/* * GeoTools - The Open Source Java GIS Toolkit * http://geotools.org * * (C) 2006-2008, Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. */ package org.geotools.geometry.iso.coordinate; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.geotools.factory.Factory; import org.geotools.factory.GeoTools; import org.geotools.factory.Hints; import org.geotools.geometry.GeometryFactoryFinder; import org.geotools.geometry.iso.aggregate.MultiPrimitiveImpl; import org.geotools.geometry.iso.primitive.CurveImpl; import org.geotools.geometry.iso.primitive.RingImpl; import org.geotools.geometry.iso.primitive.SurfaceBoundaryImpl; import org.geotools.geometry.iso.primitive.SurfaceImpl; import org.geotools.geometry.iso.util.Assert; import org.geotools.referencing.crs.DefaultGeographicCRS; import org.opengis.geometry.DirectPosition; import org.opengis.geometry.Envelope; import org.opengis.geometry.MismatchedDimensionException; import org.opengis.geometry.MismatchedReferenceSystemException; import org.opengis.geometry.PositionFactory; import org.opengis.geometry.aggregate.MultiPrimitive; import org.opengis.geometry.coordinate.Arc; import org.opengis.geometry.coordinate.ArcByBulge; import org.opengis.geometry.coordinate.ArcString; import org.opengis.geometry.coordinate.ArcStringByBulge; import org.opengis.geometry.coordinate.BSplineCurve; import org.opengis.geometry.coordinate.BSplineSurface; import org.opengis.geometry.coordinate.Geodesic; import org.opengis.geometry.coordinate.GeodesicString; import org.opengis.geometry.coordinate.GeometryFactory; import org.opengis.geometry.coordinate.Knot; import org.opengis.geometry.coordinate.KnotType; import org.opengis.geometry.coordinate.LineSegment; import org.opengis.geometry.coordinate.LineString; import org.opengis.geometry.coordinate.PointArray; import org.opengis.geometry.coordinate.Polygon; import org.opengis.geometry.coordinate.PolyhedralSurface; import org.opengis.geometry.coordinate.Position; import org.opengis.geometry.coordinate.Tin; import org.opengis.geometry.coordinate.Triangle; import org.opengis.geometry.coordinate.TriangulatedSurface; import org.opengis.geometry.primitive.CurveSegment; import org.opengis.geometry.primitive.OrientableCurve; import org.opengis.geometry.primitive.Ring; import org.opengis.geometry.primitive.Surface; import org.opengis.geometry.primitive.SurfaceBoundary; import org.opengis.referencing.crs.CoordinateReferenceSystem; /** * convenience methods to create objects of the coordinate geometry package * using only java native types as parameters * * @author Jackson Roehrig & Sanjay Jena * * * @source $URL$ */ public class GeometryFactoryImpl implements Factory, GeometryFactory { // ************************************************************************** // ************************************************************************** // ***** FACTORY MANAGING METHODS ***** // ************************************************************************** // ************************************************************************** //private FeatGeomFactoryImpl geometryFactory; private CoordinateReferenceSystem crs; private PositionFactory positionFactory; private Map hintsWeCareAbout = new HashMap(); /** FactorySPI entry point */ public GeometryFactoryImpl() { this((Hints)null ); } /** Just the defaults, use GeometryFactoryFinder for the rest */ public GeometryFactoryImpl( Hints hints ) { if (hints == null) { this.crs = DefaultGeographicCRS.WGS84; hints = GeoTools.getDefaultHints(); hints.put(Hints.CRS, crs ); } else { this.crs = (CoordinateReferenceSystem) hints.get( Hints.CRS ); if( crs == null ){ throw new NullPointerException("A CRS Hint is required in order to use GeometryFactoryImpl"); } } this.positionFactory = GeometryFactoryFinder.getPositionFactory(hints); hintsWeCareAbout.put(Hints.CRS, crs ); hintsWeCareAbout.put(Hints.POSITION_FACTORY, positionFactory ); } /** * @param crs */ public GeometryFactoryImpl(CoordinateReferenceSystem crs, PositionFactory