package net.filebot.web; import static java.util.Collections.*; import static net.filebot.Logging.*; import static net.filebot.util.StringUtilities.*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import; import net.filebot.util.ByteBufferOutputStream; import net.filebot.web.OpenSubtitlesSubtitleDescriptor.Property; import redstone.xmlrpc.XmlRpcClient; import redstone.xmlrpc.XmlRpcException; import redstone.xmlrpc.XmlRpcFault; import redstone.xmlrpc.util.Base64; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public class OpenSubtitlesXmlRpc { private final String useragent; private String token; public OpenSubtitlesXmlRpc(String useragent) { this.useragent = useragent; } /** * Login as anonymous user */ public void loginAnonymous() throws XmlRpcFault { login("", "", "en"); } /** * This will login user. This method should be called always when starting talking with server. * * @param username * username (blank for anonymous user) * @param password * password (blank for anonymous user) * @param language * ISO639 2-letter codes as language and later communication will be done in this language if applicable (error codes and so on). */ public synchronized void login(String username, String password, String language) throws XmlRpcFault { Map<?, ?> response = invoke("LogIn", username, password, language, useragent); // set session token token = response.get("token").toString(); } /** * This will logout user (ends session id). Call this function is before closing the client program. */ public synchronized void logout() throws XmlRpcFault { try { invoke("LogOut", token); } catch (XmlRpcFault e) { // anonymous users will always get an 401 Unauthorized when trying to logout, // so we ignore the status of the logout response } finally { token = null; } } public boolean isLoggedOn() { return token != null; } public Map<String, String> getServerInfo() throws XmlRpcFault { return (Map<String, String>) invoke("ServerInfo", token); } public List<OpenSubtitlesSubtitleDescriptor> searchSubtitles(Collection<Query> queryList) throws XmlRpcFault { // abort immediately if download quota has been exceeded OpenSubtitlesSubtitleDescriptor.checkDownloadQuota(); List<OpenSubtitlesSubtitleDescriptor> subtitles = new ArrayList<OpenSubtitlesSubtitleDescriptor>(); Map<?, ?> response = invoke("SearchSubtitles", token, queryList); try { List<Map<String, String>> subtitleData = (List<Map<String, String>>) response.get("data"); for (Map<String, String> propertyMap : subtitleData) { subtitles.add(new OpenSubtitlesSubtitleDescriptor(Property.asEnumMap(propertyMap))); } } catch (ClassCastException e) { // no subtitle have been found } return subtitles; } public List<SubtitleSearchResult> searchMoviesOnIMDB(String query) throws XmlRpcFault { try { // search for movies / series Map<?, ?> response = invoke("SearchMoviesOnIMDB", token, query); List<Map<String, String>> movieData = (List<Map<String, String>>) response.get("data"); List<SubtitleSearchResult> movies = new ArrayList<SubtitleSearchResult>(); // title pattern Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("(.+)[(](\\d{4})([/]I+)?[)]"); for (Map<String, String> movie : movieData) { try { String imdbid = movie.get("id"); if (!imdbid.matches("\\d{1,7}")) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal IMDb movie ID: Must be a 7-digit number"); // match movie name and movie year from search result Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(movie.get("title")); if (!matcher.find()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal title: Must be in 'name (year)' format"); String name ="\"", "").trim(); int year = Integer.parseInt(; movies.add(new SubtitleSearchResult(Integer.parseInt(imdbid), name, year, null, -1)); } catch (Exception e) { debug.log(Level.FINE, String.format("Ignore movie [%s]: %s", movie, e.getMessage())); } } return movies; } catch (ClassCastException e) { // unexpected xmlrpc responses (e.g. error messages instead of results) will trigger this throw new XmlRpcException("Illegal XMLRPC response on searchMoviesOnIMDB"); } } public Movie getIMDBMovieDetails(int imdbid) throws XmlRpcFault { Map<?, ?> response = invoke("GetIMDBMovieDetails", token, imdbid); try { Map<String, String> data = (Map<String, String>) response.get("data"); String name = data.get("title"); int year = Integer.parseInt(data.get("year")); return new Movie(name, year, imdbid); } catch (RuntimeException e) { // ignore, invalid response debug.log(Level.WARNING, String.format("Failed to lookup movie by imdbid %s: %s", imdbid, e.getMessage())); } return null; } private Map<String, Object> getUploadStruct(BaseInfo baseInfo, SubFile... subtitles) { Map<String, Object> struct = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); // put baseinfo if (baseInfo != null) { struct.put("baseinfo", baseInfo); } for (int i = 0; i < subtitles.length; i++) { struct.put("cd" + (i + 1), subtitles[i]); } return struct; } public TryUploadResponse tryUploadSubtitles(SubFile... subtitles) throws XmlRpcFault { Map<String, Object> struct = getUploadStruct(null, subtitles); Map<?, ?