package; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TimerTask; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.logging.Logger; import net.jxta.document.Advertisement; import net.jxta.document.AdvertisementFactory; import net.jxta.document.MimeMediaType; import net.jxta.document.StructuredDocument; import net.jxta.document.StructuredDocumentFactory; import net.jxta.document.XMLDocument; import; import; import net.jxta.impl.util.TimeUtils; import net.jxta.impl.util.threads.TaskManager; import net.jxta.logging.Logging; import net.jxta.protocol.SrdiMessage.Entry; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.sleepycat.util.IOExceptionWrapper; /** * Berkeley DB JE based implementation of the {@link AdvertisementCache} interface. * Intended as a drop-in replacement for the existing XIndice based implementation, * to keep the number of file handles used down to a manageable level. * * <p><em>NOTE</em>: Usage of Berkeley DB requires either a commercial license from * Oracle or acceptance of Oracle's open source license, which has a GPL-like clause. */ public class BerkeleyDbAdvertisementCache implements AdvertisementCache { /* * IMPLEMENTATION NOTES (2009/06/11): A single primary database is used which maps * keys of the form areaName/dn/fn to AdvertisementDbRecord instances. Two secondary * databases are linked to this: one for searching the database by indexable advertisement * attributes, the other for searching for expired advertisements. */ private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(BerkeleyDbAdvertisementCache.class.getName()); private static final long CLEAN_INTERVAL = 30000L; private String areaName; private Environment dbEnvironment; private Database db; private SecondaryDatabase attrSearchDb; private SecondaryDatabase expiryTimeDb; private boolean trackDeltas; private Map<String,List<Entry>> deltas = new HashMap<String, List<Entry>>(); private TimerTask cleaner; private int expiryCount = 0; public BerkeleyDbAdvertisementCache(URI storeRoot, String areaName, TaskManager taskManager, long gcinterval, boolean trackDeltas) throws IOException { this(storeRoot, areaName, taskManager); this.trackDeltas = trackDeltas; } public BerkeleyDbAdvertisementCache(URI storeRoot, String areaName, TaskManager taskManager) throws IOException { this(storeRoot, areaName, taskManager, true); } public BerkeleyDbAdvertisementCache(URI storeRoot, String areaName, TaskManager taskManager, boolean enablePeriodicClean) throws IOException { Logging.logCheckedFine(LOG, "Creating BDB cache within [" + storeRoot.toString() + "], areaName = [" + areaName + "]"); this.areaName = areaName; File dbHome = createStoreRoot(storeRoot); try { EnvironmentConfig envConfig = new EnvironmentConfig(); envConfig.setAllowCreate(true); envConfig.setSharedCache(true); envConfig.setTransactional(false); dbEnvironment = new Environment(dbHome, envConfig); DatabaseConfig dbConfig = new DatabaseConfig(); dbConfig.setAllowCreate(true); dbConfig.setDeferredWrite(true); db = dbEnvironment.openDatabase(null, "cache", dbConfig); SecondaryConfig secDbConfig = new SecondaryConfig(); secDbConfig.setMultiKeyCreator(new AdvertisementIndexableKeyCreator()); secDbConfig.setAllowCreate(true); secDbConfig.setAllowPopulate(true); secDbConfig.setSortedDuplicates(true); attrSearchDb = dbEnvironment.openSecondaryDatabase(null, "cache_indexables", db, secDbConfig); SecondaryConfig expiryDbConfig = new SecondaryConfig(); expiryDbConfig.setKeyCreator(new ExpiryKeyCreator()); expiryDbConfig.setAllowCreate(true); expiryDbConfig.setAllowPopulate(true); expiryDbConfig.setSortedDuplicates(true); expiryTimeDb = dbEnvironment.openSecondaryDatabase(null, "cache_expiry", db, expiryDbConfig); garbageCollect(); if(enablePeriodicClean) { LOG.fine("Automatic clean-up of cache enabled, starting cleaner task"); cleaner = new CleanerTask(this); taskManager.getScheduledExecutorService().scheduleAtFixedRate(cleaner, CLEAN_INTERVAL, CLEAN_INTERVAL, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } } catch(Exception e) { IOException wrapper = new IOException("Error occurred while initialising Bdb for use"); wrapper.initCause(e); emergencyShutdown(); throw wrapper; } } private File createStoreRoot(URI storeRoot) throws IOException { File storeRootFile = new File(storeRoot); if(!storeRootFile.exists()) { if(!storeRootFile.mkdirs()) { throw new IOException("Failed to create directories for BDB advertisement cache at " + storeRootFile.getAbsolutePath()); } } if(!storeRootFile.isDirectory()) { throw new IOException("Provided store root URI does not point to a directory: " + storeRootFile.getAbsolutePath()); } return storeRootFile; } /** * Will attempt to close all resources and log any exceptions as SEVERE, as we are typically * in an irrecoverable situation at this point */ private void emergencyShutdown() { if(expiryTimeDb != null) { try { expiryTimeDb.close(); } catch (DatabaseException e1) { Logging.logCheckedSevere(LOG, "Failed to close expiry time secondary db when recovering from failed construction\n", e1); } } if(attrSearchDb != null) { try { attrSearchDb.close(); } catch (DatabaseException e1) { Logging.logCheckedSevere(LOG, "Failed to close attribute index secondary db when recovering from failed construction\n", e1); } } if(db != null) { try { db.close(); } catch (DatabaseException e1) { Logging.logCheckedSevere(LOG, "Failed to close main db when recovering from failed construction\n", e1); } } if(dbEnvironment != null) { try { dbEnvironment.close(); } catch (DatabaseException e1) { Logging.logCheckedSevere(LOG, "Failed to close environment when recovering from failed construction\n", e1); } } } public List<Entry> getDeltas(String dn) { List<Entry> currentDeltas = deltas.get(dn); if(currentDeltas == null) { currentDeltas = new ArrayList<Entry>(0); } clearDeltas(dn); return currentDeltas; } private void clearDeltas(String dn) { deltas.remove(dn); } public List<Entry> getEntries(String dn, boolean clearDeltas) throws IOException { LinkedList<Entry> entries = new LinkedList<Entry>(); Cursor c = null; try { c = attrSearchDb.openCursor(null, CursorConfig.READ_UNCOMMITTED); AttributeSearchKey searchKey = new AttributeSearchKey(areaName, dn); DatabaseEntry searchPrefix = searchKey.toDatabaseEntry(); DatabaseEntry key = searchKey.toDatabaseEntry(); DatabaseEntry data = new DatabaseEntry(); OperationStatus result = c.getSearchKeyRange(key, data, null); while(result == OperationStatus.SUCCESS) { if(!BerkeleyDbUtil.isPrefixOf(searchPrefix, key)) { break; } AttributeSearchKey matchingKey = AttributeSearchKey.fromDatabaseEntry(key); AdvertisementDbRecord record = AdvertisementDbRecord.fromDataEntry(data); entries.add(new Entry(matchingKey.getAttributeName(), matchingKey.getValue(), TimeUtils.toRelativeTimeMillis(record.lifetime))); result = c.getNext(key, data, null); } } catch (DatabaseException e) { throw new IOExceptionWrapper(e); } finally { closeCursor(c); } if(clearDeltas) { clearDeltas(dn); } return entries; } public long getExpirationtime(String dn, String fn) throws IOException { AdvertisementDbRecord record = getRecord(dn, fn); if(record == null) { return -1; } return record.getExpirationTime(); } public InputStream getInputStream(String dn, String fn) throws IOException { AdvertisementDbRecord r = getRecord(dn, fn); if(r == null) { return null; } return new ByteArrayInputStream(r.getData()); } private AdvertisementDbRecord getRecord(String dn, String fn) throws IOException { DatabaseEntry result = new DatabaseEntry(); try { OperationStatus operationStatus = db.get(null, new AdvertisementKey(areaName, dn, fn).toDatabaseEntry(), result, null); if(operationStatus != OperationStatus.SUCCESS) { return null; } return AdvertisementDbRecord.fromDataEntry(result); } catch (DatabaseException e) { IOException wrapper = new IOException("Unable to fetch data for dn=[" + dn + "], fn=[" + fn + "]"); wrapper.initCause(e); throw wrapper; } } public long getLifetime(String dn, String fn) throws IOException { AdvertisementDbRecord record = getRecord(dn, fn); if(record == null) { return -1; } // TODO: remove dead record if TTL < 0 return TimeUtils.toRelativeTimeMillis(record.lifetime); } public List<InputStream> getRecords(String dn, int threshold, List<Long> expirations, boolean purge) throws IOException { if(dn == null) { return new ArrayList<InputStream>(0); } Cursor cursor = null; try { LinkedList<InputStream> results = new LinkedList<InputStream>(); cursor = db.openCursor(null, null); AdvertisementKey searchKey = new AdvertisementKey(areaName, dn); DatabaseEntry searchKeyEntry = searchKey.toDatabaseEntry(); DatabaseEntry matchingKey = searchKey.toDatabaseEntry(); DatabaseEntry matchingData = new DatabaseEntry(); OperationStatus searchStatus = cursor.getSearchKeyRange(matchingKey, matchingData, null); while(searchStatus != OperationStatus.NOTFOUND && results.size() < threshold) { if(!BerkeleyDbUtil.isPrefixOf(searchKeyEntry, matchingKey)) { break; } AdvertisementDbRecord record = AdvertisementDbRecord.fromDataEntry(matchingData); results.add(new ByteArrayInputStream(record.getData())); if(expirations != null) { expirations.add(record.getExpirationTime()); } searchStatus = cursor.getNext(matchingKey, matchingData, null); } return results; } catch (DatabaseException e) { IOException wrapped = new IOException("Error occurred when retrieving all records at dn=[" + dn + "]"); wrapped.initCause(e); throw wrapped; } finally { closeCursor(cursor); } } public void remove(String dn, String fn) throws IOException { try { if(trackDeltas) { AdvertisementDbRecord record = getRecord(dn, fn); if(record != null) { XMLDocument<?> doc = (XMLDocument<?>) StructuredDocumentFactory.newStructuredDocument(MimeMediaType.XMLUTF8, new ByteArrayInputStream(record.getData())); Advertisement adv = AdvertisementFactory.newAdvertisement(doc); generateDeltas(dn, adv, doc, record.lifetime); } } db.delete(null, new AdvertisementKey(areaName, dn, fn).toDatabaseEntry()); } catch (DatabaseException e) { IOException wrapper = new IOException("Unable to delete data at dn=[" + dn + "], fn=[" + fn + "]"); wrapper.initCause(e); throw wrapper; } } public void save(String dn, String fn, Advertisement adv, long lifetime, long expiration) throws IOException { checkLegalExpirationAndLifetime(lifetime, expiration); AdvertisementDbRecord record = new AdvertisementDbRecord(adv, lifetime, expiration); putRecord(dn, fn, record); generateDeltas(dn, adv, null, expiration); } private void generateDeltas(String dn, Advertisement adv, StructuredDocument<?> doc, long expiry) { if(!trackDeltas || expiry <= 0) { return; } if(doc == null) { doc = (StructuredDocument<?>)adv.getDocument(MimeMediaType.XMLUTF8); } Map<String, String> indexFields = CacheUtils.getIndexfields(adv.getIndexFields(), doc); List<Entry> deltasForDn = deltas.get(dn); if(deltasForDn == null) { deltasForDn = new LinkedList<Entry>(); } for(String indexField : indexFields.keySet()) { deltasForDn.add(new Entry(indexField, indexFields.get(indexField), expiry)); } deltas.put(dn, deltasForDn); } public void save(String dn, String fn, byte[] data, long lifetime, long expiration) throws IOException { checkLegalExpirationAndLifetime(lifetime, expiration); AdvertisementDbRecord record = new AdvertisementDbRecord(data, TimeUtils.toAbsoluteTimeMillis(lifetime), expiration, false); putRecord(dn, fn, record); } private void putRecord(String dn, String fn, AdvertisementDbRecord record) throws IOException { try { AdvertisementDbRecord oldRecord = getRecord(dn, fn); DatabaseEntry key = new AdvertisementKey(areaName, dn, fn).toDatabaseEntry(); if(oldRecord != null) { // ensure lifetime cannot be replaced with a lower value than it previously had record.lifetime = Math.max(record.lifetime, oldRecord.lifetime); db.delete(null, key); } db.put(null, key, record.toDataEntry()); } catch (DatabaseException e) { IOException wrapper = new IOException("failed to write data to BDB: "); wrapper.initCause(e); throw wrapper; } } private void checkLegalExpirationAndLifetime(long lifetime, long expiration) { if(lifetime <= 0 || expiration < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad expiration or lifetime."); } } public List<InputStream> search(String dn, String attribute, String value, int threshold, List<Long> expirations) throws IOException { LinkedList<InputStream> results = new LinkedList<InputStream>(); String regexToMatch = CacheUtils.convertValueQueryToRegex(value); SecondaryCursor cursor = null; try { cursor = attrSearchDb.openSecondaryCursor(null, CursorConfig.READ_UNCOMMITTED); AttributeSearchKey searchKey = new AttributeSearchKey(areaName, dn, attribute); DatabaseEntry matchPrefix = searchKey.toDatabaseEntry(); DatabaseEntry key = searchKey.toDatabaseEntry(); DatabaseEntry data = new DatabaseEntry(); OperationStatus searchResult = cursor.getSearchKeyRange(key, data, null); while(searchResult == OperationStatus.SUCCESS && results.size() < threshold) { if(!BerkeleyDbUtil.isPrefixOf(matchPrefix, key)) { break; } AttributeSearchKey matchingKey = AttributeSearchKey.fromDatabaseEntry(key); String valueForAttribute = matchingKey.getValue(); if(valueForAttribute.matches(regexToMatch)) { AdvertisementDbRecord record = AdvertisementDbRecord.fromDataEntry(data); // stale advertisements will be removed in the next GC cycle if(record.getExpirationTime() > 0) { results.add(new ByteArrayInputStream(record.getData())); if(expirations != null) { expirations.add(record.getExpirationTime()); } } } searchResult = cursor.getNext(key, data, null); } } catch (DatabaseException e) { IOException wrapper = new IOException("Error occurred while searching database for advertisements"); wrapper.initCause(e); throw wrapper; } finally { closeCursor(cursor); } return results; } public void setTrackDeltas(boolean trackDeltas) { this.trackDeltas = trackDeltas; } public void stop() throws IOException { try { if(cleaner != null) { cleaner.cancel(); } expiryTimeDb.close(); attrSearchDb.close(); db.close(); dbEnvironment.close(); } catch(DatabaseException e) { IOException wrapper = new IOException("Error occurred while trying to stop berkeley DB environment"); wrapper.initCause(e); throw wrapper; } } public void garbageCollect() throws IOException { SecondaryCursor expiryCursor = null; try { expiryCursor = expiryTimeDb.openSecondaryCursor(null, CursorConfig.READ_UNCOMMITTED); DatabaseEntry timeKey = new DatabaseEntry(); DatabaseEntry matchingData = new DatabaseEntry(); OperationStatus searchResult = expiryCursor.getFirst(timeKey, matchingData, null); while(searchResult == OperationStatus.SUCCESS) { if(BerkeleyDbUtil.getTimeFromExpiryKeyEntry(timeKey) > TimeUtils.timeNow()) { break; } expiryCursor.delete(); expiryCount++; searchResult = expiryCursor.getNext(timeKey, matchingData, null); } } catch (DatabaseException e) { IOException wrapper = new IOException("Error occurred while trying to clean out expired entries"); wrapper.initCause(e); throw wrapper; } finally { closeCursor(expiryCursor); } } /** * Return the number of entries that have expired and been flushed from the DB since the last call to this method * @return */ protected int getExpiryCount() { int expired = expiryCount; expiryCount = 0; return expired; } private void closeCursor(Cursor c) { if(c != null) { try { c.close(); } catch(DatabaseException e) { Logging.logCheckedWarning(LOG, e); } } } }