/* * GeoTools - The Open Source Java GIS Toolkit * http://geotools.org * * (C) 2002-2008, Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. */ package org.geotools.data.mysql; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.geotools.data.DataSourceException; import org.geotools.feature.AttributeTypeBuilder; import org.geotools.feature.SchemaException; import org.geotools.feature.simple.SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder; import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeatureType; import org.opengis.feature.type.AttributeDescriptor; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.GeometryFactory; import com.vividsolutions.jts.io.ParseException; import com.vividsolutions.jts.io.WKTReader; /** * MysqlGeoColumn is used by MysqlDataSource to query its specific geometric * information. There should be one created for each geometry column of each * feature table. It encapsulates information about the column, such as the * name of the corresponding geometric table, the storage type used by that * table, the type of geometry contained, and various other useful information * culled from the GEOMETRY_COLUMNS table. It also generates the geometries * of the column when queried with the ID from the feature table. * * @author Chris Holmes, Vision for New York * @source $URL$ * @version $Id$ */ public class MysqlGeomColumn { /** For get and set Storage type, see SFS for SQL spec */ public static final int NORMALIZED_STORAGE_TYPE = 0; /** * For get and set Storage type, see SFS for SQL spec, the Well Known * Binary */ public static final int WKB_STORAGE_TYPE = 1; /** From the SFS for SQL spec, always has the meta data */ public static final String GEOMETRY_META_NAME = "GEOMETRY_COLUMNS"; /** * For use when reading in attributes. One off due to sql columns starting * at 1 instead of 0, another one for Feature ID in first column. */ private static final int COLUMN_OFFSET = 2; /** Map of sql Type to Java class */ private static Map sqlTypeMap = new HashMap(); /** The logger for the default core module. */ private static final Logger LOGGER = org.geotools.util.logging.Logging.getLogger("org.geotools.mysql"); /** Standard logging instance */ // private static Category _log = Category.getInstance(MysqlGeomColumn.class.getName()); /** Factory for producing geometries (from JTS). */ private static GeometryFactory geometryFactory = new GeometryFactory(); /** Well Known Text reader (from JTS). */ private static WKTReader geometryReader = new WKTReader(geometryFactory); /** A map containing the raw geometric data, accessed by its geom ID */ private static Map gidMap = new HashMap(); static { sqlTypeMap.put("TINY", Byte.class); sqlTypeMap.put("SHORT", Short.class); sqlTypeMap.put("INT", Integer.class); sqlTypeMap.put("LONG", Integer.class); //check this sqlTypeMap.put("LONGLONG", Long.class); sqlTypeMap.put("DOUBLE", Double.class); sqlTypeMap.put("VARCHAR", String.class); sqlTypeMap.put("DECIMAL", String.class); sqlTypeMap.put("CHAR", String.class); sqlTypeMap.put("TEXT", String.class); sqlTypeMap.put("BLOB", String.class); //figure this shit out sqlTypeMap.put("FLOAT", Float.class); } /** The catalog containing the feature table using this geometry column */ private String feaTabCatalog; /** The schema containing the feature table using this geometry column */ private String feaTabSchema; /** The name of the feature table using this geometry column */ private String feaTabName; /** * The name of the geometry column in the feature table. This class is * basically all the information this column points to */ private String feaGeomColumn; /** The catalog of the geometry table where the column is stored */ private String geomTabCatalog; /** The schema of the geometry table where the column is stored */ private String geomTabSchema; /** The name of the geometry table where the column is stored */ private String geomTabName; /** The storage type, 0 for normalized SQL, 1 for WKB */ private int storageType; /** The geometry type, see OGC SFS for SQL section */ private int geomType; /** * The number of ordinates used, corresponds to the number of dimensions in * the spatial reference system. */ private int coordDimension; /** The Max Points Per Row, only used in normalized SQL 92 implementation */ private int maxPPR; /** * The ID of the spatial reference system. It is a foreign key reference * to the SPATIAL_REF_SYS table. */ private int spacRefID; /** The featureType schema corresponding to this geometry column. */ private SimpleFeatureType schema = null; /** * Default constructor */ public MysqlGeomColumn() { } /** * Convenience constructor with the minimum meta information needed to do * anything useful. * * @param feaTabName The name of the feature table for this geometry. * @param feaGeomColumn The name of the column in the feature table that * refers to the MysqlGeomColumn. * @param geomTabName The name of the table holding the geometry data. */ public MysqlGeomColumn(String