/* * GeoTools - The Open Source Java GIS Toolkit * http://geotools.org * * (C) 2006-2008, Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. */ package org.geotools.coverage.processing; import java.awt.Color; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.measure.unit.Unit; import javax.measure.converter.ConversionException; import org.opengis.util.InternationalString; import org.opengis.referencing.operation.MathTransform1D; import org.opengis.referencing.operation.TransformException; import org.geotools.coverage.Category; import org.geotools.coverage.GridSampleDimension; import org.geotools.io.TableWriter; import org.geotools.util.logging.Logging; import org.geotools.util.Utilities; import org.geotools.util.NumberRange; import org.geotools.util.MeasurementRange; import org.geotools.resources.i18n.Errors; import org.geotools.resources.i18n.ErrorKeys; import org.geotools.resources.i18n.Vocabulary; import org.geotools.resources.i18n.VocabularyKeys; import org.geotools.resources.image.ColorUtilities; /** * Colors associated to categories. This is the parameter type for the * {@link org.geotools.coverage.processing.operation.Recolor} operation. * * @since 2.4 * @source $URL$ * @version $Id$ * @author Martin Desruisseaux * * @see org.geotools.coverage.processing.operation.Recolor * * @todo We need to investigage if this object should be defined as an implementation of * {@link org.geotools.styling.ColorMap}. */ public class ColorMap implements Serializable { /** * For cross-version compatibility. */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1688030908496323012L; /** * A special category name meaning "<cite>any quantitative value</cite>". */ public static final CharSequence ANY_QUANTITATIVE_CATEGORY = Vocabulary.formatInternational(VocabularyKeys.ALL); // TODO: Find a better name. /** * The colors to apply to categories. Keys are {@link String} objects. * Values may be {@link Color} singletons or {@code Color[]} arrays. * <p> * The {@link #ANY_QUANTITATIVE_CATEGORY} key is replaced by {@code null} in * order to avoid confusion with user-specified category with the exact name. */ private Map<String,Object> colorMap; /** * The range of values for quantitative categories. Values are {@link NumberRange} instances * if the range is relative, or {@link MeasurementRange} if the range is geophysics. * <p> * The {@link #ANY_QUANTITATIVE_CATEGORY} key is replaced by {@code null} in * order to avoid confusion with user-specified category with the exact name. */ private Map<String,NumberRange> colorRanges; /** * If {@code true}, the ARGB values corresponding to any {@linkplain Category category} * <strong>not</strong> specified in this color map will be reset to the color specified * by the category. The default value is {@code false}. */ private boolean resetUnspecifiedColors; /** * Creates an initially empty color map. */ public ColorMap() { } /** * Creates a color map initialized to the specified color ramp to be applied on * {@linkplain #ANY_QUANTITATIVE_CATEGORY any quantitative category}. * * @param colors The colors to be given to this map. */ public ColorMap(final Color[] colors) { setColors(ANY_QUANTITATIVE_CATEGORY, colors); } /** * Creates a color map initialized to the specified map. * * @param colorMap A map of ({@linkplain Category#getName category name}, * {@linkplain Color colors}) pairs. */ public ColorMap(final Map<? extends CharSequence,Color[]> colorMap) { for (final Map.Entry<? extends CharSequence,Color[]> entry : colorMap.entrySet()) { setColors(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } /** * Returns the unlocalized flavor of the given name * (not to be confused with the default locale). * * @param category The {@linkplain Category#getName category name}. * @return The unlocalized name, or {@code null}. */ private static String unlocalized(final CharSequence name) { if (name == ANY_QUANTITATIVE_CATEGORY) { return null; } if (name instanceof InternationalString) { return ((InternationalString) name).toString(null); } else { return name.toString(); } } /** * Applies colors to the given category. * * @param category The {@linkplain Category#getName name of the category} * for which to set the colors. * @param colors Colors to apply to the specified category, or {@code null}. */ private void setColorObject(final CharSequence category, final