/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf; import java.io.IOException; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.NavigableSet; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Cell; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.CellScanner; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.CellUtil; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.DoNotRetryIOException; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseConfiguration; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseIOException; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HConstants; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.KeyValue; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ServerName; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.TableName; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Tag; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.TagUtil; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.classification.InterfaceAudience; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Append; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Consistency; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Delete; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Durability; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Get; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Increment; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Mutation; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.PackagePrivateFieldAccessor; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Put; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Result; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Scan; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.SnapshotType; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.metrics.ScanMetrics; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.exceptions.DeserializationException; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.ByteArrayComparable; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.Filter; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.TimeRange; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.AdminProtos.AdminService; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.AdminProtos.GetServerInfoRequest; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.AdminProtos.GetServerInfoResponse; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.AdminProtos.ServerInfo; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.CellProtos; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.ClientProtos; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.ClientProtos.Column; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.ClientProtos.MutationProto; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.ClientProtos.MutationProto.ColumnValue; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.ClientProtos.MutationProto.ColumnValue.QualifierValue; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.ClientProtos.MutationProto.DeleteType; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.ClientProtos.MutationProto.MutationType; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.ComparatorProtos; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.FilterProtos; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.HBaseProtos; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.HBaseProtos.NameBytesPair; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.HBaseProtos.RegionSpecifier; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.HBaseProtos.RegionSpecifier.RegionSpecifierType; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.MapReduceProtos; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.ZooKeeperProtos; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Addressing; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.ByteStringer; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.DynamicClassLoader; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.ExceptionUtil; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Methods; import org.apache.hadoop.ipc.RemoteException; import com.google.protobuf.ByteString; import com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream; import com.google.protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException; import com.google.protobuf.Message; import com.google.protobuf.Parser; import com.google.protobuf.RpcChannel; import com.google.protobuf.RpcController; import com.google.protobuf.Service; import com.google.protobuf.ServiceException; import com.google.protobuf.TextFormat; /** * Protobufs utility. * NOTE: This class OVERLAPS ProtobufUtil in the subpackage 'shaded'. The latter is used * internally and has more methods. This Class is for Coprocessor Endpoints only though they * should not be using this private class. It should not be depended upon. Most methods here * are COPIED from the shaded ProtobufUtils with only difference being they refer to non-shaded * protobufs. * @see ProtobufUtil */ // TODO: Generate this class from the shaded version. @edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressWarnings( value="DP_CREATE_CLASSLOADER_INSIDE_DO_PRIVILEGED", justification="None. Address sometime.") @InterfaceAudience.Private // TODO: some clients (Hive, etc) use this class. public final class ProtobufUtil { private ProtobufUtil() { } /** * Primitive type to class mapping. */ private final static Map<String, Class<?>> PRIMITIVES = new HashMap<>(); /** * Many results are simple: no cell, exists true or false. To save on object creations, * we reuse them across calls. */ // TODO: PICK THESE UP FROM THE SHADED PROTOBUF. private final static Cell[] EMPTY_CELL_ARRAY = new Cell[]{}; private final static Result EMPTY_RESULT = Result.create(EMPTY_CELL_ARRAY); final static Result EMPTY_RESULT_EXISTS_TRUE = Result.create(null, true); final static Result EMPTY_RESULT_EXISTS_FALSE = Result.create(null, false); private final static Result EMPTY_RESULT_STALE = Result.create(EMPTY_CELL_ARRAY, null, true); private final static Result EMPTY_RESULT_EXISTS_TRUE_STALE = Result.create((Cell[])null, true, true); private final static Result EMPTY_RESULT_EXISTS_FALSE_STALE = Result.create((Cell[])null, false, true); private final static ClientProtos.Result EMPTY_RESULT_PB; private final static ClientProtos.Result EMPTY_RESULT_PB_EXISTS_TRUE; private final static ClientProtos.Result EMPTY_RESULT_PB_EXISTS_FALSE; private final static ClientProtos.Result EMPTY_RESULT_PB_STALE; private final static ClientProtos.Result EMPTY_RESULT_PB_EXISTS_TRUE_STALE; private final static ClientProtos.Result EMPTY_RESULT_PB_EXISTS_FALSE_STALE; static { ClientProtos.Result.Builder builder = ClientProtos.Result.newBuilder(); builder.setExists(true); builder.setAssociatedCellCount(0); EMPTY_RESULT_PB_EXISTS_TRUE = builder.build(); builder.setStale(true); EMPTY_RESULT_PB_EXISTS_TRUE_STALE = builder.build(); builder.clear(); builder.setExists(false); builder.setAssociatedCellCount(0); EMPTY_RESULT_PB_EXISTS_FALSE = builder.build(); builder.setStale(true); EMPTY_RESULT_PB_EXISTS_FALSE_STALE = builder.build(); builder.clear(); builder.setAssociatedCellCount(0); EMPTY_RESULT_PB = builder.build(); builder.setStale(true); EMPTY_RESULT_PB_STALE = builder.build(); } /** * Dynamic class loader to load filter/comparators */ private final static ClassLoader CLASS_LOADER; static { ClassLoader parent = ProtobufUtil.class.getClassLoader(); Configuration conf = HBaseConfiguration.create(); CLASS_LOADER = new DynamicClassLoader(conf, parent); PRIMITIVES.put(Boolean.TYPE.getName(), Boolean.TYPE); PRIMITIVES.put(Byte.TYPE.getName(), Byte.TYPE); PRIMITIVES.put(Character.TYPE.getName(), Character.TYPE); PRIMITIVES.put(Short.TYPE.getName(), Short.TYPE); PRIMITIVES.put(Integer.TYPE.getName(), Integer.TYPE); PRIMITIVES.put(Long.TYPE.getName(), Long.TYPE); PRIMITIVES.put(Float.TYPE.getName(), Float.TYPE); PRIMITIVES.put(Double.TYPE.getName(), Double.TYPE); PRIMITIVES.put(Void.TYPE.getName(), Void.TYPE); } /** * Prepend