/* * GeoTools - The Open Source Java GIS Toolkit * http://geotools.org * * (C) 2003-2008, Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * THIS IS AN AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED FILE. DO NOT EDIT! * Generated with: org.geotools.resources.IndexedResourceCompiler */ package org.geotools.resources.i18n; /** * Resource keys. This class is used when compiling sources, but * no dependencies to {@code ResourceKeys} should appear in any * resulting class files. Since Java compiler inlines final integer * values, using long identifiers will not bloat constant pools of * classes compiled against the interface, provided that no class * implements this interface. * * @see org.geotools.resources.IndexedResourceBundle * @see org.geotools.resources.IndexedResourceCompiler * @source $URL$ */ public final class ErrorKeys { private ErrorKeys() { } /** * Ambiguous axis length. */ public static final int AMBIGIOUS_AXIS_LENGTH = 3; /** * Angle {0} is too high. */ public static final int ANGLE_OVERFLOW_$1 = 4; /** * Latitudes {0} and {1} are opposite. */ public static final int ANTIPODE_LATITUDES_$2 = 5; /** * Azimuth {0} is out of range (±180°). */ public static final int AZIMUTH_OUT_OF_RANGE_$1 = 6; /** * Band number {0} is not valid. */ public static final int BAD_BAND_NUMBER_$1 = 7; /** * Coefficient {0}={1} can't be NaN or infinity. */ public static final int BAD_COEFFICIENT_$2 = 8; /** * Illegal coordinate: {0} */ public static final int BAD_COORDINATE_$1 = 0; /** * Bad entry */ public static final int BAD_ENTRY = 1; /** * Illegal grid range [{1} .. {2}] for dimension {0}. */ public static final int BAD_GRID_RANGE_$3 = 9; /** * Illegal data at line {1} in file "{0}". */ public static final int BAD_LINE_IN_FILE_$2 = 10; /** * Bad local: {0} */ public static final int BAD_LOCALE_$1 = 11; /** * Parameter "{0}" can't have value "{1}". */ public static final int BAD_PARAMETER_$2 = 12; /** * Parameter "{0}" can't be of type '{1}'. */ public static final int BAD_PARAMETER_TYPE_$2 = 13; /** * Range [{0} .. {1}] is not valid. */ public static final int BAD_RANGE_$2 = 14; /** * Empty or invalid rectangle: {0} */ public static final int BAD_RECTANGLE_$1 = 2; /** * Illegal transform of type "{0}". */ public static final int BAD_TRANSFORM_$1 = 15; /** * Multiplication or division of "{0}" by "{1}" not allowed. */ public static final int BAD_UNIT_OPERATION_$2 = 16; /** * Unit "{1}" can't be raised to power {0}. */ public static final int BAD_UNIT_POWER_$2 = 17; /** * Bursa wolf parameters required. */ public static final int BURSA_WOLF_PARAMETERS_REQUIRED = 18; /** * Can't compute derivative. */ public static final int CANT_COMPUTE_DERIVATIVE = 19; /** * Can't concatenate transforms "{0}" and "{1}". */ public static final int CANT_CONCATENATE_TRANSFORMS_$2 = 20; /** * Failed to connect to the {0} database. */ public static final int CANT_CONNECT_DATABASE_$1 = 21; /** * Can't convert value from type '{0}'. */ public static final int CANT_CONVERT_FROM_TYPE_$1 = 22; /** * Can't create a factory of type "{0}". */ public static final int CANT_CREATE_FACTORY_$1 = 23; /** * Can't create object of type '{0}' from a text. */ public static final int CANT_CREATE_FROM_TEXT_$1 = 24; /** * An error occurred while cropping. */ public static final int CANT_CROP = 25; /** * Can't evaluate a value for coordinate ({0}). */ public static final int CANT_EVALUATE_$1 = 26; /** * Failed to get the data source for name "{0}". */ public static final int CANT_GET_DATASOURCE_$1 = 27; /** * Can't read file "{0}". */ public static final int CANT_READ_$1 = 28; /** * Can't reduce "{0}" to a two-dimensional coordinate system. */ public static final int CANT_REDUCE_TO_TWO_DIMENSIONS_$1 = 29; /** * Can't