/* * GeoTools - The Open Source Java GIS Toolkit * http://geotools.org * * (C) 2003-2008, Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. */ package org.geotools.gui.swing.image; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import javax.swing.Icon; import javax.swing.JTree; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JSplitPane; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; import javax.swing.BorderFactory; import javax.swing.tree.TreePath; import javax.swing.tree.TreeModel; import javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel; import javax.swing.tree.TreeSelectionModel; import javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeCellRenderer; import javax.swing.event.TreeSelectionEvent; import javax.swing.event.TreeSelectionListener; import java.awt.image.renderable.ParameterBlock; import java.awt.image.renderable.RenderableImage; import java.awt.image.RenderedImage; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.CardLayout; import java.awt.Container; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.IOException; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import javax.media.jai.RenderedOp; import javax.media.jai.RenderableOp; import javax.media.jai.PropertySource; import javax.media.jai.OperationNode; import javax.media.jai.ParameterList; import javax.media.jai.ParameterListDescriptor; import javax.media.jai.LookupTableJAI; import javax.media.jai.KernelJAI; import org.geotools.resources.Classes; import org.geotools.resources.SwingUtilities; import org.geotools.resources.i18n.Vocabulary; import org.geotools.resources.i18n.VocabularyKeys; import org.geotools.gui.swing.IconFactory; import org.geotools.gui.swing.ParameterEditor; import org.geotools.gui.swing.tree.Trees; import org.geotools.gui.swing.tree.TreeNode; import org.geotools.gui.swing.tree.NamedTreeNode; import org.geotools.gui.swing.tree.MutableTreeNode; import org.geotools.gui.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode; import org.geotools.resources.Arguments; import org.geotools.resources.i18n.ErrorKeys; import org.geotools.resources.i18n.Errors; /** * Display a chain of images as a tree. It may be a chain of {@link RenderedImage} or a chain of * {@link RenderableImage}. Those images are often the result of some operation (i.e. are actually * instances of {@link RenderedOp} or {@link RenderableOp}). The image given to the constructor is * the root of the tree. The root contains the following children nodes: * * <ul> * <li>One node for each {@linkplain RenderedImage#getSources source image}, if any.</li> * <li>One node for each {@linkplain OperationNode#getParameterBlock image parameter}, if any.</li> * </ul> * * Each source image can have its own source and parameters. In an analogy to a file system, * {@linkplain RenderedImage#getSources source images} are like directories and * {@linkplain OperationNode#getParameterBlock image parameters} are like files. * * When a tree node is selected in the left pane, the content of the right pane is adjusted * accordingly. If the node is an image, a "preview" tab is show together with an "information" * tab. Informations include the {@linkplain java.awt.image.ColorModel color model}, * {@linkplain java.awt.image.SampleModel sample model}, data type, etc. If the selected tree node * is a parameter, then the right pane show the parameter value in {@linkplain ParameterEditor * some widget} appropriate for the parameter type. * * <p> </p> * <p align="center"><img src="doc-files/OperationTreeBrowser.png"></p> * <p> </p> * * @since 2.3 * @source $URL$ * @version $Id$ * @author Martin Desruisseaux (IRD) * @author Lionel Flahaut * * @see ImageProperties * @see ParameterEditor * @see RegisteredOperationBrowser */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class OperationTreeBrowser extends JPanel { /** * Key for {@link PropertySource}. */ private static final String IMAGE = "Image"; /** * Key for parameter card. */ private static final String PARAMETER = "Parameter"; /** * The image properties panel. Will be constructed only when first needed, * and the added to the card layout with the {@code IMAGE} name. */ private ImageProperties imageProperties; /** * The parameter properties panel. Will be constructed only when first needed, * and the added to the card layout with the {@code PARAMETER} name. */ private ParameterEditor parameterEditor; /** * The properties panel. The content for this panel depends on * the selected tree item, but usually includes the following: * <ul> * <li>An {@link ImageProperties} instance.