/* * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source. * Copyright 2011, Red Hat, Inc., and individual contributors * as indicated by the @author tags. See the copyright.txt file in the * distribution for a full listing of individual contributors. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org. */ package org.exoplatform.portal.mop.management.operations; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.zip.ZipEntry; import java.util.zip.ZipInputStream; import org.exoplatform.commons.chromattic.ChromatticManager; import org.exoplatform.portal.config.DataStorage; import org.exoplatform.portal.config.model.Page; import org.exoplatform.portal.config.model.PageNavigation; import org.exoplatform.portal.config.model.PortalConfig; import org.exoplatform.portal.mop.SiteKey; import org.exoplatform.portal.mop.description.DescriptionService; import org.exoplatform.portal.mop.importer.ImportMode; import org.exoplatform.portal.mop.management.exportimport.NavigationExportTask; import org.exoplatform.portal.mop.management.exportimport.NavigationImportTask; import org.exoplatform.portal.mop.management.exportimport.PageExportTask; import org.exoplatform.portal.mop.management.exportimport.PageImportTask; import org.exoplatform.portal.mop.management.exportimport.SiteLayoutExportTask; import org.exoplatform.portal.mop.management.exportimport.SiteLayoutImportTask; import org.exoplatform.portal.mop.navigation.NavigationService; import org.exoplatform.portal.mop.page.PageService; import org.exoplatform.portal.pom.config.POMSession; import org.exoplatform.portal.pom.config.POMSessionManager; import org.gatein.common.logging.Logger; import org.gatein.common.logging.LoggerFactory; import org.gatein.management.api.ContentType; import org.gatein.management.api.binding.Marshaller; import org.gatein.management.api.exceptions.OperationException; import org.gatein.management.api.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException; import org.gatein.management.api.operation.OperationAttachment; import org.gatein.management.api.operation.OperationContext; import org.gatein.management.api.operation.OperationHandler; import org.gatein.management.api.operation.ResultHandler; import org.gatein.management.api.operation.model.NoResultModel; import org.gatein.mop.api.workspace.Site; import org.gatein.mop.api.workspace.Workspace; /** * @author <a href="mailto:nscavell@redhat.com">Nick Scavelli</a> * @version $Revision$ */ public class MopImportResource extends SecureOperationHandler implements OperationHandler { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MopImportResource.class); // TODO: Would like to see the step operations be handled by mgmt core. // TODO: Clean this up when we have time @Override public void doExecute(final OperationContext operationContext, ResultHandler resultHandler) throws ResourceNotFoundException, OperationException { final String operationName = operationContext.getOperationName(); OperationAttachment attachment = operationContext.getAttachment(true); if (attachment == null) throw new OperationException(operationContext.getOperationName(), "No attachment available for MOP import."); InputStream inputStream = attachment.getStream(); if (inputStream == null) throw new OperationException(operationContext.getOperationName(), "No data stream available for import."); final POMSessionManager mgr = operationContext.getRuntimeContext().getRuntimeComponent(POMSessionManager.class); POMSession session = mgr.getSession(); if (session == null) throw new OperationException(operationName, "MOP session was null"); Workspace workspace = session.getWorkspace(); if (workspace == null) throw new OperationException(operationName, "MOP workspace was null"); DataStorage dataStorage = operationContext.getRuntimeContext().getRuntimeComponent(DataStorage.class); if (dataStorage == null) throw new OperationException(operationName, "DataStorage was null"); PageService pageService = operationContext.getRuntimeContext().getRuntimeComponent(PageService.class); if (pageService == null) throw new OperationException(operationName, "PageService was null"); NavigationService navigationService = operationContext.getRuntimeContext().getRuntimeComponent(NavigationService.class); if (navigationService == null) throw new OperationException(operationName, "Navigation service was null"); DescriptionService descriptionService = operationContext.getRuntimeContext().getRuntimeComponent( DescriptionService.class); if (descriptionService == null) throw