package com.vaadin.tests.components.label; import com.vaadin.shared.ui.ContentMode; import com.vaadin.tests.components.ComponentTestCase; import com.vaadin.tests.util.LoremIpsum; import com.vaadin.ui.Label; public class Labels extends ComponentTestCase<Label> { @Override protected Class<Label> getTestClass() { return Label.class; } @Override protected void initializeComponents() { Label l; l = createLabel( "This is an undefined\nwide\nlabel which do not wrap. It should be clipped at the end of the screen" + LoremIpsum.get(1000)); l.setWidth(null); addTestComponent(l); l = createLabel("This is a 200px wide simple label which\n\n\nwrap"); l.setWidth("200px"); addTestComponent(l); l = createLabel("This is a 100% wide simple label which should wrap. " + LoremIpsum.get(1500)); l.setWidth("100%"); addTestComponent(l); l = createLabel( "This is a\n\n 100%\t\t\t \twide simple with fixed 65px height. It should wrap. " + LoremIpsum.get(5000)); l.setWidth("100%"); l.setHeight("65px"); addTestComponent(l); l = createLabel( "<div style='border: 1px solid red'><h1>Hello\n\n\n</h1><p/><h2>I am a rich Label</h3></div>", "This is an XHTML label with rich content"); l.setContentMode(ContentMode.HTML); addTestComponent(l); l = createLabel( "<div style='border: 1px solid blue'><h1>Hello</h1><p/><h2>I am a rich Label</h3></div>", "This is an XHTML label with fixed 200px width and rich content"); l.setContentMode(ContentMode.HTML); l.setWidth("200px"); addTestComponent(l); l = createLabel("Some UTF8 characters: äöÄÖ≤≠∉Ġå2²"); addTestComponent(l); } private Label createLabel(String text, String caption) { Label l = new Label(text); l.setCaption(caption); return l; } private Label createLabel(String text) { return createLabel(text, null); } @Override protected String getTestDescription() { return "A generic test for Labels in different configurations"; } }