/* * GeoTools - The Open Source Java GIS Toolkit * http://geotools.org * * (C) 2006-2008, Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. */ package org.geotools.styling.visitor; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.net.URL; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Stack; import org.geotools.factory.CommonFactoryFinder; import org.geotools.filter.visitor.DuplicatingFilterVisitor; import org.geotools.styling.AnchorPoint; import org.geotools.styling.ChannelSelection; import org.geotools.styling.ColorMap; import org.geotools.styling.ColorMapEntry; import org.geotools.styling.ContrastEnhancement; import org.geotools.styling.DescriptionImpl; import org.geotools.styling.Displacement; import org.geotools.styling.Extent; import org.geotools.styling.ExternalGraphic; import org.geotools.styling.FeatureTypeConstraint; import org.geotools.styling.FeatureTypeStyle; import org.geotools.styling.FeatureTypeStyleImpl; import org.geotools.styling.Fill; import org.geotools.styling.Font; import org.geotools.styling.Graphic; import org.geotools.styling.Halo; import org.geotools.styling.ImageOutline; import org.geotools.styling.LabelPlacement; import org.geotools.styling.LinePlacement; import org.geotools.styling.LineSymbolizer; import org.geotools.styling.Mark; import org.geotools.styling.NamedLayer; import org.geotools.styling.OverlapBehavior; import org.geotools.styling.PointPlacement; import org.geotools.styling.PointSymbolizer; import org.geotools.styling.PolygonSymbolizer; import org.geotools.styling.RasterSymbolizer; import org.geotools.styling.Rule; import org.geotools.styling.SelectedChannelType; import org.geotools.styling.ShadedRelief; import org.geotools.styling.Stroke; import org.geotools.styling.Style; import org.geotools.styling.StyleFactory; import org.geotools.styling.StyleFactoryImpl; import org.geotools.styling.StyleVisitor; import org.geotools.styling.StyledLayer; import org.geotools.styling.StyledLayerDescriptor; import org.geotools.styling.Symbol; import org.geotools.styling.Symbolizer; import org.geotools.styling.TextSymbolizer; import org.geotools.styling.UserLayer; import org.opengis.filter.Filter; import org.opengis.filter.FilterFactory2; import org.opengis.filter.expression.Expression; import org.opengis.style.Description; /** * Creates a deep copy of a Style, this class is *NOT THREAD SAFE*. * <p> * This class makes use of an internal stack to story the copied result, * retrieve with a call to getCopy() after visiting:<pre><code> * DuplicatingStyleVisitor copyStyle = new DuplicatingStyleVisitor(); * rule.accepts( copyStyle ); * Rule rule = (Rule) copyStyle.getCopy(); * </code></pre> * <p> * This class is often used as a base for an anoymous subclass where * a style transformation is needed (such as removing PointSymbolizers * or changing the scale - see RescaleStyleVisitor for an example). * </p> * @author Jesse Eichar * * @source $URL$ */ public class DuplicatingStyleVisitor implements StyleVisitor { protected final StyleFactory sf; protected final FilterFactory2 ff; protected boolean STRICT; /** * We are using aggregation here to contain our DuplicatingFilterVisitor. */ protected final DuplicatingFilterVisitor copyFilter; /** * This is our internal stack; used to maintain state as we copy sub elements. */ protected Stack<Object> pages=new Stack<Object>(); public DuplicatingStyleVisitor() { this( CommonFactoryFinder.getStyleFactory( null ) ); } public DuplicatingStyleVisitor(StyleFactory styleFactory) { this( styleFactory, CommonFactoryFinder.getFilterFactory2( null )); } public DuplicatingStyleVisitor(StyleFactory styleFactory, FilterFactory2 filterFactory ) { this.copyFilter = new DuplicatingFilterVisitor( filterFactory ); this.sf=styleFactory; this.ff=filterFactory; this.STRICT = false; } /** * True if we should enforce equality after a copy. * @param strict */ public void setStrict(boolean strict) { STRICT = strict; } public Object getCopy() { return pages.peek(); } public void visit(StyledLayerDescriptor sld) { StyledLayerDescriptor copy = null; StyledLayer[] layers = sld.getStyledLayers(); StyledLayer[] layersCopy = new StyledLayer[layers.length]; final int length=layers.length; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (layers[i] instanceof UserLayer) { ((UserLayer) layers[i]).accept(this); layersCopy[i] = (UserLayer) pages.pop(); } else if (layers[i] instanceof NamedLayer) { ((NamedLayer) layers[i]).accept(this); layersCopy[i] = (NamedLayer) pages.pop(); } } copy = sf.createStyledLayerDescriptor(); copy.setAbstract(sld.getAbstract()); copy.setName(sld.getName()); copy.setTitle(sld.getTitle()); copy.setStyledLayers(layersCopy); if( STRICT && !copy.equals( sld )){ throw new IllegalStateException("Was unable to duplicate provided SLD:"+sld ); } pages.push(copy); } public void visit(NamedLayer layer) { NamedLayer copy = null; Style[] style = layer.getStyles(); Style[] styleCopy = new Style[style.length]; int length=style.length; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (style[i] != null) { style[i].accept(this); styleCopy[i] = (Style) pages.pop(); } } FeatureTypeConstraint[] lfc = layer.getLayerFeatureConstraints(); FeatureTypeConstraint[] lfcCopy = new FeatureTypeConstraint[lfc.length]; length=lfc.length; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (lfc[i] != null) { lfc[i].accept(this); lfcCopy[i] = (FeatureTypeConstraint) pages.pop(); } } copy = sf.createNamedLayer(); copy.setName(layer.getName()); length=styleCopy.length; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { copy.addStyle(styleCopy[i]); } copy.setLayerFeatureConstraints(lfcCopy); pages.push(copy); } public void visit(UserLayer layer) { UserLayer copy = null; Style[] style = layer.getUserStyles(); int length=style.length; Style[] styleCopy = new Style[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (style[i] != null) { style[i].accept(this); styleCopy[i] = (Style) pages.pop(); } } FeatureTypeConstraint[] lfc = layer.getLayerFeatureConstraints(); FeatureTypeConstraint[] lfcCopy = new FeatureTypeConstraint[lfc.length]; length=lfc.length; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (lfc[i] != null) { lfc[i].accept(this); lfcCopy[i] = (FeatureTypeConstraint) pages.pop(); } } copy = sf.createUserLayer(); copy.setName(layer.getName()); copy.setUserStyles(styleCopy); copy.setLayerFeatureConstraints(lfcCopy); if( STRICT && !copy.equals( layer )){ throw new IllegalStateException("Was unable to duplicate provided UserLayer:"+layer ); } pages.push(copy); } public void visit(Style style) { Style copy = null; FeatureTypeStyle[] fts = style.getFeatureTypeStyles(); final int length=fts.length; FeatureTypeStyle[] ftsCopy = new FeatureTypeStyle[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (fts[i] != null) { fts[i].accept(this); ftsCopy[i] = (FeatureTypeStyle) pages.pop(); } } copy = sf.createStyle(); copy.setAbstract(style.getAbstract()); copy.setName(style.getName()); copy.setTitle(style.getTitle()); copy.setFeatureTypeStyles(ftsCopy); if( STRICT && !copy.equals( style )){ throw new IllegalStateException("Was unable to duplicate provided Style:"+style ); } pages.push(copy); } public void visit(Rule rule) { Rule copy = null; Filter filterCopy = null; if (rule.getFilter() != null) { Filter filter = rule.getFilter(); filterCopy = copy( filter ); } Symbolizer[] symsCopy = rule.getSymbolizers(); for (int i = 0; i < symsCopy.length; i++) { symsCopy[i] = copy(symsCopy[i]); } Graphic[] legendCopy = rule.getLegendGraphic(); for (int i = 0; i < legendCopy.length; i++) { legendCopy[i] = copy(legendCopy[i]); } Description