/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.codehaus.groovy.classgen; import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.*; import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.DeclarationExpression; import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.stmt.ReturnStatement; import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.stmt.Statement; import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.tools.ParameterUtils; import org.codehaus.groovy.control.AnnotationConstantsVisitor; import org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilerConfiguration; import org.codehaus.groovy.control.ErrorCollector; import org.codehaus.groovy.control.SourceUnit; import org.codehaus.groovy.control.messages.SyntaxErrorMessage; import org.codehaus.groovy.syntax.SyntaxException; import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import static org.codehaus.groovy.ast.tools.GenericsUtils.correctToGenericsSpec; import static org.codehaus.groovy.ast.tools.GenericsUtils.correctToGenericsSpecRecurse; import static org.codehaus.groovy.ast.tools.GenericsUtils.createGenericsSpec; /** * A specialized Groovy AST visitor meant to perform additional verifications upon the * current AST. Currently it does checks on annotated nodes and annotations itself. * <p> * Current limitations: * - annotations on local variables are not supported */ public class ExtendedVerifier extends ClassCodeVisitorSupport { public static final String JVM_ERROR_MESSAGE = "Please make sure you are running on a JVM >= 1.5"; private final SourceUnit source; private ClassNode currentClass; public ExtendedVerifier(SourceUnit sourceUnit) { this.source = sourceUnit; } public void visitClass(ClassNode node) { AnnotationConstantsVisitor acv = new AnnotationConstantsVisitor(); acv.visitClass(node, this.source); this.currentClass = node; if (node.isAnnotationDefinition()) { visitAnnotations(node, AnnotationNode.ANNOTATION_TARGET); } else { visitAnnotations(node, AnnotationNode.TYPE_TARGET); } PackageNode packageNode = node.getPackage(); if (packageNode != null) { visitAnnotations(packageNode, AnnotationNode.PACKAGE_TARGET); } node.visitContents(this); } public void visitField(FieldNode node) { visitAnnotations(node, AnnotationNode.FIELD_TARGET); } @Override public void visitDeclarationExpression(DeclarationExpression expression) { visitAnnotations(expression, AnnotationNode.LOCAL_VARIABLE_TARGET); } public void visitConstructor(ConstructorNode node) { visitConstructorOrMethod(node, AnnotationNode.CONSTRUCTOR_TARGET); } public void visitMethod(MethodNode node) { visitConstructorOrMethod(node, AnnotationNode.METHOD_TARGET); } private void visitConstructorOrMethod(MethodNode node, int methodTarget) { visitAnnotations(node, methodTarget); for (int i = 0; i < node.getParameters().length; i++) { Parameter parameter = node.getParameters()[i]; visitAnnotations(parameter, AnnotationNode.PARAMETER_TARGET); } if (this.currentClass.isAnnotationDefinition() && !node.isStaticConstructor()) { ErrorCollector errorCollector = new ErrorCollector(this.source.getConfiguration()); AnnotationVisitor visitor = new AnnotationVisitor(this.source, errorCollector); visitor.setReportClass(currentClass); visitor.checkReturnType(node.getReturnType(), node); if (node.getParameters().length > 0) { addError("Annotation members may not have parameters.", node.getParameters()[0]); } if (node.getExceptions().length > 0) { addError("Annotation members may not have a throws clause.", node.getExceptions()[0]); } ReturnStatement code = (ReturnStatement) node.getCode(); if (code != null) { visitor.visitExpression(node.getName(), code.getExpression(), node.getReturnType()); visitor.checkCircularReference(currentClass, node.getReturnType(), code.getExpression()); } this.source.getErrorCollector().addCollectorContents(errorCollector); } Statement code = node.getCode(); if (code != null) { code.visit(this); } } public void visitProperty(PropertyNode node) { } protected void visitAnnotations(AnnotatedNode node, int target) { if (node.getAnnotations().isEmpty()) { return; } this.currentClass.setAnnotated(true); if (!isAnnotationCompatible()) { addError("Annotations are not supported in the current runtime. " + JVM_ERROR_MESSAGE, node); return; } for (AnnotationNode unvisited : node.getAnnotations()) { AnnotationNode visited = visitAnnotation(unvisited); boolean isTargetAnnotation = visited.getClassNode().isResolved() && visited.getClassNode().getName().equals("java.lang.annotation.Target"); // Check if the annotation target is correct, unless it's the target annotating an annotation definition // defining on which target elements the annotation applies if (!isTargetAnnotation && !visited.isTargetAllowed(target)) { addError("Annotation @" + visited.getClassNode().getName() + " is not allowed on element " + AnnotationNode.targetToName(target), visited); } visitDeprecation(node, visited); visitOverride(node, visited); } } private static void visitDeprecation(AnnotatedNode node, AnnotationNode visited) { if (visited.getClassNode().isResolved() && visited.getClassNode().getName().equals("java.lang.Deprecated")) { if (node instanceof MethodNode) { MethodNode mn = (MethodNode) node; mn.setModifiers(mn.getModifiers() | Opcodes.ACC_DEPRECATED); } else if (node instanceof FieldNode) { FieldNode fn = (FieldNode) node; fn.setModifiers(fn.getModifiers() | Opcodes.ACC_DEPRECATED); } else if (node instanceof ClassNode) { ClassNode cn = (ClassNode) node; cn.setModifiers(cn.getModifiers() | Opcodes.ACC_DEPRECATED); } } } // TODO GROOVY-5011 handle case of @Override on a property private void visitOverride(AnnotatedNode node, AnnotationNode visited) { ClassNode annotationClassNode = visited.getClassNode(); if (annotationClassNode.isResolved() && annotationClassNode.getName().equals("java.lang.Override")) { if (node instanceof MethodNode && !Boolean.TRUE.equals(node.getNodeMetaData(Verifier.DEFAULT_PARAMETER_GENERATED))) { boolean override = false; MethodNode origMethod = (MethodNode) node; ClassNode cNode = origMethod.getDeclaringClass(); if (origMethod.hasDefaultValue()) { List<MethodNode> variants = cNode.getDeclaredMethods(origMethod.getName()); for (MethodNode m : variants) { if (m.getAnnotations().contains(visited) && isOverrideMethod(m)) { override = true; break; } } } else { override = isOverrideMethod(origMethod); } if (!override) { addError("Method '" + origMethod.getName() + "' from class '" + cNode.getName() + "' does not override " + "method from its superclass or interfaces but is annotated with @Override.", visited); } } } } private static boolean isOverrideMethod(MethodNode method) { ClassNode cNode = method.getDeclaringClass(); ClassNode next = cNode; outer: while (next != null) { Map genericsSpec = createGenericsSpec(next); MethodNode mn = correctToGenericsSpec(genericsSpec, method); if (next != cNode) { ClassNode correctedNext = correctToGenericsSpecRecurse(genericsSpec, next); MethodNode found = getDeclaredMethodCorrected(genericsSpec, mn, correctedNext); if (found != null) break; } List<ClassNode> ifaces = new ArrayList<ClassNode>(); ifaces.addAll(Arrays.asList(next.getInterfaces())); Map updatedGenericsSpec = new HashMap(genericsSpec); while (!ifaces.isEmpty()) { ClassNode origInterface = ifaces.remove(0); if (!origInterface.equals(ClassHelper.OBJECT_TYPE)) { updatedGenericsSpec = createGenericsSpec(origInterface, updatedGenericsSpec); ClassNode iNode = correctToGenericsSpecRecurse(updatedGenericsSpec, origInterface); MethodNode found2 = getDeclaredMethodCorrected(updatedGenericsSpec, mn, iNode); if (found2 != null) break outer; ifaces.addAll(Arrays.asList(iNode.getInterfaces())); } } ClassNode superClass = next.getUnresolvedSuperClass(); if (superClass != null) { next = correctToGenericsSpecRecurse(updatedGenericsSpec, superClass); } else { next = null; } } return next != null; } private static MethodNode getDeclaredMethodCorrected(Map genericsSpec, MethodNode mn, ClassNode correctedNext) { for (MethodNode orig : correctedNext.getDeclaredMethods(mn.getName())) { MethodNode method = correctToGenericsSpec(genericsSpec, orig); if (ParameterUtils.parametersEqual(method.getParameters(), mn.getParameters())) { return method; } } return null; } /** * Resolve metadata and details of the annotation. * * @param unvisited the node to visit * @return the visited node */ private AnnotationNode visitAnnotation(AnnotationNode unvisited) { ErrorCollector errorCollector = new ErrorCollector(this.source.getConfiguration()); AnnotationVisitor visitor = new AnnotationVisitor(this.source, errorCollector); AnnotationNode visited = visitor.visit(unvisited); this.source.getErrorCollector().addCollectorContents(errorCollector); return visited; } /** * Check if the current runtime allows Annotation usage. * * @return true if running on a 1.5+ runtime */ protected boolean isAnnotationCompatible() { return CompilerConfiguration.isPostJDK5(this.source.getConfiguration().getTargetBytecode()); } public void addError(String msg, ASTNode expr) { this.source.getErrorCollector().addErrorAndContinue( new SyntaxErrorMessage( new SyntaxException(msg + '\n', expr.getLineNumber(), expr.getColumnNumber(), expr.getLastLineNumber(), expr.getLastColumnNumber()), this.source) ); } @Override protected SourceUnit getSourceUnit() { return source; } // TODO use it or lose it public void visitGenericType(GenericsType genericsType) { } }