/* * Copyright (c) 2001-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * * The Sun Project JXTA(TM) Software License * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution, if any, must * include the following acknowledgment: "This product includes software * developed by Sun Microsystems, Inc. for JXTA(TM) technology." * Alternately, this acknowledgment may appear in the software itself, if * and wherever such third-party acknowledgments normally appear. * * 4. The names "Sun", "Sun Microsystems, Inc.", "JXTA" and "Project JXTA" must * not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without prior written permission. For written permission, please contact * Project JXTA at http://www.jxta.org. * * 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "JXTA", nor may * "JXTA" appear in their name, without prior written permission of Sun. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL SUN * MICROSYSTEMS OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, * OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, * EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * JXTA is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United * States and other countries. * * Please see the license information page at : * <http://www.jxta.org/project/www/license.html> for instructions on use of * the license in source files. * * ==================================================================== * * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many individuals * on behalf of Project JXTA. For more information on Project JXTA, please see * http://www.jxta.org. * * This license is based on the BSD license adopted by the Apache Foundation. */ package net.jxta.impl.endpoint.relay; import java.util.Collection; import net.jxta.discovery.DiscoveryService; import net.jxta.document.Advertisement; import net.jxta.document.AdvertisementFactory; import net.jxta.document.MimeMediaType; import net.jxta.document.StructuredDocumentFactory; import net.jxta.document.StructuredDocumentUtils; import net.jxta.document.StructuredTextDocument; import net.jxta.document.XMLDocument; import net.jxta.document.XMLElement; import net.jxta.endpoint.EndpointAddress; import net.jxta.endpoint.EndpointService; import net.jxta.endpoint.Message; import net.jxta.endpoint.MessageElement; import net.jxta.endpoint.MessageReceiver; import net.jxta.endpoint.MessageSender; import net.jxta.endpoint.MessageTransport; import net.jxta.endpoint.Messenger; import net.jxta.endpoint.MessengerStateListener; import net.jxta.id.ID; import net.jxta.impl.protocol.RelayConfigAdv; import net.jxta.impl.util.SeedingManager; import net.jxta.impl.util.TimeUtils; import net.jxta.impl.util.URISeedingManager; import net.jxta.logging.Logger; import net.jxta.logging.Logging; import net.jxta.peer.PeerID; import net.jxta.peergroup.IModuleDefinitions; import net.jxta.peergroup.PeerGroup; import net.jxta.protocol.AccessPointAdvertisement; import net.jxta.protocol.PeerAdvertisement; import net.jxta.protocol.RdvAdvertisement; import net.jxta.protocol.RouteAdvertisement; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.URI; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Vector; /** * RelayClient manages the relationship with the RelayServer(s) */ public class RelayClient implements MessageReceiver, Runnable { private final static transient Logger LOG = Logging.getLogger(RelayClient.class.getName()); private final static long DEFAULT_EXPIRATION = 20L * TimeUtils.AMINUTE; private final PeerGroup group; private final String serviceName; private EndpointService endpoint; private final EndpointAddress publicAddress; private final String groupName; private final String peerId; private final int maxServers; private final long leaseLengthToRequest; private final long messengerPollInterval; private Thread thread = null; private volatile boolean closed = false; /** * The peergroups which want notification when we connect to a relay. */ private final List<PeerGroup> activeRelayListeners = new ArrayList<PeerGroup>(); /** * The currently connected relays. */ private final Map<EndpointAddress, RouteAdvertisement> activeRelays = new Hashtable<EndpointAddress, RouteAdvertisement>(); /** * Our source for relay servers. */ private final SeedingManager seedingManager; RelayServerConnection currentServer = null; public RelayClient(PeerGroup group, String serviceName, RelayConfigAdv relayConfig) { this.group = group; this.groupName = group.getPeerGroupID().getUniqueValue().toString(); this.serviceName = serviceName; maxServers = (-1 != relayConfig.getMaxRelays()) ? relayConfig.getMaxRelays() : RelayTransport.DEFAULT_MAX_SERVERS; leaseLengthToRequest = (-1 != relayConfig.getClientLeaseDuration()) ? relayConfig.getClientLeaseDuration() : RelayTransport.DEFAULT_LEASE; messengerPollInterval = (-1 != relayConfig.getMessengerPollInterval()) ? relayConfig.getMessengerPollInterval() : RelayTransport.DEFAULT_POLL_INTERVAL; URISeedingManager uriSeedingManager = new URISeedingManager(relayConfig.getAclUri(), relayConfig.getUseOnlySeeds(), group, serviceName); for (EndpointAddress aSeeder : Arrays.asList(relayConfig.getSeedRelays())) { uriSeedingManager.addSeed(aSeeder.toURI()); } for (URI aSeed : Arrays.asList(relayConfig.getSeedingURIs())) { uriSeedingManager.addSeedingURI(aSeed); } this.seedingManager = uriSeedingManager; // sanity check peerId = group.getPeerID().getUniqueValue().toString(); publicAddress = new EndpointAddress(RelayTransport.protocolName, peerId, null, null); if (Logging.SHOW_CONFIG && LOG.isConfigEnabled()) { StringBuilder configInfo = new StringBuilder("Configuring Relay Client"); configInfo.append("\n\tGroup Params :"); configInfo.append("\n\t\tGroup : ").append(group.getPeerGroupName()); configInfo.append("\n\t\tGroup ID : ").append(group.getPeerGroupID()); configInfo.append("\n\t\tPeer ID : ").append(group.getPeerID()); configInfo.append("\n\tConfiguration :"); configInfo.append("\n\t\tService Name : ").append(serviceName); configInfo.append("\n\t\tPublic Address : ").append(publicAddress); configInfo.append("\n\t\tMax Relay Servers : ").append(maxServers); configInfo.append("\n\t\tMax Lease Length : ").append(leaseLengthToRequest).append("ms."); configInfo.append("\n\t\tMessenger Poll Interval : ").append(messengerPollInterval).append("ms."); LOG.config(configInfo.toString()); } } public synchronized boolean startClient() { endpoint = group.getEndpointService(); if (endpoint.addMessageTransport(this) == null) { Logging.logCheckedError(LOG, "Transport registration refused"); return false; } // start the client thread thread = new Thread(this, "Relay Client Worker Thread for " + publicAddress); thread.setDaemon(true); thread.start(); Logging.logCheckedInfo(LOG, "Started client : ", publicAddress); return true; } /** * Returns the list of currently connected relay peers. * * @return a map of peer ids and corresponding route advertisements */ public Map<PeerID,RouteAdvertisement> getConnectedRelays() { // Preparing result Map<PeerID,RouteAdvertisement> Result = new HashMap<PeerID,RouteAdvertisement>(); Collection<RouteAdvertisement> Temp = this.activeRelays.values(); Iterator<RouteAdvertisement> TheIter = Temp.iterator(); while (TheIter.hasNext()) { RouteAdvertisement TempRA = TheIter.next(); // Adding connected relay entries Result.put(TempRA.getDestPeerID(), TempRA); } // Return result return Result; } public synchronized void stopClient() { if (closed) { return; } closed = true; endpoint.removeMessageTransport(this); // make sure the thread is not running Thread tempThread = thread; thread = null; if (tempThread != null) { tempThread.interrupt(); } Logging.logCheckedInfo(LOG, "Stopped client : " + publicAddress); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Iterator<EndpointAddress> getPublicAddresses() { return Collections.singletonList(publicAddress).iterator(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public String getProtocolName() { return RelayTransport.protocolName; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public EndpointService getEndpointService() { return endpoint; } /** * Logic for the relay client * * <ol> * <li>Pick a relay server to try</li> * <li>try getting a messenger to relay server, if can not get messenger, start over</li> * <li>use the messenger to send a connect message</li> * <li> wait for a response, if there is no response or a disconnect response, start over</li> * <li>while still connected * <ol> * <li>renew the lease as needed and keep the messenger connected</li> * <ol></li> * </ol> * * <p/>FIXME 20041102 bondolo The approach used here is really, really * stupid. The calls to <code>connectToRelay()</code> will not return if a * connection to a relay is achieved. This makes continued iteration over * seeds after return incredibly silly. <code>connectToRelay()</code> only * returns when it can <b>NO LONGER CONNECT</b> to the relay. The only * hack I can think of to subvert this is to stop iteration of advs/seeds * if <code>connectToRelay()</code> takes a long time. bizarre. */ public void run() { Logging.logCheckedInfo(LOG, "Start relay client thread"); try { long nextConnectAttemptAt = 0; RdvAdvertisement referral = null; List<RouteAdvertisement> allSeeds = null; long gotLastSeedsAt = 