descCopy = rule.getDescription(); descCopy = copy(descCopy); copy = new StyleFactoryImpl().createRule( symsCopy, descCopy, legendCopy, rule.getName(), filterCopy, rule.isElseFilter(), rule.getMaxScaleDenominator(), rule.getMinScaleDenominator()); // Graphic[] legendGraphic = rule.getLegendGraphic(); // Graphic[] legendGraphicCopy = new Graphic[legendGraphic.length]; // // int length=legendGraphic.length; // for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { // if (legendGraphic[i] != null) { // legendGraphic[i].accept(this); // legendGraphicCopy[i] = (Graphic) pages.pop(); // } // } // // Symbolizer[] symbolizer = rule.getSymbolizers(); // Symbolizer[] symbolizerCopy = new Symbolizer[symbolizer.length]; // // length=symbolizer.length; // for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { // if (symbolizer[i] != null) { // symbolizer[i].accept(this); // symbolizerCopy[i] = (Symbolizer) pages.pop(); // } // } // // copy = sf.createRule(); // copy.setAbstract(rule.getAbstract()); // copy.setFilter(filterCopy); // copy.setIsElseFilter(rule.hasElseFilter()); // copy.setLegendGraphic(legendGraphicCopy); // copy.setMinScaleDenominator(rule.getMinScaleDenominator()); // copy.setMaxScaleDenominator(rule.getMaxScaleDenominator()); // copy.setName(rule.getName()); // copy.setTitle(rule.getTitle()); // copy.setSymbolizers(symbolizerCopy); // int length=legendGraphic.length; // for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { // if (legendGraphic[i] != null) { // legendGraphic[i].accept(this); // legendGraphicCopy[i] = (Graphic) pages.pop(); // } // } // // Symbolizer[] symbolizer = rule.getSymbolizers(); // ArrayList<Symbolizer> symbolizerList = new ArrayList<Symbolizer>(); // // // length=symbolizer.length; // for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { // if (symbolizer[i] == null) continue; // // symbolizer[i].accept(this); // Symbolizer symbolizerCopy = (Symbolizer) pages.pop(); // // if( symbolizerCopy == null ) continue; // // symbolizerList.add( symbolizerCopy ); // } // Symbolizer[] symbolizerCopy = symbolizerList.toArray( new Symbolizer[0] ); // // copy = sf.createRule(); // copy.setAbstract(rule.getAbstract()); // copy.setFilter(filterCopy); // copy.setIsElseFilter(rule.hasElseFilter()); // copy.setLegendGraphic(legendGraphicCopy); // copy.setMinScaleDenominator(rule.getMinScaleDenominator()); // copy.setMaxScaleDenominator(rule.getMaxScaleDenominator()); // copy.setName(rule.getName()); // copy.setTitle(rule.getTitle()); // copy.setSymbolizers(symbolizerCopy); if( STRICT && !copy.equals( rule )){ throw new IllegalStateException("Was unable to duplicate provided Rule:"+rule ); } pages.push(copy); } public void visit(FeatureTypeStyle fts) { FeatureTypeStyle copy = new FeatureTypeStyleImpl( (FeatureTypeStyleImpl)fts); // copy = new StyleFactoryImpl().createFeatureTypeStyle( // fts.getRules(), // fts.getSemanticTypeIdentifiers(), // fts.featureInstanceIDs(), // fts.getFeatureTypeName(), // fts.getDescription(), // fts.getName()); Rule[] rules = fts.getRules(); int length=rules.length; Rule[] rulesCopy = new Rule[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (rules[i] != null) { rules[i].accept(this); rulesCopy[i] = (Rule) pages.pop(); } } // // copy = sf.createFeatureTypeStyle(); // copy.setName(fts.getName()); // copy.setTitle(fts.getTitle()); // copy.setAbstract(fts.getAbstract()); // copy.setFeatureTypeName(fts.getFeatureTypeName()); copy.setRules(rulesCopy); // copy.setSemanticTypeIdentifiers((String[]) fts.getSemanticTypeIdentifiers().clone()); if( STRICT && !copy.equals( fts )){ throw new IllegalStateException("Was unable to duplicate provided FeatureTypeStyle:"+fts ); } pages.push(copy); } /** * Null safe expression copy. * <p> * This method will perform a null check, and save