package org.exoplatform.portal.gadget.core; import; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import net.oauth.OAuth; import net.oauth.OAuthConsumer; import net.oauth.OAuthServiceProvider; import net.oauth.signature.RSA_SHA1; import org.apache.shindig.auth.SecurityToken; import org.apache.shindig.gadgets.GadgetException; import org.apache.shindig.gadgets.oauth.BasicOAuthStoreConsumerIndex; import org.apache.shindig.gadgets.oauth.BasicOAuthStoreConsumerKeyAndSecret; import org.apache.shindig.gadgets.oauth.BasicOAuthStoreConsumerKeyAndSecret.KeyType; import org.apache.shindig.gadgets.oauth.BasicOAuthStoreTokenIndex; import org.apache.shindig.gadgets.oauth.OAuthStore; import org.exoplatform.container.ExoContainer; import org.exoplatform.container.PortalContainer; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; /* * Created by The eXo Platform SAS * Author : tung.dang * * Dec 10, 2009 * */ /** * Simple implementation of the {@link OAuthStore} interface. We use a in-memory hash map. If initialized with a private key, * then the store will return an OAuthAccessor in {@code getOAuthAccessor} that uses that private key if no consumer key and * secret could be found. */ public class ExoOAuthStore implements OAuthStore { private static final String CONSUMER_SECRET_KEY = "consumer_secret"; private static final String CONSUMER_KEY_KEY = "consumer_key"; private static final String KEY_TYPE_KEY = "key_type"; private static final String CALLBACK_URL = "callback_url"; /** * HashMap of provider and consumer information. Maps BasicOAuthStoreConsumerIndexs (i.e. nickname of a service provider and * the gadget that uses that nickname) to {@link BasicOAuthStoreConsumerKeyAndSecret}s. */ private final Map<BasicOAuthStoreConsumerIndex, BasicOAuthStoreConsumerKeyAndSecret> consumerInfos; /** * HashMap of token information. Maps BasicOAuthStoreTokenIndexs (i.e. gadget id, token nickname, module id, etc.) to * TokenInfos (i.e. access token and token secrets). */ // TODO: tung.dang don't need it, we store token in our memory. // private Map<BasicOAuthStoreTokenIndex, TokenInfo> tokens = Maps.newHashMap(); /** * Key to use when no other key is found. */ private BasicOAuthStoreConsumerKeyAndSecret defaultKey; /** * Callback to use when no per-key callback URL is found. */ private String defaultCallbackUrl; /** Number of times we looked up a consumer key */ private int consumerKeyLookupCount = 0; /** Number of times we looked up an access token */ private int accessTokenLookupCount = 0; /** Number of times we added an access token */ private int accessTokenAddCount = 0; /** Number of times we removed an access token */ private int accessTokenRemoveCount = 0; public ExoOAuthStore() { consumerInfos = Maps.newHashMap(); } public void initFromConfigString(String oauthConfigStr) throws GadgetException { try { JSONObject oauthConfigs = new JSONObject(oauthConfigStr); for (Iterator<?> i = oauthConfigs.keys(); i.hasNext();) { String url = (String); URI gadgetUri = new URI(url); JSONObject oauthConfig = oauthConfigs.getJSONObject(url); storeConsumerInfos(gadgetUri, oauthConfig); } } catch (JSONException e) { throw new GadgetException(GadgetException.Code.OAUTH_STORAGE_ERROR, e); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw new GadgetException(GadgetException.Code.OAUTH_STORAGE_ERROR, e); } } private void storeConsumerInfos(URI gadgetUri, JSONObject oauthConfig) throws JSONException, GadgetException { for (String serviceName : JSONObject.getNames(oauthConfig)) { JSONObject consumerInfo = oauthConfig.getJSONObject(serviceName); storeConsumerInfo(gadgetUri, serviceName, consumerInfo); } } private void storeConsumerInfo(URI gadgetUri, String serviceName, JSONObject consumerInfo) throws JSONException { realStoreConsumerInfo(gadgetUri, serviceName, consumerInfo); } private void realStoreConsumerInfo(URI gadgetUri, String serviceName, JSONObject consumerInfo) throws JSONException { String callbackUrl = consumerInfo.optString(CALLBACK_URL, null); String consumerSecret = consumerInfo.getString(CONSUMER_SECRET_KEY); String consumerKey = consumerInfo.getString(CONSUMER_KEY_KEY); String keyTypeStr = consumerInfo.getString(KEY_TYPE_KEY); KeyType keyType = KeyType.HMAC_SYMMETRIC; if (keyTypeStr.equals("RSA_PRIVATE")) { keyType = KeyType.RSA_PRIVATE; consumerSecret = convertFromOpenSsl(consumerSecret); } BasicOAuthStoreConsumerKeyAndSecret kas = new BasicOAuthStoreConsumerKeyAndSecret(consumerKey, consumerSecret, keyType, null, callbackUrl); BasicOAuthStoreConsumerIndex