0; // run until the service is stopped while (!closed) { // Attempt to use any referral immediately. if (null != referral) { RouteAdvertisement relayRoute = referral.getRouteAdv(); relayRoute.setDestPeerID(referral.getPeerID()); referral = connectToRelay(new RelayServerConnection(this, relayRoute)); continue; } // Sleep until it is time for the next connection attempt. long untilNextConnectAttempt = TimeUtils.toRelativeTimeMillis(nextConnectAttemptAt); if (untilNextConnectAttempt > 0) { try { Thread.sleep(untilNextConnectAttempt); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.interrupted(); continue; } } // Don't allow next connection attempt to start any sooner than this. nextConnectAttemptAt = TimeUtils.toAbsoluteTimeMillis(30 * TimeUtils.ASECOND); // Get seeds if we need them or the ones we have are old. if ((TimeUtils.toRelativeTimeMillis(TimeUtils.timeNow(), gotLastSeedsAt) > (5 * TimeUtils.AMINUTE)) || allSeeds.isEmpty()) { allSeeds = new ArrayList<RouteAdvertisement>(Arrays.asList(seedingManager.getActiveSeedRoutes())); gotLastSeedsAt = TimeUtils.timeNow(); } // Try seeds until we get a connection, a referral or are closed. while ((null == referral) && !allSeeds.isEmpty() && !closed) { RouteAdvertisement aSeed = allSeeds.remove(0); if (null == aSeed.getDestPeerID()) { // It is an incomplete route advertisement. We are going to assume that it is only a wrapper for a single ea. Vector<String> seed_eas = aSeed.getDest().getVectorEndpointAddresses(); if (!seed_eas.isEmpty()) { EndpointAddress aSeedHost = new EndpointAddress(seed_eas.get(0)); Logging.logCheckedDebug(LOG, "Attempting relay connect to : ", aSeedHost); referral = connectToRelay(new RelayServerConnection(this, aSeedHost)); } } else { // We have a full route, send it to the virtual address of the route! Logging.logCheckedDebug(LOG, "Attempting relay connect to : ", aSeed.getDestPeerID()); referral = connectToRelay(new RelayServerConnection(this, aSeed)); } } } } catch (Throwable all) { Logging.logCheckedError(LOG, "Uncaught Throwable in thread :", Thread.currentThread().getName(), "\n", all); } finally { thread = null; Logging.logCheckedInfo(LOG, "stop client thread"); } } protected boolean isRelayConnectDone() { return (thread == null || Thread.currentThread() != thread); } /** * @param server The relay server to connect to * @return The advertisement of an alternate relay server to try. */ RdvAdvertisement connectToRelay(RelayServerConnection server) { Logging.logCheckedDebug(LOG, "Connecting to ", server); RdvAdvertisement referral = null; // make this the current server currentServer = server; // try getting a messenger to the relay peer if (!server.createMessenger(leaseLengthToRequest)) return referral; Logging.logCheckedDebug(LOG, "got messenger ", server); // check the peerId of the relay peer if (server.logicalAddress != null && "jxta".equals(server.logicalAddress.getProtocolName())) { server.peerId = server.logicalAddress.getProtocolAddress(); } // make sure that the peerId was found. if (server.peerId == null) { if (server.messenger != null) { server.sendDisconnectMessage(); server.messenger.close(); } return referral; } Logging.logCheckedDebug(LOG, "got peerId ", server); synchronized (this) { // wait for a response from the server // There is no real damage other than bandwidth usage in sending // a message on top of the connection request, so we realy do not // wait very long before doing it. long requestTimeoutAt = TimeUtils.toAbsoluteTimeMillis(5 * TimeUtils.ASECOND); while (currentServer != null && currentServer.leaseLength == 0 && !isRelayConnectDone()) { long waitTimeout = requestTimeoutAt - System.currentTimeMillis(); if (waitTimeout <= 0) { // did not receive the response in time ? break; } try { wait(waitTimeout); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // ignore interrupt Logging.logCheckedDebug(LOG, "wait got interrupted early\n", e); } Logging.logCheckedDebug(LOG, "wait done"); } } if (currentServer == null) { return server.alternateRelayAdv; } if (isRelayConnectDone()) { if (currentServer.messenger != null) { currentServer.messenger.close(); } currentServer = null; return server.alternateRelayAdv; } // If we did not get a lease in the first 5 secs, maybe it is because // the server knows us from a previous session. Then it will wait for // a lease renewal message before responding, not just the connection. // Send one and wait another 15. if (currentServer.leaseLength == 0) { currentServer.sendConnectMessage(leaseLengthToRequest); synchronized (this) { // wait for a response from the server long requestTimeoutAt = TimeUtils.toAbsoluteTimeMillis(15 * TimeUtils.ASECOND); while (currentServer != null && currentServer.leaseLength == 0 && !isRelayConnectDone()) { long waitTimeout = requestTimeoutAt - System.currentTimeMillis(); if (waitTimeout <= 0) { // did not receive the response in time ? break; } try { wait(waitTimeout); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // ignore interrupt Logging.logCheckedDebug(LOG, "wait got interrupted early\n", e); } Logging.logCheckedDebug(LOG, "wait done"); } } } // If we had a messenger but are going to give up that relay server because it is // not responsive or rejected us. Make sure that the messenger is closed. if (currentServer == null) { Logging.logCheckedDebug(LOG, "did not get connect from ", server); // return any alternate relay advertisements return server.alternateRelayAdv; } if (currentServer.relayAdv == null || currentServer.leaseLength == 0 || isRelayConnectDone()) { Logging.logCheckedDebug(LOG, "did not get connect from ", server); if (currentServer.messenger != null) { currentServer.sendDisconnectMessage(); currentServer.messenger.close(); } currentServer = null; // return any alternate relay advertisements return server.alternateRelayAdv; } Logging.logCheckedDebug(LOG, "Connected to ", server); RouteAdvertisement holdAdv = server.relayAdv; EndpointAddress holdDest = server.logicalAddress; // register this relay server addActiveRelay(holdDest, holdAdv); // maintain the relay server connection referral = maintainRelayConnection(server); // unregister this relay server removeActiveRelay(holdDest, holdAdv); return referral; } // FIXME: jice@jxta.org 20030212. This is junk code: that should be a // method of RelayServerConnection and at least not refer to currentServer // other than to assign the reference. protected RdvAdvertisement maintainRelayConnection(RelayServerConnection server) { Logging.logCheckedDebug(LOG, "maintainRelayConnection() start ", currentServer); if (server == null) { Logging.logCheckedDebug(LOG, "RelayConnection() failed at start ", currentServer); return null; } synchronized (this) { long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long renewLeaseAt = currentServer.leaseObtainedAt + currentServer.leaseLength / 3; long waitTimeout = 0; // This will be true if we need to do the first lease renewal early // (that is at the time of the next connection check). // We'll do that if we did not know the relay server's adv (seed). // In that case we told the relay server to send us its own // adv, else we told it to send us some alternate adv (we have to // chose). In the former case, we want to do a lease connect // request soon so that the server has an opportunity to send us // the alternate adv that we did not get during initial connection. boolean earlyRenew = currentServer.seeded; while (currentServer != null && !isRelayConnectDone()) { // calculate how long to wait waitTimeout = renewLeaseAt - currentTime; // check that the waitTimeout is not greater than the messengerPollInterval // We want to make sure that we poll. Most of the time it cost nothing. // Also, if we urgently need to renew our lease we may wait // less, but if we fail to get our lease renewed in time, the // delay may become negative. In that case we do not want // to start spinning madly. The only thing we can do is just // wait some arbitrary length of time for the lease to be // renewed. (If that gets badly overdue, we should probably // give up on that relay server, though). if (waitTimeout > messengerPollInterval || waitTimeout <= 0) { waitTimeout = messengerPollInterval; } Logging.logCheckedDebug(LOG, "waitTimeout=", waitTimeout, " server=", currentServer); try { wait(waitTimeout); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.interrupted(); } Logging.logCheckedDebug(LOG, "wait done, server=", currentServer); // make sure the server did not disconnect while waiting if (currentServer == null) { break; } // get the current time currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); Logging.logCheckedDebug(LOG, "check messenger ", currentServer); // check if the messenger is still open if (currentServer.messenger.isClosed()) { Logging.logCheckedDebug(LOG, "Server connection broken"); // See if we can re-open, that happens often. // That's a reason to renew the connection, // Not a reason to give up on the server yet. // Note we do not renew the lease. This is a transient // and if the server forgot about us, it will respond // to the connection alone. Otherwise, we'd rather avoid // getting a response, since in some cases http connections // close after each received message. if (!currentServer.createMessenger(currentServer.leaseLength)) { Logging.logCheckedDebug(LOG, "Server