package com.vaadin.tests.server.components; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertSame; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import java.util.Iterator; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import com.vaadin.ui.AbsoluteLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.AbsoluteLayout.ComponentPosition; import com.vaadin.ui.AbstractOrderedLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.Component; import com.vaadin.ui.CssLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.CustomLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.GridLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.GridLayout.Area; import com.vaadin.ui.HasComponents; import com.vaadin.ui.HasComponents.ComponentAttachEvent; import com.vaadin.ui.HasComponents.ComponentAttachListener; import com.vaadin.ui.HasComponents.ComponentDetachEvent; import com.vaadin.ui.HasComponents.ComponentDetachListener; import com.vaadin.ui.HorizontalLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.Label; public class ComponentAttachDetachListenerTest { private AbstractOrderedLayout olayout; private GridLayout gridlayout; private AbsoluteLayout absolutelayout; private CssLayout csslayout; private CustomLayout customlayout; // General variables private int attachCounter = 0; private Component attachedComponent = null; private HasComponents attachTarget = null; private boolean foundInContainer = false; private int detachCounter = 0; private Component detachedComponent = null; private HasComponents detachedTarget = null; // Ordered layout specific variables private int indexOfComponent = -1; // Grid layout specific variables private Area componentArea = null; // Absolute layout specific variables private ComponentPosition componentPosition = null; private class MyAttachListener implements ComponentAttachListener { @Override public void componentAttachedToContainer(ComponentAttachEvent event) { attachCounter++; attachedComponent = event.getAttachedComponent(); attachTarget = event.getContainer(); // Search for component in container (should be found) Iterator<Component> iter = attachTarget.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { if ( == attachedComponent) { foundInContainer = true; break; } } // Get layout specific variables if (attachTarget instanceof AbstractOrderedLayout) { indexOfComponent = ((AbstractOrderedLayout) attachTarget) .getComponentIndex(attachedComponent); } else if (attachTarget instanceof GridLayout) { componentArea = ((GridLayout) attachTarget) .getComponentArea(attachedComponent); } else if (attachTarget instanceof AbsoluteLayout) { componentPosition = ((AbsoluteLayout) attachTarget) .getPosition(attachedComponent); } } } private class MyDetachListener implements ComponentDetachListener { @Override public void componentDetachedFromContainer(ComponentDetachEvent event) { detachCounter++; detachedComponent = event.getDetachedComponent(); detachedTarget = event.getContainer(); // Search for component in container (should NOT be found) Iterator<Component> iter = detachedTarget.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { if ( == detachedComponent) { foundInContainer = true; break; } } // Get layout specific variables if (detachedTarget instanceof AbstractOrderedLayout) { indexOfComponent = ((AbstractOrderedLayout) detachedTarget) .getComponentIndex(detachedComponent); } else if (detachedTarget instanceof GridLayout) { componentArea = ((GridLayout) detachedTarget) .getComponentArea(detachedComponent); } else if (detachedTarget instanceof AbsoluteLayout) { componentPosition = ((AbsoluteLayout) detachedTarget) .getPosition(detachedComponent); } } } private void resetVariables() { // Attach attachCounter = 0; attachedComponent = null; attachTarget = null; foundInContainer = false; // Detach detachCounter = 0; detachedComponent = null; detachedTarget = null; // Common indexOfComponent = -1; componentArea = null; componentPosition = null; } @Before public void setUp() { olayout = new HorizontalLayout(); olayout.addComponentAttachListener(new MyAttachListener()); olayout.addComponentDetachListener(new MyDetachListener()); gridlayout = new GridLayout(); gridlayout.addComponentAttachListener(new MyAttachListener()); gridlayout.addComponentDetachListener(new MyDetachListener()); absolutelayout = new AbsoluteLayout(); absolutelayout.addComponentAttachListener(new MyAttachListener()); absolutelayout.addComponentDetachListener(new MyDetachListener()); csslayout = new CssLayout(); csslayout.addComponentAttachListener(new MyAttachListener()); csslayout.addComponentDetachListener(new MyDetachListener()); customlayout = new CustomLayout("<div location='loc'/>"); customlayout.addComponentAttachListener(new MyAttachListener()); customlayout.addComponentDetachListener(new MyDetachListener()); } @Test public void testOrderedLayoutAttachListener() { // Reset state variables resetVariables(); // Add component -> Should trigger attach listener Component comp = new Label(); olayout.addComponent(comp); // Attach counter should get incremented assertEquals(1, attachCounter); // The attached component should be the label assertSame(comp, attachedComponent); // The attached target should be the layout assertSame(olayout, attachTarget); // The attached component should be found in the container assertTrue(foundInContainer); // The index of the component should not be -1 assertFalse(indexOfComponent == -1); } @Test public void testOrderedLayoutDetachListener() { // Add a component to detach Component comp = new Label(); olayout.addComponent(comp); // Reset state variables (since they are set