/** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.hbase; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.classification.InterfaceAudience; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.RegionState; import org.apache.hadoop.io.VersionedWritable; /** * Status information on the HBase cluster. * <p> * <tt>ClusterStatus</tt> provides clients with information such as: * <ul> * <li>The count and names of region servers in the cluster.</li> * <li>The count and names of dead region servers in the cluster.</li> * <li>The name of the active master for the cluster.</li> * <li>The name(s) of the backup master(s) for the cluster, if they exist.</li> * <li>The average cluster load.</li> * <li>The number of regions deployed on the cluster.</li> * <li>The number of requests since last report.</li> * <li>Detailed region server loading and resource usage information, * per server and per region.</li> * <li>Regions in transition at master</li> * <li>The unique cluster ID</li> * </ul> */ @InterfaceAudience.Public public class ClusterStatus extends VersionedWritable { /** * Version for object serialization. Incremented for changes in serialized * representation. * <dl> * <dt>0</dt> <dd>Initial version</dd> * <dt>1</dt> <dd>Added cluster ID</dd> * <dt>2</dt> <dd>Added Map of ServerName to ServerLoad</dd> * <dt>3</dt> <dd>Added master and backupMasters</dd> * </dl> */ private static final byte VERSION = 2; private String hbaseVersion; private Map<ServerName, ServerLoad> liveServers; private Collection<ServerName> deadServers; private ServerName master; private Collection<ServerName> backupMasters; private Set<RegionState> intransition; private String clusterId; private String[] masterCoprocessors; private Boolean balancerOn; public ClusterStatus(final String hbaseVersion, final String clusterid, final Map<ServerName, ServerLoad> servers, final Collection<ServerName> deadServers, final ServerName master, final Collection<ServerName> backupMasters, final Set<RegionState> rit, final String[] masterCoprocessors, final Boolean balancerOn) { this.hbaseVersion = hbaseVersion; this.liveServers = servers; this.deadServers = deadServers; this.master = master; this.backupMasters = backupMasters; this.intransition = rit; this.clusterId = clusterid; this.masterCoprocessors = masterCoprocessors; this.balancerOn = balancerOn; } /** * @return the names of region servers on the dead list */ public Collection<ServerName> getDeadServerNames() { if (deadServers == null) { return Collections.<ServerName>emptyList(); } return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(deadServers); } /** * @return the number of region servers in the cluster */ public int getServersSize() { return liveServers != null ? liveServers.size() : 0; } /** * @return the number of dead region servers in the cluster * @deprecated As of release 2.0.0, this will be removed in HBase 3.0.0 * (<a href="https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HBASE-13656">HBASE-13656</a>). * Use {@link #getDeadServersSize()}. */ @Deprecated public int getDeadServers() { return getDeadServersSize(); } /** * @return the number of dead region servers in the cluster */ public int getDeadServersSize() { return deadServers != null ? deadServers.size() : 0; } /** * @return the average cluster load */ public double getAverageLoad() { int load = getRegionsCount(); return (double)load / (double)getServersSize(); } /** * @return the number of regions deployed on the cluster */ public int getRegionsCount() { int count = 0; if (liveServers != null && !liveServers.isEmpty()) { for (Map.Entry<ServerName, ServerLoad> e: this.liveServers.entrySet()) { count += e.getValue().getNumberOfRegions(); } } return count; } /** * @return the number of requests since last report */ public int getRequestsCount() { int count = 0; if (liveServers != null && !liveServers.isEmpty()) { for (Map.Entry<ServerName, ServerLoad> e: this.liveServers.entrySet()) { count += e.getValue().getNumberOfRequests(); } } return count; } /** * @return the HBase version string as reported by the HMaster */ public String getHBaseVersion() { return hbaseVersion; } /** * @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object) */ public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (!(o instanceof ClusterStatus)) { return false; } return (getVersion() == ((ClusterStatus)o).getVersion()) && getHBaseVersion().equals(((ClusterStatus)o).getHBaseVersion()) && this.liveServers.equals(((ClusterStatus)o).liveServers) && this.deadServers.containsAll(((ClusterStatus)o).deadServers) && Arrays.equals(this.masterCoprocessors, ((ClusterStatus)o).masterCoprocessors) && this.master.equals(((ClusterStatus)o).master) && this.backupMasters.containsAll(((ClusterStatus)o).backupMasters); } /** * @see java.lang.Object#hashCode() */ public int hashCode() { return VERSION + hbaseVersion.hashCode() + this.liveServers.hashCode() + this.deadServers.hashCode() + this.master.hashCode() + this.backupMasters.hashCode(); } /** @return the object version number */ public byte getVersion() { return VERSION; } // // Getters // public Collection<ServerName> getServers() { if (liveServers == null) { return Collections.<ServerName>emptyList(); } return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(this.liveServers.keySet()); } /** * Returns detailed information about the current master {@link ServerName}. * @return current master information if it exists */ public ServerName getMaster() { return this.master; } /** * @return the number of backup masters in the cluster */ public int getBackupMastersSize() { return backupMasters != null ? backupMasters.size() : 0; } /** * @return the names of backup masters */ public Collection<ServerName> getBackupMasters() { if (backupMasters == null) { return Collections.<ServerName>emptyList(); } return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(this.backupMasters); } /** * @param sn * @return Server's load or null if not found. */ public ServerLoad getLoad(final ServerName sn) { return liveServers != null ? liveServers.get(sn) : null; } @InterfaceAudience.Private public Set<RegionState> getRegionsInTransition() { return this.intransition; } public String getClusterId() { return clusterId; } public String[] getMasterCoprocessors() { return masterCoprocessors; } public long getLastMajorCompactionTsForTable(TableName table) { long result = Long.MAX_VALUE; for (ServerName server : getServers()) { ServerLoad load = getLoad(server); for (RegionLoad rl : load.getRegionsLoad().values()) { if (table.equals(HRegionInfo.getTable(rl.getName()))) { result = Math.min(result, rl.getLastMajorCompactionTs()); } } } return result == Long.MAX_VALUE ? 0 : result; } public long getLastMajorCompactionTsForRegion(final byte[] region) { for (ServerName server : getServers()) { ServerLoad load = getLoad(server); RegionLoad rl = load.getRegionsLoad().get(region); if (rl != null) { return rl.getLastMajorCompactionTs(); } } return 0; } public boolean isBalancerOn() { return balancerOn != null && balancerOn; } public Boolean getBalancerOn() { return balancerOn; } public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(1024); sb.append("Master: " + master); int backupMastersSize = getBackupMastersSize(); sb.append("\nNumber of backup masters: " + backupMastersSize); if (backupMastersSize > 0) { for (ServerName serverName: backupMasters) { sb.append("\n " + serverName); } } int serversSize = getServersSize(); sb.append("\nNumber of live region servers: " + serversSize); if (serversSize > 0) { for (ServerName serverName: liveServers.keySet()) { sb.append("\n " + serverName.getServerName()); } } int deadServerSize = getDeadServersSize(); sb.append("\nNumber of dead region servers: " + deadServerSize); if (deadServerSize > 0) { for (ServerName serverName: deadServers) { sb.append("\n " + serverName); } } sb.append("\nAverage load: " + getAverageLoad()); sb.append("\nNumber of requests: " + getRequestsCount()); sb.append("\nNumber of regions: " + getRegionsCount()); int ritSize = (intransition != null) ? intransition.size() : 0; sb.append("\nNumber of regions in transition: " + ritSize); if (ritSize > 0) { for (RegionState state: intransition) { sb.append("\n " + state.toDescriptiveString()); } } return sb.toString(); } }