package com.vaadin.v7.tests.components.tree; import java.util.Iterator; import com.vaadin.server.ThemeResource; import com.vaadin.tests.components.TestBase; import com.vaadin.ui.Panel; import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout; import; import; import com.vaadin.v7.ui.Tree; public class TreeHorizontalResize extends TestBase { // copied from Sampler to eliminate dependency public static final Object hw_PROPERTY_NAME = "name"; public static final Object hw_PROPERTY_ICON = "icon"; private static final String[][] hardware = { // { "Desktops", "Dell OptiPlex GX240", "Dell OptiPlex GX260", "Dell OptiPlex GX280" }, { "Monitors", "Benq T190HD", "Benq T220HD", "Benq T240HD" }, { "Laptops", "IBM ThinkPad T40", "IBM ThinkPad T43", "IBM ThinkPad T60" } }; @Override protected void setup() { VerticalLayout treeLayout = new VerticalLayout(); treeLayout.setMargin(true); treeLayout.setSizeUndefined(); Panel treePanel = new Panel(treeLayout); treePanel.setHeight("500px"); treePanel.setWidth(null); addComponent(treePanel); Tree tree = new Tree(); tree.setContainerDataSource(getHardwareContainer()); tree.setItemCaptionPropertyId(hw_PROPERTY_NAME); for (Iterator<?> it = tree.rootItemIds().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { tree.expandItemsRecursively(; } treeLayout.addComponent(tree); } @Override protected String getDescription() { return "The Tree should be properly resized horizontally when collapsing/expanding nodes. The height is fixed to 500px."; } @Override protected Integer getTicketNumber() { return 6230; } public static HierarchicalContainer getHardwareContainer() { Item item = null; int itemId = 0; // Increasing numbering for itemId:s // Create new container HierarchicalContainer hwContainer = new HierarchicalContainer(); // Create containerproperty for name hwContainer.addContainerProperty(hw_PROPERTY_NAME, String.class, null); // Create containerproperty for icon hwContainer.addContainerProperty(hw_PROPERTY_ICON, ThemeResource.class, new ThemeResource("../runo/icons/16/document.png")); for (int i = 0; i < hardware.length; i++) { // Add new item item = hwContainer.addItem(itemId); // Add name property for item item.getItemProperty(hw_PROPERTY_NAME).setValue(hardware[i][0]); // Allow children hwContainer.setChildrenAllowed(itemId, true); itemId++; for (int j = 1; j < hardware[i].length; j++) { if (j == 1) { item.getItemProperty(hw_PROPERTY_ICON).setValue( new ThemeResource("../runo/icons/16/folder.png")); } // Add child items item = hwContainer.addItem(itemId); item.getItemProperty(hw_PROPERTY_NAME).setValue(hardware[i][j]); hwContainer.setParent(itemId, itemId - j); hwContainer.setChildrenAllowed(itemId, false); itemId++; } } return hwContainer; } }