you some lines of code:<pre><code> * copy.setBackgroundColor( copyExpr( fill.getColor()) ); * </code></pre> * @param sion * @return copy of expression or null if expression was null */ protected Expression copy( Expression expression ){ if( expression == null ) return null; return (Expression) expression.accept( copyFilter, ff ); } /** * Null safe copy of filter. */ protected Filter copy( Filter filter ){ if( filter == null ) return null; return (Filter) filter.accept( copyFilter, ff ); } /** * Null safe graphic copy * @param graphic * @return copy of graphic or null if not provided */ protected Graphic copy( Graphic graphic ){ if( graphic == null ) return null; graphic.accept(this); return (Graphic) pages.pop(); } /** * Null safe fill copy * @param graphic * @return copy of graphic or null if not provided */ protected Fill copy( Fill fill ){ if( fill == null ) return null; fill.accept(this); return (Fill) pages.pop(); } /** * Null safe copy of float array. * @param array * @return copy of array or null if not provided */ protected float[] copy(float[] array) { if( array == null ) return null; float copy[] = new float[ array.length]; System.arraycopy( array, 0, copy, 0, array.length ); return copy; } /** * Null safe map copy, used for external graphic custom properties. * @param customProperties * @return copy of map */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected <K,V> Map<K,V> copy(Map<K,V> customProperties) { if( customProperties == null ) return null; return new HashMap<K,V>( customProperties ); } /** * Null safe copy of stroke. * @param stroke * @return copy of stroke if provided */ protected Stroke copy( Stroke stroke ){ if( stroke == null ) return null; stroke.accept(this); return (Stroke) pages.pop(); } /** * Null safe copy of shaded relief. * @param shaded * @return copy of shaded or null if not provided */ protected ShadedRelief copy(ShadedRelief shaded) { if( shaded == null ) return null; Expression reliefFactor = copy( shaded.getReliefFactor() ); ShadedRelief copy = sf.createShadedRelief( reliefFactor ); copy.setBrightnessOnly( shaded.isBrightnessOnly() ); return copy; } /** * Null safe copy of description * @param shaded * @return copy of shaded or null if not provided */ protected Description copy(Description desc) { if( desc == null ) return null; DescriptionImpl copy = new DescriptionImpl(desc.getTitle(), desc.getAbstract()); return copy; } protected ExternalGraphic copy( ExternalGraphic externalGraphic){ if( externalGraphic == null ) return null; externalGraphic.accept(this); return (ExternalGraphic) pages.pop(); } protected Mark copy( Mark mark){ if( mark == null ) return null; mark.accept(this); return (Mark) pages.pop(); } protected ColorMapEntry copy(ColorMapEntry entry) { if( entry == null ) return null; entry.accept( this ); return (ColorMapEntry) pages.pop(); } protected Symbolizer copy(Symbolizer symbolizer) { if( symbolizer == null ) return null; symbolizer.accept(this); return (Symbolizer) pages.pop(); } protected OverlapBehavior copy(OverlapBehavior ob) { if( ob == null ) return null; ob.accept(this); return (OverlapBehavior) pages.pop(); } protected ContrastEnhancement copy(ContrastEnhancement contrast) { if( contrast == null ) return null; ContrastEnhancement copy = sf.createContrastEnhancement(); copy.setGammaValue( copy( contrast.getGammaValue())); return copy; } protected ColorMap copy(ColorMap colorMap) { if( colorMap == null ) return null; colorMap.accept(this); return (ColorMap) pages.pop(); } protected SelectedChannelType[] copy( SelectedChannelType[] channels){ if( channels == null ) return null; SelectedChannelType[] copy = new SelectedChannelType[ channels.length ]; for( int i=0; i< channels.length ; i++){ copy[i] = copy( channels[i] ); } return copy; } protected SelectedChannelType