reproject grid coverage "{0}". */ public static final int CANT_REPROJECT_$1 = 30; /** * Can't separate CRS "{0}". */ public static final int CANT_SEPARATE_CRS_$1 = 31; /** * Can't set a value to the parameter "{0}". */ public static final int CANT_SET_PARAMETER_VALUE_$1 = 32; /** * Can't transform envelope. */ public static final int CANT_TRANSFORM_ENVELOPE = 33; /** * Can't transform some points that should be valid. */ public static final int CANT_TRANSFORM_VALID_POINTS = 34; /** * Graphic "{0}" is owned by an other canvas. */ public static final int CANVAS_NOT_OWNER_$1 = 35; /** * Axis {0} and {1} are colinear. */ public static final int COLINEAR_AXIS_$2 = 36; /** * Coverage returned by '{0}' is already the view of coverage "{1}". */ public static final int COVERAGE_ALREADY_BOUND_$2 = 37; /** * Database failure while creating a '{0}' object for code "{1}". */ public static final int DATABASE_FAILURE_$2 = 38; /** * Date {0} is outside the range of available data. */ public static final int DATE_OUTSIDE_COVERAGE_$1 = 39; /** * The destination has not been set. */ public static final int DESTINATION_NOT_SET = 40; /** * The direction has not been set. */ public static final int DIRECTION_NOT_SET = 41; /** * The factory has been disposed. */ public static final int DISPOSED_FACTORY = 42; /** * The distance {0} is out of range ({1} to {2} {3}) */ public static final int DISTANCE_OUT_OF_RANGE_$4 = 43; /** * Duplicated values for code "{0}". */ public static final int DUPLICATED_VALUES_$1 = 44; /** * Elliptical projection not supported. */ public static final int ELLIPTICAL_NOT_SUPPORTED = 45; /** * The array should contains at least one element. */ public static final int EMPTY_ARRAY = 46; /** * Envelope must be at least two-dimensional and non-empty. */ public static final int EMPTY_ENVELOPE = 47; /** * Premature end of data file */ public static final int END_OF_DATA_FILE = 48; /** * No factory of kind "{0}" found. */ public static final int FACTORY_NOT_FOUND_$1 = 49; /** * File does not exist or is unreadable: {0} */ public static final int FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST_$1 = 50; /** * File has too few data. */ public static final int FILE_HAS_TOO_FEW_DATA = 51; /** * Geotools extension required for "{0}" operation. */ public static final int GEOTOOLS_EXTENSION_REQUIRED_$1 = 52; /** * Latitude and Longitude grid locations are not equal */ public static final int GRID_LOCATIONS_UNEQUAL = 53; /** * Grid header has unexpected length: {0} */ public static final int HEADER_UNEXPECTED_LENGTH_$1 = 54; /** * Hole is not inside polygon. */ public static final int HOLE_NOT_INSIDE_POLYGON = 55; /** * Illegal angle pattern: {0} */ public static final int ILLEGAL_ANGLE_PATTERN_$1 = 56; /** * Illegal value for argument "{0}". */ public static final int ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_$1 = 57; /** * Illegal argument: "{0}={1}". */ public static final int ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_$2 = 58; /** * Illegal array length for {0} dimensional points. */ public static final int ILLEGAL_ARRAY_LENGTH_FOR_DIMENSION_$1 = 59; /** * Axis can't be oriented toward {0} for coordinate system of class "{1}". */ public static final int ILLEGAL_AXIS_ORIENTATION_$2 = 60; /** * Class '{0}' is illegal. It must be '{1}' or a derivated class. */ public static final int ILLEGAL_CLASS_$2 = 61; /** * Illegal coordinate reference system. */ public static final int ILLEGAL_COORDINATE_REFERENCE_SYSTEM = 62; /** * Coordinate system of type '{0}' are incompatible with CRS of type '{1}'. */ public static final int ILLEGAL_COORDINATE_SYSTEM_FOR_CRS_$2 = 63; /** * Coordinate system can't have {0} dimensions. */ public static final int ILLEGAL_CS_DIMENSION_$1 = 64; /** * Illegal descriptor for parameter "{0}". */ public static final int ILLEGAL_DESCRIPTOR_FOR_PARAMETER_$1 = 65; /** * Bad ordinates at dimension {0}. */ public static final int ILLEGAL_ENVELOPE_ORDINATE_$1 = 66; /** * "{0}" is not a valid identifier. */ public static final int ILLEGAL_IDENTIFIER_$1 = 67; /** * Illegal instruction "{0}". */ public static final int ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION_$1 = 68; /** * Illegal key: {0} */ public static final int ILLEGAL_KEY_$1 = 69; /** * Illegal matrix size. */ public static final int ILLEGAL_MATRIX_SIZE = 70; /** * Parameter "{0}" occurs {1} time, while the expected range of occurences was [{2}..{3}]. */ public static final int ILLEGAL_OCCURS_FOR_PARAMETER_$4 = 71; /** * This operation can't be applied to values of class '{0}'. */ public static final int ILLEGAL_OPERATION_FOR_VALUE_CLASS_$1 = 72; /** * Incompatible coordinate system type. */ public static final int INCOMPATIBLE_COORDINATE_SYSTEM_TYPE = 73; /** * Projection parameter "{0}" is incompatible with ellipsoid "{1}". */ public static final int INCOMPATIBLE_ELLIPSOID_$2 = 74; /** * Incompatible grid geometries. */ public static final int INCOMPATIBLE_GRID_GEOMETRY = 75; /** * Incompatible unit: {0} */ public static final int INCOMPATIBLE_UNIT_$1 = 76; /** * Direction "{1}" is inconsistent with axis "{0}". */ public static final int INCONSISTENT_AXIS_ORIENTATION_$2 = 77; /** * Property "{0}" has a value inconsistent with other properties. */ public static final int INCONSISTENT_PROPERTY_$1 = 78; /** * Index {0} is out of bounds. */ public static final int INDEX_OUT_OF_BOUNDS_$1 = 79; /** * {0} value is infinite */ public static final int INFINITE_VALUE_$1 = 80; /** * Inseparable transform. */ public static final int INSEPARABLE_TRANSFORM = 81; /** * {0} points were specified, while {1} are required. */ public static final int INSUFFICIENT_POINTS_$2 = 82; /** * This "{0}" object is too complex for WKT syntax. */ public static final int INVALID_WKT_FORMAT_$1 = 83; /** * Error in "{0}": */ public static final int IN_$1 = 84; /** * Latitude {0} is out of range (±90°). */ public static final int LATITUDE_OUT_OF_RANGE_$1 = 85; /** * The line contains {0} columns while only {1} was expected. Characters "{2}" seem to be * extra. */ public static final int LINE_TOO_LONG_$3 = 86; /** * The line contains only {0} columns while {1} was expected. */ public static final int LINE_TOO_SHORT_$2 = 87; /** * Longitude {0} is out of range (±180°). */ public static final int LONGITUDE_OUT_OF_RANGE_$1 = 88; /** * Malformed envelope */ public static final int MALFORMED_ENVELOPE = 89; /** * All rows doesn't have the same length. */ public static final int MATRIX_NOT_REGULAR = 90; /** * Mismatched array length. */ public static final int MISMATCHED_ARRAY_LENGTH = 91; /** * The coordinate reference system must be the same for all objects. */ public static final int MISMATCHED_COORDINATE_REFERENCE_SYSTEM = 92; /** * Mismatched object dimension: {0}D and {1}D. */ public static final int MISMATCHED_DIMENSION_$2 = 93; /** * Argument "{0}" has {1} dimensions, while {2} was expected. */ public static final int MISMATCHED_DIMENSION_$3 = 94; /** * The envelope uses an incompatible CRS: was "{1}" while we expected "{0}". */ public static final int MISMATCHED_ENVELOPE_CRS_$2 = 95; /** * No authority was defined for code "{0}". Did you forget "AUTHORITY:NUMBER"? */ public static final int MISSING_AUTHORITY_$1 = 96; /** * Character '{0}' was expected. */ public static final int MISSING_CHARACTER_$1 = 97; /** * This operation requires the "{0}" module. */ public static final int MISSING_MODULE_$1 = 98; /** * Parameter "{0}" is missing. */ public static final int