connection NOT re-established"); // lost connection to relay server currentServer = null; break; } Logging.logCheckedDebug(LOG, "Server connection re-established"); // getMessenger asks for a new lease. // In the meantime, we'll just assume our old lease is // still current and that the messenger breakage was just // a transient. if (!isRelayConnectDone()) { continue; } } // We've been asked to leave. Be nice and tell the // server about it. if (isRelayConnectDone()) { break; } // check if the lease needs to be renewed renewLeaseAt = currentServer.leaseObtainedAt + currentServer.leaseLength / 3; if (currentTime >= renewLeaseAt || earlyRenew) { earlyRenew = false; Logging.logCheckedDebug(LOG, "renew lease ", currentServer); // If we do not receive any response to our lease renewals // (that is the response is overdue badly), then we give // up and try another relayServer. We give up after 4 minutes // because if we go as far as 5 we start overshooting other // timeouts such as the local peer becoming a rdv in a sub-group. // This later timeout is usually set to 5 minutes or more. if ((currentTime > currentServer.leaseObtainedAt + currentServer.leaseLength / 3 + 4 * TimeUtils.AMINUTE) || (!currentServer.sendConnectMessage(leaseLengthToRequest))) { Logging.logCheckedInfo(LOG, "renew lease failed", currentServer); if (currentServer.messenger != null) { currentServer.messenger.close(); } currentServer.messenger = null; currentServer.peerId = null; currentServer.leaseLength = 0; currentServer.leaseObtainedAt = 0; currentServer.relayAdv = null; currentServer = null; break; } } } } if (isRelayConnectDone() && currentServer != null) { currentServer.sendDisconnectMessage(); if (currentServer.messenger != null) { currentServer.messenger.close(); } currentServer.messenger = null; currentServer.peerId = null; currentServer.leaseLength = 0; currentServer.leaseObtainedAt = 0; currentServer.relayAdv = null; // Make sure that we will not suggest an alternate // since we're asked to terminate. currentServer.alternateRelayAdv = null; currentServer = null; } Logging.logCheckedDebug(LOG, "maintainRelayConnection() terminated ", currentServer); return server.alternateRelayAdv; } protected synchronized void handleResponse(Message message, EndpointAddress dstAddr) { Logging.logCheckedDebug(LOG, "handleResponse ", currentServer); // ignore all responses if there is not a current server if (currentServer == null) { return; } // get the request, make it lowercase so that case is ignored String response = RelayTransport.getString(message, RelayTransport.RESPONSE_ELEMENT); if (response == null) { return; } response = response.toLowerCase(); Logging.logCheckedDebug(LOG, "response = ", response); // check if a relay advertisement was included RdvAdvertisement relayAdv = null; MessageElement advElement = message.getMessageElement(RelayTransport.RELAY_NS, RelayTransport.RELAY_ADV_ELEMENT); if (null != advElement) { try { XMLDocument asDoc = (XMLDocument) StructuredDocumentFactory.newStructuredDocument(advElement); Advertisement adv = AdvertisementFactory.newAdvertisement(asDoc); if (adv instanceof RdvAdvertisement) { relayAdv = (RdvAdvertisement) adv; } } catch (IOException e) { Logging.logCheckedDebug(LOG, "Could not read Relay RdvAdvertisement\n", e); } } // WATCHOUT: this is not a pid, just the unique string portion. String serverPeerId = dstAddr.getServiceParameter(); // only process the request if a client peer id was sent if (serverPeerId == null) { return; } // ignore all responses that are not from the current server if (!serverPeerId.equals(currentServer.peerId)) { return; } Logging.logCheckedDebug(LOG, "serverPeerId = ", serverPeerId); // Figure out which response it is if (RelayTransport.CONNECTED_RESPONSE.equals(response)) { // Connect Response Logging.logCheckedDebug(LOG, "connected response for ", currentServer); String responseLeaseString = RelayTransport.getString(message, RelayTransport.LEASE_ELEMENT); long responseLease = 0; if (responseLeaseString != null) { try { responseLease = Long.parseLong(responseLeaseString); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { Logging.logCheckedWarning(LOG, "could not parse response lease string\n", e); } } // make sure the lease is valid if (responseLease <= 0) { // invalid lease value return; } // update the lease values currentServer.leaseLength = responseLease; currentServer.leaseObtainedAt = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Since we got the lease, if we requested a queue flush, it's // now done. We never send it with a new messenger creation, but // when