copy(SelectedChannelType selectedChannelType) { if( selectedChannelType == null ) return null; ContrastEnhancement enhancement = copy( selectedChannelType.getContrastEnhancement() ); String name = selectedChannelType.getChannelName(); SelectedChannelType copy = sf.createSelectedChannelType( name, enhancement); return copy; } protected ChannelSelection copy(ChannelSelection channelSelection) { if( channelSelection == null ) return null; SelectedChannelType[] channels = copy( channelSelection.getSelectedChannels() ); ChannelSelection copy = sf.createChannelSelection( channels); copy.setGrayChannel( copy( channelSelection.getGrayChannel() )); copy.setRGBChannels( copy( channelSelection.getRGBChannels() )); return copy; } /** * Null safe copy of font array. * <p> * Right now style visitor does not let us visit fonts! * @param fonts * @return copy of provided fonts */ protected Font[] copy(Font[] fonts) { if( fonts == null ) return null; Font copy[] = new Font[ fonts.length ]; for( int i=0; i<fonts.length; i++){ copy[i] = copy( fonts[i] ); } return copy; } /** Null safe copy of a single font */ protected Font copy(Font font) { if( font == null) return font; Expression fontFamily = copy( font.getFontFamily() ); Expression fontStyle = copy( font.getFontStyle() ); Expression fontWeight = copy( font.getFontWeight() ); Expression fontSize = copy( font.getFontSize() ); Font copy = sf.createFont(fontFamily, fontStyle, fontWeight, fontSize); return copy; } /** * Null safe copy of halo. * @param halo * @return copy of halo if provided */ protected Halo copy( Halo halo){ if( halo == null ) return null; halo.accept(this); return (Halo) pages.pop(); } /** * Null safe copy of displacement. * @param displacement * @return copy of displacement if provided */ protected Displacement copy(Displacement displacement) { if( displacement == null ) return null; displacement.accept(this); return (Displacement) pages.pop(); } protected LabelPlacement copy(LabelPlacement placement) { if( placement == null ) return null; placement.accept(this); return (LabelPlacement) pages.pop(); } protected Symbol copy(Symbol symbol) { if( symbol == null ) return null; symbol.accept(this); return (Symbol) pages.pop(); } /** * Null safe copy of anchor point. * @param anchorPoint * @return copy of anchor point if provided */ protected AnchorPoint copy(AnchorPoint anchorPoint) { if( anchorPoint == null ) return null; anchorPoint.accept(this); return (AnchorPoint) pages.pop(); } public void visit(Fill fill) { Fill copy = sf.getDefaultFill(); copy.setBackgroundColor( copy( fill.getBackgroundColor()) ); copy.setColor(copy( fill.getColor())); copy.setGraphicFill( copy(fill.getGraphicFill())); copy.setOpacity( copy(fill.getOpacity())); if( STRICT && !copy.equals( fill )){ throw new IllegalStateException("Was unable to duplicate provided Fill:"+fill ); } pages.push(copy); } public void visit(Stroke stroke) { Stroke copy = sf.getDefaultStroke(); copy.setColor( copy(stroke.getColor())); copy.setDashArray( copy(stroke.getDashArray())); copy.setDashOffset( copy( stroke.getDashOffset())); copy.setGraphicFill( copy(stroke.getGraphicFill())); copy.setGraphicStroke( copy( stroke.getGraphicStroke())); copy.setLineCap(copy(stroke.getLineCap())); copy.setLineJoin( copy(stroke.getLineJoin())); copy.setOpacity( copy(stroke.getOpacity())); copy.setWidth( copy(stroke.getWidth())); if( STRICT && !copy.equals( stroke)){ throw new IllegalStateException("Was unable to duplicate provided Stroke:"+stroke ); } pages.push(copy); } public void visit(Symbolizer sym) { if( sym instanceof RasterSymbolizer){ visit( (RasterSymbolizer) sym ); } else if( sym instanceof LineSymbolizer){ visit( (LineSymbolizer) sym ); } else if( sym instanceof PolygonSymbolizer){ visit( (PolygonSymbolizer) sym ); } else if( sym