/* * GeoTools - The Open Source Java GIS Toolkit * http://geotools.org * * (C) 2008, Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. */ package org.geotools.gce.imagemosaic.jdbc; import java.sql.Connection; import javax.sql.DataSource; import org.geotools.data.jdbc.datasource.DataSourceFinder; /** * This class is the base class for the different sql dialects used in spatial * extensions form different vendors * * @author mcr * @since 2.5 * * * @source $URL$ */ public abstract class DBDialect { protected DataSource dataSource; protected Config config; /** * Constructor * * @param config */ public DBDialect(Config config) { super(); this.config = config; } /** * Factory method for obtaining a DBDialect object for a special spatial * extension * * @param config * @return */ public static DBDialect getDBDialect(Config config) { SpatialExtension type = config.getSpatialExtension(); if (type == null) { return null; } if (type == SpatialExtension.DB2) { return new DB2Dialect(config); } else if (type == SpatialExtension.POSTGIS) { return new PostgisDialect(config); } else if (type == SpatialExtension.MYSQL) { return new MySqlDialect(config); } else if (type == SpatialExtension.UNIVERSAL) { return new UniversalDialect(config); } else if (type == SpatialExtension.ORACLE || type==SpatialExtension.GEORASTER) { return new OracleDialect(config); } else { return null; } } /** * @return the sql type name for a blob (Binary Large Object) */ protected abstract String getBLOBSQLType(); /** * @return the sql type name for a Multipolygon */ protected abstract String getMultiPolygonSQLType(); /** * @return the config object for this dialect */ protected Config getConfig() { return config; } /** * @return datasource for this dialect object * @throws Exception */ private DataSource getDataSource() throws Exception { if (dataSource != null) { return dataSource; } Config config = getConfig(); dataSource = DataSourceFinder.getDataSource(config .getDataSourceParams()); return dataSource; } /** * @return jdbc connection * @throws Exception */ public Connection getConnection() throws Exception { Connection con = getDataSource().getConnection(); con.setAutoCommit(false); return con; } /** * @param tableName * @return sql drop table statement for tableName */ String getDropTableStatement(String tableName) { return "drop table " + tableName; } /** * @param tn * sql table name * @return sql unregister spatial column statement for nt */ protected String getUnregisterSpatialStatement(String tn) { return null; } /** * @param tn * sql table name * @param srs * name of spatial reference system to use * @return sql unregister spatial column statement for nt */ protected String getRegisterSpatialStatement(String tn, String srs) { return null; } /** * @param tn * sql table name * @return sql create spatial index statement for tn * @throws Exception */ protected abstract String getCreateIndexStatement(String tn) throws Exception; /** * @param tn * @return sql drop index statement */ String getDropIndexStatment(String tn) { return "drop index IX_" + tn; } /** * @return sql datatype for 8 byte floating point */ protected String getDoubleSQLType() { return "DOUBLE"; } /** * @return the create table statement for the master table * @throws Exception */ String getCreateMasterStatement() throws Exception { Config config = getConfig(); String doubleType = getDoubleSQLType(); String statement = "CREATE TABLE " + config.getMasterTable(); statement += ("(" + config.getCoverageNameAttribute() + " CHARACTER (64) NOT NULL"); statement += ("," + config.getSpatialTableNameAtribute() + " VARCHAR (256) NOT NULL"); statement += ("," + config.getTileTableNameAtribute() + " VARCHAR (256) NOT NULL"); statement += ("," + config.getResXAttribute() + " " + doubleType + "," + config.getResYAttribute() + " " + doubleType); statement += ("," + config.getMinXAttribute() + " " + doubleType + "," + config.getMinYAttribute() + " " + doubleType); statement += ("," + config.getMaxXAttribute() + " " + doubleType + "," + config.getMaxYAttribute() + " " + doubleType); statement += ",CONSTRAINT MASTER_PK PRIMARY KEY ("; statement += (config.getCoverageNameAttribute() + "," + config.getSpatialTableNameAtribute() + "," + config .getTileTableNameAtribute()); statement += "))"; return statement; } /** * @param tableName * @return the create table statment for a tile table named tableName * @throws Exception */ String getCreateTileTableStatement(String tableName) throws Exception { String statement = "CREATE TABLE " + tableName; statement += ("(" + getConfig().getKeyAttributeNameInTileTable() + " CHAR(64) NOT NULL "); statement += ("," + getConfig().getBlobAttributeNameInTileTable() + " " + getBLOBSQLType()); statement += (",CONSTRAINT " + tableName + "_PK PRIMARY KEY(" + getConfig() .getKeyAttributeNameInTileTable()); statement += "))"; return statement; } /** * @param tableName * @return the sql create table statement for a spatial table * @throws Exception */ protected String getCreateSpatialTableStatement(String tableName) throws Exception { String statement = "CREATE TABLE " + tableName; statement += (" ( " + getConfig().getKeyAttributeNameInSpatialTable() + " CHAR(64) NOT NULL, " + getConfig().getGeomAttributeNameInSpatialTable() + " " + getMultiPolygonSQLType() + " NOT NULL "); statement += (",CONSTRAINT " + tableName + "_PK PRIMARY KEY(" + getConfig() .getKeyAttributeNameInSpatialTable()); statement += "))"; return statement; } /** * @param tableName * @return the sql create table statement for a combined spatial/tile table * named tableName * @throws Exception */ protected String getCreateSpatialTableStatementJoined(String tableName) throws Exception { String statement = "CREATE TABLE " + tableName; statement += (" ( " + getConfig().getKeyAttributeNameInSpatialTable() + " CHAR(64) NOT NULL, " + getConfig().getGeomAttributeNameInSpatialTable() + " " + getMultiPolygonSQLType() + " NOT NULL "); statement += ("," + getConfig().getBlobAttributeNameInTileTable() + " " + getBLOBSQLType()); statement += (",CONSTRAINT " + tableName + "_PK PRIMARY KEY(" + getConfig() .getKeyAttributeNameInSpatialTable()); statement += "))"; return statement; } }