new OperationException(operationName, "Description service was null"); ChromatticManager chromatticManager = operationContext.getRuntimeContext().getRuntimeComponent(ChromatticManager.class); if (chromatticManager == null) throw new OperationException(operationName, "Chromattic manager was null"); String mode = operationContext.getAttributes().getValue("importMode"); if (mode == null || "".equals(mode)) mode = "merge"; ImportMode importMode; try { importMode = ImportMode.valueOf(mode.trim().toUpperCase()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new OperationException(operationName, "Unknown importMode " + mode); } Map<SiteKey, MopImport> importMap = new HashMap<SiteKey, MopImport>(); final NonCloseableZipInputStream zis = new NonCloseableZipInputStream(inputStream); ZipEntry entry; boolean empty = false; try { log.info("Preparing data for import."); while ((entry = zis.getNextEntry()) != null) { // Skip directories if (entry.isDirectory()) continue; // Skip empty entries (this allows empty zip files to not cause exceptions). empty = entry.getName().equals(""); if (empty) continue; // Parse zip entry String[] parts = parseEntry(entry); SiteKey siteKey = Utils.siteKey(parts[0], parts[1]); String file = parts[2]; MopImport mopImport = importMap.get(siteKey); if (mopImport == null) { mopImport = new MopImport(); importMap.put(siteKey, mopImport); } if (SiteLayoutExportTask.FILES.contains(file)) { // Unmarshal site layout data Marshaller<PortalConfig> marshaller = operationContext.getBindingProvider().getMarshaller( PortalConfig.class, ContentType.XML); PortalConfig portalConfig = marshaller.unmarshal(zis); portalConfig.setType(siteKey.getTypeName()); if (!portalConfig.getName().equals(siteKey.getName())) { throw new OperationException(operationName, "Name of site does not match that of the zip entry site name."); } // Add import task to run later mopImport.siteTask = new SiteLayoutImportTask(portalConfig, siteKey, dataStorage); } else if (file.equals(PageExportTask.FILE)) { // Unmarshal page data Marshaller<Page.PageSet> marshaller = operationContext.getBindingProvider().getMarshaller( Page.PageSet.class, ContentType.XML); Page.PageSet pages = marshaller.unmarshal(zis); for (Page page : pages.getPages()) { page.setOwnerType(siteKey.getTypeName()); page.setOwnerId(siteKey.getName()); } // Obtain the site from the session when it's needed. MOPSiteProvider siteProvider = new MOPSiteProvider() { @Override public Site getSite(SiteKey siteKey) { return mgr.getSession().getWorkspace() .getSite(Utils.getObjectType(siteKey.getType()), siteKey.getName()); } }; // Add import task to run later. mopImport.pageTask = new PageImportTask(pages, siteKey, dataStorage, pageService, siteProvider); } else if (file.equals(NavigationExportTask.FILE)) { // Unmarshal navigation data Marshaller<PageNavigation> marshaller = operationContext.getBindingProvider().getMarshaller( PageNavigation.class, ContentType.XML); PageNavigation navigation = marshaller.unmarshal(zis); navigation.setOwnerType(siteKey.getTypeName()); navigation.setOwnerId(siteKey.getName()); // Add import task to run later mopImport.navigationTask = new NavigationImportTask(navigation, siteKey, navigationService, descriptionService, dataStorage); } } resultHandler.completed(NoResultModel.INSTANCE); } catch (Throwable t) { throw new OperationException(operationContext.getOperationName(), "Exception reading data for import.", t); } finally { try { zis.reallyClose(); } catch (IOException e) { log.warn("Exception closing underlying data stream from import."); } } if (empty) { log.info("Nothing to import, zip file empty."); return; } // Perform import Map<SiteKey, MopImport> importsRan = new HashMap<SiteKey, MopImport>(); OperationException importError = null; try { log.info("Performing import using importMode '" + mode + "'"); for (Map.Entry<SiteKey, MopImport> mopImportEntry : importMap.entrySet()) { SiteKey siteKey = mopImportEntry.getKey(); MopImport mopImport = mopImportEntry.getValue(); MopImport ran = new MopImport(); if (importsRan.containsKey(siteKey)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Multiple site imports for same operation."); } importsRan.put(siteKey, ran); log.debug("Importing data for site " + siteKey); // Site layout import if (mopImport.siteTask != null) { log.debug("Importing site layout data."); ran.siteTask = mopImport.siteTask; mopImport.siteTask.importData(importMode); } // Page import if (mopImport.pageTask != null) { log.debug("Importing page