the server already has us as a client it does not respond // to connections through messenger creation, so we're sure we // will have to send an explicit connect message before we get // a response. So, we're sure it's done if it was needed. currentServer.flushNeeded = false; if (relayAdv != null) { // Set it only if it is the server's own. Else it got // published. Still set alternateRelayAdv so that we // can return something that could be usefull when this // connection breaks. PeerID pidOfAdv = relayAdv.getPeerID(); String pidOfAdvUnique = pidOfAdv.getUniqueValue().toString(); if (currentServer.peerId.equals(pidOfAdvUnique)) { currentServer.relayAdv = relayAdv.getRouteAdv(); // Fix the embedded route adv ! currentServer.relayAdv.setDestPeerID(pidOfAdv); } else { currentServer.alternateRelayAdv = relayAdv; } } notifyAll(); } else if (RelayTransport.DISCONNECTED_RESPONSE.equals(response)) { // Disconnect Response Logging.logCheckedDebug(LOG, "disconnected from ", currentServer); // If our request was denied, the adv that came back is // always an alternate one. currentServer.alternateRelayAdv = relayAdv; if (currentServer.messenger != null) { currentServer.messenger.close(); } currentServer.messenger = null; currentServer.peerId = null; currentServer.leaseLength = 0; currentServer.leaseObtainedAt = 0; currentServer.relayAdv = null; currentServer = null; notifyAll(); } Logging.logCheckedDebug(LOG, "response handled for ", currentServer); } static class RelayServerConnection { final RelayClient client; Messenger messenger = null; EndpointAddress logicalAddress = null; String peerId = null; long leaseLength = 0; long leaseObtainedAt = 0; // If seeded out of a raw address, we have relayAddress. // relayAdv comes only later. public RouteAdvertisement relayAdv = null; EndpointAddress relayAddress = null; RdvAdvertisement alternateRelayAdv = null; boolean seeded = false; boolean flushNeeded = true; // true until we know it's been done private final MessengerStateListener failureListener = new MessengerStateListener() { public boolean messengerStateChanged(int newState) { if((newState & Messenger.TERMINAL) != 0) { // wake up the relay client, so that it will attempt to // re-establish the connection or switch to a different // relay server. synchronized(client) { client.notifyAll(); } } return true; } }; protected RelayServerConnection(RelayClient client, EndpointAddress addr) { this.client = client; relayAddress = new EndpointAddress(addr, null, null); seeded = true; } protected RelayServerConnection(RelayClient client, RouteAdvertisement relayAdv) { this.client = client; this.relayAdv = relayAdv; } protected boolean createMessenger(long leaseLengthToRequest) { // make sure the old messenger is closed if (messenger != null) { messenger.close(); messenger = null; } List<String> endpointAddresses = null; // check for a relay advertisement if (relayAdv != null) { AccessPointAdvertisement accessPointAdv = relayAdv.getDest(); if (accessPointAdv != null) { endpointAddresses = accessPointAdv.getVectorEndpointAddresses(); } } else { // silly but if we use getVetorEndpointAddresses, we get // strings. It's realy simpler to have only one kind of obj // inthere. endpointAddresses = new ArrayList<String>(1); endpointAddresses.add(relayAddress.toString()); } Logging.logCheckedDebug(LOG, "createMessenger to ", endpointAddresses); // make sure we found some endpoint addresses to try if (endpointAddresses == null) { return false; } // try each endpoint address until one is successful for (String s : endpointAddresses) { if (s == null) continue; EndpointAddress addr = new EndpointAddress(s); Logging.logCheckedDebug(LOG, "find transport for ", addr); // get the list of messengers on this endpoint Iterator transports = client.endpoint.getAllMessageTransports(); while (transports.hasNext() && messenger == null) { MessageTransport transport = (MessageTransport) transports.next(); // only try transports that are senders and allow routing if (transport instanceof MessageSender && ((MessageSender) transport).allowsRouting()) { Logging.logCheckedDebug(LOG, "try transport ", transport); if (addr.getProtocolName().equals(transport.getProtocolName())) { // NOTE: here we're creating a messenger. // For risk management reason, we refrain from // including the flush request at this time in // this. There is the possibility that the // connection will be repeatedly established // by the transport in our bakck, and would keep // including the flush request ! Normaly this // does not matter because the server should // disregard it when it come in that way, but // still, let's be