/** * Copyright (C) 2009 eXo Platform SAS. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org. */ package org.exoplatform.portal.webui.workspace; import org.exoplatform.webui.application.WebuiRequestContext; import org.exoplatform.webui.config.annotation.ComponentConfig; import org.exoplatform.webui.config.annotation.EventConfig; import org.exoplatform.webui.core.UIComponent; import org.exoplatform.webui.core.UIComponentDecorator; import org.exoplatform.webui.event.Event; import org.exoplatform.webui.event.Event.Phase; import org.exoplatform.webui.event.EventListener; /** Created by The eXo Platform SAS Mar 13, 2007 */ @ComponentConfig(id = "UIMaskWorkspace", template = "system:/groovy/portal/webui/workspace/UIMaskWorkspace.gtmpl", events = @EventConfig(phase = Phase.DECODE, listeners = UIMaskWorkspace.CloseActionListener.class)) public class UIMaskWorkspace extends UIComponentDecorator { private int width_ = -1; private int height_ = -1; private boolean isShow = false; // TODO: Seems the isUpdated is never true private boolean isUpdated = false; public int getWindowWidth() { return width_; } public int getWindowHeight() { return height_; } public void setWindowSize(int w, int h) { width_ = w; height_ = h; } public boolean isShow() { return isShow; } public void setShow(boolean bln) { this.isShow = bln; if (bln == false) { isUpdated = false; } } public boolean isUpdated() { return isUpdated; } public void setUpdated(boolean bln) { // this.isUpdated = bln; } public <T extends UIComponent> T createUIComponent(Class<T> clazz, String configId, String id) throws Exception { T uicomponent = super.createUIComponent(clazz, configId, id); setUIComponent(uicomponent); return uicomponent; } public <T extends UIComponent> T createUIComponent(Class<T> clazz) throws Exception { return createUIComponent(clazz, null, null); } public UIComponent setUIComponent(UIComponent uicomponent) { UIComponent oldOne = super.setUIComponent(uicomponent); setShow(uicomponent != null); return oldOne; } public static class CloseActionListener extends EventListener<UIComponent> { public void execute(Event<UIComponent> event) throws Exception { UIMaskWorkspace uiMaskWorkspace = null; UIComponent uiSource = event.getSource(); if (uiSource instanceof UIMaskWorkspace) { uiMaskWorkspace = (UIMaskWorkspace) uiSource; } else { uiMaskWorkspace = uiSource.getAncestorOfType(UIMaskWorkspace.class); } if (uiMaskWorkspace == null || !uiMaskWorkspace.isShow()) { return; } uiMaskWorkspace.setUIComponent(null); uiMaskWorkspace.setWindowSize(-1, -1); WebuiRequestContext rContext = event.getRequestContext(); rContext.getJavascriptManager().require("SHARED/uiMaskWorkspace", "maskWS") .addScripts("maskWS.hide('" + uiMaskWorkspace.getId() + "');"); rContext.addUIComponentToUpdateByAjax(uiMaskWorkspace); } } }