package org.getlantern.querybuilder.query; import org.getlantern.querybuilder.SQLQuery; public class SQLCreateViewQuery implements SQLQuery { private boolean temporary; private boolean createIfNotExists; private String name; private SQLSelectQuery selectStmt; SQLCreateViewQuery() { } @Override public String getSQL() { if (name == null) throw new NullPointerException("NAME must not be null!"); if (selectStmt == null) throw new NullPointerException("SELECT statement must not be null!"); final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("CREATE "); if (temporary) { sb.append("TEMPORARY "); } sb.append("VIEW "); if (createIfNotExists) { sb.append("IF NOT EXISTS "); } sb.append(String.format("%s AS %s", name, selectStmt.getSQL())); return sb.toString(); } void setAs(final SQLSelectQuery selectStmt) { this.selectStmt = selectStmt; } void setCreateIfNotExists(final boolean createIfNotExists) { this.createIfNotExists = createIfNotExists; } void setName(final String name) { = name; } void setTemporary(final boolean temporary) { this.temporary = temporary; } public static final class Builder implements IBuilder<SQLCreateViewQuery> { private final SQLCreateViewQuery query = new SQLCreateViewQuery(); private boolean buildCalled; public Builder as(final SQLSelectQuery selectStmt) { checkNotBuilt(); query.setAs(selectStmt); return this; } @Override public SQLCreateViewQuery build() { buildCalled = true; return query; } @Override public String buildSQL() { return build().getSQL(); } public Builder createTemporaryView(final boolean createIfNotExists, final String name) { return createView(true, createIfNotExists, name); } public Builder createView(final boolean temporary, final boolean createIfNotExists, final String name) { checkNotBuilt(); query.setTemporary(temporary); query.setCreateIfNotExists(createIfNotExists); query.setName(name); return this; } public Builder createView(final boolean createIfNotExists, final String name) { return createView(false, createIfNotExists, name); } private void checkNotBuilt() { if (buildCalled) throw new IllegalStateException(); } } }