Object colors) { final String name = unlocalized(category); if (colors != null) { if (colorMap == null) { colorMap = new HashMap<String,Object>(); } colorMap.put(name, colors); } else if (colorMap != null) { colorMap.remove(name); if (colorMap.isEmpty()) { colorMap = null; // For more accurate 'equals' implementation. } } } /** * Applies a uniform color to the given (usually <cite>qualitative</cite>) category. * * @param category The {@linkplain Category#getName name of the category} * for which to set the color. * @param color A uniform color to apply to the specified category, or {@code null} * for removing the color mapping. * * @see #recolor */ public void setColor(final CharSequence category, final Color color) { setColorObject(category, color); } /** * Applies a color ramp to the given (usually <cite>quantitative</cite>) category. * The color array may have any length; colors will be interpolated as needed. * * @param category The {@linkplain Category#getName name of the category} for which to set * the colors, or {@link #ANY_QUANTITATIVE_CATEGORY} if the colors should apply to * any quantitative category. * @param colors The colors to apply to the specified category, or {@code null} * or an empty array for removing the color mapping. * * @see #recolor */ public void setColors(final CharSequence category, final Color[] colors) { final Object value; if (colors != null) { switch (colors.length) { default: value = colors.clone(); break; case 1: value = colors[0]; break; case 0: value = null; break; } } else { value = null; } setColorObject(category, value); } /** * Returns the color ramp for the given category. * * @param category The {@linkplain Category#getName category name}, or * {@link #ANY_QUANTITATIVE_CATEGORY} for fetching the colors to * apply to any quantitative category. * @return The color ramp, or {@code null} if none. */ public Color[] getColors(final CharSequence category) { if (colorMap == null) { return null; } final String name = unlocalized(category); Object colors = colorMap.get(name); if (colors == null) { if (name!=null && category instanceof InternationalString) { // Unlocalized name not found. Search using the localized flavor. colors = getColors(category.toString()); if (colors == null) { return null; } } else { return null; } } if (colors instanceof Color) { return new Color[] {(Color) colors}; } return ((Color[]) colors).clone(); } /** * Sets a range of geophysics values for the color ramp associated with a quantitative category. * For example if the category "<cite>Height</cite>" applies to geophysics values in the range * [0..500] metres and if a range of [100..400] metres is defined as below: * * <blockquote><code> * setRelativeRange("Height", new MeasurementRange(0, 100, SI.METRE)); * setColors("Height", myColorPalette); * </code><blockquote> * * Then {@code myColorPalette} will applies to pixel values in the range [100..400] instead * of [0..500]. This is typically used in order to augment the contrast in a range of values * of special interest. * <p> * This method is exclusive with {@link #setRelativeRange}. * * @param category The {@linkplain Category#getName name of the category} * for which to set the geophysics range. * @param range The minimal and maximal values for the color ramp. A {@code null} * value removes the range mapping. * * @see #recolor */ public void setGeophysicsRange(final CharSequence category, final MeasurementRange<?> range) { setRange(category, range); } /** * Sets a relative range of values for the color ramp associated to a quantitative category. * For example if the category "<cite>Height</cite>" applies to pixel values in the range * [0..200] and if a relative range of [20%..80%] is defined as below: * * <blockquote><code> * setRelativeRange("Height", new NumberRange(20, 80)); * setColors("Height", myColorPalette); * </code><blockquote> * * Then {@code myColorPalette} will applies to pixel values in the range [40..160] instead * of [0..200]. This is typically used in order to augment the contrast in a range of values * of special interest. * <p> * This method is exclusive with {@link #setGeophysicsRange}. * * @param category The {@linkplain Category#getName name of the category} * for which to set the relative range. * @param range The minimal and maximal relative values for the color ramp, as percentages * between 0 and 100. A {@code null} value removes the range mapping. * * @see #recolor */ public void setRelativeRange(final CharSequence category, final NumberRange<?