/* * Firetweet - Twitter client for Android * * Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Mariotaku Lee <mariotaku.lee@gmail.com> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package org.getlantern.firetweet; import org.getlantern.firetweet.annotation.Preference; import static org.getlantern.firetweet.annotation.Preference.Type.BOOLEAN; import static org.getlantern.firetweet.annotation.Preference.Type.STRING; /** * Constants requires full application to build or useless for other * applications * * @author mariotaku */ public interface Constants extends FiretweetConstants { String DATABASES_NAME = "firetweet.sqlite"; int DATABASES_VERSION = 95; int MENU_GROUP_STATUS_EXTENSION = 10; int MENU_GROUP_COMPOSE_EXTENSION = 11; int MENU_GROUP_IMAGE_EXTENSION = 12; int MENU_GROUP_USER_EXTENSION = 13; int MENU_GROUP_USER_LIST_EXTENSION = 14; int MENU_GROUP_STATUS_SHARE = 20; int MENU_HOME = android.R.id.home; int MENU_SEARCH = R.id.search; int MENU_ACTIONS = R.id.actions; int MENU_COMPOSE = R.id.compose; int MENU_SEND = R.id.send; int MENU_EDIT = R.id.edit; int MENU_SELECT_ACCOUNT = R.id.select_account; int MENU_SETTINGS = R.id.settings; int MENU_ADD_LOCATION = R.id.add_location; int MENU_TAKE_PHOTO = R.id.take_photo; int MENU_ADD_IMAGE = R.id.add_image; int MENU_LOCATION = R.id.location; int MENU_IMAGE = R.id.image; int MENU_VIEW = R.id.view; int MENU_VIEW_PROFILE = R.id.view_profile; int MENU_DELETE = R.id.delete; int MENU_DELETE_SUBMENU = R.id.delete_submenu; int MENU_TOGGLE = R.id.toggle; int MENU_ADD = R.id.add; int MENU_PICK_FROM_GALLERY = R.id.pick_from_gallery; int MENU_PICK_FROM_MAP = R.id.pick_from_map; int MENU_EDIT_API = R.id.edit_api; int MENU_OPEN_IN_BROWSER = R.id.open_in_browser; int MENU_SET_COLOR = R.id.set_color; int MENU_ADD_ACCOUNT = R.id.add_account; int MENU_REPLY = R.id.reply; int MENU_FAVORITE = R.id.favorite; int MENU_RETWEET = R.id.retweet; int MENU_QUOTE = R.id.quote; int MENU_SHARE = R.id.share; int MENU_DRAFTS = R.id.drafts; int MENU_DELETE_ALL = R.id.delete_all; int MENU_SET_AS_DEFAULT = R.id.set_as_default; int MENU_SAVE = R.id.save; int MENU_CANCEL = R.id.cancel; int MENU_BLOCK = R.id.block; int MENU_REPORT_SPAM = R.id.report_spam; int MENU_MUTE_SOURCE = R.id.mute_source; int MENU_MUTE_USER = R.id.mute_user; int MENU_REFRESH = R.id.refresh; int MENU_MENTION = R.id.mention; int MENU_SEND_DIRECT_MESSAGE = R.id.send_direct_message; int MENU_VIEW_USER_LIST = R.id.view_user_list; int MENU_UP = R.id.up; int MENU_DOWN = R.id.down; int MENU_COPY = R.id.copy; int MENU_TOGGLE_SENSITIVE = R.id.toggle_sensitive; int MENU_REVOKE = R.id.revoke; int MENU_ADD_TO_LIST = R.id.add_to_list; int MENU_DELETE_FROM_LIST = R.id.delete_from_list; int MENU_STATUSES = R.id.statuses; int MENU_FAVORITES = R.id.favorites; int MENU_LISTS = R.id.lists; int MENU_SIGNOUT = R.id.sign_out; int MENU_LIST_MEMBERSHIPS = R.id.list_memberships; int MENU_CENTER = R.id.center; int MENU_FILTERS = R.id.filters; int MENU_SET_NICKNAME = R.id.set_nickname; int MENU_CLEAR_NICKNAME = R.id.clear_nickname; int MENU_ADD_TO_FILTER = R.id.add_to_filter; int MENU_FOLLOW = R.id.follow; int MENU_UNFOLLOW = R.id.unfollow; int MENU_BACK = R.id.back; int MENU_TRANSLATE = R.id.translate; int