> response = invoke("TryUploadSubtitles", token, struct); boolean uploadRequired = response.get("alreadyindb").toString().equals("0"); List<Map<String, String>> subtitleData = new ArrayList<Map<String, String>>(); if (response.get("data") instanceof Map) { subtitleData.add((Map<String, String>) response.get("data")); } else if (response.get("data") instanceof List) { subtitleData.addAll((List<Map<String, String>>) response.get("data")); } return new TryUploadResponse(uploadRequired, subtitleData); } public URI uploadSubtitles(BaseInfo baseInfo, SubFile... subtitles) throws XmlRpcFault { Map<String, Object> struct = getUploadStruct(baseInfo, subtitles); Map<?, ?> response = invoke("UploadSubtitles", token, struct); // subtitle link return URI.create(response.get("data").toString()); } public List<String> detectLanguage(byte[] data) throws XmlRpcFault { // compress and base64 encode String parameter = encodeData(data); Map<String, Map<String, String>> response = (Map<String, Map<String, String>>) invoke("DetectLanguage", token, singleton(parameter)); List<String> languages = new ArrayList<String>(2); if (response.containsKey("data")) { languages.addAll(response.get("data").values()); } return languages; } public Map<String, Integer> checkSubHash(Collection<String> hashes) throws XmlRpcFault { Map<?, ?> response = invoke("CheckSubHash", token, hashes); Map<String, ?> subHashData = (Map<String, ?>) response.get("data"); Map<String, Integer> subHashMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); for (Entry<String, ?> entry : subHashData.entrySet()) { // non-existing subtitles are represented as Integer 0, not String "0" subHashMap.put(entry.getKey(), Integer.parseInt(entry.getValue().toString())); } return subHashMap; } public Map<String, List<SubtitleSearchResult>> guessMovie(Collection<String> tags) throws XmlRpcFault { Map<String, List<SubtitleSearchResult>> results = new HashMap<String, List<SubtitleSearchResult>>(); Map<?, ?> response = invoke("GuessMovieFromString", token, tags); Object payload = response.get("data"); if (payload instanceof Map) { Map<String, Map<String, Map<String, ?>>> dataByTag = (Map<String, Map<String, Map<String, ?>>>) payload; for (String tag : tags) { List<SubtitleSearchResult> value = new ArrayList<SubtitleSearchResult>(); Map<String, Map<String, ?>> data = dataByTag.get(tag); if (data != null) { Map<String, ?> match = data.get("BestGuess"); if (match != null) { String name = String.valueOf(match.get("MovieName")); String kind = String.valueOf(match.get("MovieKind")); int imdbid = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(match.get("IDMovieIMDB"))); int year = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(match.get("MovieYear"))); value.add(new SubtitleSearchResult(imdbid, name, year, kind, -1)); } } results.put(tag, value); } } return results; } public Map<String, Movie> checkMovieHash(Collection<String> hashes, int minSeenCount) throws XmlRpcFault { Map<String, Movie> movieHashMap = new HashMap<String, Movie>(); Map<?, ?> response = invoke("CheckMovieHash2", token, hashes); Object payload = response.get("data"); if (payload instanceof Map) { Map<String, ?> movieHashData = (Map<String, ?>) payload; for (Entry<String, ?> entry : movieHashData.entrySet()) { // empty associative arrays are deserialized as array, not as map if (entry.getValue() instanceof List) { String hash = entry.getKey(); List<Movie> matches = new ArrayList<Movie>(); List<?> hashMatches = (List<?>) entry.getValue(); for (Object match : hashMatches) { if (match instanceof Map) { Map<String, String> info = (Map<String, String>) match; int seenCount = Integer.parseInt(info.get("SeenCount")); // require minimum SeenCount before this hash match is considered trusted if (seenCount >= minSeenCount) { String name = info.get("MovieName"); int year = Integer.parseInt(info.get("MovieYear")); int imdb = Integer.parseInt(info.get("MovieImdbID")); matches.add(new Movie(name, year, imdb)); } } } if (matches.size() == 1) { // perfect unambiguous match movieHashMap.put(hash, matches.get(0)); } else if (matches.size() > 1) { // multiple hash matches => ignore all debug.log(Level.WARNING, "Ignore hash match due to hash collision: " + matches); } } } } return movieHashMap; } public Map<String, String> getSubLanguages() throws XmlRpcFault { return getSubLanguages("en"); } public Map<String, String> getSubLanguages(String languageCode) throws XmlRpcFault { Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> response = (Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>>) invoke("GetSubLanguages", languageCode); Map<String, String> subLanguageMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (Map<String, String> language : response.get("data")) { subLanguageMap.put(language.get("SubLanguageID"), language.get("ISO639")); } return subLanguageMap; } public void noOperation() throws XmlRpcFault { invoke("NoOperation", token); } protected Map<?, ?