> range) { if (range instanceof MeasurementRange) { // The MeasurementRange type is reserved for geophysics ranges. throw new IllegalArgumentException(Errors.format(ErrorKeys.ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_$1, "range")); } setRange(category, range); } /** * Sets a relative or geophysics range. * This method is exclusive with {@link #setGeophysicsRange}. * * @param category The {@linkplain Category#getName name of the category} * for which to set the relative or geophysics range. * @param range The minimal and maximal values for the color ramp. */ private void setRange(final CharSequence category, final NumberRange range) { final String name = unlocalized(category); if (range != null) { if (colorRanges == null) { colorRanges = new HashMap<String,NumberRange>(); } colorRanges.put(name, range); } else if (colorRanges != null) { colorRanges.remove(name); if (colorRanges.isEmpty()) { colorRanges = null; // For more accurate 'equals' implementation. } } } /** * Returns the range of geophysics values for the given category. * * @param category The {@linkplain Category#getName category name}, or * {@link #ANY_QUANTITATIVE_CATEGORY} for fetching the range to * apply to any quantitative category. * @return The geophysics range, or {@code null} if none. */ public MeasurementRange<?> getGeophysicsRange(final CharSequence category) { final NumberRange<?> range = getRange(category); return (range instanceof MeasurementRange) ? (MeasurementRange) range : null; } /** * Returns the relative range of values for the given category. * * @param category The {@linkplain Category#getName category name}, or * {@link #ANY_QUANTITATIVE_CATEGORY} for fetching the relative * range to apply to any quantitative category. * @return The relative range, or {@code null} if none. */ public NumberRange getRelativeRange(final CharSequence category) { final NumberRange range = getRange(category); return (range instanceof MeasurementRange) ? null : range; } /** * Returns the range of relative or geophysics values. If the returned range is an instance of * {@link MeasurementRange}, then is is a {@linkplain #getGeophysicsRange geophysics range}. * Otherwise it is a {@linkplain #getRelativeRange relative range}. * * @param category The {@linkplain Category#getName category name}, or * {@link #ANY_QUANTITATIVE_CATEGORY} for fetching the range to * apply to any quantitative category. * @return The relative or geophysics range, or {@code null} if none. */ private NumberRange getRange(final CharSequence category) { if (colorRanges == null) { return null; } final String name = unlocalized(category); NumberRange range = colorRanges.get(name); if (range == null) { if (name!=null && category instanceof InternationalString) { // Unlocalized name not found. Search using the localized flavor. range = colorRanges.get(category.toString()); } } return range; } /** * Returns the range of sample values for the given category, or {@code null} if none. * This range is computed from the {@linkplain #getRange relative or geophysics range}. * * @param category The category for which to compute the range. * @param units The category units, usually {@link GridSampleDimension#getUnits}. * @return The range, or {@code null} if none. The lower index is always inclusive * and the upper index is always exclusive. */ private NumberRange getTargetRange(final Category category, final Unit<?> units) { NumberRange scale = getRange(category.getName()); if (scale == null) { if (category.isQuantitative()) { scale = getRange(ANY_QUANTITATIVE_CATEGORY); } if (scale == null) { return null; } } double minimum = scale.getMinimum(); double maximum = scale.getMaximum(); boolean minIncluded = scale.isMinIncluded(); boolean maxIncluded = scale.isMaxIncluded(); if (scale instanceof MeasurementRange) { try { scale = ((MeasurementRange) scale).convertTo(units); } catch (ConversionException e) { Logging.unexpectedException(AbstractProcessor.LOGGER, ColorMap.class, "recolor", e); return null; // This is allowed by this method contract. } MathTransform1D tr = category.getSampleToGeophysics(); if (tr != null) try { tr = tr.inverse(); minimum = tr.transform(minimum); maximum = tr.transform(maximum); } catch (TransformException e) { Logging.unexpectedException(AbstractProcessor.LOGGER, ColorMap.class, "recolor", e); return null; // This is allowed by this method contract. } } else { final NumberRange range = category.getRange(); final double lower = range.getMinimum(); final double extent = range.getMaximum() - lower; minimum = (minimum / 100) * extent + lower; maximum = (maximum / 100) * extent + lower; minIncluded &= range.isMinIncluded(); maxIncluded &= range.isMaxIncluded(); } final int lower, upper; if (minimum > maximum) { lower = round(maximum, maxIncluded); upper = round(minimum, !minIncluded); } else { lower = round(minimum, minIncluded); upper = round(maximum, !maxIncluded); } return NumberRange.create(lower, true, upper, false); } /** * Round the specified number to the {@linkplain Math#floor lower} or {@linkplain Math#ceil * upper} value, depending if the value is inclusive or not. This method is appropriate for * minimal range value. In order to apply it to the maximal range value, {@code included} * must be replaced by {@code !included}. */ private static int round(final double value, final boolean included) { final double rounded = included ? Math.floor(value) : Math.ceil(value); int asInteger = (int) rounded; if (!included && value == rounded) { asInteger++; } return asInteger; } /** * If {@code true}, the ARGB values corresponding to any {@linkplain Category category} * <strong>not</strong> specified in this color map will be reset to the color specified * by the category. The default value is {@code false}. * * @param reset {@code true} if unspecified colors should be reset to the colors given in * the category object. */ public void setResetUnspecifiedColors(final boolean reset) { resetUnspecifiedColors = reset; } /** * If {@code true}, the ARGB values corresponding to any {@linkplain Category category} * <strong>not</strong> specified in this color map will be reset to the color specified * by the category. The default value is {@code false}. * * @return {@code true} if unspecified colors should be reset to the colors given in * the category object. */ public boolean getResetUnspecifiedColors() { return resetUnspecifiedColors; } /** * Applies to the specified sample dimension the colors given to this color map. This method * iterates throug every {@linkplain Category categories} in the given sample dimension. For * each category with a {@linkplain Category#getName name} matching one of the (<var>name</var>, * <var>colors</var>) or (<var>name</var>, <var>range</var>) entries given to this color map, * the {@link Category#recolor recolor} method is invoked on that category and the result * inserted into a new sample dimension to be returned. * <p> * If the optional {@code ARGB} array is non-null, then the ARGB colors for recolorized * categories will be written in this array. Only the elements with index in the * {@linkplain Category#getRange category range} will be overwritten; other elements * will not be modified. * <p> * <strong>NOTE:</strong> The {@linkplain #setGeophysicsRange geophysics} and * {@linkplain #setRelativeRange relative} ranges are taken in account for the * {@code ARGB} array only; they do not have impact on the categories to be * included in the returned sample dimension. * * @param sampleDimension The sample dimension to recolorize. * @param ARGB An optional array where to store the ARGB values of recolorized categories, * or {@code null} if none. * @return A new sample dimension, or {@code sampleDimension} if no color change were applied. * * @see Category#recolor */ public GridSampleDimension recolor(final GridSampleDimension sampleDimension, final int[] ARGB) { final GridSampleDimension displayDimension = sampleDimension.geophysics(false); boolean changed = false; final Category categories[] = (Category[]) displayDimension.getCategories().toArray(); for (int i=0; i<categories.length; i++) { Category category = categories[i]; Color[] colors = getColors(category.getName()); if (colors == null) { if (category.isQuantitative()) { colors = getColors(ANY_QUANTITATIVE_CATEGORY); } if (colors == null && resetUnspecifiedColors) { colors = category.getColors(); } // 'colors' may still null, so we will need to check. } if (ARGB != null) { final NumberRange range = category.getRange(); int lower = ((Number) range.getMinValue()).intValue(); int upper = ((Number) range.getMaxValue()).intValue(); if (!range.isMinIncluded()) lower++; if ( range.isMaxIncluded()) upper++; boolean outOfBounds = false; if (lower < 0) { lower = 0; outOfBounds = true; } if (upper > ARGB.length) { upper = ARGB.length; outOfBounds = true; } if (outOfBounds) { AbstractProcessor.LOGGER.warning(Errors.format( ErrorKeys.VALUE_OUT_OF_BOUNDS_$3, category, 0, ARGB.length - 1)); } if (upper <= lower) { continue; } final NumberRange target = getTargetRange(category, sampleDimension.getUnits()); if (target != null) { if (colors == null) { colors = category.getColors(); } if (colors.length >= 2) { assert target.isMinIncluded() && !target.isMaxIncluded() : target; final int lo = Math.max(lower, ((Number) target.getMinValue()).intValue()); final int hi = Math.min(upper, ((Number) target.getMaxValue()).intValue()); if (lo != lower || hi != upper) { Arrays.fill(ARGB, lower, lo, colors[0].getRGB()); Arrays.fill(ARGB, hi, upper, colors[colors.length-1].getRGB()); lower = lo; upper = hi; } } } else if (colors == null) { /* * If there is no range to change (target == null) and no colors explicitly * specified by the user (colors == null), then there is nothing to do. */ continue; } ColorUtilities.expand(colors, ARGB, lower, upper); } else if (colors == null) { continue; } category = category.recolor(colors); if (!categories[i].equals(category)) { categories[i] = category; changed = true; } } if (!changed) { return sampleDimension; } GridSampleDimension result = new GridSampleDimension(displayDimension.getDescription(), categories, displayDimension.getUnits()); if (sampleDimension != displayDimension) { result = result.geophysics(true); } return result; } /** * Returns all category names declared in this color map, in alphabetical order. * If the {@link #ANY_QUANTITATIVE_CATEGORY} special value is presents, it will * appears last. */ private CharSequence[] getCategoryNames() { final Set<String> names; if (colorMap != null) { if (colorRanges != null) { names = new HashSet<String>(colorMap.keySet()); names.addAll(colorRanges.keySet()); } else { names = colorMap.keySet(); } } else { if (colorRanges != null) { names = colorRanges.keySet(); } else { names = Collections.emptySet(); } } int count = names.size(); final CharSequence[] asArray = names.toArray(new CharSequence[count]); for (int i=count; --i>=0;) { if (asArray[i] == null) { System.arraycopy(asArray, i+1, asArray, i, --count-i); asArray[count] = ANY_QUANTITATIVE_CATEGORY; // We could stop the loop here since we should not have any additional // null values. However we let the loop continue as a paranoiac check. } } Arrays.sort(asArray, 0, count); return asArray; } /** * Returns a hash code value for this color map. */ @Override public int hashCode() { return (int) serialVersionUID ^ ((colorMap != null ? colorMap .hashCode() : 31) + 37* (colorRanges != null ? colorRanges.hashCode() : 31)); } /** * Compares this color map with the specified object for equality. * * @param object The object to compare with this color map. * @return {@code true} if the given object is equals to this color map. */ @Override public boolean equals(final Object object) { if (object!=null && getClass().equals(object.getClass())) { final ColorMap that = (ColorMap) object; return Utilities.equals(this.colorMap, that.colorMap) && Utilities.equals(this.colorRanges, that.colorRanges); } return false; } /** * Returns a string representation of this color map. */ @Override public String toString() { final CharSequence[] names = getCategoryNames(); final TableWriter writer = new TableWriter(null, 1); for (int i=0; i<names.length; i++) { final CharSequence name = names[i]; writer.write(name.toString()); if (colorRanges != null) { final NumberRange range = getRange(name); if (range != null) { writer.write(' '); writer.write(range.toString()); if (!(range instanceof MeasurementRange)) { writer.write('%'); } } } writer.nextColumn(); writer.write(':'); writer.nextColumn(); final Color[] colors = getColors(name); if (colors != null) { final String message; if (colors.length == 1) { message = Integer.toHexString(colors[0].getRGB()).toUpperCase(); } else { message = Vocabulary.format(VocabularyKeys.COLOR_COUNT_$1, colors.length); } writer.write(message); } writer.nextLine(); } return writer.toString(); } }