</li> * <li>An {@link ParameterEditor} instance.</li> * </ul> */ private final Container cards = new JPanel(new CardLayout()); /** * Constructs a new browser for the given rendered image. * * @param source The last image from the rendering chain to browse. */ public OperationTreeBrowser(final RenderedImage source) { this(getTree(source, getDefaultLocale())); } /** * Constructs a new browser for the given renderable image. * * @param source The last image from the rendering chain to browse. */ public OperationTreeBrowser(final RenderableImage source) { this(getTree(source, getDefaultLocale())); } /** * Constructs a new browser for the tree. * * @param model The tree model built from the rendering chain to browse. */ private OperationTreeBrowser(final TreeModel model) { super(new BorderLayout()); final Listeners listeners = new Listeners(); final JTree tree = new JTree(model); tree.getSelectionModel().setSelectionMode(TreeSelectionModel.SINGLE_TREE_SELECTION); tree.setCellRenderer(new CellRenderer()); tree.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(6,6,0,0)); tree.addTreeSelectionListener(listeners); final JSplitPane split; split = new JSplitPane(JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT, new JScrollPane(tree), cards); split.setDividerLocation(220); add(split, BorderLayout.CENTER); setPreferredSize(new Dimension(600,250)); } /** * Show the operation tree for the specified rendered image in a frame. * This convenience method is mostly a helper for debugging purpose. */ public static void show(final RenderedImage image) { new OperationTreeBrowser(image).showFrame(image); } /** * Show the operation tree for the specified renderable image in a frame. * This convenience method is mostly a helper for debugging purpose. */ public static void show(final RenderableImage image) { new OperationTreeBrowser(image).showFrame(image); } /** * Returns a name for the given image. The default implementation returns the operation * name if the image is an instance of {@link RenderedOp}. Otherwise, it returns the * image class. * * @param image The image. * @return A name for the given image. */ private static String getName(final Object image) { if (image instanceof OperationNode) { return ((OperationNode) image).getOperationName(); } if (image instanceof CharSequence) { return image.toString(); } return Classes.getShortClassName(image); } /** * Prints to the {@linkplain System#out standard output stream} the operation chain for * the specified image. This convenience method is used mostly for debugging purpose. * * @since 2.4 */ public static void print(final RenderedImage image) { Trees.print(getTree(image, Locale.getDefault())); } /** * Prints to the {@linkplain System#out standard output stream} the operation chain for * the specified image. This convenience method is used mostly for debugging purpose. * * @since 2.4 */ public static void print(final RenderableImage image) { Trees.print(getTree(image, Locale.getDefault())); } /** * Returns a tree with all sources and parameters for the given rendered image. * * @param image The last image from an operation chain. * @param locale The locale for tree node names. * @return The tree for the given image and all its sources. */ public static TreeModel getTree(final RenderedImage image, final Locale locale) { return new DefaultTreeModel(getNode(image, locale)); } /** * Returns a tree with all sources and parameters for the given renderable image. * * @param image The last image from an operation chain. * @param locale The locale for tree node names. * @return The tree for the given image and all its sources. */ public static TreeModel getTree(final RenderableImage image, final Locale locale) { return new DefaultTreeModel(getNode(image, locale)); } /** * Returns the root node of a tree with all sources and parameters for the given source. * * @param image The last image from an operation chain. * @param locale The locale for tree node names. * @return The tree for the given image and all its sources. */ private static MutableTreeNode getNode(final RenderedImage image, final Locale locale) { final DefaultMutableTreeNode root = new NamedTreeNode(getName(image), image); final List sources = image.getSources(); if (sources != null) { final int n = sources.size(); for (int