data."); ran.pageTask = mopImport.pageTask; mopImport.pageTask.importData(importMode); } // Navigation import if (mopImport.navigationTask != null) { log.debug("Importing navigation data."); ran.navigationTask = mopImport.navigationTask; mopImport.navigationTask.importData(importMode); } } log.info("Import successful !"); } catch (Throwable t) { boolean rollbackSuccess = true; log.error("Exception importing data.", t); log.info("Attempting to rollback data modified by import."); for (Map.Entry<SiteKey, MopImport> mopImportEntry : importsRan.entrySet()) { SiteKey siteKey = mopImportEntry.getKey(); MopImport mopImport = mopImportEntry.getValue(); log.debug("Rolling back imported data for site " + siteKey); if (mopImport.navigationTask != null) { log.debug("Rolling back navigation modified during import..."); try { mopImport.navigationTask.rollback(); } catch (Throwable t1) // Continue rolling back even though there are exceptions. { rollbackSuccess = false; log.error("Error rolling back navigation data for site " + siteKey, t1); } } if (mopImport.pageTask != null) { log.debug("Rolling back pages modified during import..."); try { mopImport.pageTask.rollback(); } catch (Throwable t1) // Continue rolling back even though there are exceptions. { rollbackSuccess = false; log.error("Error rolling back page data for site " + siteKey, t1); } } if (mopImport.siteTask != null) { log.debug("Rolling back site layout modified during import..."); try { mopImport.siteTask.rollback(); } catch (Throwable t1) // Continue rolling back even though there are exceptions. { rollbackSuccess = false; log.error("Error rolling back site layout for site " + siteKey, t1); } } } String message = (rollbackSuccess) ? "Error during import. Tasks successfully rolled back. Portal should be back to consistent state." : "Error during import. Errors in rollback as well. Portal may be in an inconsistent state."; importError = new OperationException(operationName, message, t); } finally { importMap.clear(); importsRan.clear(); } endRequest(operationName, chromatticManager, importError); } // See GTNPORTAL-3257 private static void endRequest(String operationName, ChromatticManager manager, OperationException importError) { OperationException error = importError; try { // End the request to flush out anything that might go wrong when finalizing the request. manager.endRequest(true); } catch (Throwable t) { // This allows us to properly respond with an error (500 in REST scenario) if ChromatticManager.endRequest fails if (importError == null) { log.error("Exception occurred ending the request of ChromatticManager after a successful import.", t); error = new OperationException(operationName, "An exception occurred after a successful import. See server logs for more details"); } else { log.error("Exception occurred ending the request of ChromatticManager after a failed import.", t); } } finally { // Start it again, as the calling container ends all ComponentRequestLifecycle's, and we don't want the end to be called w/out it beginning again. manager.beginRequest(); } if (error != null) { throw error; } } private static String[] parseEntry(ZipEntry entry) throws IOException { String name = entry.getName(); if (isSiteLayoutEntry(name) || name.endsWith(PageExportTask.FILE) || name.endsWith(NavigationExportTask.FILE)) { String[] parts = new String[3]; parts[0] = name.substring(0, name.indexOf("/")); parts[1] = name.substring(parts[0].length() + 1, name.lastIndexOf("/")); parts[2] = name.substring(name.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); return parts; } else { throw new IOException("Unknown entry " + name + " in zip file."); } } private static boolean isSiteLayoutEntry(String zipEntryName) { for (String file : SiteLayoutExportTask.FILES) { if (zipEntryName.endsWith(file)) return true; } return false; } // Bug in SUN's JDK XMLStreamReader implementation closes the underlying stream when // it finishes reading an XML document. This is no good when we are using a ZipInputStream. // See http://bugs.sun.com/view_bug.do?bug_id=6539065 for more information. private static class NonCloseableZipInputStream extends ZipInputStream { private NonCloseableZipInputStream(InputStream inputStream) { super(inputStream); } @Override public void close() throws IOException { } private void reallyClose() throws IOException { super.close(); } } private static class MopImport { private SiteLayoutImportTask siteTask; private PageImportTask pageTask; private NavigationImportTask navigationTask; } }