the passed bytes with four bytes of magic, {@link ProtobufMagic#PB_MAGIC}, * to flag what follows as a protobuf in hbase. Prepend these bytes to all content written to * znodes, etc. * @param bytes Bytes to decorate * @return The passed <code>bytes</code> with magic prepended (Creates a new * byte array that is <code>bytes.length</code> plus {@link ProtobufMagic#PB_MAGIC}.length. */ public static byte [] prependPBMagic(final byte [] bytes) { return Bytes.add(ProtobufMagic.PB_MAGIC, bytes); } /** * @param bytes Bytes to check. * @return True if passed <code>bytes</code> has {@link ProtobufMagic#PB_MAGIC} for a prefix. */ public static boolean isPBMagicPrefix(final byte [] bytes) { return ProtobufMagic.isPBMagicPrefix(bytes); } /** * @param bytes Bytes to check. * @param offset offset to start at * @param len length to use * @return True if passed <code>bytes</code> has {@link ProtobufMagic#PB_MAGIC} for a prefix. */ public static boolean isPBMagicPrefix(final byte [] bytes, int offset, int len) { return ProtobufMagic.isPBMagicPrefix(bytes, offset, len); } /** * @param bytes bytes to check * @throws DeserializationException if we are missing the pb magic prefix */ public static void expectPBMagicPrefix(final byte [] bytes) throws DeserializationException { if (!isPBMagicPrefix(bytes)) { throw new DeserializationException("Missing pb magic " + Bytes.toString(ProtobufMagic.PB_MAGIC) + " prefix"); } } /** * @return Length of {@link ProtobufMagic#lengthOfPBMagic()} */ public static int lengthOfPBMagic() { return ProtobufMagic.lengthOfPBMagic(); } /** * Return the IOException thrown by the remote server wrapped in * ServiceException as cause. * * @param se ServiceException that wraps IO exception thrown by the server * @return Exception wrapped in ServiceException or * a new IOException that wraps the unexpected ServiceException. */ public static IOException getRemoteException(ServiceException se) { return makeIOExceptionOfException(se); } /** * Like {@link #getRemoteException(ServiceException)} but more generic, able to handle more than * just {@link ServiceException}. Prefer this method to * {@link #getRemoteException(ServiceException)} because trying to * contain direct protobuf references. * @param e */ public static IOException handleRemoteException(Exception e) { return makeIOExceptionOfException(e); } private static IOException makeIOExceptionOfException(Exception e) { Throwable t = e; if (e instanceof ServiceException || e instanceof org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.com.google.protobuf.ServiceException) { t = e.getCause(); } if (ExceptionUtil.isInterrupt(t)) { return ExceptionUtil.asInterrupt(t); } if (t instanceof RemoteException) { t = ((RemoteException)t).unwrapRemoteException(); } return t instanceof IOException? (IOException)t: new HBaseIOException(t); } /** * Convert a ServerName to a protocol buffer ServerName * * @param serverName the ServerName to convert * @return the converted protocol buffer ServerName * @see #toServerName(org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.HBaseProtos.ServerName) */ public static HBaseProtos.ServerName toServerName(final ServerName serverName) { if (serverName == null) return null; HBaseProtos.ServerName.Builder builder = HBaseProtos.ServerName.newBuilder(); builder.setHostName(serverName.getHostname()); if (serverName.getPort() >= 0) { builder.setPort(serverName.getPort()); } if (serverName.getStartcode() >= 0) { builder.setStartCode(serverName.getStartcode()); } return builder.build(); } /** * Convert a protocol buffer ServerName to a ServerName * * @param proto the protocol buffer ServerName to convert * @return the converted ServerName */ public static ServerName toServerName(final HBaseProtos.ServerName proto) { if (proto == null) return null; String hostName = proto.getHostName(); long startCode = -1; int port = -1; if (proto.hasPort()) { port = proto.getPort(); } if (proto.hasStartCode()) { startCode = proto.getStartCode(); } return ServerName.valueOf(hostName, port, startCode); } /** * Convert a protobuf Durability into a client Durability */ public static Durability toDurability( final ClientProtos.MutationProto.Durability proto) { switch(proto) { case USE_DEFAULT: return Durability.USE_DEFAULT; case SKIP_WAL: return Durability.SKIP_WAL; case ASYNC_WAL: return Durability.ASYNC_WAL; case SYNC_WAL: return Durability.SYNC_WAL; case FSYNC_WAL: return Durability.FSYNC_WAL; default: return Durability.USE_DEFAULT; } } /** * Convert a client Durability into a protbuf Durability */ public static ClientProtos.MutationProto.Durability toDurability( final Durability d) { switch(d) { case USE_DEFAULT: return ClientProtos.MutationProto.Durability.USE_DEFAULT; case SKIP_WAL: return ClientProtos.MutationProto.Durability.SKIP_WAL; case ASYNC_WAL: return ClientProtos.MutationProto.Durability.ASYNC_WAL; case SYNC_WAL: return ClientProtos.MutationProto.Durability.SYNC_WAL; case FSYNC_WAL: return ClientProtos.MutationProto.Durability.FSYNC_WAL; default: return ClientProtos.MutationProto.Durability.USE_DEFAULT; } } /** * Convert a protocol buffer Get to a client Get * * @param proto the protocol buffer Get to convert * @return the converted client Get * @throws IOException */ public static Get toGet(final ClientProtos.Get proto) throws IOException { if (proto == null) return null; byte[] row = proto.getRow().toByteArray(); Get get = new Get(row); if (proto.hasCacheBlocks()) { get.setCacheBlocks(proto.getCacheBlocks()); } if (proto.hasMaxVersions()) { get.setMaxVersions(proto.getMaxVersions()); } if (proto.hasStoreLimit()) { get.setMaxResultsPerColumnFamily(proto.getStoreLimit()); } if (proto.hasStoreOffset()) { get.setRowOffsetPerColumnFamily(proto.getStoreOffset()); } if (proto.getCfTimeRangeCount() > 0) { for (HBaseProtos.ColumnFamilyTimeRange cftr : proto.getCfTimeRangeList()) { TimeRange timeRange = protoToTimeRange(cftr.getTimeRange()); get.setColumnFamilyTimeRange(cftr.getColumnFamily().toByteArray(), timeRange); } } if (proto.hasTimeRange()) { TimeRange timeRange = protoToTimeRange(proto.getTimeRange()); get.setTimeRange(timeRange); } if (proto.hasFilter()) { FilterProtos.Filter filter = proto.getFilter(); get.setFilter(ProtobufUtil.toFilter(filter)); } for (NameBytesPair attribute: proto.getAttributeList()) { get.setAttribute(attribute.getName(), attribute.getValue().toByteArray()); } if (proto.getColumnCount() > 0) { for (Column column: proto.getColumnList()) { byte[] family = column.getFamily().toByteArray(); if (column.getQualifierCount() > 0) { for (ByteString qualifier: column.getQualifierList()) { get.addColumn(family, qualifier.toByteArray()); } } else { get.addFamily(family); } } } if (proto.hasExistenceOnly() && proto.getExistenceOnly()){ get.setCheckExistenceOnly(true); } if (proto.hasConsistency()) { get.setConsistency(toConsistency(proto.getConsistency())); } if (proto.hasLoadColumnFamiliesOnDemand()) { get.setLoadColumnFamiliesOnDemand(proto.getLoadColumnFamiliesOnDemand()); } return get; } public static Consistency toConsistency(ClientProtos.Consistency consistency) { switch (consistency) { case STRONG : return Consistency.STRONG; case TIMELINE : return Consistency.TIMELINE; default : return Consistency.STRONG; } } public static ClientProtos.Consistency toConsistency(Consistency consistency) { switch (consistency) { case STRONG : return ClientProtos.Consistency.STRONG; case TIMELINE : return ClientProtos.Consistency.TIMELINE; default : return ClientProtos.Consistency.STRONG; } } /** * Convert a protocol buffer Mutate to a Put. * * @param proto The protocol buffer MutationProto to convert * @return A client Put. * @throws IOException */ public static Put toPut(final MutationProto proto) throws IOException { return toPut(proto, null); } /** * Convert a protocol buffer Mutate to a Put. * * @param proto The protocol buffer MutationProto to convert * @param cellScanner If non-null, the Cell data that goes with this proto. * @return A client Put. * @throws IOException */ public static Put toPut(final MutationProto proto, final CellScanner cellScanner) throws IOException { // TODO: Server-side at least why do we convert back to the Client types? Why not just pb it? MutationType type = proto.getMutateType(); assert type == MutationType.PUT: type.name(); long timestamp = proto.hasTimestamp()? proto.getTimestamp(): HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP; Put put = proto.hasRow() ? new Put(proto.getRow().toByteArray(), timestamp) : null; int cellCount = proto.hasAssociatedCellCount()? proto.getAssociatedCellCount(): 0; if (cellCount > 0) { // The proto has metadata only and the data is separate to be found in the cellScanner. if (cellScanner == null) { throw new DoNotRetryIOException("Cell count of " + cellCount + " but no cellScanner: " + toShortString(proto)); } for (int i = 0; i < cellCount; i++) { if (!cellScanner.advance()) { throw new DoNotRetryIOException("Cell count of " + cellCount + " but at index " + i + " no cell returned: " + toShortString(proto)); } Cell cell = cellScanner.current(); if (put == null) { put = new Put(cell.getRowArray(), cell.getRowOffset(), cell.getRowLength(), timestamp); } put.add(cell); } } else { if (put == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("row cannot be null"); } // The proto has the metadata and the data itself for (ColumnValue column: proto.getColumnValueList()) { byte[] family = column.getFamily().toByteArray(); for (QualifierValue qv: column.getQualifierValueList()) { if (!qv.hasValue()) { throw new DoNotRetryIOException( "Missing required field: qualifier value"); } ByteBuffer qualifier = qv.hasQualifier() ? qv.getQualifier().asReadOnlyByteBuffer() : null; ByteBuffer value = qv.hasValue() ? qv.getValue().asReadOnlyByteBuffer() : null; long ts = timestamp; if (qv.hasTimestamp()) { ts = qv.getTimestamp(); } byte[] allTagsBytes; if (qv.hasTags()) { allTagsBytes = qv.getTags().toByteArray(); if(qv.hasDeleteType()) { byte[] qual = qv.hasQualifier() ? qv.getQualifier().toByteArray() : null; put.add(new KeyValue(proto.getRow().toByteArray(), family, qual, ts, fromDeleteType(qv.getDeleteType()), null, allTagsBytes)); } else { List<Tag> tags = TagUtil.asList(allTagsBytes, 0, (short)allTagsBytes.length); Tag[] tagsArray = new Tag[tags.size()]; put.addImmutable(family, qualifier, ts, value, tags.toArray(tagsArray)); } } else { if(qv.hasDeleteType()) { byte[] qual = qv.hasQualifier() ? qv.getQualifier().toByteArray() : null; put.add(new KeyValue(proto.getRow().toByteArray(), family, qual, ts, fromDeleteType(qv.getDeleteType()))); } else{ put.addImmutable(family, qualifier, ts, value); } } } } } put.setDurability(toDurability(proto.getDurability())); for (NameBytesPair attribute: proto.getAttributeList()) { put.setAttribute(attribute.getName(), attribute.getValue().toByteArray()); } return put; } /** * Convert a protocol buffer Mutate to a Delete * * @param proto the protocol buffer Mutate to convert * @return the converted client Delete * @throws IOException */ public static Delete toDelete(final MutationProto proto) throws IOException { return toDelete(proto, null); } /** * Convert a protocol buffer Mutate to a Delete * * @param proto the protocol buffer Mutate to convert * @param cellScanner if non-null, the data that goes with this delete. * @return the converted client Delete * @throws IOException */ public static Delete toDelete(final MutationProto proto, final CellScanner cellScanner) throws IOException { MutationType type = proto.getMutateType(); assert type == MutationType.DELETE : type.name(); long timestamp = proto.hasTimestamp() ? proto.getTimestamp() : HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP; Delete delete = proto.hasRow() ? new Delete(proto.getRow().toByteArray(), timestamp) : null; int cellCount = proto.hasAssociatedCellCount()? proto.getAssociatedCellCount(): 0; if (cellCount > 0) { // The proto has metadata only and the data is separate to be found in the cellScanner. if (cellScanner == null) { // TextFormat should be fine for a Delete since it carries no data, just coordinates. throw new DoNotRetryIOException("Cell count of " + cellCount + " but no cellScanner: " + TextFormat.shortDebugString(proto)); } for (int i = 0; i < cellCount; i++) { if (!cellScanner.advance()) { // TextFormat should be fine for a Delete since it carries no data, just coordinates. throw new DoNotRetryIOException("Cell count of " + cellCount + " but at index " + i + " no cell returned: " + TextFormat.shortDebugString(proto)); } Cell cell = cellScanner.current(); if (delete == null) { delete = new Delete(cell.getRowArray(), cell.getRowOffset(), cell.getRowLength(), timestamp); } delete.addDeleteMarker(cell); } } else { if (delete == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("row cannot be null"); } for (ColumnValue column: proto.getColumnValueList()) { byte[] family = column.getFamily().toByteArray(); for (QualifierValue qv: column.getQualifierValueList()) { DeleteType deleteType = qv.getDeleteType(); byte[] qualifier = null; if (qv.hasQualifier()) { qualifier = qv.getQualifier().toByteArray(); } long ts = HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP; if (qv.hasTimestamp()) { ts = qv.getTimestamp(); } if (deleteType == DeleteType.DELETE_ONE_VERSION) { delete.addColumn(family, qualifier, ts); } else if (deleteType == DeleteType.DELETE_MULTIPLE_VERSIONS) { delete.addColumns(family, qualifier, ts); } else if (deleteType == DeleteType.DELETE_FAMILY_VERSION) { delete.addFamilyVersion(family, ts); } else { delete.addFamily(family, ts); } } } } delete.setDurability(toDurability(proto.getDurability())); for (NameBytesPair attribute: proto.getAttributeList()) { delete.setAttribute(attribute.getName(), attribute.getValue().toByteArray()); } return delete; } /** * Convert a protocol buffer Mutate to an Append * @param cellScanner * @param proto the protocol buffer Mutate to convert * @return the converted client Append * @throws IOException */ public static Append toAppend(final MutationProto proto, final CellScanner cellScanner) throws IOException { MutationType type = proto.getMutateType(); assert type == MutationType.APPEND : type.name(); byte [] row = proto.hasRow()? proto.getRow().toByteArray(): null; Append append = null; int cellCount = proto.hasAssociatedCellCount()? proto.getAssociatedCellCount(): 0; if (cellCount > 0) { // The proto has metadata only and the data is separate to be found in the cellScanner. if (cellScanner == null) { throw new DoNotRetryIOException("Cell count of " + cellCount + " but no cellScanner: " + toShortString(proto)); } for (int i = 0; i < cellCount; i++) { if (!cellScanner.advance()) { throw new DoNotRetryIOException("Cell count of " + cellCount + " but at index " + i + " no cell returned: " + toShortString(proto)); } Cell cell = cellScanner.current(); if (append == null) { append = new Append(cell.getRowArray(), cell.getRowOffset(), cell.getRowLength()); } append.add(cell); } } else { append = new Append(row); for (ColumnValue column: proto.getColumnValueList()) { byte[] family = column.getFamily().toByteArray(); for (QualifierValue qv: column.getQualifierValueList()) { byte[] qualifier = qv.getQualifier().toByteArray(); if (!qv.hasValue()) { throw new DoNotRetryIOException( "Missing required field: qualifier value"); } byte[] value = qv.getValue().toByteArray(); byte[] tags = null; if (qv.hasTags()) { tags = qv.getTags().toByteArray(); } append.add(CellUtil.createCell(row, family, qualifier, qv.getTimestamp(), KeyValue.Type.Put, value, tags)); } } } append.setDurability(toDurability(proto.getDurability())); for (NameBytesPair attribute: proto.getAttributeList()) { append.setAttribute(attribute.getName(), attribute.getValue().toByteArray()); } return append; } /** * Convert a MutateRequest to Mutation * * @param proto the protocol buffer Mutate to convert * @return the converted Mutation * @throws IOException */ public static Mutation toMutation(final MutationProto proto) throws IOException { MutationType type = proto.getMutateType(); if (type == MutationType.APPEND) { return toAppend(proto, null); } if (type == MutationType.DELETE) { return toDelete(proto, null); } if (type == MutationType.PUT) { return toPut(proto, null); } throw new IOException("Unknown mutation type " + type); } /** * Convert a protocol buffer Mutate to an Increment * * @param proto the protocol buffer Mutate to convert * @return the converted client Increment * @throws IOException */ public static Increment toIncrement(final MutationProto proto, final CellScanner cellScanner) throws IOException { MutationType type = proto.getMutateType(); assert type == MutationType.INCREMENT : type.name(); byte [] row = proto.hasRow()? proto.getRow().toByteArray(): null; Increment increment = null; int cellCount = proto.hasAssociatedCellCount()? proto.getAssociatedCellCount(): 0; if (cellCount > 0) { // The proto has metadata only and the data is separate to be found in the cellScanner. if (cellScanner == null) { throw new DoNotRetryIOException("Cell count of " + cellCount + " but no cellScanner: " + TextFormat.shortDebugString(proto)); } for (int i = 0; i < cellCount; i++) { if (!cellScanner.advance()) { throw new DoNotRetryIOException("Cell count of " + cellCount + " but at index " + i + " no cell returned: " + TextFormat.shortDebugString(proto)); } Cell cell = cellScanner.current(); if (increment == null) { increment = new Increment(cell.getRowArray(), cell.getRowOffset(), cell.getRowLength()); } increment.add(cell); } } else { increment = new Increment(row); for (ColumnValue column: proto.getColumnValueList()) { byte[] family = column.getFamily().toByteArray(); for (QualifierValue qv: column.getQualifierValueList()) { byte[] qualifier = qv.getQualifier().toByteArray(); if (!qv.hasValue()) { throw new DoNotRetryIOException("Missing required field: qualifier value"); } byte[] value = qv.getValue().toByteArray(); byte[] tags = null; if (qv.hasTags()) { tags = qv.getTags().toByteArray(); } increment.add(CellUtil.createCell(row, family, qualifier, qv.getTimestamp(), KeyValue.Type.Put, value, tags)); } } } if (proto.hasTimeRange()) { TimeRange timeRange = protoToTimeRange(proto.getTimeRange()); increment.setTimeRange(timeRange.getMin(), timeRange.getMax()); } increment.setDurability(toDurability(proto.getDurability())); for (NameBytesPair attribute : proto.getAttributeList()) { increment.setAttribute(attribute.getName(), attribute.getValue().toByteArray()); } return increment; } /** * Convert a protocol buffer Mutate to a Get. * @param proto the protocol buffer Mutate to convert. * @param cellScanner * @return the converted client get. * @throws IOException */ public static Get toGet(final MutationProto proto, final CellScanner cellScanner) throws IOException { MutationType type = proto.getMutateType(); assert type == MutationType.INCREMENT || type == MutationType.APPEND : type.name(); byte[] row = proto.hasRow() ? proto.getRow().toByteArray() : null; Get get = null; int cellCount = proto.hasAssociatedCellCount() ? proto.getAssociatedCellCount() : 0; if (cellCount > 0) { // The proto has metadata only and the data is separate to be found in the cellScanner. if (cellScanner == null) { throw new DoNotRetryIOException("Cell count of " + cellCount + " but no cellScanner: " + TextFormat.shortDebugString(proto)); } for (int i = 0; i < cellCount; i++) { if (!cellScanner.advance()) { throw new DoNotRetryIOException("Cell count of " + cellCount + " but at index " + i + " no cell returned: " + TextFormat.shortDebugString(proto)); } Cell cell = cellScanner.current(); if (get == null) { get = new Get(Bytes.copy(cell.getRowArray(), cell.getRowOffset(), cell.getRowLength())); } get.addColumn( Bytes.copy(cell.getFamilyArray(), cell.getFamilyOffset(), cell.getFamilyLength()), Bytes.copy(cell.getQualifierArray(), cell.getQualifierOffset(), cell.getQualifierLength())); } } else { get = new Get(row); for (ColumnValue column : proto.getColumnValueList()) { byte[] family = column.getFamily().toByteArray(); for (QualifierValue qv : column.getQualifierValueList()) { byte[] qualifier = qv.getQualifier().toByteArray(); if (!qv.hasValue()) { throw new DoNotRetryIOException("Missing required field: qualifier value"); } get.addColumn(family, qualifier); } } } if (proto.hasTimeRange()) { TimeRange timeRange = protoToTimeRange(proto.getTimeRange()); get.setTimeRange(timeRange); } for (NameBytesPair attribute : proto.getAttributeList()) { get.setAttribute(attribute.getName(), attribute.getValue().toByteArray()); } return get; } public static ClientProtos.Scan.ReadType toReadType(Scan.ReadType readType) { switch (readType) { case DEFAULT: return ClientProtos.Scan.ReadType.DEFAULT; case STREAM: return ClientProtos.Scan.ReadType.STREAM; case PREAD: return ClientProtos.Scan.ReadType.PREAD; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown ReadType: " + readType); } } public static Scan.ReadType toReadType(ClientProtos.Scan.ReadType readType) { switch (readType) { case DEFAULT: return Scan.ReadType.DEFAULT; case STREAM: return Scan.ReadType.STREAM; case PREAD: return Scan.ReadType.PREAD; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown ReadType: " + readType); } } /** * Convert a client Scan to a protocol buffer Scan * * @param scan the client Scan to convert * @return the converted protocol buffer Scan * @throws IOException */ public static ClientProtos.Scan toScan( final Scan scan) throws IOException { ClientProtos.Scan.Builder scanBuilder = ClientProtos.Scan.newBuilder(); scanBuilder.setCacheBlocks(scan.getCacheBlocks()); if (scan.getBatch() > 0) { scanBuilder.setBatchSize(scan.getBatch()); } if (scan.getMaxResultSize() > 0) { scanBuilder.setMaxResultSize(scan.getMaxResultSize()); } if (scan.isSmall()) { scanBuilder.setSmall(scan.isSmall()); } if (scan.getAllowPartialResults()) { scanBuilder.setAllowPartialResults(scan.getAllowPartialResults()); } Boolean loadColumnFamiliesOnDemand = scan.getLoadColumnFamiliesOnDemandValue(); if (loadColumnFamiliesOnDemand != null) { scanBuilder.setLoadColumnFamiliesOnDemand(loadColumnFamiliesOnDemand); } scanBuilder.setMaxVersions(scan.getMaxVersions()); for (Entry<byte[], TimeRange> cftr : scan.getColumnFamilyTimeRange().entrySet()) { HBaseProtos.ColumnFamilyTimeRange.Builder b = HBaseProtos.ColumnFamilyTimeRange.newBuilder(); b.setColumnFamily(ByteStringer.wrap(cftr.getKey())); b.setTimeRange(timeRangeToProto(cftr.getValue())); scanBuilder.addCfTimeRange(b); } TimeRange timeRange = scan.getTimeRange(); if (!timeRange.isAllTime()) { HBaseProtos.TimeRange.Builder timeRangeBuilder = HBaseProtos.TimeRange.newBuilder(); timeRangeBuilder.setFrom(timeRange.getMin()); timeRangeBuilder.setTo(timeRange.getMax()); scanBuilder.setTimeRange(timeRangeBuilder.build()); } Map<String, byte[]> attributes = scan.getAttributesMap(); if (!attributes.isEmpty()) { NameBytesPair.Builder attributeBuilder = NameBytesPair.newBuilder(); for (Map.Entry<String, byte[]> attribute: attributes.entrySet()) { attributeBuilder.setName(attribute.getKey()); attributeBuilder.setValue(ByteStringer.wrap(attribute.getValue())); scanBuilder.addAttribute(attributeBuilder.build()); } } byte[] startRow = scan.getStartRow(); if (startRow != null && startRow.length > 0) { scanBuilder.setStartRow(ByteStringer.wrap(startRow)); } byte[] stopRow = scan.getStopRow(); if (stopRow != null && stopRow.length > 0) { scanBuilder.setStopRow(ByteStringer.wrap(stopRow)); } if (scan.hasFilter()) { scanBuilder.setFilter(ProtobufUtil.toFilter(scan.getFilter())); } if (scan.hasFamilies()) { Column.Builder columnBuilder = Column.newBuilder(); for (Map.Entry<byte[],NavigableSet<byte []>> family: scan.getFamilyMap().entrySet()) { columnBuilder.setFamily(ByteStringer.wrap(family.getKey())); NavigableSet<byte []> qualifiers = family.getValue(); columnBuilder.clearQualifier(); if (qualifiers != null && qualifiers.size() > 0) { for (byte [] qualifier: qualifiers) { columnBuilder.addQualifier(ByteStringer.wrap(qualifier)); } } scanBuilder.addColumn(columnBuilder.build()); } } if (scan.getMaxResultsPerColumnFamily() >= 0) { scanBuilder.setStoreLimit(scan.getMaxResultsPerColumnFamily()); } if (scan.getRowOffsetPerColumnFamily() > 0) { scanBuilder.setStoreOffset(scan.getRowOffsetPerColumnFamily()); } if (scan.isReversed()) { scanBuilder.setReversed(scan.isReversed()); } if (scan.getConsistency() == Consistency.TIMELINE) { scanBuilder.setConsistency(toConsistency(scan.getConsistency())); } if (scan.getCaching() > 0) { scanBuilder.setCaching(scan.getCaching()); } long mvccReadPoint = PackagePrivateFieldAccessor.getMvccReadPoint(scan); if (mvccReadPoint > 0) { scanBuilder.setMvccReadPoint(mvccReadPoint); } if (!scan.includeStartRow()) { scanBuilder.setIncludeStartRow(false); } if (scan.includeStopRow()) { scanBuilder.setIncludeStopRow(true); } if (scan.getReadType() != Scan.ReadType.DEFAULT) { scanBuilder.setReadType(toReadType(scan.getReadType())); } return scanBuilder.build(); } /** * Convert a protocol buffer Scan to a client Scan * * @param proto the protocol buffer Scan to convert * @return the converted client Scan * @throws IOException */ public static Scan toScan( final ClientProtos.Scan proto) throws IOException { byte[] startRow = HConstants.EMPTY_START_ROW; byte[] stopRow = HConstants.EMPTY_END_ROW; boolean includeStartRow = true; boolean includeStopRow = false; if (proto.hasStartRow()) { startRow = proto.getStartRow().toByteArray(); } if (proto.hasStopRow()) { stopRow = proto.getStopRow().toByteArray(); } if (proto.hasIncludeStartRow()) { includeStartRow = proto.getIncludeStartRow(); } if (proto.hasIncludeStopRow()) { includeStopRow = proto.getIncludeStopRow(); } Scan scan = new Scan().withStartRow(startRow, includeStartRow).withStopRow(stopRow, includeStopRow); if (proto.hasCacheBlocks()) { scan.setCacheBlocks(proto.getCacheBlocks()); } if (proto.hasMaxVersions()) { scan.setMaxVersions(proto.getMaxVersions()); } if (proto.hasStoreLimit()) { scan.setMaxResultsPerColumnFamily(proto.getStoreLimit()); } if (proto.hasStoreOffset()) { scan.setRowOffsetPerColumnFamily(proto.getStoreOffset()); } if (proto.hasLoadColumnFamiliesOnDemand()) { scan.setLoadColumnFamiliesOnDemand(proto.getLoadColumnFamiliesOnDemand()); } if (proto.getCfTimeRangeCount() > 0) { for (HBaseProtos.ColumnFamilyTimeRange cftr : proto.getCfTimeRangeList()) { TimeRange timeRange = protoToTimeRange(cftr.getTimeRange()); scan.setColumnFamilyTimeRange(cftr.getColumnFamily().toByteArray(), timeRange); } } if (proto.hasTimeRange()) { TimeRange timeRange = protoToTimeRange(proto.getTimeRange()); scan.setTimeRange(timeRange); } if (proto.hasFilter()) { FilterProtos.Filter filter = proto.getFilter(); scan.setFilter(ProtobufUtil.toFilter(filter)); } if (proto.hasBatchSize()) { scan.setBatch(proto.getBatchSize()); } if (proto.hasMaxResultSize()) { scan.setMaxResultSize(proto.getMaxResultSize()); } if (proto.hasSmall()) { scan.setSmall(proto.getSmall()); } if (proto.hasAllowPartialResults()) { scan.setAllowPartialResults(proto.getAllowPartialResults()); } for (NameBytesPair attribute: proto.getAttributeList()) { scan.setAttribute(attribute.getName(), attribute.getValue().toByteArray()); } if (proto.getColumnCount() > 0) { for (Column column: proto.getColumnList()) { byte[] family = column.getFamily().toByteArray(); if (column.getQualifierCount() > 0) { for (ByteString qualifier: column.getQualifierList()) { scan.addColumn(family, qualifier.toByteArray()); } } else { scan.addFamily(family); } } } if (proto.hasReversed()) { scan.setReversed(proto.getReversed()); } if (proto.hasConsistency()) { scan.setConsistency(toConsistency(proto.getConsistency())); } if (proto.hasCaching()) { scan.setCaching(proto.getCaching()); } if (proto.hasMvccReadPoint()) { PackagePrivateFieldAccessor.setMvccReadPoint(scan, proto.getMvccReadPoint()); } if (scan.isSmall()) { scan.setReadType(Scan.ReadType.PREAD); } else if (proto.hasReadType()) { scan.setReadType(toReadType(proto.getReadType())); } return scan; } /** * Create a protocol buffer Get based on a client Get. * * @param get the client Get * @return a protocol buffer Get * @throws IOException */ public static ClientProtos.Get toGet( final Get get) throws IOException { ClientProtos.Get.Builder builder = ClientProtos.Get.newBuilder(); builder.setRow(ByteStringer.wrap(get.getRow())); builder.setCacheBlocks(get.getCacheBlocks()); builder.setMaxVersions(get.getMaxVersions()); if (get.getFilter() != null) { builder.setFilter(ProtobufUtil.toFilter(get.getFilter())); } for (Entry<byte[], TimeRange> cftr : get.getColumnFamilyTimeRange().entrySet()) { HBaseProtos.ColumnFamilyTimeRange.Builder b = HBaseProtos.ColumnFamilyTimeRange.newBuilder(); b.setColumnFamily(ByteStringer.wrap(cftr.getKey())); b.setTimeRange(timeRangeToProto(cftr.getValue())); builder.addCfTimeRange(b); } TimeRange timeRange = get.getTimeRange(); if (!timeRange.isAllTime()) { HBaseProtos.TimeRange.Builder timeRangeBuilder = HBaseProtos.TimeRange.newBuilder(); timeRangeBuilder.setFrom(timeRange.getMin()); timeRangeBuilder.setTo(timeRange.getMax()); builder.setTimeRange(timeRangeBuilder.build()); } Map<String, byte[]> attributes = get.getAttributesMap(); if (!attributes.isEmpty()) { NameBytesPair.Builder attributeBuilder = NameBytesPair.newBuilder(); for (Map.Entry<String, byte[]> attribute: attributes.entrySet()) { attributeBuilder.setName(attribute.getKey()); attributeBuilder.setValue(ByteStringer.wrap(attribute.getValue())); builder.addAttribute(attributeBuilder.build()); } } if (get.hasFamilies()) { Column.Builder columnBuilder = Column.newBuilder(); Map<byte[], NavigableSet<byte[]>> families = get.getFamilyMap(); for (Map.Entry<byte[], NavigableSet<byte[]>> family: families.entrySet()) { NavigableSet<byte[]> qualifiers = family.getValue(); columnBuilder.setFamily(ByteStringer.wrap(family.getKey())); columnBuilder.clearQualifier(); if (qualifiers != null && qualifiers.size() > 0) { for (byte[] qualifier: qualifiers) { columnBuilder.addQualifier(ByteStringer.wrap(qualifier)); } } builder.addColumn(columnBuilder.build()); } } if (get.getMaxResultsPerColumnFamily() >= 0) { builder.setStoreLimit(get.getMaxResultsPerColumnFamily()); } if (get.getRowOffsetPerColumnFamily() > 0) { builder.setStoreOffset(get.getRowOffsetPerColumnFamily()); } if (get.isCheckExistenceOnly()){ builder.setExistenceOnly(true); } if (get.getConsistency() != null && get.getConsistency() != Consistency.STRONG) { builder.setConsistency(toConsistency(get.getConsistency())); } Boolean loadColumnFamiliesOnDemand = get.getLoadColumnFamiliesOnDemandValue(); if (loadColumnFamiliesOnDemand != null) { builder.setLoadColumnFamiliesOnDemand(loadColumnFamiliesOnDemand); } return builder.build(); } static void setTimeRange(final MutationProto.Builder builder, final TimeRange timeRange) { if (!timeRange.isAllTime()) { HBaseProtos.TimeRange.Builder timeRangeBuilder = HBaseProtos.TimeRange.newBuilder(); timeRangeBuilder.setFrom(timeRange.getMin()); timeRangeBuilder.setTo(timeRange.getMax()); builder.setTimeRange(timeRangeBuilder.build()); } } /** * Convert a client Increment to a protobuf Mutate. * * @param increment * @return the converted mutate */ public static MutationProto toMutation( final Increment increment, final MutationProto.Builder builder, long nonce) { builder.setRow(ByteStringer.wrap(increment.getRow())); builder.setMutateType(MutationType.INCREMENT); builder.setDurability(toDurability(increment.getDurability())); if (nonce != HConstants.NO_NONCE) { builder.setNonce(nonce); } TimeRange timeRange = increment.getTimeRange(); setTimeRange(builder, timeRange); ColumnValue.Builder columnBuilder = ColumnValue.newBuilder(); QualifierValue.Builder valueBuilder = QualifierValue.newBuilder(); for (Map.Entry<byte[], List<Cell>> family: increment.getFamilyCellMap().entrySet()) { columnBuilder.setFamily(ByteStringer.wrap(family.getKey())); columnBuilder.clearQualifierValue(); List<Cell> values = family.getValue(); if (values != null && values.size() > 0) { for (Cell cell: values) { valueBuilder.clear(); valueBuilder.setQualifier(ByteStringer.wrap( cell.getQualifierArray(), cell.getQualifierOffset(), cell.getQualifierLength())); valueBuilder.setValue(ByteStringer.wrap( cell.getValueArray(), cell.getValueOffset(), cell.getValueLength())); if (cell.getTagsLength() > 0) { valueBuilder.setTags(ByteStringer.wrap(cell.getTagsArray(), cell.getTagsOffset(), cell.getTagsLength())); } columnBuilder.addQualifierValue(valueBuilder.build()); } } builder.addColumnValue(columnBuilder.build()); } Map<String, byte[]> attributes = increment.getAttributesMap(); if (!attributes.isEmpty()) { NameBytesPair.Builder attributeBuilder = NameBytesPair.newBuilder(); for (Map.Entry<String, byte[]> attribute : attributes.entrySet()) { attributeBuilder.setName(attribute.getKey()); attributeBuilder.setValue(ByteStringer.wrap(attribute.getValue())); builder.addAttribute(attributeBuilder.build()); } } return builder.build(); } public static MutationProto toMutation(final MutationType type, final Mutation mutation) throws IOException { return toMutation(type, mutation, HConstants.NO_NONCE); } /** * Create a protocol buffer Mutate based on a client Mutation * * @param type * @param mutation * @return a protobuf'd Mutation * @throws IOException */ public static MutationProto toMutation(final MutationType type, final Mutation mutation, final long nonce) throws IOException { return toMutation(type, mutation, MutationProto.newBuilder(), nonce); } public static MutationProto toMutation(final MutationType type, final Mutation mutation, MutationProto.Builder builder) throws IOException { return toMutation(type, mutation, builder, HConstants.NO_NONCE); } public static MutationProto toMutation(final MutationType type, final Mutation mutation, MutationProto.Builder builder, long nonce) throws IOException { builder = getMutationBuilderAndSetCommonFields(type, mutation, builder); if (nonce != HConstants.NO_NONCE) { builder.setNonce(nonce); } ColumnValue.Builder columnBuilder = ColumnValue.newBuilder(); QualifierValue.Builder valueBuilder = QualifierValue.newBuilder(); for (Map.Entry<byte[],List<Cell>> family: mutation.getFamilyCellMap().entrySet()) { columnBuilder.clear(); columnBuilder.setFamily(ByteStringer.wrap(family.getKey())); for (Cell cell: family.getValue()) { valueBuilder.clear(); valueBuilder.setQualifier(ByteStringer.wrap( cell.getQualifierArray(), cell.getQualifierOffset(), cell.getQualifierLength())); valueBuilder.setValue(ByteStringer.wrap( cell.getValueArray(), cell.getValueOffset(), cell.getValueLength())); valueBuilder.setTimestamp(cell.getTimestamp()); if (type == MutationType.DELETE || (type == MutationType.PUT && CellUtil.isDelete(cell))) { KeyValue.Type keyValueType = KeyValue.Type.codeToType(cell.getTypeByte()); valueBuilder.setDeleteType(toDeleteType(keyValueType)); } columnBuilder.addQualifierValue(valueBuilder.build()); } builder.addColumnValue(columnBuilder.build()); } return builder.build(); } /** * Create a protocol buffer MutationProto based on a client Mutation. Does NOT include data. * Understanding is that the Cell will be transported other than via protobuf. * @param type * @param mutation * @param builder * @return a protobuf'd Mutation * @throws IOException */ public static MutationProto toMutationNoData(final MutationType type, final Mutation mutation, final MutationProto.Builder builder) throws IOException { return toMutationNoData(type, mutation, builder, HConstants.NO_NONCE); } /** * Create a protocol buffer MutationProto based on a client Mutation. Does NOT include data. * Understanding is that the Cell will be transported other than via protobuf. * @param type * @param mutation * @return a protobuf'd Mutation * @throws IOException */ public static MutationProto toMutationNoData(final MutationType type, final Mutation mutation) throws IOException { MutationProto.Builder builder = MutationProto.newBuilder(); return toMutationNoData(type, mutation, builder); } public static MutationProto toMutationNoData(final MutationType type, final Mutation mutation, final MutationProto.Builder builder, long nonce) throws IOException { getMutationBuilderAndSetCommonFields(type, mutation, builder); builder.setAssociatedCellCount(mutation.size()); if (mutation instanceof Increment) { setTimeRange(builder, ((Increment)mutation).getTimeRange()); } if (nonce != HConstants.NO_NONCE) { builder.setNonce(nonce); } return builder.build(); } /** * Code shared by {@link #toMutation(MutationType, Mutation)} and * {@link #toMutationNoData(MutationType, Mutation)} * @param type * @param mutation * @return A partly-filled out protobuf'd Mutation. */ private static MutationProto.Builder getMutationBuilderAndSetCommonFields(final MutationType type, final Mutation mutation, MutationProto.Builder builder) { builder.setRow(ByteStringer.wrap(mutation.getRow())); builder.setMutateType(type); builder.setDurability(toDurability(mutation.getDurability())); builder.setTimestamp(mutation.getTimeStamp()); Map<String, byte[]> attributes = mutation.getAttributesMap(); if (!attributes.isEmpty()) { NameBytesPair.Builder attributeBuilder = NameBytesPair.newBuilder(); for (Map.Entry<String, byte[]> attribute: attributes.entrySet()) { attributeBuilder.setName(attribute.getKey()); attributeBuilder.setValue(ByteStringer.wrap(attribute.getValue())); builder.addAttribute(attributeBuilder.build()); } } return builder; } /** * Convert a client Result to a protocol buffer Result * * @param result the client Result to convert * @return the converted protocol buffer Result */ public static ClientProtos.Result toResult(final Result result) { if (result.getExists() != null) { return toResult(result.getExists(), result.isStale()); } Cell[] cells = result.rawCells(); if (cells == null || cells.length == 0) { return result.isStale() ? EMPTY_RESULT_PB_STALE : EMPTY_RESULT_PB; } ClientProtos.Result.Builder builder = ClientProtos.Result.newBuilder(); for (Cell c : cells) { builder.addCell(toCell(c)); } builder.setStale(result.isStale()); builder.setPartial(result.mayHaveMoreCellsInRow()); return builder.build(); } /** * Convert a client Result to a protocol buffer Result * * @param existence the client existence to send * @return the converted protocol buffer Result */ public static ClientProtos.Result toResult(final boolean existence, boolean stale) { if (stale){ return existence ? EMPTY_RESULT_PB_EXISTS_TRUE_STALE : EMPTY_RESULT_PB_EXISTS_FALSE_STALE; } else { return existence ? EMPTY_RESULT_PB_EXISTS_TRUE : EMPTY_RESULT_PB_EXISTS_FALSE; } } /** * Convert a client Result to a protocol buffer Result. * The pb Result does not include the Cell data. That is for transport otherwise. * * @param result the client Result to convert * @return the converted protocol buffer Result */ public static ClientProtos.Result toResultNoData(final Result result) { if (result.getExists() != null) return toResult(result.getExists(), result.isStale()); int size = result.size(); if (size == 0) return result.isStale() ? EMPTY_RESULT_PB_STALE : EMPTY_RESULT_PB; ClientProtos.Result.Builder builder = ClientProtos.Result.newBuilder(); builder.setAssociatedCellCount(size); builder.setStale(result.isStale()); return builder.build(); } /** * Convert a protocol buffer Result to a client Result * * @param proto the protocol buffer