i=0; i<n; i++) { root.add(getNode((RenderedImage)sources.get(i), locale)); } } if (image instanceof OperationNode) { addParameters(root, (OperationNode)image, locale); } return root; } /** * Returns the root node of a tree with all sources and parameters for the given source. * * @param image The last image from an operation chain. * @param locale The locale for tree node names. * @return The tree for the given image and all its sources. */ private static MutableTreeNode getNode(final RenderableImage image, final Locale locale) { final DefaultMutableTreeNode root = new NamedTreeNode(getName(image), image); final List sources = image.getSources(); if (sources != null) { final int n = sources.size(); for (int i=0; i<n; i++) { root.add(getNode((RenderableImage)sources.get(i), locale)); } } if (image instanceof OperationNode) { addParameters(root, (OperationNode)image, locale); } return root; } /** * Add the parameters from the specified operation to the specified tree node. * * @param root The tree node to add parameters to. * @param operation The operation for which to fetch parameters. * @param locale The locale for tree node names. */ private static void addParameters(final DefaultMutableTreeNode root, final OperationNode operation, final Locale locale) { final ParameterBlock param = operation.getParameterBlock(); final ParameterListDescriptor descriptor; if (param instanceof ParameterList) { descriptor = ((ParameterList) param).getParameterListDescriptor(); } else { final String name = operation.getOperationName(); final String mode = operation.getRegistryModeName(); descriptor = operation.getRegistry().getDescriptor(mode, name) .getParameterListDescriptor(mode); } Vocabulary resources = null; final String[] names = descriptor.getParamNames(); final int n = param.getNumParameters(); for (int i=0; i<n; i++) { String name = null; if (names!=null && i<names.length) { name = names[i]; } if (name == null) { if (resources == null) { resources = Vocabulary.getResources(locale); } name = resources.getString(VocabularyKeys.PARAMETER_$1, new Integer(i)); } root.add(new NamedTreeNode(name, param.getObjectParameter(i), false)); } } /** * The listener for various event in the {@link OperationTreeBrowser} widget. * * @version $Id$ * @author Martin Desruisseaux (IRD) */ private final class Listeners implements TreeSelectionListener { /** * Called whenever the value of the selection changes. This method uses the * {@link TreeNode#getAllowsChildren} in order to determines if the selection * is a source (allows children = {@code true}) or a parameter * (allows children = {@code false}). */ public void valueChanged(final TreeSelectionEvent event) { Object selection = null; // The selected tree element. boolean isSource = false; // Is 'selected' a source or a parameter? OperationNode operation = null; // The parent of the selected element as an op. int paramIndex = -1; // The index of the selected element. final TreePath path = event.getPath(); if (path != null) { selection = path.getLastPathComponent(); /* * Some of piece of code in the following block can work with the Swing's * TreeNode (i.e. it doesn't require the fixed Geotools's TreeNode). */ if (selection instanceof javax.swing.tree.TreeNode) { javax.swing.tree.TreeNode node = (javax.swing.tree.TreeNode)selection; isSource = node.getAllowsChildren(); node = node.getParent(); if (node instanceof TreeNode) { final Object candidate = ((TreeNode)node).getUserObject(); if (candidate instanceof OperationNode) { operation = (OperationNode) candidate; final int count = node.getChildCount(); for (int n=-1,i=0; i<count; i++) { final javax.swing.tree.TreeNode leaf=node.getChildAt(i); if (!leaf.getAllowsChildren()) { n++; // Count only parameters, not sources. } if (leaf == selection) { paramIndex = n; break; } } } } } if (selection instanceof TreeNode) { selection = ((TreeNode) selection).getUserObject(); } } if (isSource) { showSourceEditor(selection); } else { showParameterEditor(selection); } if (parameterEditor != null) { parameterEditor.setDescription(operation, paramIndex); } } } /** * Invoked when the user clicks on a source node in the operation tree (left pane). * This method show a properties panel in the right pane appropriate for the given * selection. * * @param selection The user selection. This object is usually an instance of * {@link RenderedImage}, {@link RenderableImage} or {@link PropertySource}. * @return {@code true} if this