by the attach listener) resetVariables(); // Detach the component -> triggers the detach listener olayout.removeComponent(comp); // Detach counter should get incremented assertEquals(1, detachCounter); // The detached component should be the label assertSame(comp, detachedComponent); // The detached target should be the layout assertSame(olayout, detachedTarget); // The detached component should not be found in the container assertFalse(foundInContainer); // The index of the component should be -1 assertEquals(-1, indexOfComponent); } @Test public void testGridLayoutAttachListener() { // Reset state variables resetVariables(); // Add component -> Should trigger attach listener Component comp = new Label(); gridlayout.addComponent(comp); // Attach counter should get incremented assertEquals(1, attachCounter); // The attached component should be the label assertSame(comp, attachedComponent); // The attached target should be the layout assertSame(gridlayout, attachTarget); // The attached component should be found in the container assertTrue(foundInContainer); // The grid area should not be null assertNotNull(componentArea); } @Test public void testGridLayoutDetachListener() { // Add a component to detach Component comp = new Label(); gridlayout.addComponent(comp); // Reset state variables (since they are set by the attach listener) resetVariables(); // Detach the component -> triggers the detach listener gridlayout.removeComponent(comp); // Detach counter should get incremented assertEquals(1, detachCounter); // The detached component should be the label assertSame(comp, detachedComponent); // The detached target should be the layout assertSame(gridlayout, detachedTarget); // The detached component should not be found in the container assertFalse(foundInContainer); // The grid area should be null assertNull(componentArea); } @Test public void testAbsoluteLayoutAttachListener() { // Reset state variables resetVariables(); // Add component -> Should trigger attach listener Component comp = new Label(); absolutelayout.addComponent(comp); // Attach counter should get incremented assertEquals(1, attachCounter); // The attached component should be the label assertSame(comp, attachedComponent); // The attached target should be the layout assertSame(absolutelayout, attachTarget); // The attached component should be found in the container assertTrue(foundInContainer); // The component position should not be null assertNotNull(componentPosition); } @Test public void testAbsoluteLayoutDetachListener() { // Add a component to detach Component comp = new Label(); absolutelayout.addComponent(comp); // Reset state variables (since they are set by the attach listener) resetVariables(); // Detach the component -> triggers the detach listener absolutelayout.removeComponent(comp); // Detach counter should get incremented assertEquals(1, detachCounter); // The detached component should be the label assertSame(comp, detachedComponent); // The detached target should be the layout assertSame(absolutelayout, detachedTarget); // The detached component should not be found in the container assertFalse(foundInContainer); // The component position should be null assertNull(componentPosition); } @Test public void testCSSLayoutAttachListener() { // Reset state variables resetVariables(); // Add component -> Should trigger attach listener Component comp = new Label(); csslayout.addComponent(comp); // Attach counter should get incremented assertEquals(1, attachCounter); // The attached component should be the label assertSame(comp, attachedComponent); // The attached target should be the layout assertSame(csslayout, attachTarget); // The attached component should be found in the container assertTrue(foundInContainer); } @Test public void testCSSLayoutDetachListener() { // Add a component to detach Component comp = new Label(); csslayout.addComponent(comp); // Reset state variables (since they are set by the attach listener) resetVariables(); // Detach the component -> triggers the detach listener csslayout.removeComponent(comp); // Detach counter should get incremented assertEquals(1, detachCounter); // The detached component should be the label assertSame(comp, detachedComponent); // The detached target should be the layout assertSame(csslayout, detachedTarget); // The detached component should not be found in the container assertFalse(foundInContainer); } @Test public void testCustomLayoutAttachListener() { // Reset state variables resetVariables(); // Add component -> Should trigger attach listener Component comp = new Label(); customlayout.addComponent(comp, "loc"); assertEquals("Attach counter should get incremented", 1, attachCounter); assertSame("The attached component should be the label", comp, attachedComponent); assertSame("The attached target should be the layout", customlayout, attachTarget); assertTrue("The attached component should be found in the container", foundInContainer); } @Test public void testCustomLayoutDetachListener() { // Add a component to detach Component comp = new Label(); customlayout.addComponent(comp); // Reset state variables (since they are set by the attach listener) resetVariables(); // Detach the component -> triggers the detach listener customlayout.removeComponent(comp); assertEquals("Detach counter should get incremented", 1, detachCounter); assertSame("The detached component should be the label", comp, detachedComponent); assertSame("The detached target should be the layout", customlayout, detachedTarget); assertFalse( "The detached component should not be found in the container", foundInContainer); } }