package com.ibatis.jpetstore.presentation; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.struts.beanaction.ActionContext; import com.ibatis.jpetstore.domain.Cart; import com.ibatis.jpetstore.domain.CartItem; import com.ibatis.jpetstore.domain.Item; import com.ibatis.jpetstore.service.CatalogService; public class CartBean extends AbstractBean { private CatalogService catalogService; private Cart cart = new Cart(); private String workingItemId; private String pageDirection; public CartBean() { this(new CatalogService()); } public CartBean(CatalogService catalogService) { this.catalogService = catalogService; } public Cart getCart() { return cart; } public void setCart(Cart cart) { this.cart = cart; } public String getWorkingItemId() { return workingItemId; } public void setWorkingItemId(String workingItemId) { this.workingItemId = workingItemId; } public String getPageDirection() { return pageDirection; } public void setPageDirection(String pageDirection) { this.pageDirection = pageDirection; } public String addItemToCart() { if (cart.containsItemId(workingItemId)) { cart.incrementQuantityByItemId(workingItemId); } else { // isInStock is a "real-time" property that must be updated // every time an item is added to the cart, even if other // item details are cached. boolean isInStock = catalogService.isItemInStock(workingItemId); Item item = catalogService.getItem(workingItemId); cart.addItem(item, isInStock); } return SUCCESS; } public String removeItemFromCart() { Item item = cart.removeItemById(workingItemId); if (item == null) { setMessage("Attempted to remove null CartItem from Cart."); return FAILURE; } else { return SUCCESS; } } public String updateCartQuantities() { Map parameterMap = ActionContext.getActionContext().getParameterMap(); Iterator cartItems = getCart().getAllCartItems(); while (cartItems.hasNext()) { CartItem cartItem = (CartItem); String itemId = cartItem.getItem().getItemId(); try { int quantity = Integer.parseInt((String) parameterMap.get(itemId)); getCart().setQuantityByItemId(itemId, quantity); if (quantity < 1) { cartItems.remove(); } } catch (Exception e) { // ignore parse exceptions on purpose } } return SUCCESS; } public String switchCartPage() { if ("next".equals(pageDirection)) { cart.getCartItemList().nextPage(); } else if ("previous".equals(pageDirection)) { cart.getCartItemList().previousPage(); } return SUCCESS; } public String viewCart() { return SUCCESS; } public void clear() { cart = new Cart(); workingItemId = null; pageDirection = null; } }