pf) { this.crs = crs; this.positionFactory = pf; hintsWeCareAbout.put(Hints.CRS, crs ); hintsWeCareAbout.put(Hints.POSITION_FACTORY, positionFactory ); } /** * Report back to FactoryRegistry about our configuration. * <p> * FactoryRegistry will check to make sure that there are no duplicates * created (so there will be only a "single" PositionFactory created * with this configuration). * </p> */ public Map getImplementationHints() { return Collections.unmodifiableMap( hintsWeCareAbout ); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.opengis.geometry.coordinate.Factory#getCoordinateReferenceSystem() */ public CoordinateReferenceSystem getCoordinateReferenceSystem() { return this.crs; } /** * Returns the Coordinate Dimension of the used Coordinate System * (Sanjay) * * @return dimension Coordinate Dimension used in this Factory */ public int getDimension() { // Test OK return this.crs.getCoordinateSystem().getDimension(); } // ************************************************************************** // ************************************************************************** // ***** METHODS SPECIFIED BY THE GeoAPI ***** // ************************************************************************** // ************************************************************************** /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.opengis.geometry.coordinate.Factory#createDirectPosition() */ public DirectPosition createDirectPosition() { // Test ok return (DirectPosition) positionFactory.createDirectPosition(null); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.opengis.geometry.coordinate.Factory#createDirectPosition(double[]) */ public DirectPosition createDirectPosition(double[] coord) { // Test ok if (coord == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter coord is null"); //$NON-NLS-1$ if (coord.length != this.getDimension()) throw new MismatchedDimensionException(); // Create a DirectPosition which references to a COPY of the given double array return (DirectPosition) positionFactory.createDirectPosition(coord); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.opengis.geometry.coordinate.Factory#createEnvelope(org.opengis.geometry.coordinate.DirectPosition, org.opengis.geometry.coordinate.DirectPosition) */ public Envelope createEnvelope( DirectPosition lowerCorner, DirectPosition upperCorner) throws MismatchedReferenceSystemException, MismatchedDimensionException { // Test ok return new EnvelopeImpl((DirectPosition) positionFactory.createPosition(lowerCorner), (DirectPosition) positionFactory.createPosition(upperCorner)); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.opengis.geometry.coordinate.Factory#createLineSegment(org.opengis.geometry.coordinate.Position, org.opengis.geometry.coordinate.Position) */ public LineSegment createLineSegment(Position startPoint, Position endPoint) throws MismatchedReferenceSystemException, MismatchedDimensionException { // Test ok // Return a LineSegment based on the start and end point. // - The startParam will be initialized with 0.0. // - The parent curve will not be set return createLineSegment(startPoint, endPoint, 0.0); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.opengis.geometry.coordinate.Factory#createPolygon(org.opengis.geometry.primitive.SurfaceBoundary) */ public Polygon createPolygon(SurfaceBoundary boundary) throws MismatchedReferenceSystemException, MismatchedDimensionException { // ok // Creates a SurfaceBoundary on basis of the given surface boundary return new PolygonImpl((SurfaceBoundaryImpl)boundary); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.opengis.geometry.coordinate.Factory#createPolygon(org.opengis.geometry.primitive.SurfaceBoundary, * org.opengis.geometry.primitive.Surface) */ public Polygon createPolygon(SurfaceBoundary boundary, Surface spanSurface) throws MismatchedReferenceSystemException, MismatchedDimensionException { // ok - but implementation in PolygonImpl is not ready yet return new