package com.vaadin.tests.util; import java.util.Iterator; import org.junit.Assert; public class TestUtil { public static void assertArrays(Object[] actualObjects, Object[] expectedObjects) { Assert.assertEquals( "Actual contains a different number of values than was expected", expectedObjects.length, actualObjects.length); for (int i = 0; i < actualObjects.length; i++) { Object actual = actualObjects[i]; Object expected = expectedObjects[i]; Assert.assertEquals("Item[" + i + "] does not match", expected, actual); } } public static void assertIterableEquals(Iterable<?> iterable1, Iterable<?> iterable2) { Iterator<?> i1 = iterable1.iterator(); Iterator<?> i2 = iterable2.iterator(); while (i1.hasNext()) { Object o1 =; if (!i2.hasNext()) { "The second iterable contains fewer items than the first. The object " + o1 + " has no match in the second iterable."); } Object o2 =; Assert.assertEquals(o1, o2); } if (i2.hasNext()) { "The second iterable contains more items than the first. The object " + + " has no match in the first iterable."); } } private TestUtil() { } }