defensive. We will still send // the flush in a subsequent explicit message. String reqStr = RelayTransport.createConnectString(leaseLengthToRequest, relayAdv == null, false); // NOTE: this is simulating address mangling by CrossgroupMessenger. // The real service param is after the "/" in the below serviceParam arg. EndpointAddress addrToUse = new EndpointAddress(addr, "EndpointService:" + client.groupName , client.serviceName + "/" + reqStr); messenger = ((MessageSender) transport).getMessenger(addrToUse); // messenger = ((MessageSender) transport).getMessenger(addrToUse, null); if (messenger != null && messenger.isClosed()) { messenger = null; } if (messenger != null) { logicalAddress = messenger.getLogicalDestinationAddress(); // We're using a known adv, which means that // we did not ask to get the adv back. // Make sure that we do not keep going with // an adv for the wrong peer. That can happen. if (relayAdv != null && !RelayTransport.addr2pid(logicalAddress).equals(relayAdv.getDestPeerID())) { // oops, wrong guy ! messenger.close(); messenger = null; logicalAddress = null; } else { messenger.addStateListener(failureListener); } // In case it was not given, set relayAddress // for toString purposes. relayAddress = addr; } } } } } Logging.logCheckedDebug(LOG, "messenger=", messenger); return (messenger != null); } protected boolean sendConnectMessage(long leaseLengthToRequest) { if (messenger == null || messenger.isClosed()) { return false; } Message message = RelayTransport.createConnectMessage(leaseLengthToRequest, (relayAdv == null), flushNeeded); try { messenger.sendMessage(message, "EndpointService:" + client.groupName, client.serviceName + "/" + client.peerId); } catch (IOException e) { Logging.logCheckedWarning(LOG, "could not send connect message\n", e); // connection attempt failed return false; } return true; } protected boolean sendDisconnectMessage() { if (messenger == null || messenger.isClosed()) { return false; } Message message = RelayTransport.createDisconnectMessage(); try { messenger.sendMessage(message, "EndpointService:" + client.groupName, client.serviceName + "/" + client.peerId); } catch (IOException e) { Logging.logCheckedWarning(LOG, "could not send disconnect message\n", e); // connection attempt failed return false; } return true; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public String toString() { return ((relayAddress == null) ? "(adv to " + relayAdv.getDestPeerID() + ")" : relayAddress.toString()) + " [" + leaseLength + ", " + leaseObtainedAt + "] "; } } /** * Register an active Relay to the endpoint. This is done * so the Route Advertisement of the PeerAdvertisement is * updated */ public synchronized boolean addActiveRelayListener(PeerGroup service) { boolean added = false; if (!activeRelayListeners.contains(service)) { Logging.logCheckedDebug(LOG, "Register group to relay connection ", service.getPeerGroupName()); activeRelayListeners.add(service); added = true; } return added; } /** * Unregister an active Relay to the endpoint. This is done * so the Route Advertisement of the PeerAdvertisement is * updated */ public synchronized boolean removeActiveRelayListener(PeerGroup service) { activeRelayListeners.remove(service); return true; } /** * Notify of a new relay connection * */ public synchronized boolean addActiveRelay(EndpointAddress address, RouteAdvertisement relayRoute) { Logging.logCheckedDebug(LOG, "notify add relay connection for ", address); // need to notify all our listeners for (PeerGroup pg : activeRelayListeners) { addRelay(pg, relayRoute); } // maintain the list of active relays activeRelays.put(address, relayRoute); return true; } /** * Notify of a relay connection removal * */ public synchronized boolean removeActiveRelay(EndpointAddress address, RouteAdvertisement relayRoute) { // need to notify all our listeners for (PeerGroup pg : activeRelayListeners) { removeRelay(pg, relayRoute); } activeRelays.remove(address); return true; } /** * Register an active Relay to the endpoint. This is done * so the Route Advertisement of the PeerAdvertisement is * updated * * @param relayRoute address of the relay to add */ private void addRelay(PeerGroup pg, RouteAdvertisement relayRoute) { ID assignedID = IModuleDefinitions.endpointClassID; try { // get the advertisement of the associated endpoint address as we // need to get the peer Id and available route // update our own peer advertisement PeerAdvertisement padv = pg.getPeerAdvertisement(); XMLDocument myParam = (XMLDocument) padv.getServiceParam(assignedID); RouteAdvertisement route = null; if (myParam == null) { // we should have found a route