instanceof PointSymbolizer){ visit( (PointSymbolizer) sym ); } else if( sym instanceof TextSymbolizer){ visit( (TextSymbolizer) sym ); } else { throw new RuntimeException("visit(Symbolizer) unsupported"); } } public void visit(PointSymbolizer ps) { PointSymbolizer copy = sf.getDefaultPointSymbolizer(); copy.setGeometryPropertyName( ps.getGeometryPropertyName()); copy.setUnitOfMeasure(ps.getUnitOfMeasure()); copy.setGraphic( copy( ps.getGraphic() )); if( STRICT ){ if( !copy.equals( ps )){ throw new IllegalStateException("Was unable to duplicate provided Graphic:"+ps ); } } pages.push(copy); } public void visit(LineSymbolizer line) { LineSymbolizer copy = sf.getDefaultLineSymbolizer(); copy.setGeometryPropertyName( line.getGeometryPropertyName()); copy.setUnitOfMeasure(line.getUnitOfMeasure()); copy.setStroke( copy( line.getStroke())); if( STRICT && !copy.equals( line )){ throw new IllegalStateException("Was unable to duplicate provided LineSymbolizer:"+line ); } pages.push(copy); } public void visit(PolygonSymbolizer poly) { PolygonSymbolizer copy = sf.createPolygonSymbolizer(); copy.setFill( copy( poly.getFill())); copy.setGeometryPropertyName( poly.getGeometryPropertyName()); copy.setUnitOfMeasure(poly.getUnitOfMeasure()); copy.setStroke(copy(poly.getStroke())); if( STRICT && !copy.equals( poly )){ throw new IllegalStateException("Was unable to duplicate provided PolygonSymbolizer:"+poly ); } pages.push(copy); } public void visit(TextSymbolizer text) { TextSymbolizer copy = sf.createTextSymbolizer(); copy.setFill( copy( text.getFill())); copy.setFont( copy( text.getFont())); copy.setGeometryPropertyName( text.getGeometryPropertyName() ); copy.setUnitOfMeasure(text.getUnitOfMeasure()); copy.setHalo( copy( text.getHalo() )); copy.setLabel( copy( text.getLabel())); copy.setLabelPlacement( copy( text.getLabelPlacement())); copy.setPriority( copy( text.getPriority())); copy.getOptions().putAll(text.getOptions()); if( STRICT && !copy.equals( text )){ throw new IllegalStateException("Was unable to duplicate provided TextSymbolizer:"+text ); } pages.push(copy); } public void visit(RasterSymbolizer raster) { RasterSymbolizer copy = sf.createRasterSymbolizer(); copy.setChannelSelection( copy( raster.getChannelSelection() )); copy.setColorMap( copy( raster.getColorMap() )); copy.setContrastEnhancement( copy( raster.getContrastEnhancement())); copy.setGeometryPropertyName( raster.getGeometryPropertyName()); copy.setUnitOfMeasure(raster.getUnitOfMeasure()); copy.setImageOutline( copy( raster.getImageOutline())); copy.setOpacity( copy( raster.getOpacity() )); copy.setOverlap( copy( raster.getOverlap())); copy.setShadedRelief( copy( raster.getShadedRelief())); if( STRICT && !copy.equals( raster )){ throw new IllegalStateException("Was unable to duplicate provided raster:"+raster ); } pages.push(copy); } public void visit(Graphic gr) { Graphic copy = null; Displacement displacementCopy = copy( gr.getDisplacement() ); ExternalGraphic[] externalGraphicsCopy = copy( gr.getExternalGraphics() ); Mark[] marksCopy = copy( gr.getMarks() ); Expression opacityCopy = copy( gr.getOpacity() ); Expression rotationCopy = copy( gr.getRotation() ); Expression sizeCopy = copy( gr.getSize() ); // Looks like Symbols are a "view" of marks and external graphics? // Symbol[] symbolCopys = copy( gr.getSymbols() ); copy = sf.createDefaultGraphic(); copy.setGeometryPropertyName(gr.getGeometryPropertyName()); copy.setDisplacement(displacementCopy); copy.setExternalGraphics(externalGraphicsCopy); copy.setMarks(marksCopy); copy.setOpacity((Expression) opacityCopy); copy.setRotation((Expression) rotationCopy); copy.setSize((Expression) sizeCopy); // copy.setSymbols(symbolCopys); if( STRICT ){ if( !copy.equals( gr )){ throw new IllegalStateException("Was unable to duplicate