Result to convert * @return the converted client Result */ public static Result toResult(final ClientProtos.Result proto) { if (proto.hasExists()) { if (proto.getStale()) { return proto.getExists() ? EMPTY_RESULT_EXISTS_TRUE_STALE :EMPTY_RESULT_EXISTS_FALSE_STALE; } return proto.getExists() ? EMPTY_RESULT_EXISTS_TRUE : EMPTY_RESULT_EXISTS_FALSE; } List<CellProtos.Cell> values = proto.getCellList(); if (values.isEmpty()){ return proto.getStale() ? EMPTY_RESULT_STALE : EMPTY_RESULT; } List<Cell> cells = new ArrayList<>(values.size()); for (CellProtos.Cell c : values) { cells.add(toCell(c)); } return Result.create(cells, null, proto.getStale(), proto.getPartial()); } /** * Convert a protocol buffer Result to a client Result * * @param proto the protocol buffer Result to convert * @param scanner Optional cell scanner. * @return the converted client Result * @throws IOException */ public static Result toResult(final ClientProtos.Result proto, final CellScanner scanner) throws IOException { List<CellProtos.Cell> values = proto.getCellList(); if (proto.hasExists()) { if ((values != null && !values.isEmpty()) || (proto.hasAssociatedCellCount() && proto.getAssociatedCellCount() > 0)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("bad proto: exists with cells is no allowed " + proto); } if (proto.getStale()) { return proto.getExists() ? EMPTY_RESULT_EXISTS_TRUE_STALE :EMPTY_RESULT_EXISTS_FALSE_STALE; } return proto.getExists() ? EMPTY_RESULT_EXISTS_TRUE : EMPTY_RESULT_EXISTS_FALSE; } // TODO: Unit test that has some Cells in scanner and some in the proto. List<Cell> cells = null; if (proto.hasAssociatedCellCount()) { int count = proto.getAssociatedCellCount(); cells = new ArrayList<>(count + values.size()); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (!scanner.advance()) throw new IOException("Failed get " + i + " of " + count); cells.add(scanner.current()); } } if (!values.isEmpty()){ if (cells == null) cells = new ArrayList<>(values.size()); for (CellProtos.Cell c: values) { cells.add(toCell(c)); } } return (cells == null || cells.isEmpty()) ? (proto.getStale() ? EMPTY_RESULT_STALE : EMPTY_RESULT) : Result.create(cells, null, proto.getStale()); } /** * Convert a ByteArrayComparable to a protocol buffer Comparator * * @param comparator the ByteArrayComparable to convert * @return the converted protocol buffer Comparator */ public static ComparatorProtos.Comparator toComparator(ByteArrayComparable comparator) { ComparatorProtos.Comparator.Builder builder = ComparatorProtos.Comparator.newBuilder(); builder.setName(comparator.getClass().getName()); builder.setSerializedComparator(ByteStringer.wrap(comparator.toByteArray())); return builder.build(); } /** * Convert a protocol buffer Comparator to a ByteArrayComparable * * @param proto the protocol buffer Comparator to convert * @return the converted ByteArrayComparable */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static ByteArrayComparable toComparator(ComparatorProtos.Comparator proto) throws IOException { String type = proto.getName(); String funcName = "parseFrom"; byte [] value = proto.getSerializedComparator().toByteArray(); try { Class<? extends ByteArrayComparable> c = (Class<? extends ByteArrayComparable>)Class.forName(type, true, CLASS_LOADER); Method parseFrom = c.getMethod(funcName, byte[].class); if (parseFrom == null) { throw new IOException("Unable to locate function: " + funcName + " in type: " + type); } return (ByteArrayComparable)parseFrom.invoke(null, value); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException(e); } } /** * Convert a protocol buffer Filter to a client Filter * * @param proto the protocol buffer Filter to convert * @return the converted Filter */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static Filter toFilter(FilterProtos.Filter proto) throws IOException { String type = proto.getName(); final byte [] value = proto.getSerializedFilter().toByteArray(); String funcName = "parseFrom"; try { Class<? extends Filter> c = (Class<? extends Filter>)Class.forName(type, true, CLASS_LOADER); Method parseFrom = c.getMethod(funcName, byte[].class); if (parseFrom == null) { throw new IOException("Unable to locate function: " + funcName + " in type: " + type); } return (Filter)parseFrom.invoke(c, value); } catch (Exception e) { // Either we couldn't instantiate the method object, or "parseFrom" failed. // In either case, let's not retry. throw new DoNotRetryIOException(e); } } /** * Convert a client Filter to a protocol buffer Filter * * @param filter the Filter to convert * @return the converted protocol buffer Filter */ public static FilterProtos.Filter toFilter(Filter filter) throws IOException { FilterProtos.Filter.Builder builder = FilterProtos.Filter.newBuilder(); builder.setName(filter.getClass().getName()); builder.setSerializedFilter(ByteStringer.wrap(filter.toByteArray())); return builder.build(); } /** * Convert a delete KeyValue type to protocol buffer DeleteType. * * @param type * @return protocol buffer DeleteType * @throws IOException */ public static DeleteType toDeleteType( KeyValue.Type type) throws IOException { switch (type) { case Delete: return DeleteType.DELETE_ONE_VERSION; case DeleteColumn: return DeleteType.DELETE_MULTIPLE_VERSIONS; case DeleteFamily: return DeleteType.DELETE_FAMILY; case DeleteFamilyVersion: return DeleteType.DELETE_FAMILY_VERSION; default: throw new IOException("Unknown delete type: " + type); } } /** * Convert a protocol buffer DeleteType to delete KeyValue type. * * @param type The DeleteType * @return The type. * @throws IOException */ public static KeyValue.Type fromDeleteType( DeleteType type) throws IOException { switch (type) { case DELETE_ONE_VERSION: return KeyValue.Type.Delete; case DELETE_MULTIPLE_VERSIONS: return KeyValue.Type.DeleteColumn; case DELETE_FAMILY: return KeyValue.Type.DeleteFamily; case DELETE_FAMILY_VERSION: return KeyValue.Type.DeleteFamilyVersion; default: throw new IOException("Unknown delete type: " + type); } } /** * Convert a stringified protocol buffer exception Parameter to a Java Exception * * @param parameter the protocol buffer Parameter to convert * @return the converted Exception * @throws IOException if failed to deserialize the parameter */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static Throwable toException(final NameBytesPair parameter) throws IOException { if (parameter == null || !parameter.hasValue()) return null; String desc = parameter.getValue().toStringUtf8(); String type = parameter.getName(); try { Class<? extends Throwable> c = (Class<? extends Throwable>)Class.forName(type, true, CLASS_LOADER); Constructor<? extends Throwable> cn = null; try { cn = c.getDeclaredConstructor(String.class); return cn.newInstance(desc); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { // Could be a raw RemoteException. See HBASE-8987. cn = c.getDeclaredConstructor(String.class, String.class); return cn.newInstance(type, desc); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException(e); } } // Start helpers for Client @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <T extends Service> T newServiceStub(Class<T> service, RpcChannel channel) throws Exception { return (T)Methods.call(service, null, "newStub", new Class[]{ RpcChannel.class }, new Object[]{ channel }); } // End helpers for Client // Start helpers for Admin /** * A helper to get the info of a region server using admin protocol. * @return the server name */ public static ServerInfo getServerInfo(final RpcController controller, final AdminService.BlockingInterface admin) throws IOException { GetServerInfoRequest request = buildGetServerInfoRequest(); try { GetServerInfoResponse response = admin.getServerInfo(controller, request); return response.getServerInfo(); } catch (ServiceException se) { throw getRemoteException(se); } } /** * @see {@link #buildGetServerInfoRequest()} */ private static GetServerInfoRequest GET_SERVER_INFO_REQUEST = GetServerInfoRequest.newBuilder().build(); /** * Create a new GetServerInfoRequest * * @return a GetServerInfoRequest */ public static GetServerInfoRequest buildGetServerInfoRequest() { return GET_SERVER_INFO_REQUEST; } public static ScanMetrics toScanMetrics(final byte[] bytes) { Parser<MapReduceProtos.ScanMetrics> parser = MapReduceProtos.ScanMetrics.PARSER; MapReduceProtos.ScanMetrics pScanMetrics = null; try { pScanMetrics = parser.parseFrom(bytes); } catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException e) { //Ignored there are just no key values to add. } ScanMetrics scanMetrics = new ScanMetrics(); if (pScanMetrics != null) { for (HBaseProtos.NameInt64Pair pair : pScanMetrics.getMetricsList()) { if (pair.hasName() && pair.hasValue()) { scanMetrics.setCounter(pair.getName(), pair.getValue()); } } } return scanMetrics; } /** * Unwraps an exception from a protobuf service into the underlying (expected) IOException. * This method will <strong>always</strong> throw an exception. * @param se the {@code ServiceException} instance to convert into an {@code IOException} */ public static void toIOException(ServiceException se) throws IOException { if (se == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Null service exception passed!"); } Throwable cause = se.getCause(); if (cause != null && cause instanceof IOException) { throw (IOException)cause; } throw new IOException(se); } public static CellProtos.Cell toCell(final Cell kv) { // Doing this is going to kill us if we do it for all data passed. // St.Ack 20121205 CellProtos.Cell.Builder kvbuilder = CellProtos.Cell.newBuilder(); kvbuilder.setRow(ByteStringer.wrap(kv.getRowArray(), kv.getRowOffset(), kv.getRowLength())); kvbuilder.setFamily(ByteStringer.wrap(kv.getFamilyArray(), kv.getFamilyOffset(), kv.getFamilyLength())); kvbuilder.setQualifier(ByteStringer.wrap(kv.getQualifierArray(), kv.getQualifierOffset(), kv.getQualifierLength())); kvbuilder.setCellType(CellProtos.CellType.valueOf(kv.getTypeByte())); kvbuilder.setTimestamp(kv.getTimestamp()); kvbuilder.setValue(ByteStringer.wrap(kv.getValueArray(), kv.getValueOffset(), kv.getValueLength())); return kvbuilder.build(); } public static Cell toCell(final CellProtos.Cell cell) { // Doing this is going to kill us if we do it for all data passed. // St.Ack 20121205 return CellUtil.createCell(cell.getRow().toByteArray(), cell.getFamily().toByteArray(), cell.getQualifier().toByteArray(), cell.getTimestamp(), (byte)cell.getCellType().getNumber(), cell.getValue().toByteArray()); } /** * Print out some subset of a MutationProto rather than all of it and its data * @param proto Protobuf to print out * @return Short String of mutation proto */ static String toShortString(final MutationProto proto) { return "row=" + Bytes.toString(proto.getRow().toByteArray()) + ", type=" + proto.getMutateType().toString(); } public static TableName toTableName(HBaseProtos.TableName tableNamePB) { return TableName.valueOf(tableNamePB.getNamespace().asReadOnlyByteBuffer(), tableNamePB.getQualifier().asReadOnlyByteBuffer()); } public static HBaseProtos.TableName toProtoTableName(TableName tableName) { return HBaseProtos.TableName.newBuilder() .setNamespace(ByteStringer.wrap(tableName.getNamespace())) .setQualifier(ByteStringer.wrap(tableName.getQualifier())).build(); } /** * This version of protobuf's mergeFrom avoids the hard-coded 64MB limit for decoding * buffers when working with byte arrays * @param builder current message builder * @param b byte array * @throws IOException */ public static void mergeFrom(Message.Builder builder, byte[] b) throws IOException { final CodedInputStream codedInput = CodedInputStream.newInstance(b); codedInput.setSizeLimit(b.length); builder.mergeFrom(codedInput); codedInput.checkLastTagWas(0); } /** * This version of protobuf's mergeFrom avoids the hard-coded 64MB limit for decoding * buffers when working with byte arrays * @param builder current message builder * @param b byte array * @param offset * @param length * @throws IOException */ public static void mergeFrom(Message.Builder builder, byte[] b, int offset, int length) throws IOException { final CodedInputStream codedInput = CodedInputStream.newInstance(b, offset, length); codedInput.setSizeLimit(length); builder.mergeFrom(codedInput); codedInput.checkLastTagWas(0); } private static HBaseProtos.TimeRange.Builder timeRangeToProto(TimeRange timeRange) { HBaseProtos.TimeRange.Builder timeRangeBuilder = HBaseProtos.TimeRange.newBuilder(); timeRangeBuilder.setFrom(timeRange.getMin()); timeRangeBuilder.setTo(timeRange.getMax()); return timeRangeBuilder; } private static TimeRange protoToTimeRange(HBaseProtos.TimeRange timeRange) throws IOException { long minStamp = 0; long maxStamp = Long.MAX_VALUE; if (timeRange.hasFrom()) { minStamp = timeRange.getFrom(); } if (timeRange.hasTo()) { maxStamp = timeRange.getTo(); } return new TimeRange(minStamp, maxStamp); } /** * Creates {@link org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.HBaseProtos.SnapshotDescription.Type} * from {@link SnapshotType} * @param type the SnapshotDescription type * @return the protobuf SnapshotDescription type */ public static HBaseProtos.SnapshotDescription.Type createProtosSnapShotDescType(SnapshotType type) { return HBaseProtos.SnapshotDescription.Type.valueOf(type.name()); } /** * Convert a byte array to a protocol buffer RegionSpecifier * * @param type the region specifier type * @param value the region specifier byte array value * @return a protocol buffer RegionSpecifier */ public static RegionSpecifier buildRegionSpecifier( final RegionSpecifierType type, final byte[] value) { RegionSpecifier.Builder regionBuilder = RegionSpecifier.newBuilder(); regionBuilder.setValue(ByteStringer.wrap(value)); regionBuilder.setType(type); return regionBuilder.build(); } /** * Get a ServerName from the passed in data bytes. * @param data Data with a serialize server name in it; can handle the old style * servername where servername was host and port. Works too with data that * begins w/ the pb 'PBUF' magic and that is then followed by a protobuf that * has a serialized {@link ServerName} in it. * @return Returns null if <code>data</code> is null else converts passed data * to a ServerName instance. * @throws DeserializationException */ public static ServerName toServerName(final byte [] data) throws DeserializationException { if (data == null || data.length <= 0) return null; if (ProtobufMagic.isPBMagicPrefix(data)) { int prefixLen = ProtobufMagic.lengthOfPBMagic(); try { ZooKeeperProtos.Master rss = ZooKeeperProtos.Master.PARSER.parseFrom(data, prefixLen, data.length - prefixLen); org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.HBaseProtos.ServerName sn = rss.getMaster(); return ServerName.valueOf(sn.getHostName(), sn.getPort(), sn.getStartCode()); } catch (/*InvalidProtocolBufferException*/IOException e) { // A failed parse of the znode is pretty catastrophic. Rather than loop // retrying hoping the bad bytes will changes, and rather than change // the signature on this method to add an IOE which will send ripples all // over the code base, throw a RuntimeException. This should "never" happen. // Fail fast if it does. throw new DeserializationException(e); } } // The str returned could be old style -- pre hbase-1502 -- which was // hostname and port seperated by a colon rather than hostname, port and // startcode delimited by a ','. String str = Bytes.toString(data); int index = str.indexOf(ServerName.SERVERNAME_SEPARATOR); if (index != -1) { // Presume its ServerName serialized with versioned bytes. return ServerName.parseVersionedServerName(data); } // Presume it a hostname:port format. String hostname = Addressing.parseHostname(str); int port = Addressing.parsePort(str); return ServerName.valueOf(hostname, port, -1L); } }