/* * Copyright 2007 Yusuke Yamamoto * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package twitter4j; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import twitter4j.conf.StreamConfiguration; import twitter4j.http.HttpResponse; import twitter4j.internal.async.Dispatcher; import twitter4j.internal.util.InternalParseUtil; /** * @author Yusuke Yamamoto - yusuke at mac.com * @since Twitter4J 2.1.8 */ class SiteStreamsImpl extends StatusStreamBase { private final StreamController cs; private static ThreadLocal<Integer> forUser = new ThreadLocal<Integer>() { @Override protected Integer initialValue() { return 0; } }; protected static final RawStreamListener[] EMPTY = new RawStreamListener[0]; /* package */SiteStreamsImpl(final Dispatcher dispatcher, final HttpResponse response, final StreamConfiguration conf, final StreamController cs) throws IOException { super(dispatcher, response, conf); this.cs = cs; } /* package */SiteStreamsImpl(final Dispatcher dispatcher, final InputStream stream, final StreamConfiguration conf, final StreamController cs) throws IOException { super(dispatcher, stream, conf); this.cs = cs; } @Override public void next(final StatusListener listener) throws TwitterException { handleNextElement(new StatusListener[] { listener }, EMPTY); } @Override public void next(final StreamListener[] listeners, final RawStreamListener[] rawStreamListeners) throws TwitterException { handleNextElement(listeners, rawStreamListeners); } @Override public void onDisconnectionNotice(final String line, final StreamListener[] listeners) { for (final StreamListener listener : listeners) { ((SiteStreamsListener) listener).onDisconnectionNotice(line); } } @Override public void onException(final Exception ex, final StreamListener[] listeners) { for (final StreamListener listener : listeners) { listener.onException(ex); } } @Override protected void onBlock(final JSONObject source, final JSONObject target, final StreamListener[] listeners) throws TwitterException { for (final StreamListener listener : listeners) { ((SiteStreamsListener) listener).onBlock(forUser.get(), asUser(source), asUser(target)); } } @Override protected void onDelete(final JSONObject json, final StreamListener[] listeners) throws JSONException { final JSONObject deletionNotice = json.getJSONObject("delete"); if (deletionNotice.has("status")) { for (final StreamListener listener : listeners) { ((SiteStreamsListener) listener).onDeletionNotice(forUser.get(), new StatusDeletionNoticeImpl( deletionNotice.getJSONObject("status"))); } } else { final JSONObject directMessage = deletionNotice.getJSONObject("direct_message"); for (final StreamListener listener : listeners) { ((SiteStreamsListener) listener).onDeletionNotice(forUser.get(), InternalParseUtil.getInt("id", directMessage), InternalParseUtil.getLong("user_id", directMessage)); } } } @Override protected void onDirectMessage(final JSONObject json, final StreamListener[] listeners) throws TwitterException { for (final StreamListener listener : listeners) { ((SiteStreamsListener) listener).onDirectMessage(forUser.get(), asDirectMessage(json)); } } @Override protected void onFavorite(final JSONObject source, final JSONObject target, final JSONObject targetObject, final StreamListener[] listeners) throws TwitterException { for (final StreamListener listener : listeners) { ((SiteStreamsListener) listener).onFavorite(forUser.get(), asUser(source), asUser(target), asStatus(targetObject)); } } @Override protected void onFollow(final JSONObject source, final JSONObject target, final StreamListener[] listeners) throws TwitterException { for (final StreamListener listener : listeners) { ((SiteStreamsListener) listener).onFollow(forUser.get(), asUser(source), asUser(target)); } } @Override protected void onFriends(final JSONObject json, final StreamListener[] listeners) throws TwitterException, JSONException { for (final StreamListener listener : listeners) { ((SiteStreamsListener) listener).onFriendList(forUser.get(), asFriendList(json)); } } @Override protected void onMessage(final String rawString, final RawStreamListener[] listeners) throws TwitterException { for (final RawStreamListener listener : listeners) { listener.onMessage(rawString); } } @Override protected void onStatus(final JSONObject json, final StreamListener[] listeners) throws TwitterException { for (final StreamListener listener : listeners) { ((SiteStreamsListener) listener).onStatus(forUser.get(), asStatus(json)); } } @Override protected void onUnblock(final JSONObject source, final JSONObject target, final StreamListener[] listeners) throws TwitterException { for (final StreamListener listener : listeners) { ((SiteStreamsListener) listener).onUnblock(forUser.get(), asUser(source), asUser(target)); } } @Override protected void onUnfavorite(final JSONObject source, final JSONObject target, final JSONObject targetObject, final StreamListener[] listeners) throws TwitterException { for (final StreamListener listener : listeners) { ((SiteStreamsListener) listener).onUnfavorite(forUser.get(), asUser(source), asUser(target), asStatus(targetObject)); } } @Override protected void onUnfollow(final JSONObject source, final JSONObject target, final StreamListener[] listeners) throws TwitterException { for (final StreamListener listener : listeners) { ((SiteStreamsListener) listener).onUnfollow(forUser.get(), asUser(source), asUser(target)); } } @Override protected void onUserListCreation(final JSONObject source, final JSONObject userList, final StreamListener[] listeners) throws TwitterException, JSONException { for (final StreamListener listener : listeners) { ((SiteStreamsListener) listener).onUserListCreation(forUser.get(), asUser(source), asUserList(userList)); } } @Override protected void onUserListDestroyed(final JSONObject source, final JSONObject userList, final StreamListener[] listeners) throws TwitterException { for (final StreamListener listener : listeners) { ((SiteStreamsListener) listener).onUserListDeletion(forUser.get(), asUser(source), asUserList(userList)); } } @Override protected void onUserListMemberAddition(final JSONObject addedMember, final JSONObject owner, final JSONObject userList, final StreamListener[] listeners) throws TwitterException, JSONException { for (final StreamListener listener : listeners) { ((SiteStreamsListener) listener).onUserListMemberAddition(forUser.get(), asUser(addedMember), asUser(owner), asUserList(userList)); } } @Override protected void onUserListMemberDeletion(final JSONObject deletedMember, final JSONObject owner, final JSONObject userList, final StreamListener[] listeners) throws TwitterException, JSONException { for (final StreamListener listener : listeners) { ((SiteStreamsListener) listener).onUserListMemberDeletion(forUser.get(), asUser(deletedMember), asUser(owner), asUserList(userList)); } } @Override protected void onUserListSubscription(final JSONObject source, final JSONObject owner, final JSONObject userList, final StreamListener[] listeners) throws TwitterException, JSONException { for (final StreamListener listener : listeners) { ((SiteStreamsListener) listener).onUserListSubscription(forUser.get(), asUser(source), asUser(owner), asUserList(userList)); } } @Override protected void onUserListUnsubscription(final JSONObject source, final JSONObject owner, final JSONObject userList, final StreamListener[] listeners) throws TwitterException, JSONException { for (final StreamListener listener : listeners) { ((SiteStreamsListener) listener).onUserListUnsubscription(forUser.get(), asUser(source), asUser(owner), asUserList(userList)); } } @Override protected void onUserListUpdated(final JSONObject source, final JSONObject userList, final StreamListener[] listeners) throws TwitterException, JSONException { for (final StreamListener listener : listeners) { ((SiteStreamsListener) listener).onUserListUpdate(forUser.get(), asUser(source), asUserList(userList)); } } @Override protected void onUserUpdate(final JSONObject source, final JSONObject target, final StreamListener[] listeners) throws TwitterException { for (final StreamListener listener : listeners) { ((SiteStreamsListener) listener).onUserProfileUpdate(forUser.get(), asUser(source)); } } @Override protected String parseLine(final String line) { if ("".equals(line) || null == line) return line; final int userIdEnd = line.indexOf(',', 12); // in the documentation for_user is not quoted, but actually it is // quoted if (cs.getControlURI() == null && line.charAt(2) == 'c' && line.charAt(3) == 'o' && line.charAt(4) == 'n') { // control endpoint uri // https://dev.twitter.com/docs/streaming-api/control-streams JSONObject control = null; try { control = new JSONObject(line); cs.setControlURI(CONF.getSiteStreamBaseURL() + control.getJSONObject("control").getString("control_uri")); logger.info("control_uri: " + cs.getControlURI()); } catch (final JSONException e) { logger.warn("received unexpected event:" + line); } return null; } if (line.charAt(2) == 'd') // disconnection notice // {"disconnect":{"code":3,"stream_name":"yusuke-sitestream6139-yusuke","reason":"control request for yusuke-sitestream6139 /1.1/site.json sitestream"}} return line; if (line.charAt(12) == '"') { forUser.set(Integer.parseInt(line.substring(13, userIdEnd - 1))); } else { forUser.set(Integer.parseInt(line.substring(12, userIdEnd))); } return line.substring(userIdEnd + 11, line.length() - 1); } }