PolygonImpl((SurfaceBoundaryImpl)boundary, (SurfaceImpl)spanSurface); } // COMMENTED OUT BECAUSE THIS METHOD IS DEPRECATED (Sanjay, 24/08/2006) /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.opengis.geometry.coordinate.Factory#createSurfaceBoundary(org.opengis.geometry.primitive.Ring, * java.util.List) */ // public SurfaceBoundary createSurfaceBoundary(Ring exterior, List // interiors) throws MismatchedReferenceSystemException { // return null; // } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.opengis.geometry.coordinate.Factory#createMultiPrimitive() */ public MultiPrimitive createMultiPrimitive() { // ok - this method will disappear from GeoAPI soon return new MultiPrimitiveImpl(crs, new HashSet()); } // ************************************************************************** // ************************************************************************** // ***** INDIVIDUAL METHODS WHICH ARE NOT SPECIFIED BY GeoAPI ***** // ************************************************************************** // ************************************************************************** /** * @param dp * @return DirectPositionImpl */ public DirectPosition createDirectPosition(DirectPosition dp) { return (DirectPosition) positionFactory.createDirectPosition(dp.getCoordinates() ); } /** * @param coordList * @param directPositions * @return Collection<PositionImpl> */ public Collection<DirectPosition> createDirectPositions( Collection<double[]> coordList, Collection<DirectPosition> directPositions) { if (coordList == null || coordList.isEmpty()) throw new IllegalArgumentException(""); //$NON-NLS-1$ if (directPositions == null) directPositions = new ArrayList<DirectPosition>(coordList.size()); for (double[] coords : coordList) { directPositions.add(createDirectPosition(coords)); } return directPositions; } /** * Creates a Position with the given ordinates coord. The array coord must * have at least two elements * * @param coord * is the array of ordinates of the position * @return PositionImpl */ public PositionImpl createPosition(double[] coord) { // TODO Test if (coord.length != this.getDimension()) throw new MismatchedDimensionException(); return (PositionImpl) createPosition(createDirectPosition(coord)); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.opengis.geometry.coordinate.Factory#createPosition(org.opengis.geometry.coordinate.DirectPosition) */ public Position createPosition(DirectPosition dp) { // Test ok return new PositionImpl((DirectPosition) positionFactory.createPosition(dp)); } /** * Creates a new PointArray * @param positions * @return PointArrayImpl */ public PointArrayImpl createPointArray(List<Position> positions) { PointArrayImpl pa = null; try { pa = new PointArrayImpl( positions ); } catch(ClassCastException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("List contains Position instances which can not be casted to the local geometry Position classes.", e); } return pa; } /** * Creates an Envelope with the given coordinates. * @param Coordinate c of a point p. The created envelope will have this coordinate as lower and upper corner * @return EnvelopeImpl The created envelope will have the coordinate as lower and upper corner. */ public EnvelopeImpl createEnvelope(double[] c) { if (c.length != this.getDimension()) throw new MismatchedDimensionException(); return new EnvelopeImpl(createDirectPosition(c)); } /** * Creates a new Envelope equal to the given envelope * * @param env * @return Envelope */ public EnvelopeImpl createEnvelope (Envelope env) { return new EnvelopeImpl(env); } /** * @param coordList * @param positions * @return Collection<PositionImpl> */ public List<Position> createPositions(Collection<double[]> coordList, List<Position> positions) { if (coordList == null || coordList.isEmpty()) throw new IllegalArgumentException(""); //$NON-NLS-1$ if (positions == null) positions = new ArrayList<Position>(coordList.size()); for (double[] coords : coordList) { positions.add(createPosition(coords)); } return