here. This is not good Logging.logCheckedWarning(LOG, "no route found in peer adv"); return; } else { Enumeration<XMLElement> paramChilds = myParam.getChildren(RouteAdvertisement.getAdvertisementType()); XMLElement param = null; if (paramChilds.hasMoreElements()) { param = paramChilds.nextElement(); route = (RouteAdvertisement) AdvertisementFactory.newAdvertisement(param); } } if (route == null) return; // we should have a route here // ready to stich the Relay route in our route advertisement Logging.logCheckedDebug(LOG, "found route info for local peer \n", route.display()); // update the new hops info Logging.logCheckedDebug(LOG, "OLD route info to local peer \n", route.display()); // If we already have the relay in our list of hops, remove it. // The new version can only be more accurate. route.removeHop(relayRoute.getDestPeerID()); // Get a hold of the hops list AFTER removing: removeHop // rebuilds the vector ! Vector<AccessPointAdvertisement> hops = route.getVectorHops(); // Create the new relay Hop hops.add(relayRoute.getDest()); // update the new hops info Logging.logCheckedDebug(LOG, "NEW route info to local peer", route.display()); // create the new param route myParam = (XMLDocument) StructuredDocumentFactory.newStructuredDocument(MimeMediaType.XMLUTF8, "Parm"); StructuredTextDocument xptDoc = (StructuredTextDocument) route.getDocument(MimeMediaType.XMLUTF8); StructuredDocumentUtils.copyElements(myParam, myParam, xptDoc); padv.putServiceParam(assignedID, myParam); // publish the new peer advertisement DiscoveryService discovery = pg.getDiscoveryService(); if (discovery != null) { discovery.publish(padv, DiscoveryService.DEFAULT_LIFETIME, DiscoveryService.DEFAULT_EXPIRATION); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logging.logCheckedDebug(LOG, "exception adding relay route\n", ex); } } /** * remove relay hop from the peer advertisement * * @param group which peer advertisement needs to be updated * @param relayRoute address of the relay to be removed */ private void removeRelay(PeerGroup group, RouteAdvertisement relayRoute) { // we can keep the advertisement for now (should remove it) // remove the relay from its active list ID assignedID = IModuleDefinitions.endpointClassID; PeerID relayPid = relayRoute.getDestPeerID(); try { // get the advertisement of the associated endpoint address as we // need to get the peer Id and available route PeerAdvertisement padv; // update our peer advertisement padv = group.getPeerAdvertisement(); XMLDocument myParam = (XMLDocument) padv.getServiceParam(assignedID); RouteAdvertisement route = null; if (myParam == null) { // no route found we should really have one Logging.logCheckedWarning(LOG, "no route found in peer adv"); return; } else { Enumeration<XMLElement> paramChilds = myParam.getChildren(RouteAdvertisement.getAdvertisementType()); XMLElement param = null; if (paramChilds.hasMoreElements()) { param = paramChilds.nextElement(); route = (RouteAdvertisement) AdvertisementFactory.newAdvertisement( param); } } if (route == null) { return; } // we should have a route here // update the new hops info route.removeHop(relayPid); Logging.logCheckedDebug(LOG, "new route info to the peer", route.display()); // create the new param route myParam = (XMLDocument) StructuredDocumentFactory.newStructuredDocument(MimeMediaType.XMLUTF8, "Parm"); XMLDocument xptDoc = (XMLDocument) route.getDocument(MimeMediaType.XMLUTF8); StructuredDocumentUtils.copyElements(myParam, myParam, xptDoc); padv.putServiceParam(assignedID, myParam); // publish the new advertisement DiscoveryService discovery = group.getDiscoveryService(); if (discovery != null) discovery.publish(padv, DiscoveryService.DEFAULT_LIFETIME, DiscoveryService.DEFAULT_EXPIRATION); } catch (Throwable theMatter) { Logging.logCheckedWarning(LOG, "Failed adding relay route", theMatter); } } /** * return the list of connected relays */ public Vector<AccessPointAdvertisement> getActiveRelays(PeerGroup pg) { Logging.logCheckedDebug(LOG, "get active Relays list"); Vector<AccessPointAdvertisement> hops = new Vector<AccessPointAdvertisement>(); for (RouteAdvertisement route : activeRelays.values()) { try { // publish our route if pg is not null if (pg != null) { DiscoveryService discovery = pg.getDiscoveryService(); if (discovery != null) { Logging.logCheckedDebug(LOG, "publishing route to active relay ", route.display()); discovery.publish(route, DEFAULT_EXPIRATION, DEFAULT_EXPIRATION); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logging.logCheckedWarning(LOG, "error publishing active relay\n", ex); continue; } hops.add(route.getDest()); } return hops; } }