provided Graphic:"+gr ); } } pages.push(copy); } private Mark[] copy(Mark[] marks) { if( marks == null) return null; Mark[] copy = new Mark[marks.length]; for (int i = 0; i < marks.length; i++) { copy[i] = copy( marks[i]); } return copy; } private Symbol[] copy(Symbol[] symbols) { if( symbols == null) return null; Symbol[] copy = new Symbol[symbols.length]; for (int i = 0; i < symbols.length; i++) { copy[i] = copy( symbols[i]); } return copy; } private ExternalGraphic[] copy(ExternalGraphic[] externalGraphics) { if( externalGraphics == null) return null; ExternalGraphic[] copy = new ExternalGraphic[externalGraphics.length]; for (int i = 0; i < externalGraphics.length; i++) { copy[i] = copy( externalGraphics[i]); } return copy; } public void visit(Mark mark) { Mark copy = null; copy = sf.createMark(); copy.setFill(copy( mark.getFill() )); copy.setRotation( copy( mark.getRotation() )); copy.setSize(copy( mark.getSize() )); copy.setStroke(copy( mark.getStroke() )); copy.setWellKnownName(copy( mark.getWellKnownName() )); if( STRICT && !copy.equals( mark )){ throw new IllegalStateException("Was unable to duplicate provided Mark:"+mark ); } pages.push(copy); } public void visit(ExternalGraphic exgr) { URL uri = null; try { uri = exgr.getLocation(); } catch (MalformedURLException huh ){ } String format = exgr.getFormat(); ExternalGraphic copy = sf.createExternalGraphic(uri, format); copy.setCustomProperties( copy(exgr.getCustomProperties())); if( STRICT && !copy.equals( exgr )){ throw new IllegalStateException("Was unable to duplicate provided ExternalGraphic:"+exgr ); } pages.push(copy); } public void visit(PointPlacement pp) { PointPlacement copy = sf.getDefaultPointPlacement(); copy.setAnchorPoint( copy( pp.getAnchorPoint() )); copy.setDisplacement( copy(pp.getDisplacement())); copy.setRotation( copy( pp.getRotation() )); if( STRICT && !copy.equals( pp )){ throw new IllegalStateException("Was unable to duplicate provided PointPlacement:"+pp ); } pages.push(copy); } public void visit(AnchorPoint ap) { Expression x = copy( ap.getAnchorPointX() ); Expression y = copy( ap.getAnchorPointY() ); AnchorPoint copy = sf.createAnchorPoint(x, y); if( STRICT && !copy.equals( ap)){ throw new IllegalStateException("Was unable to duplicate provided AnchorPoint:"+ap); } pages.push(copy); } public void visit(Displacement dis) { Expression x = copy( dis.getDisplacementX() ); Expression y = copy( dis.getDisplacementY() ); Displacement copy = sf.createDisplacement(x, y); if( STRICT && !copy.equals( dis )){ throw new IllegalStateException("Was unable to duplicate provided Displacement:"+dis ); } pages.push(copy); } public void visit(LinePlacement lp) { Expression offset = copy( lp.getPerpendicularOffset()); LinePlacement copy = sf.createLinePlacement(offset); if( STRICT && !copy.equals( lp )){ throw new IllegalStateException("Was unable to duplicate provided LinePlacement:"+lp ); } pages.push(copy); } public void visit(Halo halo) { Fill fill = copy(halo.getFill()); Expression radius = copy(halo.getRadius()); Halo copy = sf.createHalo(fill, radius); if (STRICT && !copy.equals(halo)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Was unable to duplicate provided raster:" + halo); } pages.push(copy); } public void visit(FeatureTypeConstraint ftc) { String typeName = ftc.getFeatureTypeName(); Filter filter = copy(ftc.getFilter()); Extent[] extents = copy(ftc.getExtents()); FeatureTypeConstraint copy = sf.createFeatureTypeConstraint(typeName, filter, extents); if (STRICT && !copy.equals(ftc)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Was unable to duplicate provided FeatureTypeConstraint:" + ftc); } pages.push(copy); } protected Extent[] copy(Extent[] extents) { if (extents == null) { return null; } Extent[] copy = new Extent[extents.length]; for (int i = 0; i < extents.length; i++) { copy[i] = copy(extents[i]); } return copy; } protected Extent copy(Extent extent) { String name = extent.getName(); String value = extent.getValue(); Extent copy = sf.createExtent(name, value); return copy; } public void visit(ColorMap colorMap) { ColorMap copy = sf.createColorMap(); copy.setType(colorMap.getType()); ColorMapEntry[] entries = colorMap.getColorMapEntries(); if (entries != null) { for (int i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) { ColorMapEntry entry = entries[i]; copy.addColorMapEntry(copy(entry)); } } if (STRICT && !copy.equals(colorMap)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Was unable to duplicate provided ColorMap:" + colorMap); } pages.push(copy); } public void visit(ColorMapEntry colorMapEntry) { ColorMapEntry copy = sf.createColorMapEntry(); copy.setColor(copy(colorMapEntry.getColor())); copy.setLabel(colorMapEntry.getLabel()); copy.setOpacity(copy(colorMapEntry.getOpacity())); copy.setQuantity(colorMapEntry.getQuantity()); if (STRICT && !copy.equals(colorMapEntry)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Was unable to duplicate provided ColorMapEntry:" + colorMapEntry); } pages.push(copy); } public void visit(ContrastEnhancement contrastEnhancement) { final ContrastEnhancement copy = sf.createContrastEnhancement(); copy.setType(contrastEnhancement.getType()); copy.setGammaValue(contrastEnhancement.getGammaValue()); if (STRICT && !copy.equals(contrastEnhancement)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Was unable to duplicate provided contrastEnhancement:" + contrastEnhancement); } pages.push(copy); } public void visit(ImageOutline outline) { //copy the symbolizer final Symbolizer symb = outline.getSymbolizer(); final Symbolizer copySymb = copy(symb); final ImageOutline copy = sf.createImageOutline(copySymb); copy.setSymbolizer(copySymb); if (STRICT && !copy.equals(outline)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Was unable to duplicate provided ImageOutline:" + outline); } pages.push(copy); } public void visit(ChannelSelection cs) { //get the channels final SelectedChannelType sct[] = copy(cs.getSelectedChannels()); final ChannelSelection copy = sf.createChannelSelection(sct); if (STRICT && !copy.equals(cs)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Was unable to duplicate provided ChannelSelection:" + cs); } pages.push(copy); } public void visit(OverlapBehavior ob) { final String behavior = (String) ob.getValue(); if (behavior.equalsIgnoreCase(OverlapBehavior.AVERAGE_RESCTRICTION)) { pages.push(OverlapBehavior.AVERAGE_RESCTRICTION); } else if (behavior.equalsIgnoreCase(OverlapBehavior.EARLIEST_ON_TOP_RESCTRICTION)) { pages.push(OverlapBehavior.EARLIEST_ON_TOP_RESCTRICTION); } else if (behavior.equalsIgnoreCase(OverlapBehavior.LATEST_ON_TOP_RESCTRICTION)) { pages.push(OverlapBehavior.LATEST_ON_TOP_RESCTRICTION); } else if (behavior.equalsIgnoreCase(OverlapBehavior.RANDOM_RESCTRICTION)) { pages.push(OverlapBehavior.RANDOM_RESCTRICTION); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Was unable to duplicate provided OverlapBehavior:" + ob); } } public void visit(SelectedChannelType sct) { final SelectedChannelType copy = sf.createSelectedChannelType(sct.getChannelName(), copy(sct.getContrastEnhancement())); if (STRICT && !copy.equals(sct)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Was unable to duplicate provided SelectedChannelType:" + sct); } pages.push(copy); } public void visit(ShadedRelief sr) { final ShadedRelief copy = sf.createShadedRelief(copy(sr.getReliefFactor())); copy.setBrightnessOnly(sr.isBrightnessOnly()); if (STRICT && !copy.equals(sr)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Was unable to duplicate provided ShadedRelief:" + sr); } pages.push(copy); } }