package com.vaadin.tests.components.treegrid; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import org.junit.Test; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import; import com.vaadin.testbench.elements.TreeGridElement; import com.vaadin.tests.tb3.SingleBrowserTestPhantomJS2; public class TreeGridCollapseExpandTest extends SingleBrowserTestPhantomJS2 { private TreeGridElement grid; @Override public Class<?> getUIClass() { return TreeGridBasicFeatures.class; } @Test public void no_race_condition_with_multiple_collapse_or_expand() { openTestURL(); grid = $(TreeGridElement.class).first(); testBench().disableWaitForVaadin(); // toggle expand of two rows simultaneously // only the first of the expands should occur executeScript("arguments[0].click(); arguments[1].click()", grid.getExpandElement(0, 0), grid.getExpandElement(1, 0)); waitUntilRowCountEquals(6); assertCellTexts(0, 0, new String[] { "0 | 0", "1 | 0", "1 | 1", "1 | 2", "0 | 1" }); // toggle collapse of the expanded first row and immediately expand the // last row // only the collapse should occur executeScript("arguments[0].click(); arguments[1].click()", grid.getExpandElement(0, 0), grid.getExpandElement(5, 0)); waitUntilRowCountEquals(3); assertCellTexts(0, 0, new String[] { "0 | 0", "0 | 1", "0 | 2" }); } private void assertCellTexts(int startRowIndex, int cellIndex, String[] cellTexts) { int index = startRowIndex; for (String cellText : cellTexts) { assertEquals(cellText, grid.getRow(index).getCell(cellIndex).getText()); index++; } } private void waitUntilRowCountEquals(int expectedCount) { waitUntil(new ExpectedCondition<Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean apply(WebDriver input) { return grid.getRowCount() == expectedCount; } }); } }