package net.filebot.ui.rename; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import ca.odell.glazedlists.BasicEventList; import ca.odell.glazedlists.EventList; import ca.odell.glazedlists.TransformedList; import ca.odell.glazedlists.event.ListEvent; import net.filebot.similarity.Match; public class MatchModel<Value, Candidate> { private final EventList<Match<Value, Candidate>> source = new BasicEventList<Match<Value, Candidate>>(); private final EventList<Value> values; private final EventList<Candidate> candidates; public MatchModel() { this.values = new MatchView<Value, Candidate>(source) { @Override public Value getElement(Match<Value, Candidate> match) { return match.getValue(); } @Override public Candidate getComplement(Match<Value, Candidate> match) { return match.getCandidate(); } @Override public Match<Value, Candidate> createMatch(Value element, Candidate complement) { return new Match<Value, Candidate>(element, complement); } }; this.candidates = new MatchView<Candidate, Value>(source) { @Override public Candidate getElement(Match<Value, Candidate> match) { return match.getCandidate(); } @Override public Value getComplement(Match<Value, Candidate> match) { return match.getValue(); } @Override public Match<Value, Candidate> createMatch(Candidate element, Value complement) { return new Match<Value, Candidate>(complement, element); } }; } public void clear() { source.clear(); } public int size() { return source.size(); } public Match<Value, Candidate> getMatch(int index) { return source.get(index); } public boolean hasComplement(int index) { if (index >= 0 && index < size()) { return source.get(index).getValue() != null && source.get(index).getCandidate() != null; } return false; } public EventList<Match<Value, Candidate>> matches() { return source; } public EventList<Value> values() { return values; } public EventList<Candidate> candidates() { return candidates; } public void addAll(Collection<Match<Value, Candidate>> matches) { source.addAll(matches); } public void addAll(Collection<Value> values, Collection<Candidate> candidates) { if (this.values.size() != this.candidates.size()) throw new IllegalStateException("Existing matches are not balanced"); Iterator<Value> valueIterator = values.iterator(); Iterator<Candidate> candidateIterator = candidates.iterator(); while (valueIterator.hasNext() || candidateIterator.hasNext()) { Value value = valueIterator.hasNext() ? : null; Candidate candidate = candidateIterator.hasNext() ? : null; source.add(new Match<Value, Candidate>(value, candidate)); } } private abstract class MatchView<Element, Complement> extends TransformedList<Match<Value, Candidate>, Element> { public MatchView(EventList<Match<Value, Candidate>> source) { super(source); source.addListEventListener(this); } public abstract Element getElement(Match<Value, Candidate> match); public abstract Complement getComplement(Match<Value, Candidate> match); public abstract Match<Value, Candidate> createMatch(Element element, Complement complement); @Override public Element get(int index) { return getElement(index); } public Element getElement(int index) { return getElement(source.get(index)); } public Complement getComplement(int index) { return getComplement(source.get(index)); } @Override public boolean addAll(Collection<? extends Element> values) { return put(size(), values); } @Override public boolean add(Element value) { return put(size(), Collections.singleton(value)); }; @Override public void add(int index, Element value) { List<Element> range = new ArrayList<Element>(); range.add(value); range.addAll(subList(index, size())); put(index, range); } @Override public Element remove(int index) { Element old = getElement(index); int lastIndex = size() - 1; // shift subsequent elements put(index, new ArrayList<Element>(subList(index + 1, lastIndex + 1))); // remove last element if (getComplement(lastIndex) == null) { source.remove(lastIndex); } else { set(lastIndex, null); } return old; } @Override public Element set(int index, Element element) { Element old = getElement(index); source.set(index, createMatch(element, getComplement(index))); return old; } @Override public void clear() { // remove in reverse, because null matches may only // exist at the and of the source model for (int i = size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Complement complement = getComplement(i); if (complement != null) { // replace original match with null match source.set(i, createMatch(null, complement)); } else { // remove match if value and candidate are null source.remove(i); } } } private boolean put(int index, Collection<? extends Element> elements) { for (Element element : elements) { if (index < source.size()) { set(index, element); } else { source.add(index, createMatch(element, null)); } index++; } return true; } @Override protected boolean isWritable() { // can't write to source directly return false; } private int size = 0; @Override public int size() { return size; } @Override public void listChanged(ListEvent<Match<Value, Candidate>> listChanges) { updates.beginEvent(true); while ( { int index = listChanges.getIndex(); int type = listChanges.getType(); if (type == ListEvent.INSERT || type == ListEvent.UPDATE) { if (index < size) { if (index == size - 1 && getElement(index) == null) { updates.elementDeleted(index, null); size--; } else { updates.elementUpdated(index, null, getElement(index)); } } else if (index == size && getElement(index) != null) { updates.elementInserted(index, getElement(index)); size++; } } else if (type == ListEvent.DELETE && index < size) { updates.elementDeleted(index, null); size--; } } updates.commitEvent(); } } }