/* * Copyright (C) 2009 eXo Platform SAS. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org. */ package org.exoplatform.webui.application.portlet; import java.io.Writer; import javax.portlet.ActionResponse; import javax.portlet.MimeResponse; import javax.portlet.PortletMode; import javax.portlet.PortletModeException; import javax.portlet.PortletRequest; import javax.portlet.PortletResponse; import javax.portlet.StateAwareResponse; import org.exoplatform.commons.utils.WriterPrinter; import org.exoplatform.portal.mop.user.UserPortal; import org.exoplatform.services.resources.Orientation; import org.exoplatform.web.application.RequestContext; import org.exoplatform.web.application.URLBuilder; import org.exoplatform.web.url.PortalURL; import org.exoplatform.web.url.ResourceType; import org.exoplatform.web.url.URLFactory; import org.exoplatform.webui.application.WebuiApplication; import org.exoplatform.webui.application.WebuiRequestContext; import org.exoplatform.webui.core.UIApplication; import org.exoplatform.webui.core.UIComponent; /** * todo (julien) : there is an issue here (small) as the PRC seems to be stored in http session and keep a pointer on request * and response object. * * The request context of a portlet * */ public class PortletRequestContext extends WebuiRequestContext { /** * Portlet Window ID */ private String windowId_; /** * The request */ private PortletRequest request_; /** * The response */ private PortletResponse response_; private Writer writer_; private boolean isAppLifecycleStarted = false; /** . */ private PortletURLBuilder urlBuilder; public PortletRequestContext(RequestContext parentAppRequestContext, WebuiApplication app, Writer writer, PortletRequest req, PortletResponse res) { super(parentAppRequestContext, app); init(writer, req, res); setSessionId(req.getPortletSession(true).getId()); } @Override public <R, U extends PortalURL<R, U>> U newURL(ResourceType<R, U> resourceType, URLFactory urlFactory) { return parentAppRequestContext_.newURL(resourceType, urlFactory); } public void init(Writer writer, PortletRequest req, PortletResponse res) { request_ = req; response_ = res; writer_ = new WriterPrinter(writer); windowId_ = req.getWindowID(); // if (res instanceof MimeResponse) { this.urlBuilder = new PortletURLBuilder(((MimeResponse) res).createActionURL()); } else { this.urlBuilder = null; } } public void setUIApplication(UIApplication uiApplication) throws Exception { uiApplication_ = uiApplication; appRes_ = getApplication().getResourceBundle(getParentAppRequestContext().getLocale()); } public final String getRequestParameter(String name) { return request_.getParameter(name); } public final String[] getRequestParameterValues(String name) { return request_.getParameterValues(name); } public Orientation getOrientation() { return parentAppRequestContext_.getOrientation(); } public String getRequestContextPath() { return request_.getContextPath(); } @Override public String getPortalContextPath() { if (parentAppRequestContext_ instanceof WebuiRequestContext) { return ((WebuiRequestContext) parentAppRequestContext_).getPortalContextPath(); } else { return null; } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public PortletRequest getRequest() { return request_; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public PortletResponse getResponse() { return response_; } @Override public URLFactory getURLFactory() { return parentAppRequestContext_.getURLFactory(); } public String getRemoteUser() { return parentAppRequestContext_.getRemoteUser(); } public final boolean isUserInRole(String roleUser) { return request_.isUserInRole(roleUser); } public PortletMode getApplicationMode() { return request_.getPortletMode(); } public void setApplicationMode(PortletMode mode) throws PortletModeException { if (response_ instanceof StateAwareResponse) { StateAwareResponse res = (StateAwareResponse) response_; res.setPortletMode(mode); } else { throw new PortletModeException("The portlet don't support to set a portlet mode by current runtime environment", mode); } } public Writer getWriter() throws Exception { return writer_; } public void setWriter(Writer writer) { this.writer_ = writer; } public final boolean useAjax() { return getParentAppRequestContext().useAjax(); } public void sendRedirect(String url) throws Exception { setResponseComplete(true); if (response_ instanceof ActionResponse) ((ActionResponse) response_).sendRedirect(url); } @Override public UserPortal getUserPortal() { return getParentAppRequestContext().getUserPortal(); } public boolean isAppLifecycleStarted() { return isAppLifecycleStarted; } public void setAppLifecycleStarted(boolean b) { isAppLifecycleStarted = b; } public URLBuilder<UIComponent> getURLBuilder() { if (urlBuilder == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot create portlet URL during action/event phase"); } return urlBuilder; } /** * Puts the component to update inside the parent request context * * Here it will be the PortalRequestHandler and hence it will be responsible of making the distinction between 3rd parties * portlets (that need a full portlet fragment refresh) and our portlets that also allow some UIComponent within the portlet * to be refreshed */ // public void addUIComponentToUpdateByAjax(UIComponent uicomponent) { // ((WebuiRequestContext)getParentAppRequestContext()).addUIComponentToUpdateByAjax(uicomponent); // } // // public List<UIComponent> getUIComponentToUpdateByAjax() { // return ((WebuiRequestContext)getParentAppRequestContext()).getUIComponentToUpdateByAjax() ; // } public String getWindowId() { return windowId_; } }