MISSING_PARAMETER_$1 = 99; /** * Missing value for parameter "{0}". */ public static final int MISSING_PARAMETER_VALUE_$1 = 100; /** * Missing WKT definition. */ public static final int MISSING_WKT_DEFINITION = 101; /** * Geophysics categories mixed with non-geophysics ones. */ public static final int MIXED_CATEGORIES = 102; /** * Column number for "{0}" ({1}) can't be negative. */ public static final int NEGATIVE_COLUMN_$2 = 103; /** * Scaling affine transform is not invertible. */ public static final int NONINVERTIBLE_SCALING_TRANSFORM = 104; /** * Transform is not invertible. */ public static final int NONINVERTIBLE_TRANSFORM = 105; /** * The grid to coordinate system transform must be affine. */ public static final int NON_AFFINE_TRANSFORM = 106; /** * Not an angular unit: "{0}". */ public static final int NON_ANGULAR_UNIT_$1 = 107; /** * Coordinate system "{0}" is not cartesian. */ public static final int NON_CARTESIAN_COORDINATE_SYSTEM_$1 = 108; /** * Can't convert value from units "{1}" to "{0}". */ public static final int NON_CONVERTIBLE_UNITS_$2 = 109; /** * Unmatched parenthesis in "{0}": missing '{1}'. */ public static final int NON_EQUILIBRATED_PARENTHESIS_$2 = 110; /** * Some categories use non-integer sample values. */ public static final int NON_INTEGER_CATEGORY = 111; /** * Relation is not linear. */ public static final int NON_LINEAR_RELATION = 112; /** * "{0}" is not a linear unit. */ public static final int NON_LINEAR_UNIT_$1 = 113; /** * Unit conversion from "{0}" to "{1}" is non-linear. */ public static final int NON_LINEAR_UNIT_CONVERSION_$2 = 114; /** * Axis directions {0} and {1} are not perpendicular. */ public static final int NON_PERPENDICULAR_AXIS_$2 = 115; /** * "{0}" is not a scale unit. */ public static final int NON_SCALE_UNIT_$1 = 116; /** * "{0}" is not a time unit. */ public static final int NON_TEMPORAL_UNIT_$1 = 117; /** * Transform is not affine. */ public static final int NOT_AN_AFFINE_TRANSFORM = 118; /** * Can't format object of class "{1}" as an angle. */ public static final int NOT_AN_ANGLE_OBJECT_$1 = 119; /** * Value "{0}" is not a valid integer. */ public static final int NOT_AN_INTEGER_$1 = 120; /** * Points dont seem to be distributed on a regular grid. */ public static final int NOT_A_GRID = 121; /** * Value "{0}" is not a valid real number. */ public static final int NOT_A_NUMBER_$1 = 122; /** * {0} is not a comparable class. */ public static final int NOT_COMPARABLE_CLASS_$1 = 123; /** * Value {0} is not a real, non-null number. */ public static final int NOT_DIFFERENT_THAN_ZERO_$1 = 124; /** * Number {0} is invalid. Expected a number greater than 0. */ public static final int NOT_GREATER_THAN_ZERO_$1 = 125; /** * Not a 3D coordinate system. */ public static final int NOT_THREE_DIMENSIONAL_CS = 126; /** * Can't wrap a {0} dimensional object into a 2 dimensional one. */ public static final int NOT_TWO_DIMENSIONAL_$1 = 127; /** * No category for value {0}. */ public static final int NO_CATEGORY_FOR_VALUE_$1 = 128; /** * Transformation doesn't convergence. */ public static final int NO_CONVERGENCE = 129; /** * No convergence for points {0} and {1}. */ public static final int NO_CONVERGENCE_$2 = 130; /** * No data source found. */ public static final int NO_DATA_SOURCE = 131; /** * No input set. */ public static final int NO_IMAGE_INPUT = 132; /** * No output set. */ public static final int NO_IMAGE_OUTPUT = 133; /** * No suitable image reader for this input. */ public static final int NO_IMAGE_READER = 134; /** * No suitable image writer for this output. */ public static final int NO_IMAGE_WRITER = 135; /** * No source axis match {0}. */ public static final int NO_SOURCE_AXIS_$1 = 136; /** * No object of type "{0}" has been found