package; import; import; import org.junit.Test; public class StringLengthValidatorTest extends ValidatorTestBase { private static final String LONG_STRING = Stream.generate(() -> "x") .limit(1000).collect(Collectors.joining()); @Test public void testNullStringFails() { assertPasses(null, new StringLengthValidator("", 0, 10)); } @Test public void testMaxLengthTooLongStringFails() { assertFails(LONG_STRING, new StringLengthValidator("Should be at most 10", null, 10)); } @Test public void testMaxLengthStringPasses() { assertPasses(LONG_STRING, new StringLengthValidator( "Should be at most 1000", null, 1000)); } @Test public void testMinLengthEmptyStringFails() { assertFails("", new StringLengthValidator("Should be at least 1", 1, null)); } @Test public void testMinLengthStringPasses() { assertPasses("å", new StringLengthValidator("Should be at least 1", 1, null)); } }