feaTabName, String feaGeomColumn, String geomTabName) { this.feaTabName = feaTabName; this.feaGeomColumn = feaGeomColumn; this.geomTabName = geomTabName; } /** * A convenience constructor, when you there is an open connection, and * only using flat features. This constructor will not work with feature * tables that contain multiple geometries as the query on the feature * table will return multiple rows, which will be discarded. For multiple * geometries an array of MysqlGeomColumns must be created, each * initialized with the default constructor, filling in the values through * the accesssor functions. * * @param dbConnection An open connection to the database. * @param feaTableName The feature table that references this Geometry Col. * * @throws SQLException if there were problems accessing the database. * @throws SchemaException if there were problems creating the schema. * * @task TODO: Get rid of this constructor, move the functionality outside. */ public MysqlGeomColumn(Connection dbConnection, String feaTableName) throws SQLException, SchemaException { this.feaTabName = feaTableName; try { Statement statement = dbConnection.createStatement(); //MySQL does not pre-compile statements, so making prepared //statements leads to no performance increases. String sqlQuery = makeGeomSql(feaTableName); LOGGER.warning("SQL q = " + sqlQuery); ResultSet result = statement.executeQuery(sqlQuery); while (result.next()) { //only flat features for now, with multiple geometries //all but the last feature will be discarded feaTabCatalog = result.getString(1); feaTabSchema = result.getString(2); feaGeomColumn = result.getString(4); geomTabCatalog = result.getString(5); geomTabSchema = result.getString(6); geomTabName = result.getString(7); storageType = result.getInt(8); geomType = result.getInt(9); coordDimension = result.getInt(10); maxPPR = result.getInt(11); spacRefID = result.getInt(12); } LOGGER.finer("creating new geometry column with values: " + feaTabName + " " + feaGeomColumn + " " + geomTabName); result = statement.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM " + geomTabName); //currently selects all, should be more elegant as we get complex //queries. Ideally move outside and call populate data on results. int gid = 0; String wkb = null; //now it is actually Well Known Text, waiting for WKB reader while (result.next()) { gid = result.getInt(1); wkb = result.getString(6); populateData(gid, wkb); } result.close(); statement.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { LOGGER.warning("Some sort of database connection error: " + e.getMessage()); } } /** * Creates a sql select statement to get the information on the Geometry * column of a feature table. * * @param feaTableName The feature table we want information about. * * @return The SQL statement to get the geometry data. */ private String makeGeomSql(String feaTableName) { return "SELECT * FROM " + GEOMETRY_META_NAME + " WHERE F_TABLE_NAME = '" + feaTableName + "';"; } /** * Stores the geometry information by geometry ID, so that it can be * queried later. Currently only takes Well Known Text. This should * eventually change to Well Known Binary, possible stored as a bit * stream? And in time an overloaded populateData that allows for * normalized SQL 92 storage. * * @param geomID the primary key for a row in the Geometry Table; * @param wellKnownText the WKT representation of the geometry; tasks: * TODO: Well Known Binary, and normalized SQL 92 (see SFS for for * SQL spec 2.2.5) */ public void populateData(int geomID, String wellKnownText) { LOGGER.finer("putting " + wellKnownText + " into gidMap"); gidMap.put(new Integer(geomID), wellKnownText); //we should probably change to objects, GID not necessarily an //int, and the getString will change to blob when we do WKB } /** * Takes out a geometry according to its ID. * * @param geomID the primary key for a rwo in the Geometry Table */ public void removeData(int geomID) { gidMap.remove(new Integer(geomID)); } /** * Returns a jts Geometry when queried with a geometry ID. * * @param geomID the ID of the feature geometry. * * @return a jts geometry represention of the stored data, returns null is * it is not found. * * @throws DataSourceException if there is trouble with the Database. */ public Geometry getGeometry(int geomID) throws DataSourceException { String wellKnownText; Geometry returnGeometry = null; wellKnownText = (String) gidMap.get(new Integer(geomID)); LOGGER.finer("about to create geometry for " + wellKnownText); if (wellKnownText == null) { return null; } else { try { returnGeometry = geometryReader.read(wellKnownText); } catch (ParseException e) { LOGGER.finer("Failed to parse the geometry from Mysql: " + e.getMessage()); } return returnGeometry; } } /** * Setter method for feature catalog. * * @param catalog the name of the catalog. */ public void setFeaTableCat(String catalog) { feaTabCatalog = catalog; } /** * Getter method for Feature Catalog. * * @return the