index = new BasicOAuthStoreConsumerIndex(); index.setGadgetUri(gadgetUri.toASCIIString()); index.setServiceName(serviceName); setConsumerKeyAndSecret(index, kas); } // Support standard openssl keys by stripping out the headers and blank lines public static String convertFromOpenSsl(String privateKey) { return privateKey.replaceAll("-----[A-Z ]*-----", "").replace("\n", ""); } public void setDefaultKey(BasicOAuthStoreConsumerKeyAndSecret defaultKey) { this.defaultKey = defaultKey; } public void setDefaultCallbackUrl(String defaultCallbackUrl) { this.defaultCallbackUrl = defaultCallbackUrl; } public void setConsumerKeyAndSecret(BasicOAuthStoreConsumerIndex providerKey, BasicOAuthStoreConsumerKeyAndSecret keyAndSecret) { consumerInfos.put(providerKey, keyAndSecret); } public ConsumerInfo getConsumerKeyAndSecret(SecurityToken securityToken, String serviceName, OAuthServiceProvider provider) throws GadgetException { ++consumerKeyLookupCount; BasicOAuthStoreConsumerIndex pk = new BasicOAuthStoreConsumerIndex(); pk.setGadgetUri(securityToken.getAppUrl()); pk.setServiceName(serviceName); BasicOAuthStoreConsumerKeyAndSecret cks = consumerInfos.get(pk); if (cks == null) { cks = defaultKey; } if (cks == null) { throw new GadgetException(GadgetException.Code.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "No key for gadget " + securityToken.getAppUrl() + " and service " + serviceName); } OAuthConsumer consumer = null; if (cks.getKeyType() == KeyType.RSA_PRIVATE) { consumer = new OAuthConsumer(null, cks.getConsumerKey(), null, provider); // The java code has lots of magic. By setting this property here, code thousands // of lines away knows that the consumerSecret value in the consumer should be treated as // an RSA private key and not an HMAC key. consumer.setProperty(OAuth.OAUTH_SIGNATURE_METHOD, OAuth.RSA_SHA1); consumer.setProperty(RSA_SHA1.PRIVATE_KEY, cks.getConsumerSecret()); } else { consumer = new OAuthConsumer(null, cks.getConsumerKey(), cks.getConsumerSecret(), provider); consumer.setProperty(OAuth.OAUTH_SIGNATURE_METHOD, OAuth.HMAC_SHA1); } String callback = (cks.getCallbackUrl() != null ? cks.getCallbackUrl() : defaultCallbackUrl); return new ConsumerInfo(consumer, cks.getKeyName(), callback); } private BasicOAuthStoreTokenIndex makeBasicOAuthStoreTokenIndex(SecurityToken securityToken, String serviceName, String tokenName) { BasicOAuthStoreTokenIndex tokenKey = new BasicOAuthStoreTokenIndex(); tokenKey.setGadgetUri(securityToken.getAppUrl()); // TODO: tung.dang need to improve, why moduleId different each time?. // tokenKey.setModuleId(securityToken.getModuleId()); tokenKey.setServiceName(serviceName); tokenKey.setTokenName(tokenName); tokenKey.setUserId(securityToken.getViewerId()); return tokenKey; } public TokenInfo getTokenInfo(SecurityToken securityToken, ConsumerInfo consumerInfo, String serviceName, String tokenName) { ++accessTokenLookupCount; BasicOAuthStoreTokenIndex tokenKey = makeBasicOAuthStoreTokenIndex(securityToken, serviceName, tokenName); ExoContainer container = PortalContainer.getInstance(); GadgetTokenInfoService tokenSer = (GadgetTokenInfoService) container .getComponentInstanceOfType(GadgetTokenInfoService.class); return tokenSer.getToken(tokenKey); } public void setTokenInfo(SecurityToken securityToken, ConsumerInfo consumerInfo, String serviceName, String tokenName, TokenInfo tokenInfo) { ++accessTokenAddCount; BasicOAuthStoreTokenIndex tokenKey = makeBasicOAuthStoreTokenIndex(securityToken, serviceName, tokenName); ExoContainer container = PortalContainer.getInstance(); GadgetTokenInfoService tokenSer = (GadgetTokenInfoService) container .getComponentInstanceOfType(GadgetTokenInfoService.class); tokenSer.createToken(tokenKey, tokenInfo); } public void removeToken(SecurityToken securityToken, ConsumerInfo consumerInfo, String serviceName, String tokenName) { ++accessTokenRemoveCount; BasicOAuthStoreTokenIndex tokenKey = makeBasicOAuthStoreTokenIndex(securityToken, serviceName, tokenName); ExoContainer container = PortalContainer.getInstance(); GadgetTokenInfoService tokenSer = (GadgetTokenInfoService) container .getComponentInstanceOfType(GadgetTokenInfoService.class); tokenSer.deleteToken(tokenKey); } public int getConsumerKeyLookupCount() { return consumerKeyLookupCount; } public int getAccessTokenLookupCount() { return accessTokenLookupCount; } public int getAccessTokenAddCount() { return accessTokenAddCount; } public int getAccessTokenRemoveCount() { return accessTokenRemoveCount; } }