method has been able to find an editor, or * {@code false} otherwise. */ protected boolean showSourceEditor(final Object selection) { if (imageProperties == null) { imageProperties = new ImageProperties(); cards.add(imageProperties, IMAGE); } ((CardLayout) cards.getLayout()).show(cards, IMAGE); if (selection instanceof RenderedImage) { imageProperties.setImage((RenderedImage) selection); return true; } if (selection instanceof RenderableImage) { imageProperties.setImage((RenderableImage) selection); return true; } if (selection instanceof PropertySource) { imageProperties.setImage((PropertySource) selection); return true; } imageProperties.setImage((PropertySource) null); return false; } /** * Invoked when the user clicks on a parameter node in the operation tree (left pane). * This method show a properties panel in the right pane appropriate for the given * selection. * * @param selection The user selection. This object is usually an instance of * {@link Number}, {@link KernelJAI}, {@link LookupTableJAI} or some other * parameter object. * @return {@code true} if this method has been able to find an editor, or * {@code false} otherwise. */ protected boolean showParameterEditor(final Object selection) { if (parameterEditor == null) { parameterEditor = new ParameterEditor(); cards.add(parameterEditor, PARAMETER); } ((CardLayout) cards.getLayout()).show(cards, PARAMETER); parameterEditor.setParameterValue(selection); return true; } /** * Show the operation chain in the given owner. * * @param owner The owner widget, or {@code null} if none. * @param title The widget title, or {@code null} for a default one. * @return {@code true} if the user clicked on the "Ok" button. */ public boolean showDialog(final Component owner, String title) { if (title == null) { title = Vocabulary.getResources(getLocale()).getString(VocabularyKeys.OPERATIONS); } if (SwingUtilities.showOptionDialog(owner, this, title)) { // TODO: User clicked on "Ok". return true; } return false; } /** * Implementation of public {@link #show} methods. */ private void showFrame(final Object image) { final JFrame frame = new JFrame(Classes.getShortClassName(this) + " - " + getName(image)); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); frame.getContentPane().add(this); frame.pack(); frame.setVisible(true); } /** * Display the properties for the images specified on the command line. * * @throws IOException if an error occured while reading an image. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { final Arguments arguments = new Arguments(args); args = arguments.getRemainingArguments(Integer.MAX_VALUE); for (int i=0; i<args.length; i++) { final File file = new File(args[i]); final RenderedImage image; try { image = ImageIO.read(file); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { arguments.out.println(Errors.format(ErrorKeys.FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST_$1, file)); continue; } new OperationTreeBrowser(image).showFrame(file.getName()); } } /** * The tree cell renderer, which select icons according the selected object type. * * @version $Id$ * @author Martin Desruisseaux (IRD) */ private static final class CellRenderer extends DefaultTreeCellRenderer { /** The icon for folder. */ private final Icon open, closed; /** The icon for images, or {@code null} if none. */ private static Icon image; /** The icon for parameters, or {@code null} if none. */ private static Icon parameter; /** * Creates a cell renderer. */ private CellRenderer() { open = getDefaultOpenIcon(); closed = getDefaultClosedIcon(); if (image == null) { final IconFactory icons = IconFactory.DEFAULT; image = icons.getIcon("toolbarButtonGraphics/general/Properties16.gif"); parameter = icons.getIcon("toolbarButtonGraphics/general/Preferences16.gif"); } } /** * Configures the renderer based on the passed in components. */ @Override public Component getTreeCellRendererComponent(final JTree tree, final Object value, final boolean selelected, final boolean expanded, final boolean leaf, final int row, final boolean hasFocus) { if (((TreeNode) value).getUserObject() instanceof RenderedImage) { if (image != null) { setOpenIcon (image); setClosedIcon(image); setLeafIcon (image); } else { setLeafIcon(null); } } else if (parameter != null) { setOpenIcon (open); setClosedIcon(closed); setLeafIcon (parameter); } return super.getTreeCellRendererComponent(tree, value, selected, expanded, leaf, row, hasFocus); } } }