positions; } /** * Creates a line segment between fromPosition and toPosition. The * coordinate dimension of the segment is fromPosition.length, * fromPosition.length and toPoint.length must be equal and greater then 1 * * This method creates a LineSegment without references to the parent Curve. this will cause NullPointerExceptions in use of some methods * * @param fromPosition * @param toPosition * @param startPar * @return LineSegmentImpl * @throws MismatchedDimensionException * @throws IllegalArgumentException */ public LineSegmentImpl createLineSegment(double[] fromPosition, double[] toPosition, double startPar) { if (fromPosition == null || toPosition == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Start or End parameter is null"); //$NON-NLS-1$; if (fromPosition.length != toPosition.length) throw new MismatchedDimensionException(); return createLineSegment( this.createPosition(fromPosition), this.createPosition(toPosition), startPar); } /** * Creates a LineSegment with a given value as startParam * * @param p0 * @param p1 * @param startPar * @return a new LineSegmentImpl * */ public LineSegmentImpl createLineSegment(Position p0, Position p1, double startPar) { List<Position> positions = new ArrayList<Position>(); positions.add(p0); positions.add(p1); return new LineSegmentImpl(createPointArray(positions), startPar); } /** * @param pointArray * @param startPar * @return LineStringImpl */ public LineStringImpl createLineString(PointArrayImpl pointArray, double startPar) { if (pointArray == null || pointArray.isEmpty()) throw new IllegalArgumentException(""); //$NON-NLS-1$ return new LineStringImpl(pointArray, startPar); } /** * Creates LineString from Array of DirectPosition2D * * @param positions * @param startPar * @return LineString */ public LineStringImpl createLineString(List<Position> positions, double startPar) { return new LineStringImpl(createPointArray(positions), startPar); } /** * @param coordLists * @param lineStrings * @return Collection<LineStringImpl> */ public Collection<LineStringImpl> createLineStrings( Collection<List<double[]>> coordLists, List<LineStringImpl> lineStrings) { if (lineStrings == null) lineStrings = new ArrayList<LineStringImpl>(coordLists.size()); //GeometryFactoryImpl cf = this.geometryFactory.getGeometryFactoryImpl(); double startPar = 0.0; for (List<double[]> coordList : coordLists) { //List<Position> positions = cf.createPositions(coordList, null); PointArray positions = positionFactory.createPointArray(); for (double[] coords : coordList) { positions.add(createPosition(coords)); } PointArrayImpl pai = createPointArray(positions); lineStrings.add(createLineString(pai, startPar)); startPar += pai.getDistanceSum(); } return lineStrings; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.opengis.geometry.coordinate.Factory#createLineString(java.util.List) */ public LineStringImpl createLineString(List<Position> positions) throws MismatchedReferenceSystemException, MismatchedDimensionException { return this.createLineString(positions, 0.0); } /** * Creates a Triangle from three DirectPositions Builds the Surface Boundary * for the Triangle * * @param ts * @param p1 * @param p2 * @param p3 * @return Triangle */ public TriangleImpl createTriangle(TriangulatedSurface ts, DirectPosition p1, DirectPosition p2, DirectPosition p3) { //PrimitiveFactoryImpl primFactory = this.geometryFactory.getPrimitiveFactory(); // Create a SurfaceBoundary for the Triangle List<Position> positionList = new ArrayList<Position>(); positionList.add(p1); positionList.add(p2); positionList.add(p3); positionList.add(p1); //Ring exterior = primFactory.createRingByDirectPositions(positionList); // Create List of CurveSegment´s (LineString´s) LineStringImpl lineString = new LineStringImpl(new PointArrayImpl( positionList), 0.0); List<CurveSegment> segments = new ArrayList<CurveSegment>(); segments.add(lineString); OrientableCurve curve = new CurveImpl(crs, segments); List<OrientableCurve> orientableCurves = new ArrayList<OrientableCurve>(); orientableCurves.add(curve); Ring exterior = new RingImpl(orientableCurves); List<Ring> interiorList = new ArrayList<Ring>(); SurfaceBoundaryImpl triangleBoundary = new SurfaceBoundaryImpl(crs, exterior, interiorList); return new TriangleImpl(triangleBoundary, ts, new PositionImpl(p1), new PositionImpl(p2), new PositionImpl(p3)); } // TODO Jackson: geändert durch Sanjay; bitte korrektheit prüfen // TODO SJ: folgende aussage pruefen: // Parameter TriangulatedSurface wurde hinzufgefuegt: Ein Triangle sollte // nicht erzeugt werden, ohne eine Referenz auf das zugehoerige Surface zu // uebernehmen // Die moeglichkeit, triangles zu erzeugen und spaeter die referenz auf den // surface ueber einen setter zu setzen, sollten wir moeglichst vermeiden, // da es unuebersichtlich wird, wann alle notwendigen daten erzeugt sind // generell sollte es ziel sein, dass die Factories nur objekte erzeugen, // welche in sich /** * @param triangles * @return ArrayList<Triangle> */ public ArrayList<Triangle> createTriangles(ArrayList<double[][]> triangles) { ArrayList<Triangle> result = new ArrayList<Triangle>(); for (double[][] triangle : triangles) { double[] coord0 = triangle[0]; double[] coord1 = triangle[1]; double[] coord2 = triangle[2]; result .add(this.createTriangle(null, createDirectPosition(coord0), createDirectPosition(coord1), createDirectPosition(coord2))); } return result; } public ArcString createArcString(List<Position> points) throws MismatchedReferenceSystemException, MismatchedDimensionException { // LATER: // TO DO semantic SJ, JR // TO DO implementation // TO DO test // TO DO documentation Assert.isTrue(false, "not implemented"); return null; } public ArcStringByBulge createArcStringByBulge(List<Position> points, double[] bulges, List<double[]> normals) throws MismatchedReferenceSystemException, MismatchedDimensionException { // LATER: // TO DO semantic SJ, JR // TO DO implementation // TO DO test // TO DO documentation Assert.isTrue(false, "not implemented"); return null; } public BSplineCurve createBSplineCurve(int degree, PointArray points, List<Knot> knots, KnotType knotSpec) throws MismatchedReferenceSystemException, MismatchedDimensionException { // LATER: // TO DO semantic SJ, JR // TO DO implementation // TO DO test // TO DO documentation Assert.isTrue(false, "not implemented"); return null; } public BSplineSurface createBSplineSurface(List<PointArray> points, int[] degree, List<Knot>[] knots, KnotType knotSpec) throws MismatchedReferenceSystemException, MismatchedDimensionException { // LATER: // TO DO semantic SJ, JR // TO DO implementation // TO DO test // TO DO documentation Assert.isTrue(false, "not implemented"); return null; } public GeodesicString createGeodesicString(List<Position> points) throws MismatchedReferenceSystemException, MismatchedDimensionException { // LATER: // TO DO semantic SJ, JR // TO DO implementation // TO DO test // TO DO documentation Assert.isTrue(false, "not implemented"); return null; } public PolyhedralSurface createPolyhedralSurface(List<Polygon> tiles) throws MismatchedReferenceSystemException, MismatchedDimensionException { // LATER: // TO DO semantic SJ, JR // TO DO implementation // TO DO test // TO DO documentation Assert.isTrue(false, "not implemented"); return null; } public Tin createTin(Set<Position> post, Set<LineString> stopLines, Set<LineString> breakLines, double maxLength) throws MismatchedReferenceSystemException, MismatchedDimensionException { // LATER: // TO DO semantic SJ, JR // TO DO implementation // TO DO test // TO DO documentation Assert.isTrue(false, "not implemented"); return null; } public Arc createArc(Position startPoint, Position midPoint, Position endPoint) throws MismatchedReferenceSystemException, MismatchedDimensionException { // LATER: // TO DO semantic SJ, JR // TO DO implementation // TO DO test // TO DO documentation Assert.isTrue(false, "not implemented"); return null; } public Arc