package com.vaadin.v7.tests.server; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.junit.Test; import com.vaadin.server.VaadinSession; import; import; import; import; import; import com.vaadin.v7.ui.Form; public class SerializationTest { @Test public void testValidators() throws Exception { RegexpValidator validator = new RegexpValidator(".*", "Error"); validator.validate("aaa"); RegexpValidator validator2 = serializeAndDeserialize(validator); validator2.validate("aaa"); } @Test public void testForm() throws Exception { Form f = new Form(); String propertyId = "My property"; f.addItemProperty(propertyId, new MethodProperty<Object>(new Data(), "dummyGetterAndSetter")); f.replaceWithSelect(propertyId, new Object[] { "a", "b", null }, new String[] { "Item a", "ITem b", "Null item" }); serializeAndDeserialize(f); } @Test public void testIndedexContainerItemIds() throws Exception { IndexedContainer ic = new IndexedContainer(); ic.addContainerProperty("prop1", String.class, null); Object id = ic.addItem(); ic.getItem(id).getItemProperty("prop1").setValue("1"); Item item2 = ic.addItem("item2"); item2.getItemProperty("prop1").setValue("2"); serializeAndDeserialize(ic); } @Test public void testMethodPropertyGetter() throws Exception { MethodProperty<?> mp = new MethodProperty<Object>(new Data(), "dummyGetter"); serializeAndDeserialize(mp); } @Test public void testMethodPropertyGetterAndSetter() throws Exception { MethodProperty<?> mp = new MethodProperty<Object>(new Data(), "dummyGetterAndSetter"); serializeAndDeserialize(mp); } @Test public void testMethodPropertyInt() throws Exception { MethodProperty<?> mp = new MethodProperty<Object>(new Data(), "dummyInt"); serializeAndDeserialize(mp); } @Test public void testVaadinSession() throws Exception { VaadinSession session = new VaadinSession(null); session = serializeAndDeserialize(session); assertNotNull( "Pending access queue was not recreated after deserialization", session.getPendingAccessQueue()); } private static <S extends Serializable> S serializeAndDeserialize(S s) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { // Serialize and deserialize ByteArrayOutputStream bs = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(bs); out.writeObject(s); byte[] data = bs.toByteArray(); ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream( new ByteArrayInputStream(data)); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") S s2 = (S) in.readObject(); // using special toString(Object) method to avoid calling // Property.toString(), which will be temporarily disabled // TODO This is hilariously broken (#12723) if (s.equals(s2)) { System.out.println(toString(s) + " equals " + toString(s2)); } else { System.out.println(toString(s) + " does NOT equal " + toString(s2)); } return s2; } private static String toString(Object o) { if (o instanceof Property) { return String.valueOf(((Property<?>) o).getValue()); } else { return String.valueOf(o); } } public static class Data implements Serializable { private String dummyGetter; private String dummyGetterAndSetter; private int dummyInt; public String getDummyGetterAndSetter() { return dummyGetterAndSetter; } public void setDummyGetterAndSetter(String dummyGetterAndSetter) { this.dummyGetterAndSetter = dummyGetterAndSetter; } public int getDummyInt() { return dummyInt; } public void setDummyInt(int dummyInt) { this.dummyInt = dummyInt; } public String getDummyGetter() { return dummyGetter; } } }