabaseEntry matchingData) throws DatabaseException; } private class ValueRegexMatchHandler extends QueryMatchHandler<SrdiIndexKey,PeerID, Set<PeerID>> { private String regex; private int threshold; public ValueRegexMatchHandler(Set<PeerID> matches, String regex, int threshold) { super(matches); this.regex = regex; this.threshold = threshold; } @Override public boolean handleMatch(Cursor cursor, SrdiIndexKey matchingKey, DatabaseEntry matchingData) throws DatabaseException { if(matchingKey.getValue().matches(regex)) { matches.add(matchingKey.getPeerId()); } return matches.size() < threshold; } } private class AllMatchHandler extends QueryMatchHandler<SrdiIndexKey, PeerID, Set<PeerID>> { private int threshold; public AllMatchHandler(Set<PeerID> results, int threshold) { super(results); this.threshold = threshold; } public boolean handleMatch(Cursor cursor, SrdiIndexKey matchingKey, DatabaseEntry matchingData) throws DatabaseException { matches.add(matchingKey.getPeerId()); return matches.size() < threshold; } } public void garbageCollect() throws IOException { Cursor c = null; try { c = expirySearchDb.openSecondaryCursor(null, CursorConfig.READ_UNCOMMITTED); DatabaseEntry key = new DatabaseEntry(); DatabaseEntry data = new DatabaseEntry(); OperationStatus result = c.getFirst(key, data, null); while(result == OperationStatus.SUCCESS) { long expiryTime = LongBinding.entryToLong(key); if(expiryTime > TimeUtils.timeNow()) { break; } c.delete(); result = c.getNext(key, data, null); } } catch (DatabaseException e) { throw new IOExceptionWrapper(e); } finally { closeCursor(c, "Failed to close cursor when garbage collecting"); } } public List<Entry> getRecord(String primaryKey, String attribute, String value) throws IOException { LinkedList<Entry> results = new LinkedList<Entry>(); Cursor cursor = null; try { cursor = db.openCursor(null, CursorConfig.READ_UNCOMMITTED); DatabaseEntry searchKey = new SrdiIndexKey(groupId, indexName, primaryKey, attribute, value, null).toDatabaseEntry(); DatabaseEntry key = new SrdiIndexKey(groupId, indexName, primaryKey, attribute, value, null).toDatabaseEntry(); DatabaseEntry data = new DatabaseEntry(); OperationStatus searchResult = cursor.getSearchKeyRange(key, data, null); while(searchResult == OperationStatus.SUCCESS) { if(!BerkeleyDbUtil.isPrefixOf(searchKey, key)) { break; } SrdiIndexKey matchingKey = SrdiIndexKey.fromDatabaseEntry(key); long expiry = LongBinding.entryToLong(data); results.add(new Entry(matchingKey.getPeerId(), expiry)); searchResult = cursor.getNext(key, data, null); } } catch (DatabaseException e) { throw new IOExceptionWrapper(e); } finally { closeCursor(cursor, "Failed to close cursor when retrieving records"); } return results; } public List<PeerID> query(String primaryKey, String attribute, String value, int threshold) throws IOException { Set<PeerID> results = new HashSet<PeerID>(); SrdiIndexKey searchKey = new SrdiIndexKey(groupId, indexName, primaryKey, attribute, null, null); QueryMatchHandler<SrdiIndexKey, PeerID, Set<PeerID>> handler; if(value == null) { handler = new AllMatchHandler(results, threshold); } else if(!CacheUtils.hasWildcards(value)) { searchKey.setValue(value); handler = new AllMatchHandler(results, threshold); } else { String regex = CacheUtils.convertValueQueryToRegex(value); handler = new ValueRegexMatchHandler(results, regex, threshold); } processAllMatching(searchKey, db, new SrdiIndexKeyTupleBinding(), handler); return new ArrayList<PeerID>(results); } public void remove(PeerID pid) throws IOException { PeerSearchKey searchCriteria = new PeerSearchKey(groupId, indexName, pid); PeerSearchKeyTupleBinding binding = new PeerSearchKeyTupleBinding(); processAllMatching(searchCriteria, peerSearchDb, binding, new DeleteMatchHandler<PeerSearchKey>()); } public void stop() { if(!open) { return; } closeDatabase(expirySearchDb, EXPIRY_SEARCH_DB_NAME); closeDatabase(peerSearchDb, PEER_SEARCH_DB_NAME); closeDatabase(db, DB_NAME); if(dbEnvironment != null) { try { dbEnvironment.close(); } catch(DatabaseException e) { Logging.logCheckedSevere(LOG, "Failed to close SRDI index environment when stopping SRDI index " + indexName, e); } } open = false; } private void closeCursor(Cursor c, String failMessage) { if(c != null) { try { c.close(); } catch(DatabaseException e) { Logging.logCheckedWarning(LOG, failMessage, e); } } } private void closeDatabase(Database db, String name) { if(db != null) { try { db.close(); } catch(DatabaseException e) { Logging.logCheckedSevere(LOG, "Failed to close BDB " + name + " when stopping SRDI index " + indexName, e); } } } }