name of the catalog. */ public String getFeaTableCat() { return feaTabCatalog; } /** * Setter method for feature schema. * * @param schema the name of the schema. */ public void setFeaTableSchema(String schema) { feaTabSchema = schema; } /** * Getter method for feature schema. * * @return the name of the schema. */ public String getFeaTableSchema() { return feaTabSchema; } /** * Setter method for feature table name. * * @param name the name of the feature table. */ public void setFeaTableName(String name) { feaTabName = name; } /** * Getter method for feature table name. * * @return the name of the feature table. */ public String getFeaTableName() { return feaTabName; } /** * Setter method for geometry column. * * @param name the name of the column. */ public void setGeomColName(String name) { feaGeomColumn = name; } /** * Getter method for geometry column. * * @return the name of the column. */ public String getGeomColName() { return feaGeomColumn; } /** * Setter method for geometry catalog. * * @param catalog the name of the catalog. */ public void setGeomTableCat(String catalog) { geomTabCatalog = catalog; } /** * Getter method for Geometry Catalog. * * @return the name of the catalog. */ public String getGeomTableCat() { return geomTabCatalog; } /** * Setter method for geometry schema. * * @param schema the name of the catalog. */ public void setGeomTableSchema(String schema) { geomTabSchema = schema; } /** * Getter method for geometry schema * * @return the name of the schema. */ public String getGeomTableSchema() { return geomTabSchema; } /** * Setter method for geometry table name. * * @param name the name of the geometry table. */ public void setGeomTableName(String name) { geomTabName = name; } /** * Getter method for geometry table name. * * @return the name of the catalog. */ public String getGeomTableName() { return geomTabName; } /** * Sets the type used for storage in the geometry column. * * @param sType 0 for NORMALIZED_STORAGE_TYPE 1, for WKB_STORAGE_TYPE */ public void setStorageType(int sType) { storageType = sType; } /** * Gets the type used for storage in the geometry column. * * @return 0 for NORMALIZED_STORAGE_TYPE, 1 for WKB_STORAGE_TYPE */ public int getStorageType() { return storageType; } /** * Sets the Geometry type of the geometry column. * * @param gType the geometery type */ public void setGeomType(int gType) { geomType = gType; } /** * Gets the Geometry type of the geometry column. * * @return the int representation of the GeometryType * * @task TODO: implement a hashmap so we return jts Geometry Class Types * instead of ints. */ public int getGeomType() { return geomType; } /** * Gets the schema for this geometry column. * * @return the schema corresponding to this geometry column. */ public SimpleFeatureType getSchema() { return schema; } /** * sets the schema for this geometry column. * * @param schema for this geometry column. */ public void setSchema(SimpleFeatureType schema) { //TODO: check to make sure the schema is correct (geom col names are same, etc.) this.schema = schema; } /** * Creates the schema, a FeatureType of the attributes. * * @param metaData from the query of the feature table. * @param geoColumn the name of the geometry column in the feature table. * * @return a FeatureType of the attributes. * * @throws SQLException if there was database connectivity issues. * @throws SchemaException if there was problems creating the FeatureType. * * @todo Fix FeatureType name - IanS tasks TODO: put this method * MysqlGeomColumn or a SchemaFactory. */ public static SimpleFeatureType makeSchema(ResultSetMetaData metaData, String geoColumn) throws SQLException, SchemaException { String columnName = null; Class colClass = null; int numCols = metaData.getColumnCount(); AttributeDescriptor[] attributes = new AttributeDescriptor[numCols - 1]; LOGGER.finer("about to loop through cols"); // loop through all columns except first, as it's the featureID for (int i = 2; i <= numCols; i++) { columnName = metaData.getColumnName(i); LOGGER.finer("reading col: " + i + " named: " + columnName); LOGGER.finer("reading col: " + metaData.getColumnTypeName(i)); AttributeTypeBuilder build = new AttributeTypeBuilder(); // set column name and type from database //TODO: use MysqlGeomColumn.getGeomType, once it's fully implemented build.setNillable(true); if (columnName.equals(geoColumn)) { //if it is a geomtry column, by name //build.setCRS(crs); TODO: use CRS's in mysql build.setBinding(Geometry.class); attributes[i - COLUMN_OFFSET] = build.buildDescriptor(columnName); } else { colClass = (Class) sqlTypeMap.get(metaData.getColumnTypeName(i)); build.setBinding(colClass); attributes[i - COLUMN_OFFSET] = build.buildDescriptor(columnName); } } // @todo Fix FeatureType name - IanS SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder b = new SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder(); b.setName("mysql-features"); b.addAll(attributes); return b.buildFeatureType(); } }