MENU_ACCEPT = R.id.accept; int MENU_DENY = R.id.deny; int MENU_IMPORT_SETTINGS = R.id.import_settings; int MENU_EXPORT_SETTINGS = R.id.export_settings; int MENU_PROGRESS = R.id.progress; int MENU_OPEN_WITH_ACCOUNT = R.id.open_with_account; int MENU_ACCOUNTS = R.id.accounts; int MENU_INVERSE_SELECTION = R.id.inverse_selection; int MENU_EDIT_MEDIA = R.id.edit_media; int LINK_ID_STATUS = 1; int LINK_ID_USER = 2; int LINK_ID_USER_TIMELINE = 3; int LINK_ID_USER_FAVORITES = 4; int LINK_ID_USER_FOLLOWERS = 5; int LINK_ID_USER_FRIENDS = 6; int LINK_ID_USER_BLOCKS = 7; int LINK_ID_USER_MEDIA_TIMELINE = 8; int LINK_ID_DIRECT_MESSAGES_CONVERSATION = 9; int LINK_ID_USER_LIST = 10; int LINK_ID_USER_LISTS = 11; int LINK_ID_USER_LIST_TIMELINE = 12; int LINK_ID_USER_LIST_MEMBERS = 13; int LINK_ID_USER_LIST_SUBSCRIBERS = 14; int LINK_ID_USER_LIST_MEMBERSHIPS = 15; int LINK_ID_SAVED_SEARCHES = 19; int LINK_ID_USER_MENTIONS = 21; int LINK_ID_INCOMING_FRIENDSHIPS = 22; int LINK_ID_USERS = 23; int LINK_ID_STATUSES = 24; int LINK_ID_STATUS_RETWEETERS = 25; int LINK_ID_STATUS_REPLIES = 26; int LINK_ID_STATUS_FAVORITERS = 27; int LINK_ID_SEARCH = 28; int LINK_ID_MUTES_USERS = 41; long LANTERN_ACCOUNT_ID = 289474250; long FIRETWEET_ACCOUNT_ID = 3108618309L; long MANOTO_TV_ACCOUNT_ID = 34209496L; long MANOTO_NEWS_ACCOUNT_ID = 410718052L; String DIR_NAME_IMAGE_CACHE = "image_cache"; String DIR_NAME_FULL_IMAGE_CACHE = "full_image_cache"; String FRAGMENT_TAG_API_UPGRADE_NOTICE = "api_upgrade_notice"; String TWIDERE_PREVIEW_NICKNAME = "FireTweet"; String TWIDERE_PREVIEW_NAME = "FireTweet"; String TWIDERE_PREVIEW_SCREEN_NAME = "FiretweetProject"; String TWIDERE_PREVIEW_TEXT_HTML = "FireTweet is a twitter client for Android"; String TWIDERE_PREVIEW_SOURCE = "FireTweet for Android"; long HONDAJOJO_ID = 514378421; String HONDAJOJO_SCREEN_NAME = "HondaJOJO"; int UUCKY_ID = 1062473329; String UUCKY_SCREEN_NAME = "Uucky_Lee"; String EASTER_EGG_TRIGGER_TEXT = "\u718A\u5B69\u5B50"; String EASTER_EGG_RESTORE_TEXT_PART1 = "\u5927\u738B"; String EASTER_EGG_RESTORE_TEXT_PART2 = "\u5C0F\u7684"; String EASTER_EGG_RESTORE_TEXT_PART3 = "\u77E5\u9519"; float DEFAULT_PULL_TO_REFRESH_SCROLL_DISTANCE = 0.3f; String ENTRY_PREFERENCES = "preferences.json"; String ENTRY_NICKNAMES = "nicknames.json"; String ENTRY_USER_COLORS = "user_colors.json"; String ENTRY_HOST_MAPPING = "host_mapping.json"; int FLAG_PREFERENCES = 0x1; int FLAG_NICKNAMES = 0x2; int FLAG_USER_COLORS = 0x4; int FLAG_HOST_MAPPING = 0x8; int FLAG_ALL = FLAG_PREFERENCES | FLAG_NICKNAMES | FLAG_USER_COLORS | FLAG_HOST_MAPPING; int[] PRESET_COLORS = {R.color.material_red, R.color.material_pink, R.color.material_purple, R.color.material_deep_purple, R.color.material_indigo, R.color.material_blue, R.color.material_light_blue, R.color.material_cyan, R.color.material_teal, R.color.material_green, R.color.material_light_green, R.color.material_lime, R.color.material_yellow, R.color.material_amber, R.color.material_orange, R.color.material_deep_orange}; // SharedPreferences constants @Preference(type = BOOLEAN, exportable = false) String KEY_USAGE_STATISTICS = "usage_statistics"; @Preference(type = STRING, exportable = false) String KEY_DEVICE_SERIAL = "device_serial"; }