for code "{1}". */ public static final int NO_SUCH_AUTHORITY_CODE_$2 = 137; /** * No code "{0}" from authority "{1}" found for object of type "{2}". */ public static final int NO_SUCH_AUTHORITY_CODE_$3 = 138; /** * No two-dimensional transform available for this geometry. */ public static final int NO_TRANSFORM2D_AVAILABLE = 139; /** * No transformation available from system "{0}" to "{1}". */ public static final int NO_TRANSFORMATION_PATH_$2 = 140; /** * No transform for classification "{0}". */ public static final int NO_TRANSFORM_FOR_CLASSIFICATION_$1 = 141; /** * Unit must be specified. */ public static final int NO_UNIT = 142; /** * Argument "{0}" should not be null. */ public static final int NULL_ARGUMENT_$1 = 143; /** * Attribute "{0}" should not be null. */ public static final int NULL_ATTRIBUTE_$1 = 144; /** * Format #{0} (on {1}) is not defined. */ public static final int NULL_FORMAT_$2 = 145; /** * "{0}" parameter should be not null and of type "{1}". */ public static final int NULL_PARAMETER_$2 = 146; /** * Unexpected null value in record "{0}" for the column "{1}" in table "{2}". */ public static final int NULL_VALUE_IN_TABLE_$3 = 147; /** * The number of image bands ({0}) differs from the number of supplied '{2}' objects ({1}). */ public static final int NUMBER_OF_BANDS_MISMATCH_$3 = 148; /** * Bad array length: {0}. An even array length was expected. */ public static final int ODD_ARRAY_LENGTH_$1 = 149; /** * Operation "{0}" is already bounds. */ public static final int OPERATION_ALREADY_BOUNDS_$1 = 150; /** * Operation "{0}" is already binds in this grid processor. */ public static final int OPERATION_ALREADY_BOUND_$1 = 151; /** * No such "{0}" operation for this processor. */ public static final int OPERATION_NOT_FOUND_$1 = 152; /** * Possible use of "{0}" projection outside its valid area. */ public static final int OUT_OF_PROJECTION_VALID_AREA_$1 = 153; /** * Name or alias for parameter "{0}" at index {1} conflict with name "{2}" at index {3}. */ public static final int PARAMETER_NAME_CLASH_$4 = 154; /** * Unparsable string: "{0}". Please check characters "{1}". */ public static final int PARSE_EXCEPTION_$2 = 155; /** * Coordinate ({0}) is outside coverage. */ public static final int POINT_OUTSIDE_COVERAGE_$1 = 156; /** * Point is outside grid */ public static final int POINT_OUTSIDE_GRID = 157; /** * Point outside hemisphere of projection. */ public static final int POINT_OUTSIDE_HEMISPHERE = 158; /** * Latitude {0} is too close to a pole. */ public static final int POLE_PROJECTION_$1 = 159; /** * Can't add point to a closed polygon. */ public static final int POLYGON_CLOSED = 160; /** * The transform result may be {0} meters away from the expected position. Are you sure that * the input coordinates are inside this map projection area of validity? The point is located * {1} away from the central meridian and {2} away from the latitude of origin. The projection * is "{3}". */ public static final int PROJECTION_CHECK_FAILED_$4 = 161; /** * Ranges [{0}..{1}] and [{2}..{3}] overlap. */ public static final int RANGE_OVERLAP_$4 = 162; /** * Recursive call while creating a '{0}' object. */ public static final int RECURSIVE_CALL_$1 = 163; /** * Recursive call while creating a '{0}' object for code "{1}". */ public static final int RECURSIVE_CALL_$2 = 164; /** * RGB value {0} is out of range. */ public static final int RGB_OUT_OF_RANGE_$1 = 165; /** * Execution on a remote machine failed. */ public static final int RMI_FAILURE = 166; /** * Expected {0}={1} but got {2}. */ public static final int TEST_FAILURE_$3 = 167; /** * Tolerance error. */ public static final int TOLERANCE_ERROR = 168; /** * Too many occurences of "{0}". There is already {1} of them. */ public