> invoke(String method, Object... arguments) throws XmlRpcFault { try { XmlRpcClient rpc = new XmlRpcClient(getXmlRpcUrl(), false) { @Override public void parse(InputStream input) throws XmlRpcException { try { super.parse(new GZIPInputStream(input)); } catch (IOException e) { throw new XmlRpcException(e.getMessage(), e); } }; }; rpc.setRequestProperty("Accept-Encoding", "gzip"); Map<?, ?> response = (Map<?, ?>) rpc.invoke(method, arguments); checkResponse(response); return response; } catch (XmlRpcFault e) { // invalidate session token if session has expired if (e.getErrorCode() == 406) token = null; // rethrow exception throw e; } catch (ClassCastException e) { throw new XmlRpcFault(500, "The remote server returned an unexpected response"); } } protected URL getXmlRpcUrl() { try { return new URL(System.getProperty("net.filebot.OpenSubtitlesXmlRpc.url", "")); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } protected static String encodeData(byte[] data) { try { DeflaterInputStream compressedDataStream = new DeflaterInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(data)); // compress data ByteBufferOutputStream buffer = new ByteBufferOutputStream(data.length); buffer.transferFully(compressedDataStream); // base64 encode return new String(Base64.encode(buffer.getByteArray())); } catch (IOException e) { // will never happen throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * Check whether status is OK or not * * @param status * status code and message (e.g. 200 OK, 401 Unauthorized, ...) * @throws XmlRpcFault * thrown if status code is not OK */ protected void checkResponse(Map<?, ?> response) throws XmlRpcFault { String status = (String) response.get("status"); // if there is no status at all, assume everything was OK if (status == null || status.equals("200 OK")) { return; } try { throw new XmlRpcFault(new Scanner(status).nextInt(), status); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { throw new XmlRpcException("Illegal status code: " + status); } } public static final class Query extends HashMap<String, Object> implements Serializable { private Query(String... sublanguageids) { put("sublanguageid", join(sublanguageids, ",")); } public static Query forHash(String moviehash, long moviebytesize, String... sublanguageids) { Query query = new Query(sublanguageids); query.put("moviehash", moviehash); query.put("moviebytesize", Long.toString(moviebytesize)); return query; } public static Query forTag(String tag, String... sublanguageids) { Query query = new Query(sublanguageids); query.put("tag", tag); return query; } public static Query forImdbId(int imdbid, int season, int episode, String... sublanguageids) { Query query = new Query(sublanguageids); query.put("imdbid", Integer.toString(imdbid)); if (season >= 0) { query.put("season", Integer.toString(season)); } if (episode >= 0) { query.put("episode", Integer.toString(episode)); } return query; } } public static final class BaseInfo extends HashMap<String, Object> { public void setIDMovieImdb(int imdb) { put("idmovieimdb", Integer.toString(imdb)); } public void setSubLanguageID(String sublanguageid) { put("sublanguageid", sublanguageid); } public void setMovieReleaseName(String moviereleasename) { put("moviereleasename", moviereleasename); } public void setMovieAka(String movieaka) { put("movieaka", movieaka); } public void setSubAuthorComment(String subauthorcomment) { put("subauthorcomment", subauthorcomment); } } public static final class SubFile extends HashMap<String, Object> { public void setSubHash(String subhash) { put("subhash", subhash); } public void setSubFileName(String subfilename) { put("subfilename", subfilename); } public void setMovieHash(String moviehash) { put("moviehash", moviehash); } public void setMovieByteSize(long moviebytesize) { put("moviebytesize", Long.toString(moviebytesize)); } public void setMovieFileName(String moviefilename) { put("moviefilename", moviefilename); } public void setSubContent(byte[] data) { put("subcontent", encodeData(data)); } public void setMovieTimeMS(String movietimems) { if (movietimems.length() > 0) { put("movietimems", movietimems); } } public void setMovieFPS(String moviefps) { if (moviefps.length() > 0) { put("moviefps", moviefps); } } public void setMovieFrames(String movieframes) { if (movieframes.length() > 0) { put("movieframes", movieframes); } } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("(%s, %s)", get("moviefilename"), get("subfilename")); } } public static final class TryUploadResponse { private final boolean uploadRequired; private final List<Map<String, String>> subtitleData; private TryUploadResponse(boolean uploadRequired, List<Map<String, String>> subtitleData) { this.uploadRequired = uploadRequired; this.subtitleData = subtitleData; } public boolean isUploadRequired() { return uploadRequired; } public List<Map<String, String>> getSubtitleData() { return subtitleData; } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("TryUploadResponse: %s => %s", uploadRequired, subtitleData); } } }