createArc(Position startPoint, Position endPoint, double bulge, double[] normal) throws MismatchedReferenceSystemException, MismatchedDimensionException { // LATER: // TO DO semantic SJ, JR // TO DO implementation // TO DO test // TO DO documentation Assert.isTrue(false, "not implemented"); return null; } public ArcByBulge createArcByBulge(Position startPoint, Position endPoint, double bulge, double[] normal) throws MismatchedReferenceSystemException, MismatchedDimensionException { // LATER: // TO DO semantic SJ, JR // TO DO implementation // TO DO test // TO DO documentation Assert.isTrue(false, "not implemented"); return null; } public Geodesic createGeodesic(Position startPoint, Position endPoint) throws MismatchedReferenceSystemException, MismatchedDimensionException { // LATER: // TO DO semantic SJ, JR // TO DO implementation // TO DO test // TO DO documentation Assert.isTrue(false, "not implemented"); return null; } // /** // * // * @param p0 // * @param p1 // * @param startPoints // * @param lineSegments // * @return ArrayList<LineSegmentImpl> // */ // public Collection<LineSegmentImpl> createLineSegments( // Collection<double[]> p0, Collection<double[]> p1, // Collection<Double> startPoints, // Collection<LineSegmentImpl> lineSegments) { // int s0 = p0.size(); // int s1 = p1.size(); // if (p0 == null || p1 == null || p0.isEmpty() || p1.isEmpty() // || s0 != s1) // throw new IllegalArgumentException(""); //$NON-NLS-1$ // if (lineSegments == null) // lineSegments = new ArrayList<LineSegmentImpl>(); // Iterator<double[]> it0 = p0.iterator(); // Iterator<double[]> it1 = p1.iterator(); // Iterator<Double> it2 = startPoints.iterator(); // while (it0.hasNext()) { // lineSegments.add(createLineSegment(it0.next(), it1.next(), it2 // .next())); // } // return lineSegments; // } // // /** // * @param points // * @param lineSegments // * @return Collection<LineSegmentImpl> // */ // public List<LineSegmentImpl> createLineSegments( // Collection<double[][]> points, List<LineSegmentImpl> lineSegments) { // if (points == null || points.isEmpty()) // throw new IllegalArgumentException(""); //$NON-NLS-1$ // if (lineSegments == null) { // // TO DO // lineSegments = new ArrayList<LineSegmentImpl>(points.size()); // } // Iterator<double[][]> it = points.iterator(); // while (it.hasNext()) { // double[][] p = it.next(); // double[] p0 = p[0]; // double[] p1 = p[1]; // double startPar = p[2][0]; // lineSegments.add(createLineSegment(p0, p1, startPar)); // } // return lineSegments; // } // public Tin createTin(GeoAdvancingFront2D mesh) { // // Hashtable<GeoPoint2D,Position> ht = new // Hashtable<GeoPoint2D,Position>(mesh.getPosts().size()); // ArrayList<Position> controlPoint = new // ArrayList<Position>(mesh.getPosts().size()); // for (GeoPoint2D p : mesh.getPosts()) { // Position pos = Factory.createPosition(p.x,p.y); // ht.put(p,pos); // controlPoint.add(pos); // } // ArrayList<Triangle> triangles = new // ArrayList<Triangle>(mesh.getTriangles().size()); // for (GeoTriangle2D tri : mesh.getTriangles()) { // GeoPoint2D[] pts = tri.getPoints(); // triangles.add(Factory.createTriangle(ht.get(pts[0]),ht.get(pts[1]),ht.get(pts[2]))); // } // // ArrayList<LineString> stopLines = new // ArrayList<LineString>(mesh.getStopLines().size()); // for ( GeoLine2D line : mesh.getStopLines()) { // GeoPoint2D p0 = line.getStartPoint(); // GeoPoint2D p1 = line.getEndPoint(); // stopLines.add(Factory.createLineSegment(ht.get(p0),ht.get(p1))); // } // // ArrayList<LineString> breakLines = new // ArrayList<LineString>(mesh.getBreakLines().size()); // for ( GeoLine2D line : mesh.getBreakLines()) { // GeoPoint2D p0 = line.getStartPoint(); // GeoPoint2D p1 = line.getEndPoint(); // breakLines.add(Factory.createLineSegment(ht.get(p0),ht.get(p1))); // } // // SurfaceBoundary surfBdry = // Factory.createSurfaceBoundary(mesh.getSurface().getBoundariesPoints()); // // return new // Tin(surfBdry,controlPoint,stopLines,breakLines,mesh.getMaxLength(),triangles); // } }