static final int TOO_MANY_OCCURENCES_$2 = 169; /** * Undefined property. */ public static final int UNDEFINED_PROPERTY = 170; /** * Property "{0}" is not defined. */ public static final int UNDEFINED_PROPERTY_$1 = 171; /** * Unexpected argument for operation "{0}". */ public static final int UNEXPECTED_ARGUMENT_FOR_INSTRUCTION_$1 = 172; /** * Unexpected dimension for a "{0}" coordinate system. */ public static final int UNEXPECTED_DIMENSION_FOR_CS_$1 = 173; /** * Unexpected end of string. */ public static final int UNEXPECTED_END_OF_STRING = 174; /** * Image doesn't have the expected size. */ public static final int UNEXPECTED_IMAGE_SIZE = 175; /** * Parameter "{0}" was not expected. */ public static final int UNEXPECTED_PARAMETER_$1 = 176; /** * Matrix row {0} has a length of {1}, while {2} was expected. */ public static final int UNEXPECTED_ROW_LENGTH_$3 = 177; /** * Transformation doesn't produce the expected values. */ public static final int UNEXPECTED_TRANSFORM_RESULT = 178; /** * Parameter "{0}" has no unit. */ public static final int UNITLESS_PARAMETER_$1 = 179; /** * Authority "{0}" is unknown or doesn't match the supplied hints. Maybe it is defined in an * unreachable JAR file? */ public static final int UNKNOW_AUTHORITY_$1 = 180; /** * Unknow axis direction: "{0}". */ public static final int UNKNOW_AXIS_DIRECTION_$1 = 181; /** * Image format "{0}" is unknown. */ public static final int UNKNOW_IMAGE_FORMAT_$1 = 182; /** * Interpolation "{0}" is unknown. */ public static final int UNKNOW_INTERPOLATION_$1 = 183; /** * Unknow parameter: {0} */ public static final int UNKNOW_PARAMETER_$1 = 184; /** * Unknow parameter name: {0} */ public static final int UNKNOW_PARAMETER_NAME_$1 = 185; /** * Unknow projection type. */ public static final int UNKNOW_PROJECTION_TYPE = 186; /** * Type "{0}" is unknow in this context. */ public static final int UNKNOW_TYPE_$1 = 187; /** * This affine transform is unmodifiable. */ public static final int UNMODIFIABLE_AFFINE_TRANSFORM = 188; /** * Unmodifiable geometry. */ public static final int UNMODIFIABLE_GEOMETRY = 189; /** * Unmodifiable metadata. */ public static final int UNMODIFIABLE_METADATA = 190; /** * Can't parse "{0}" as a number. */ public static final int UNPARSABLE_NUMBER_$1 = 191; /** * Can't parse "{0}" because "{1}" is unrecognized. */ public static final int UNPARSABLE_STRING_$2 = 192; /** * Coordinate reference system is unspecified. */ public static final int UNSPECIFIED_CRS = 193; /** * Unspecified image's size. */ public static final int UNSPECIFIED_IMAGE_SIZE = 194; /** * Unspecified coordinates transform. */ public static final int UNSPECIFIED_TRANSFORM = 195; /** * Coordinate system "{0}" is unsupported. */ public static final int UNSUPPORTED_COORDINATE_SYSTEM_$1 = 196; /** * Coordinate reference system "{0}" is unsupported. */ public static final int UNSUPPORTED_CRS_$1 = 197; /** * Unsupported data type. */ public static final int UNSUPPORTED_DATA_TYPE = 198; /** * Data type "{0}" is not supported. */ public static final int UNSUPPORTED_DATA_TYPE_$1 = 199; /** * Unsupported file type: {0} or {1} */ public static final int UNSUPPORTED_FILE_TYPE_$2 = 200; /** * Operation "{0}" is unsupported. */ public static final int UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION_$1 = 205; /** * Value {0} is out of range [{1}..{2}]. */ public static final int VALUE_OUT_OF_BOUNDS_$3 = 201; /** * Numerical value tend toward infinity. */ public static final int VALUE_TEND_TOWARD_INFINITY = 202; /** * No variable "{0}" found in file "{1}". */ public static final int VARIABLE_NOT_FOUND_IN_FILE_$2 = 203; /** * Value {1} is outside the domain of coverage "{0}". */ public static final int ZVALUE_OUTSIDE_COVERAGE_$2 = 204; }