package org.getlantern.firetweet.util.accessor; import android.annotation.TargetApi; import; import; import; import; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Parcel; import android.os.Parcelable; /** * Created by mariotaku on 14/11/4. */ public class ActivityAccessor { public static void setTaskDescription(Activity activity, TaskDescriptionCompat taskDescription) { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) return; ActivityAccessorL.setTaskDescription(activity, taskDescription); } @TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) static class ActivityAccessorL { public static void setTaskDescription(Activity activity, TaskDescriptionCompat taskDescription) { activity.setTaskDescription(toNativeTaskDescription(taskDescription)); } private static TaskDescription toNativeTaskDescription(TaskDescriptionCompat taskDescription) { return new TaskDescription(taskDescription.getLabel(), taskDescription.getIcon(), taskDescription.getPrimaryColor()); } } /** * Information you can set and retrieve about the current context within the recent task list. */ public static class TaskDescriptionCompat implements Parcelable { private String mLabel; private Bitmap mIcon; private int mColorPrimary; /** * Creates the TaskDescription to the specified values. * * @param label A label and description of the current state of this task. * @param icon An icon that represents the current state of this task. * @param colorPrimary A color to override the theme's primary color. This color must be opaque. */ public TaskDescriptionCompat(String label, Bitmap icon, int colorPrimary) { if ((colorPrimary != 0) && (Color.alpha(colorPrimary) != 255)) { throw new RuntimeException("A TaskDescription's primary color should be opaque"); } mLabel = label; mIcon = icon; mColorPrimary = colorPrimary; } /** * Creates the TaskDescription to the specified values. * * @param label A label and description of the current state of this context. * @param icon An icon that represents the current state of this context. */ public TaskDescriptionCompat(String label, Bitmap icon) { this(label, icon, 0); } /** * Creates the TaskDescription to the specified values. * * @param label A label and description of the current state of this context. */ public TaskDescriptionCompat(String label) { this(label, null, 0); } /** * Creates an empty TaskDescription. */ public TaskDescriptionCompat() { this(null, null, 0); } /** * Creates a copy of another TaskDescription. */ public TaskDescriptionCompat(TaskDescriptionCompat td) { mLabel = td.mLabel; mIcon = td.mIcon; mColorPrimary = td.mColorPrimary; } private TaskDescriptionCompat(Parcel source) { readFromParcel(source); } /** * @return The label and description of the current state of this task. */ public String getLabel() { return mLabel; } /** * @return The icon that represents the current state of this task. */ public Bitmap getIcon() { if (mIcon != null) { return mIcon; } return null; } /** * @return The color override on the theme's primary color. */ public int getPrimaryColor() { return mColorPrimary; } @Override public int describeContents() { return 0; } @Override public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) { if (mLabel == null) { dest.writeInt(0); } else { dest.writeInt(1); dest.writeString(mLabel); } if (mIcon == null) { dest.writeInt(0); } else { dest.writeInt(1); mIcon.writeToParcel(dest, 0); } dest.writeInt(mColorPrimary); } public void readFromParcel(Parcel source) { mLabel = source.readInt() > 0 ? source.readString() : null; mIcon = source.readInt() > 0 ? Bitmap.CREATOR.createFromParcel(source) : null; mColorPrimary = source.readInt(); } public static final Creator<TaskDescriptionCompat> CREATOR = new Creator<TaskDescriptionCompat>() { public TaskDescriptionCompat createFromParcel(Parcel source) { return new TaskDescriptionCompat(source); } public TaskDescriptionCompat[] newArray(int size) { return new TaskDescriptionCompat[size]; } }; @Override public String toString() { return "TaskDescription Label: " + mLabel + " Icon: " + mIcon + " colorPrimary: " + mColorPrimary; } } }